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<title> News Bytes LG #44 </title>
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<H4>"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"</H4>
<table cellpadding=7><tr><td>
<IMG SRC="../gx/bytes.gif" border=1 ALT="News Bytes">
<li><a HREF="#general">News in General</a>
<li><a HREF="#software">Software Announcements</a>
<a name="general"></a>
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<center><H3><font color="green">News in General</font></H3></center>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<center><IMG ALT=" " SRC="gx/cover65.jpg"></center>
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
September 1999 <I>Linux Journal</I>
The September issue of <A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/"><I>Linux
Journal</I></A> will be hitting the newsstands in mid-August.
This issue focuses on "cooking with Linux": fun things we can do with Linux,
or how we can achieve our computing goals while still having a good time.
<P> <I>Linux Journal</I> now has articles that appear "Strictly On-Line".
Check out the Table of Contents at
<A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/issue65/index.html">
http://www.linuxjournal.com/issue65/index.html</A> for articles in this
issue as well as links to the on-line articles.
<P> To subscribe to <I>Linux Journal</I>, go to <A
<font color="green">
For Subcribers Only</font>: <I>Linux Journal</I> archives are now available
on-line at <A
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Volunteer bike ride to promote Linux
<P> My name is Karl Pena <A HREF=mailto:jackal@raptor.slc.edu>
<P> I am an athlete. I've been addicted to linux for two years or more now.
<P> I want to invite you to share in my project. I just graduated Sarah
Lawrence College (where my colleagues and I learned linux to set up a
student-run server:
<A HREF=http://raptor.slc.edu>http://raptor.slc.edu</A>). I am deeply involved
in the non-profit ideals, and have coordinated major special events for various
different organizations.
<P> Linux Demo Day is coming up in September. This is a very exciting time
for me and for linux, and I am going to give something back to the
<P> I am planning a special journey, on bike, to spread the word on the beauty
of Linux.
<P> I would love to post something on your site, or advertise a paragraph in
your magazine. I am low on cash, so I can't pay you right now.
I just need a few sentences to invite any riders/hackers who want to be
part of my epic journey, to come along. I can use donations, team-members,
PR volunteers, co-grant writers, and sponsors.
[I sent him e-mail and it bounced. I hope he reads this and sends in a
contact address, and that he finds the support and sponsorship he
needs. Good luck, Karl. -Ed.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Amiga to use Linux kernel, rumors of Transmeta connection
Amiga's CEO announced that the next generation of the Amiga Operating
Environment (OE) will be based on the Linux kernel. In other words, the Amiga
is about to become a Linux box. But it will have special drivers for the
Amiga's multimedia hardware.<BR>
<A HREF=http://www.amiga.com/diary/executive/tech_brief1st.html>
<P> Soon afterwards, the Transmeta logo was spotted at an Amiga conference.
Rumors are flying about a possible Linux kernel-on-a-chip (allowing e.g., the
entire kernel memory in cache). Of course, Transmeta continues to keep mum
about what its plans are.<BR>
<A HREF=http://www.metamiga.com>http://www.metamiga.com</A><BR>
<A HREF=></A>
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">TurboLinux outsells Win98 and MacOS in Japan
<P> "TOKYO, July 27-In a mark of the rising open source-code
movement, TurboLinux has outsold the upgraded version
of Microsoft's Windows 98 operating system and the Mac
OS in Japan for the past three weeks, according to a
market research company..."
<P> Read the entire story at
<A HREF=http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9907/27/linux/index.html>
<P> The rest is from a TurboLinux press release:
<P> SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. - July 26, 1999 -TurboLinux, the leader in
high-performance Linux, today announced that its newly released TurboLinux
Workstation J 4.0 product was the best selling operating system in Japan,
beating Microsoft Windows 98 and all other Linux operating systems in retail
sales. In results released by Business Computer News, a market research
company that analyzed sales at over 200 major computer stores throughout Japan,
TurboLinux J 4.0 outsold every other individual OS product in the Japanese
retail channel in its first week, including Windows 98 and other commercial
Linux packages.
