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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">A Linux Client for the Brother Internet Print Protocol</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:grahjenk@au1.ibm.com">Graham Jenkins</a></H4>
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<h2>The Brother Internet Print Protocol</h2>
<p>A recent article <a href="../issue65/jenkins.html">
Internet Printing--Another Way</a> described a printing protocol which
can be used with some
<a href="http://www.brother.com">Brother</a> printers. It enables users
of Windows machines to send a multi-part base-64 encoded print file via
email directly to a Brother print server.</p>
<p>The article went on to show how the functionality of the Brother print
server can be implemented in simple Perl program which periodically polls
a POP3 server to check for jobs whose parts have all arrived. When such a
job is detected, its parts are downloaded in sequence and decoded for
<h2>A Linux Client</h2>
<p>The Perl program mentioned above has been in use at my place for a few
months, and has made it a lot easier for me to print Word and other
Microsoft-format documents to a remote printer. But it hasn't made life
any easier for those at my place who use Linux workstations.</p>
<p>A brief search on the Brother website failed to reveal a Linux client,
so it was decided that I should develop one. The result is described
<p>Conventional wisdom probably dictates that a program which breaks a binary
input stream into chunks for feeding into a decoder in sequence - should be
implemented in Perl, or perhaps in C. In fact, the common Bourne shell and
its derivatives have all the necessary capabilities when used with a couple
of general Unix/Linux tools like 'split' and 'wc'.</p>
<h2>Program Walk-Through</h2>
<p>As shown in the listing
(<a href="misc/jenkins/BIPclient.sh.txt">text version</a>),
the program starts by checking that it has been
called with two arguments; a usage message is printed if this is not the
case. It then defines a function which will be called later to print
a header on each part as it is sent. In particular, this function will
include an address for notification, a part number, a part count, and
a job identifier.</p>
<p>The program body begins by generating an email address for the originator,
together with a timestamp. These are concatenated and used to generate a
name for a scratch directory. A trap is set to remove any directory having
that name in the event of error, and an attempt is made to create the scratch
<p>The Unix/Linux 'split' utility is then used to split the program input
into parts whose size is given by the first program argument. Each of these
is fed into a base-64 encoder and mailer (with appropriate pre-amble) to
the address given by the second program argument.</p>
<p>The program ends by removing the scratch directory and returning
an exit status.</p>
# BIPclient.sh Brother Internet Print client program. Breaks incoming stream
# into parts of designated size, then does base-64 encoding of
# each part and emails it with appropriate preamble etc. to
# designated email address. Graham Jenkins, IBM GSA, June 2001.
[ $# -ne 2 ] &amp;&amp; echo "Usage: `basename $0` kb-per-part destination"&gt;&amp;2 &amp;&amp;
echo " e.g.: man a2ps | a2ps -o - | `basename $0` 16 lp3@acme.com"&gt;&amp;2&amp;&amp; exit 2
do_header () { # Function to print header
cat &lt;&lt;EOF
Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="PrintJob.PRN"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
[ -n "`domainname`" ] &amp;&amp; [ "`domainname`" != "(none)" ] &amp;&amp; Me=$Me.`domainname`
Now=`date '+%Y%m%d%H%M%S'` # Generate email address,
Dir=/tmp/`basename $0`.$Me$Now # timestamp and directory name
trap 'rm -rf $Dir;echo Oops&gt;&amp;2;exit 1' 1 2 3 15 # Set cleanup trap
mkdir $Dir || exit 1 # Create directory
split -b ${1}k - $Dir/ || exit 1 # Generate parts
Total=`ls $Dir|wc -w |tr -d ' '`|| exit 1 # Count parts
for File in `ls $Dir/*` ; do # Encode and send parts
Part=`expr 1 + $Part`
[ -t 2 ] &amp;&amp; echo "Sending part: $Part/"$Total" to: $2 .. $Now" &gt;&amp;2
( do_header
base64 $File # Use mmencode or base64
echo ) | Mail -s "Brother Internet Print Job" $2
rm -rf $Dir # Cleanup and exit
exit 0
<p>In the interests of simplicity, the 'do_header' function shown in
the listing leaves out some of the header lines which
are generated by the Windows client programs,
and uses a dummy value for 'BRO-SERVICE'. In consequence, it may not
work satisfactorily with a genuine Brother print server. If any readers
have such a device, I would be interested in their feedback.<p>
<p>The 'unique' message identifier can actually be duplicated if a user
submits two jobs within the same one-second period; this is a limitation of
the Brother identifier format. An alternative identifier format which inserts
a process number before the user's email address could be used if required.</p>
<p>And finally, the creation of a scratch directory to hold what is
effectively a duplicate of the raw print file - may be seen as a problem
if the client machine has a limited amount of temporary file-space. The
issue here is that we really have to take a copy of the raw print file
as it arrives so that we can generate a "total-parts" figure for
inclusion in the header of each mailed component.</P>
<p>It is possible (using Perl or 'dd') to generate and mail parts on the
fly, without using any temporary files - provided that the server program
is modified slightly so as not to require a "total-parts" figure in
the header of each part. I will be happy to send details to anyone who
would like to do it this way.</p>
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<H4><IMG ALIGN=BOTTOM ALT="" SRC="../gx/note.gif">Graham Jenkins</H4>
<CITE>Graham is a Unix Specialist at IBM Global Services, Australia. He lives
in Melbourne and has
built and managed many flavors of proprietary and open systems on several
hardware platforms.</CITE>
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<H5 ALIGN=center>
Copyright &copy; 2001, Graham Jenkins.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 68 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, July 2001</H5>
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