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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">The Deep, Dark Secrets of Bash</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:ben-fuzzybear@yahoo.com">Ben Okopnik</a></H4>
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"There are two major products that come out of Berkeley: LSD and UNIX. We
don't believe this to be a coincidence."
<CITE> -- Jeremy Anderson</CITE>
<P> Deep within the <CODE>bash</CODE> man page lurk terrible things, not to be
approached by the timid or the inexperienced... Beware, Pilgrim: the
last incautious spelunker into these mysterious regions was found, weeks
later, muttering some sort of strange incantations that sounded like
"nullglob", "dotglob", and "MAILPATH='/usr/spool/mail/bfox?"You have
mail":~/shell-mail?"$_ has mail!"'"
(He was immediately hired by an Unnamed Company in Silicon Valley for
an unstated (but huge) salary... but that's beside the point.)
<P> &lt;Shrug&gt; What the heck; I've already gone parasailing and scuba-diving
this month (and will shortly be taking off on a 500-mile sail up the
Gulf Stream); let's keep living La Vida Loca! <IMG ALT="<GRIN>" SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="24">
<H2>Parameter Expansion</H2>
<P> The built-in parsing capabilities of <CODE>bash</CODE> are rather minimal
as compared to, say, <CODE>perl</CODE> or <CODE>awk</CODE>: in my best
estimate, they're not intended for serious processing, just "quick and dirty"
minor-task handling. Nevertheless, they can be very handy for that purpose.
<P> As an example, let's say that you need to differentiate between
lowercase and capitalized filenames in processing a directory - I ended
up doing that with my backgrounds for X, since some of them look best
tiled, and others stretched to full-screen size (file size wasn't quite
a good-enough guide). I "capped" all the names of the full-sized pics,
and "decapped" all the tiles. Then, as part of my random background
selector, "bkgr", I wrote the following:
fn=$(basename $fnm) # We need _just_ the filename
[ -z ${fn##[A-Z]*} ] &amp;&amp; MAX="-max" # Set the "-max" switch if true
xv -root -quit $MAX $fnm &amp; # Run "xv" with|without "-max"
# based on the test result
Confusing-looking stuff, isn't it? Well, part of it we already know:
the [ -z ... ] is a test for a zero-length string. What about the
other part, though?
In order to 'protect' our parameter expansion result from the cold,
cruel world (e.g., if you wanted to use the result as part of a
filename, you'd need the 'protection' to keep it separate from the
other characters), we use curly brackets to surround the whole
<STRONG>$d</STRONG> is the same as <STRONG>${d}</STRONG>
except that the second variety can be combined with other things
without losing its identity - like so:
echo ${d}ize # "Digitize"
echo ${d}al # "Digital"
echo ${d}s # "Digits"
echo ${d}alis # "Digitalis"
Now that we have it isolated from the world, friendless and all
alone... oops, sorry - that's "_shell_ script", not "horror movie
script" - I lose track once in a while... Anyway, now that we've
separated the variable out via the curly braces, we can apply a few
tools incorporated in <CODE>bash</CODE> (capable little bugger, isn't it?) to
perform some basic parsing of its value. Here is the list:
(For this exercise, let's assume that $parameter="amanuensis".)
<p>${#parameter} - return length of the parameter value.
<br>EXAMPLE: <font face="Courier New,Courier">${#parameter} = 10</font>
<p>${parameter#word} - cut shortest match from start of parameter.
<br>EXAMPLE: <font face="Courier New,Courier">${parameter#*n} = uensis</font>
<p>${parameter##word} - cut longest match from start of parameter.
<br>EXAMPLE:<font face="Courier New,Courier"> ${parameter#*n} = sis</font>
<p>${parameter%word} - cut shortest match from end of parameter.
<br>EXAMPLE:<font face="Courier New,Courier"> ${parameter%n*} = amanue</font>
<p>${parameter%%word} - cut longest match from end of parameter.
<br>EXAMPLE:<font face="Courier New,Courier"> ${parameter%%n*} = ama</font>
<p>${parameter:offset} - return parameter starting at 'offset'.
<br>EXAMPLE: <font face="Courier New,Courier">${parameter:7} = sis</font>
<p>${parameter:offset:length} - return 'length' characters of parameter
<br>starting at 'offset'.
<br>EXAMPLE: <font face="Courier New,Courier">${parameter:1:3} = man</font>
<p>${parameter/pattern/string} - replace single match.