<P>TurboLinux continues to consolidate its dominant position in the Pacific ic
Rim, and the success of our TurboLinux J 4.0 product is indicative of our
commitment to being a leading provider of high-quality Linux solutions,=94 said
Cliff Miller, president and CEO of TurboLinux. The new TurboLinux J 4.0,
launched the first week of July, gathered an impressive 24.09% market share,
outstripping Windows 98 (9.15%), Macintosh OS 8.5 J (10.23%) as well as other
commercial Linux distributions by a resounding margin, according to Business
Computer News. In addition to the impressive sales totals for its first week,
TurboLinux J 4.0 recently received a rare five-star rating in a review from PC
Computi ng Japan, the publication's highest possible "extremely outstanding"
rating. While the combined sales of all Windows 98 products including upgrades
ee below) topped TurboLinux J 4.0 sales, the numbers clearly highlight
TurboLinux's impressive presence and acceptance rates in the Japanese OS
<P> Results from Business Computer News are as follows:
<TR><TH>Product</TH> <TH ALIGN=right>Marketshare</TH></TR>
<TR><TD>TurboLinux J 4.0</TD> <TD ALIGN=right>24.09%</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>MS Windows 98 Upgrade</TD> <TD ALIGN=right>13.25%</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>MAC OS 8.5 J</TD> <TD ALIGN=right>10.23%</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>MS Windows 98</TD> <TD ALIGN=right>9.15%</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Virtual PC 2.1 (PCDOS)</TD> <TD ALIGN=right>6.84%</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>MS Windows 98 Academic</TD> <TD ALIGN=right>3.87%</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>MS Windows 98 Academic Upgrade</TD>
<TD ALIGN=right>3.63%</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>RedHat J 5.2</TD> <TD ALIGN=right>2.64%</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Vine Linux 1.0 J</TD> <TD ALIGN=right>2.03%</TD></TR>
<TR><TD>Virtual PC 2.1 (Win)</TD> <TD ALIGN=right>1.93%</TD></TR>
<P> TurboLinux is currently ramping up its U.S operations at its San Francisco
headquarters and has, in recent months, forged key alliances with IBM and
Computer Associates in a bid to extend its reach beyond the Pacific Rim
the North American Linux market.
<P> English web site:
<A HREF=http://www.turbolinux.com>http://www.turbolinux.com</A><BR>
Japanese web site: <A HREF=http://www.pht.co.jp>http://www.pht.co.jp</A>
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Penguin Quad Xeon Linux systems -- 550 MHz
<P> SAN FRANCISCO, July 1 -- Penguin Computing announced today that it has
become the first company to offer Quad Xeon systems utilizing Intel 550 Mhz
Processors. The Quad Xeons, like all Penguin Computers, run only Linux and are
now the fastest Quad Xeon systems available.
<P> <A HREF=http://www.penguincomputing.com>http://www.penguincomputing.com</A>
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">
Benchmark specialist invites Microsoft and Red Hat to a rematch
<P> Chicago, IL -(June 1999) - Neal Nelson, benchmark guru and founder of the
world's largest independent client/server testing facility, has extended an
invitation to Microsoft and Red Hat to participate in an open, public
performance comparison between hot operating system rivals Windows NT and
<P> Nelson issued the invitation as a result of a recently published study
sponsored by Microsoft.* One of the conclusions of the study is that
"Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 is 2.5 times faster than Linux as a File
Server and 3.7 times faster as a Web Server."
<P><FONT SIZE=-1>*Study conducted by Mindcraft, Inc., a software testing
company based in Los Gatos, CA.</FONT>
<P> Many have questioned the test results because different tuning levels were
used for NT than those used with Linux. For example, NT was tested with NT
tuning, benchmarking and technical support from Microsoft, as well as
Internet Information Server 4.0 tuning information from the Standard
Performance Evaluation Corp.
