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<title> The Back Page LG #66</title>
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<H4 ALIGN="center">
"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
<P> <hr> <P>
<H1><font color="maroon">The Back Page</font></H1>
<li><a HREF="#authors">About This Month's Authors</a>
<li><a HREF="#wacko">Wacko Topic of the Month</a>
<li><a HREF="#notlinux">Not Linux</a>
<li><a HREF="#spam">World of Spam</a>
<a name="authors"></a>
<P> <HR> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">About This Month's Authors</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<P> Author bios are now at the bottom of the corresponding article. This was
suggested by <A HREF="mailto:dpuryear@usa.net">Dustin Puryear</A>, and we
decided we like the idea. What do you readers think?
<a name="wacko"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">Wacko Topic of the Month</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<!-- FONT COLOR="green" -->
<H3 align="left"><img src="../gx/dennis/qbubble.gif"
height="50" width="60" alt="(?) " border="0"
>Yamaha and UFOs</H3>
<p align="right"><strong>Answered By Ben Okopnik, Mike Orr, Heather Stern
<P> <STRONG>I wanted to ask if you service yamahe music equipment.</STRONG>
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Ben]
Hey, <I>LG</I> <STRONG>does</STRONG> mention "Yamaha" a dozen times in past
issues (the sound card, obviously). Maybe the guy was getting desperate and
trying every source... That is pretty wild, though. I'm still waiting for "Dear
Earthlings: I just installed Windows on my UFO, and now I can't get back in..."
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Mike]
"Hey Earthlings, we just installed something called Windoze En-Tee on
our flying saucer, and it made all or monitors turn
<FONT COLOR="blue">blue</FONT>. There's a message
in <FONT COLOR="gray">white</FONT> letters on the screen, but we don't
understand the language. Please help <STRONG>URGENTLY</STRONG> as our
spacecraft is out of control and is locked on a crash course with Earth."
<BLOCKQUOTE><IMG SRC="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" ALT="(!)"
> [Heather]
Fellow-being: What you need is to install something else quick.
Since your saucer can run Windoze (also called MSwin or windows or wind*ws)
I recommend "ZipSlack"
<A HREF="">http://www.slackware.com/zipslack/getzip.php</A>.
It can load quickly onto the "FAT" filesystem MSwin uses and once you have
successfully launched that you should stop crashing...
<P> You may want something more well-tuned to your saucer once you have that
<P> According to my research (slim pickings, most of our movies about aliens
don't describe their software, but one notes you are able to run some of our
virus software), apparently your native operating system most closely resembles
something here called "MacOS". This is at least part of the problem, nearly
any earthling knows that the MacOS and Windows vendors are at war with each
<P> Unfortunately MacOS is proprietary so getting you a working copy without
getting some Earth hardware to go with it, may be a problem, esp. if you
have no Earth currency aboard.
<P> Fortunately, we Linuxers can recommend either
<A HREF="http://www.yellowdoglinux.com">Yellow Dog Linux</A> or
<A HREF="http://www.linuxppc.com">LinuxPPC 2000</A>
, as well as
<A HREF="http://www.debian.org">Debian</A>. I can't say which will have the fastest install -
a Mac-using friend highly recommends the first... Debian is highly available
so you should be able to reach a mirror site no matter which of our land
masses you are presently nearest. To save you time the web link you need
is <A HREF="http://cdimage.debian.org/ftp-mirrors.html">http://cdimage.debian.org/ftp-mirrors.html</A>.
Normally they discourage getting ISO images directly like that but, they
expect you to have a stable system to fetch. I hope you will have no
problems whatsoever creating discs ...
By the way, most earthlings don't understand the funny messages generated
by those blue screens either. Luckily I can assure you they don't help fix
the problem...
<!-- /FONT -->
<a name="notlinux"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">Not Linux</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<A HREF="http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc3092.html">RFC 3092</A> muses on the
etymology of 'foo' and 'bar'. Among other things, it says the "wildly popular"
Smokey Stover comic strip of the 1930s by Bill Holman
"featured a firetruck called the Foomobile that rode
on two wheels."
<P> The RFC also has a table of which other RFCs mention "foo", "bar" or
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ************************************** -->
<P> Rory Krause and I came up with this one:<BR>
the sysadmin's dance: do the Buggy Boogie.
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ***************************** -->
<P> <A HREF="http://rtmark.com/cuehack/">CueJack</A> is a Windows application
that lets you scan a products with a :CueCat scanner, then displays a web page
with "alternative information" about the product's company.
As you can guess, the "alternative information" is stuff the company
doesn't want you to know.
"This could be information about corporate abuse, boycotts against the company,
even how much money the company is making, their corporate image as presented
to shareholders, etc."
Courtesy Slashdot.
<P> Miscellania: The program was renamed from CueHack because another program
already had the same name. The author is working on a Linux version but says
there are technical difficulties.
<a name="spam"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H3><font color="maroon">World of Spam</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<H4> Some of the funnier spams found in the <EM>Gazette</EM> mailbox.</H4>
<P> ... helps Businesses to eliminate the need of hiring telemarketers
Automated initial customer application process and many more
features......... You will smile all the way to the Bank!!