<br>EXAMPLE: <font face="Courier New,Courier">${parameter/amanuen/paralip}
= paralipsis</font>
<p>${parameter//pattern/string} - replace all matches.
<br>EXAMPLE:<font face="Courier New,Courier"> ${parameter//a/A} = AmAnuensis</font>
(For the last two operations, if the pattern begins with #, it will
match at the beginning of the string; if it begins with %, it will match
at the end. If the string is empty, matches will be deleted.)
<P> There's actually a bit more to it - things like variable indirection,
and parsing arrays - but, gee, I guess you'll just have to study that
man page yourself. <IMG ALT="<GRIN>" SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="24"> Just consider this as motivational material.
<P> So, now that we've looked at the tools, let's look back at the code -
[ -z ${fn##[A-Z]*} ]
Not all <EM>that</EM> difficult anymore, is it? Or maybe it is; my thought
process, in dealing with searches and matches, tends to resemble
pretzel-bending. What I did here - and it could be done in a number
of other ways, given the above tools - is to match for a max-length
string (i.e., the entire filename) that begins with an uppercase
character. The [ -z ... ] returns 'true' if the resulting string is
zero-length (i.e., matched the [A-Z]* pattern), and $MAX is set to
<P> Note that, since we're matching the entire string, ${fn%%[A-Z]*}
would work just as well. If that seems confusing - if _all_ of the
above seems confusing - I suggest lots and lots of experimentation to
familiarize yourself with it. It's easy: set a parameter value, and
experiment, like so -
Odin:~$ experiment=supercallifragilisticexpialadocious
Odin:~$ echo ${experiment%l*}
Odin:~$ echo ${experiment%%l*}
Odin:~$ echo ${experiment#*l}
Odin:~$ echo ${experiment##*l}
...and so on. It's the best way to get a feel for what a certain tool
does; pick it up, plug it in, put on your safety glasses and gently
squuueeeze the trigger. Observe all safety precautions as random
deletion of valuable data may occur. Actual results may vary and
*will* often surprise you.
<H2>Parameter State</H2>
<P> There are times - say, in testing for a range of error conditions
that set different variables - when we need to know whether a
specific variable is set (has been assigned a value) or not. True, we
could test it for length, as I did above, but the utilities provided
by <CODE>bash</CODE> for the purpose provide convenient shortcuts for such
(Here, we'll assume that our variable - $joe - is unset or null.)
<p>${parameter:-word} - If parameter is unset, "word" is substituted.
<br>EXAMPLE: <font face="Courier New,Courier">${joe:-mary} = mary </font>($joe
remains unset.)
<p>${parameter:=word} - If parameter is unset, set it to "word" and
<br>return it.
<br>EXAMPLE: <font face="Courier New,Courier">${joe:=mary} = mary </font>($joe="mary".)
<p>${parameter:?word} - Display "word" or error if parameter is unset.
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier">Odin:~$ echo ${joe:?"Not set"}</font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier">bash: joe: Not set</font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier">Odin:~$ echo ${joe:?}</font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier">bash: joe: parameter null or not set</font>
<p>${parameter:+word} - "word" is substituted if parameter is <u>not</u>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier">Odin:~$ joe=blahblah</font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier">Odin:~$ echo ${joe:+mary}</font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier">mary</font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier">Odin:~$ echo $joe</font>
<br><font face="Courier New,Courier">blahblah</font>
<H2>Array Handling</H2>
<P> Another built-in capability of <CODE>bash</CODE>, a basic mechanism for
handling arrays, allows us to process data that needs to be indexed, or at
least kept in a structure that allows individual addressing of each of its
members. Consider the following scenario: if I have a phonebook/address list,
and want to send my latest "Sailor's Newsletter" to everyone in the "Friends"
category, how do I do it? Furthermore, say that I also want to create a list of
names of the people I sent it to... or some other processing... i.e., make it
necessary to split it up into fields by length, and arrays become one of the
very few viable options.
<P> Let's look at what this might involve. Here's a clip of a notional
phonebook to be used for the job:
<STRONG>Name Category Address e-mail</STRONG>
Jim &amp; Fanny Friends Business 101101 Digital Dr. LA CA fr@gnarly.com
Fred &amp; Wilma Rocks friends 12 Cave St. Granite, CT shale@hill.com
Joe 'Da Fingers' Lucci Business 45 Caliber Av. B-klyn NY tuff@ny.org
Yoda Leahy-Hu Friend 1 Peak Fribourg Switz. warble@sing.ch
Cyndi, Wendi, &amp; Myndi Friends 5-X Rated St. Holiday FL 3cuties@fl.net
Whew. This stuff obviously needs to be read in by fields - word
counting won't do; neither will a text search. Arrays to the rescue!