<P> Linux however, received almost no additional tuning, support or involvement
from Linux-based technical sources. The testing lab cited difficulty in
obtaining tuning information from Linux knowledge bases, and a query with
Red Hat ended up going through the wrong channels.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">The Pia: a $199 Linux-based personal Internet appliance
<P>(From a story by Stephen Shanklan, CNET News.com, July 6, 1999)
<P> Ebiz Enterprises and its Linux Store unit have released what they call the
Pia, a $199 device that will be marketed through Internet service providers.
Prodigy, one of the Internet's oldest service providers, has already signed up
to promote the Pia, which stands for Personal Internet Appliance.
<P> The online service sees Linux, a rebel open-source operating system, as a
good way to power either cheap Internet appliances or servers at the center of
high-speed home computer networks, Prodigy chief technology officer Bill
Kirkner said today. "This provides a very effective, low-cost alternative,"
Kirkner said....
<P> In the longer term, Ebiz is planning to sell its Pia device bundled with
Internet access for about $20 a month for two years, Rassas said. Prodigy
wouldn't comment on whether it was pursuing such a deal with Ebiz, but a
spokesman said the company is "working on expanding the relationship."...
<P> The article also says sources have reported that America Online is
evaluating a cheap Linux computer.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Keynote speakers for the Open Source Software Convention
<P> Sebastopol, CA--O'Reilly &amp; Associates announces the keynote speakers
for the Open Source Software Convention, to be held in Monterey, CA, August
21-24. Keynoters are:
Guy Kawasaki, CEO and Chairman, Garage.com
"Rules For Revolutionaries--Some Practical Advice for the Open-Source
Monday, August 23rd, 9am
Guy is the former chief evangelist of Apple Computer. He is a columnist
at Forbes Magazine and author of seven books.
Bill Joy, Chief Scientist, Sun Microsystems, Inc.
"From BSD to Jini: Adventures in Technology, Openness, and Community"
Tuesday, August 24th, 9 am
Bill is a co-founder of Sun and a member of the Executive Committee.
He was the principal designer of Berkeley UNIX (BSD).
<P> "The Open Source movement is clearly at a turning point. The question
is which way will it turn--toward mass acceptance or toward a more
limited impact. Our convention keynoters are in unique positions to
comment on this turning point, offering insights on where Open Source
has been and where it needs to go," said Joseph McIntyre, O'Reilly's
Director of Conferences.
<P> The Open Source Software Convention is a landmark gathering of the open
source community. It features six concurrent technical conferences,
covered under one registration fee. Participants may stay within a
single conference to get maximum exposure to a technology, or they may
attend any combination of presentations throughout all six conferences.
The conferences include:
<LI> The Perl Conference 3.0
<LI> The Linux Conference
<LI> The Apache Conference
<LI> The Python Conference
<LI> The sendmail Conference
<LI> The Tcl/Tk Conference
<P> The Open Source Software Convention features over 120 presentations and
40 tutorials spanning four days, led by luminaries of the Open Source
community such as Larry Wall, Guido van Rossum, John Ousterhout, Eric
Allman, Eric Raymond, Kalle Dalheimer, Matt Welsh, Michael Tiemann, Tom
Christensen, Randal Schwartz, Lincoln Stein, Doug MacEachern, David
Ascher, Dick Hardt, Nancy Walsh, and Simson Garfinkel.
<P> Further information and registration is at
<A HREF=http://conferences.oreilly.com>http://conferences.oreilly.com</A> or
1-888-844-7024. For exhibition opportunities, contact John Dockery at
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Red Hat Announces Nationwide Training
<P> Durham, N.C.--July 13, 1999--Red Hat, Inc., a leading developer and
provider of Linux-based operating system (OS) solutions, today announced that
Global Knowledge, the world92s largest independent IT training company, will
provide Red Hat92s hands-on, real-world training and certification nationwide
for Red Hat Linux, including the Red Hat Certified Engineer (RHCE) program.
<P> Taught by RHCEs with considerable internetworking experience, Red Hat92s
certification program offers more than traditional, multiple-choice written
exams and paper certifications.94 RHCE Certification requires success on
performance-based practical exams, in which users actually demonstrate the
ability to: install and configure Red Hat Linux, set up common network (IP)
services, perform essential administration, diagnostic tests and
troubleshooting, among other internetworking and systems administration tasks.