<P> Automatically calls........ To market products and to make announcements.
To confirm preset appointments, prescheduled meetings, and conferences. Our
CTI software can be used by businesses and services by calling sequentially or
randomly. Automatically dials up to 2,000 - 10,000 prospects per day without
human interference. When our CTI software calls it can simply leave a message
or it can ask for a response. You may obtain responses by recording their
voices, asking them to press a key, to respond to choices or transferring to a
live operator. Just record your messages, select which group ( Data Bases) you
want to call , when you want to start and stop, and then let our CTI software
got to work calling everyone. You will save tremendous time and get results
very fast ! without increasing your overheads or hiring extra help.
[ Your Editor got an obnoxious phone call at home recently from one of
these machines. The recorded message said, "Please hold until a
representative can get to you." Click!
Subject: BOUNCE linux-questions-only@ssc.com: Message too long (>40000 chars)<BR>
It's nice to know the TAG spamfilter is working.
<IMG ALT=";)" SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif"
WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="middle">
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ************************************** -->
From: Justin Catterall<BR>
Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2001 22:39:05 +0100
<P> Regarding the
<A HREF="../issue65/lg_backpage65.html#notlinux">Nigerian money scam</A>
in last month's Not Linux.
<P> I've been receiving faxes the same as this for a few years at work, the
scam is worse than it looks: they *have* been succesful on several
occaions - all UK (if not world) banks know not to let their customers
get involved.
<P> What basically happens is A N Idiot agrees to the deal, signs the papers
and money appears in his/her account. A N Idiot then transfers most of
the money to another account (the scammer's). The money coming into the
account then never arrives - originating bank denies knowledge or
whatever - A N Idiots bank ha's, in the mean time, sent the money to
another bank. The first thing the bank does is debit A N Idiot's
account... A N Idiot is holding the can for an awful lot more money than
they thought they'd ever see.
<P> Holding the can for more money than you thought you'd ever see is
probably better than holding the can for the first million you've just
made and is all you have because if you're 999,000 away from paying back
1,000,000 they aren't really going to try to get it back but if you're
nearly their they'll clean you out then lock you up.
<P> These scammers are real bastards, if I didn't know it happened I wouldn't
believe people could be so bad to other people.
<P> Anyway, I just thought I'd let you know that this scam has worked and how
it worked (roughly and AIUI).
<P> Keep up the work with the gazette.
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ***************************** -->
From: James Suttie<BR>
Date: Fri, 20 Apr 2001 22:36:48 +0100
<P> keep up the good work with Linux Gazette - here's one of many links to the
African spam scam!
<A HREF="http://www.state.vt.us/atg/NIGERIA.htm">http://www.state.vt.us/atg/NIGERIA.htm</A>
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ************************************** -->
<P> Are you planning to rent a Limousine, Sedan or a Private car for your Teen
Prom Ceremony this session?
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ************************************** -->
ALWAYS SEND YOUR ORDER VIA FIRST CLASS MAIL Make sure the cash is concealed by
wrapping it in at least two sheets of paper. On one of those sheets of paper,
include: (a) the number & name of the report you are ordering, (b) your e-mail
address, and (c) your name & postal address.
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ************************************** -->
<P> Free Leads Daily - Spam FREE! No Cost to you!
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ************************************** -->
<P> YOU CAN make over a half million dollars every 4 to 5 months from
your home for a one time investment of only twenty five U.S.
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ***************************** -->
<P> I understand you are seeking information about home based business
<P> --LEGITIMATE online business, which is SUCCESSFUL and GROWING.
<P> --PERFECT for someone who has VERY LITTLE TIME to invest or
for someone who LOVES being online!
<P> Please email me at the address below to receive FREE VITAL INFORMATION
(You'll very well Kick Yourself and your Modem if you don't)
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ***************************** -->
<P>Our research indicates this information may be of interest to you.
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ***************************** -->
<P> Hello gazette<BR>
WOW! This is absolutely amazing! Now you can put money in
your pocket at warp speed using the internet! We're not talking
weeks or even days, but within HOURS!! Wouldn't you like to
be $5,000 richer by the day after tomorrow? Then you can do it
again as often as you like - even every day! For all the fantastic
details, send a blank email to: [address]
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="40%" ALIGN="center"> <!-- ***************************** -->
E-zine Editors... Authors... Information Publishers...** NEVER BEFORE SEEN ** Techniques For
Turning an Electronic Newsletter Into a $20,000+ a Month Profit Stream!
[Wow, something that's actually relevant to </EM>LG<EM> -Mike.]
<HR NOSHADE WIDTH="80%"> <!-- ************************************** -->
<P> Happy Linuxing!
<P> Michael Orr<br>
Editor, <A HREF="http://www.linuxgazette.com/"><i>Linux Gazette</i></A>, <A
<BR CLEAR="all">
<!-- *** END Not Linux *** -->
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<P> <hr> <P>
<H5 ALIGN=center>
Copyright &copy; 2001, the Editors of <I>Linux Gazette</I>.<BR>
Copying license <A HREF="../copying.html">http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html</A><BR>
Published in Issue 66 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, May 2001</H5>
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