# 'nlmail' sends the monthly newsletter to friends listed
# in the phonebook
# <CODE>bash</CODE> would create the arrays automatically, since we'll
# use the 'name[subscript]' syntax to load the variables -
# but I happen to like explicit declarations.
declare -a name category address email
# Count the number of lines in "phonelist" and loop that
# number of times
for x in $(seq $(grep -c $ phonelist))
x=$(($x)) # Turns '$x' into a number
line="$(sed -n ${x}p phonelist)" # Prints line number "$x"
name[$x]="${line:0:25}" # Load up the 'name' variable
category[$x]="${line:25:10}" # Etc.,
address[$x]="${line:35:25}" # etc.,
email[$x]="${line:60:20}" # etc.
# Continued below ...
At this point, we have the "phonelist" file loaded into the four arrays
that we've created, ready for further processing. Each of the fields is
easily addressable, thus making the stated problem - that of e-mailing
a given file to all my friends - a trivial one (this snippet is a
continuation of the previous script):
# Continued from above ...
for y in $(seq $x)
# We'll match for the word "friend" in the 'category' field,
# make it "case-blind", and clip any trailing characters.
if [ -z $(echo ${category[$y]##[Ff]riend*}) ]
mutt -a Newsletter.pdf -s 'S/V Ulysses News, 6/2000' ${email[$y]}
echo "Mail sent to ${name[$y]}" &gt;&gt; sent_list.txt
That should do it, as well as pasting the recipients' names into a file
called "sent_list.txt" - a nice double-check feature that lets me see
if I missed anyone.
<P> The array processing capabilities of <CODE>bash</CODE> extend a bit beyond
this simple example. Suffice it to say that for simple cases of this sort, with
files under, say, a couple of hundred kB, <CODE>bash</CODE> arrays are the way
to go. For my own curiosity, I created a list of names that was just over
100kB, using the "phonelist" from the above example -
for n in $(seq 300); do cat phonelist &gt;&gt; ph_list; done
- and ran it on my aging Pentium 233/64MB. 24 seconds; not bad for
1500 records and a "quick and dirty" tool.
<P> Note that the above script can be easily generalized - as an example,
you could add the ability to specify different phone-lists, criteria, or
actions, right from the command line. Once the data is broken up into an
easily-addressable format, the possibilities are endless...
<H2>Wrapping It Up</H2>
<P> <CODE>bash</CODE>, besides being very capable in its role as a command-line
interpreter/shell, boasts a large number of rather sophisticated tools
available to anyone that needs to create custom programs. In my opinion,
shell scripting suits its niche - that of a simple yet powerful
programming language - perfectly, fitting between command-line utility
usage and full-blown (C, Tcl/Tk, Python) programming, and should be part
of every *nix user's arsenal. Linux, specifically, seems to encourage
the "do it yourself" attitude among its users, by giving them access to
powerful tools and the means to automate their usage: something that I
consider a tighter integration (and that much higher a "usability
quotient") between the underlying power of the OS and the user
environment. "Power to the People!" <IMG ALT="<GRIN>" SRC="../gx/dennis/smily.gif" WIDTH="20" HEIGHT="24">
Until next month -<BR>
Happy Linuxing!
<H2>Quote of the Month</H2>
"...Yet terrible as UNIX addiction is, there are worse fates. If
UNIX is the heroin of operating systems, then VMS is barbiturate
addiction, the Mac is MDMA, and MS-DOS is sniffing glue. (Windows
is filling your sinuses with lucite and letting it set.)
<P>You owe the Oracle a twelve-step program."<BR>
<CITE>--The Usenet Oracle</CITE>
<P> The "man" pages for <CODE>bash</CODE>, <CODE>builtins</CODE>
<p><A HREF="../issue52/okopnik.html">"Introduction to Shell Scripting - The Basics" by Ben Okopnik, LG #52</A>
<br><A HREF="../issue53/okopnik.html">"Introduction to Shell Scripting" by Ben Okopnik, LG #53</A>
<br><A HREF="../issue54/okopnik.html">"Introduction to Shell Scripting" by Ben Okopnik, LG #54</A>
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Copyright &copy; 2000, Ben Okopnik<BR>
Published in Issue 55 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, July 2000</H5>
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