Red Hat courses are available for the entire RHCE certification track, at
levels appropriate for both beginners and networking professionals looking to
migrate to open source solutions and build or expand their experience with
Linux-based operating systems.
<P> Under the partnership, Global Knowledge will begin offering Red Hat Linux
courses in 15 cities nationwide. The first courses will be available
starting in September 1999. Information on these courses, which are the
same highly successful offerings currently taught at Red Hat92s North
Carolina headquarters, is posted at
<A HREF=http://www.redhat.com/corp/products_training.html>
http://www.redhat.com/corp/products_training.html</A> and
<A HREF=http://www.am.globalknowledge.com>http://www.am.globalknowledge.com</A>.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Press release from Eklektix - those Linux Educators in the
<P> Boulder, Colorado USA July 13, 1999 -- Eklektix has announced their
September 93Linux Training for Professional s94 public class schedule.
Building on successful classes since 1998 and a sell out public class in June
Eklektix delivers Linux training for professions taught by engineers with real
operating experience.
<P> Eklektix92s first "Linux System Administration for Unix Administrators"
classes will be taught in Boulder, Colorado USA September 20-21, 1999 and
Septemb er 22-23, 1999. By assuming familiarity with the basic material, this
course is able to delve deeply into the issues that are truly Linux-specific in
just two intense days.
<P> Eklektix92s weeklong "Linux System Administration" class is offered Sept
ember 13-17 in Boulder, Colorado USA. This hands-on course covers all aspects o
f the management of Linux systems, with an emphasis on the integration of Linux
systems into larger, heterogeneous networks.
<P> Full information for Eklektix92s public and on site classes including de
tailed class outlines, prices, faculty biographies and more are available
through <A HREF=http://training.eklektix.com>http://training.eklektix.com</A>.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Rebel.com unveils the NetWinder Office Server
<P> COMDEX, Toronto, ON - July 14, 1999 - Rebel.com Inc., a leading supplier of
Linux, UNIX and Windows NT enterprise solutions, today unveiled the
NetWinder(tm) Office Server, the newest addition to their suite of NetWinder
Internet server appliances.
<P> "The NetWinder Office Server is an office-in-a-box for small and
medium-sized companies requiring secure Internet and in-house network
services such as Web site hosting, Web access, file sharing, printer sharing
and e-mail," said Michael Mansfield, president, Rebel.com. "With its
straightforward set-up and ease of use, the Office Server provides all the
tools required to ensure effective communications throughout an
organization, in one affordable and high-performing package."
<P> The NetWinder Office Server provides a full suite of Internet and intranet
network services, including:
* Flexible Internet connection via an external dialup, cable or DSL modem,
or by a serial ISDN terminal adaptor. Web caching speeds up Internet access.
* IP Masquerading and Proxy Server features, which reduce ISP costs and
improve security, and Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol makes
administration easier to facilitate.
* Web authoring, hosting and publishing, with integrated support for
HTTP/1.1, Common Gateway Interface (CGI) and Perl Scripting.
* E-mail services supporting POP3 and IMAP4 mail protocols, including
automatic forwarding of messages and mail filter creation.
* Network Address Translation firewall, Port Forwarding and Virtual Private
Networking features as well as remote access via the Internet with optional
client software.
* Cross-platform file sharing and transfer between the NetWinder Office
Server and users of Linux, Unix, Windows and Apple platforms.
* Document indexing and searching capabilities enable users to organize
documents into categories and assign searchable properties, such as
keywords, to facilitate information access.
* Public and private threaded discussion, allowing workgroup communication
and collaboration.
* Print serving capabilities through the use of an attached printer that can
be used as shared network printer. Several hundred printer types are
* Detailed technical reporting quickly provides administrators with
statistics about uptime, memory total/used, swap total/used, load averages,
number of TCP connections, number of UDP connections, log files and Web
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">HELIOS supports dual processing on Linux
<P> July 14, 1999 Garbsen, Germany HELIOS Software GmbH announces its
network and prepress server software now fully supports multiple processors
running the Linux operating system on Pentium-based computers.
<P> HELIOS already supports single-processor computing with its currently
shipping CD014. This version contains a bootable Linux runtime based on
RedHat 5.2 using the Linux Kernel 2.0.36 to support the HELIOS software
applications as well the Linux TCP/IP, NFS, FTP and Web services to
serve Macintosh, Windows, UNIX and Internet clients.
<P> For U.S.-based sales information, contact: European Mikrograf
Corporation, HELIOS Software GmbH.'s U.S. distributor, located at 269
Mt. Hermon Road, Suite 100, Scotts Valley, CA 95066; 831-461-6061
(voice); 831-461-6056 (fax); Internet: info@ugraf.com,
<A HREF=http://www.ugraf.com>http://www.ugraf.com</A>.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Applix announces SmartBeak.com (a Linux support site)
<P> Westboro, MA, July 15, 1999 -- Applix, Inc. (NASDAQ:APLX), a leader in
applications for Linux and UNIX markets, announced today that the company
has launched a new web site,
<A HREF=http://www.SmartBeak.com>http://www.SmartBeak.com</A>, to bring
together the support and collaboration needs of Open Source Software developers
and users.
<P> "We created the SmartBeak.com website to address the need in the Linux and
Open Source Software community for a more structured approach to providing
knowledge and managing support issues," said Jit Saxena, Chairman and CEO of
Applix. "We are seeking to position SmartBeak.com as the website that brings
users and developers together in one place and helps them to work together
in a collaborative fashion. Futhermore, we believe that usage of this
website will help foster the development of Open Source Software
<P> SmartBeak.com users are able to search a knowledge base for documents
containing information for solving their issues. The information is made up
of How To, Frequently Asked Questions, HTML, and support database texts
which SmartBeak.com automatically updates and indexes.
<P> According to Michael Prince, Chief Information Officer, Burlington Coat
Factory, "We are preparing to roll out a distributed network of Linux
workstations and this project provides us with the challenge of obtaining
support for certain components of our solution." He continued,
"SmartBeak.com will be a valuable resource for us and our vendors to use as
a knowledge base, support and collaboration mechanism."
<P> LinuxPPC, Inc., the leading provider of the Linux operating system for the
Macintosh platform, will be the site's first signed software partner. Jason
Haas, Webmaster and technical support supervisor at LinuxPPC said,
"SmartBeak.com represents an opportunity for us to manage our users'
questions and problems, and gives us the ability to route and escalate
issues to the developers in the community, many of which are geographically
dispersed. In short, we expect that by using SmartBeak.com we'll be
significantly improving the support and development of our Linux
<P> Unlike many other web-based support sites for Open Source Software products,
SmartBeak.com provides a problem report entry and tracking system to enable
users to post questions or log issues and track their progress. Developers
worldwide, responsible for products represented on the SmartBeak.com site
are able to access these items, assign or escalate their priority and using
SmartBeak.com's workflow engine, assign issues to the appropriate developers
within their communities.
<P> For each posted question or problem report that a user creates, a message
board system allows other users and developers to collaborate on the
resolution of the issues. A user customizable section of the site, called
my.SmartBeak.com provides an instant update of the progress of their own
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Debian Available Preinstalled on Laptops
<P> [note: This announcement was written by Linux Laptops Ltd.]
<P> San Jose, CA, June 30, 1999 -- The Debian Project has claimed another
hardware vendor commitment, this time from Linux Laptops Ltd.
<P> Linux Laptops is the only hardware vendor devoted exclusively to
delivering portable computers with Linux software installed and
ready to use.
<P> Linux Laptops Ltd. is the Debian Project's second public "win".
The first was Corel Corporation's choice in April of the Debian
GNU/Linux distribution as the basis of their Corel Linux Desktop.
<P> "We chose the Debian distribution both for its great reliability
and for the huge number of application packages the project
maintains," says Nathan Myers, Linux Laptops Ltd.'s president.
"Our customers leave installing to us, and a graphical installation
tool would just get in our way. The Debian Project has concentrated
its efforts on reliable operation and easy, safe upgrades, because
you only install once, but you live with the software for years after."
<P> Laptops with Debian GNU/Linux pre-installed can be ordered via the
company's web site, <A HREF=http://linuxlaptops.com/></A>.
32BitsOnline.com today announced that it has renamed recently acquired
Bleeding Edge Magazine to 0x20.com. Press Release to follow:
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Bleeding Edge magazine renamed to 0x20.com
<P> Vancouver, BC July 27, 1999 - Medullas Publishing Company, parent company
of 32BitsOnline Magazine (www.32bitsonline.com), Linux Applications
(www.linuxapps.com) and Linux Talks (www.linuxtalks.com) today announced that
it has renamed recently acquired Bleeding Edge Magazine to 0x20.com.
<P> ""32BitsOnline Magazine needed a developer site", said Ronny Ko,
Editor-in-Chief for 32BitsOnline Magazine, ""and 0x20 fit the
requirements well." 0x20.com will serve as not only the Linux
community's centre for information exchange but follow 32BitsOnline's
vision, 0x20.com will also provide information about programming on
other operating systems such as BeOS, OS/2 and all the Unices, added
<P> ""While focused on furthering development of Linux, 0x20.com's main
goal is to further the development of Open Source software and cross
pollination of freely available source code across all platforms to the
BeOS and visa-versa", "said Derek Barber, site administrator for
<P> 0x20.com will be launched early this Fall along with LinuxTalks.com.
0x20.com welcomes developers to contribute. Interested persons should
contact Ronny Ko at ronnyk@medullas.com.
<P> Medullas Publishing is the parent company for 32BitsOnline Magazine
(http://www.32bitsonline.com/) and Linux Applications
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Linux is #1 in Antarctica
<P> Framingham, MA, July 1999 - Antarctica IT, Inc. announces the first
consulting company in New England dedicated to service and support for the
Linux operating system and related Open Source software.
<P> "Linux is already in use in many organizations", says Scott Shaw,
CEO of Antarctica IT, Inc. "Now IT managers are looking for
professional support. We are there to help these businesses with
on-site service and with the skills needed to develop custom solutions
on the Linux platform."
<P> To learn more about what Linux means to your business,
call Antarctica IT at 1-877-DO-LINUX,
or visit their web site at www.antarcticait.com.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Morton Bay to discuss embedded Linux platforms at LinuxWorld
<P> Pacific Grove, CA - July 26, 1999--Moreton's chief software wizard, Greg
Ungerer is presenting a technical paper at the Linux World Conference in San
Jose CA on August 11th 1999. In Greg's paper, Building low cost embedded
network appliances with Linux, he presents Linux as the new standard for
embedding in internet appliances and internet devices.
<P> The embedded market includes all intelligent electronic appliances that
use a microcontroller or microprocessor. There are already ten times
more embedded appliances than desktop personal computers in use today,
and this number is projected to grow substantially. According to IDC,
the global market for information appliances will grow at a 76% compound
annual growth rate from 1998-2002.
<P> After the Linux World Conference, Greg will return to Australia to
present his Embedded Linux experiences to local linux community at Open
Source - AUUG'99 in Melbourne on September 9th 1999.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Linux links
<P> Linux and GNU certification exams by Sair Linux and GNU and Sylvan
<A HREF=http://www.linuxcertification.com>http://www.linuxcertification.com</A>
<P> Bay area recruiter looking for somebody to develop a 2-3 day Linux
training course outline:<BR>
Woody Garrett, Technical Recruiter, Bryson Myers Co., 2083 Old Middlefield Way
Suite 206, Mountain View, CA 94043 USA, 650-964-7600 x325, 650-964-7655 Fax,
888-774-3721 Pgr, wgarrett@hooked.net
<P> Ziatech Corporation is offering the source code for its multiprocessing
<A HREF=http://www.compactnet.com/>http://www.compactnet.com/</A>
(Ziatech will showcase the New CompactPCI Linux(tm) Development Platform at
LinuxWorld Expo in San Jose (August 1999).
<P> IBM DeveloperWorks new Linux Zone for developers:
<A HREF=http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks>http://www.ibm.com/developerWorks</A>
<P> Debian now available on Indybox hardware:
<A HREF=http://www.indybox.com/>http://www.indybox.com/</A>
<P> LinuxPR contains case studies of how Linux is penetrating into the
business community:
<A HREF=http://linuxpr.com/releases/118.html>
<P> <A HREF=http://linuxtoday.com/stories/7450.html>
Linux screensaver for Windows</A>
<A HREF=http://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,0-36913,00.html>News.com article</A>
about how Microsoft is evaluating Linux the way it evaluates other competitors
<P> <A HREF=http://www.henge.com/~alanr/ha/>High-Availability Linux</A>
<P> O'Reilley: new edition of the "Webmaster in a Nutshell" book
<A HREF=http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/webmaster2/>
<P> Software and hardware reviews (including games) for alternative OSes.
The site is looking for reviewers.
<A HREF=http://www.reviews-r-us.com/>http://www.reviews-r-us.com/</A>
<a name="software"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
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<center><H3><font color="green">Software Announcements</font></H3></center>
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Stormix: an easy to use, Debian-based Linux distribution
<P> Vancouver, Canada - July 6, 1999: Stormix Technologies announces the
alpha version of a new Linux distribution called Storm Linux. Based on the
Debian GNU/Linux distribution, Storm Linux is designed to be easy to use and
simple to install. Its target market is both the server and the desktop market.
<P> The Debian distribution is already stable and secure, says Kevin Lindsay,
project leader and developer for Stormix. By using Debian as our starting
point, we can bring Linux to new levels of excellence and user accessibility.
<P> All development for Storm Linux will be Open Source. We believe that
the Open Source model is a strong one, Lindsay says. We will be using
the GPL or a related license for all of our products.
<P> For administrators, a key feature of Storm Linux is the Storm
Administration System (SAS). Designed for local and secure remote
administration, SAS features a single code base for all administration
modules, which reduces the number of bugs. By separating the
application from the client interface, SAS also improves remote
connectivity and allows the quick creation of graphical and text
<P> For end-users, Storm Linux includes a choice of:
<LI> text-based or graphical X Windows install
<LI> automatic or custom partitioning
<LI> KDE or GNOME desktops
<LI> recent versions of text and X Windows programs, including X Free
86, enlightenment 0.15.5, apt 3.7, and Netscape 4.6
<P> Depending on the install choices, a new user can be running Storm
Linux in as little as fifteen minutes.
<P> The final release of Storm Linux is expected for the fourth quarter of
<P> Stormix Technologies was founded in February 1999 with the goal of
providing the tools and applications that Linux needs to enter new
markets. Initial investors include David Talmor, NetNation
Communications Chairman and CEO, and Joseph Kabul, NetNation
Communications COO.
<P> After using the Linux operating system to build a world class web site
hosting service, we were convinced that Linux has huge potential, Mr.
Talmor says. As a result, we decided to establish a new company that
focused specifically on the creation of a powerful and user-friendly
distribution of the operating system. That distribution is Storm
<P> Stormix Technologies is an independent company, and not directly
affiliated with NetNation Communications.
<P> Copies of the alpha version of Storm Linux are available via FTP at
<A HREF=ftp://download.www.stormix.com>ftp://download.www.stormix.com</A>
or from the company web site at
<A HREF=http://www.stormix.com>http://www.stormix.com</A>.
<P> We welcome detailed feedback from alpha testers, Lindsay says. We're
looking for users with the enthusiasm and commitment to take part in
an exciting new direction for Linux.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">TurboLinux Workstation 3.6
<P> SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. - June 29, 1999 - TurboLinux, the leader in
high-performance Linux, today announced it is shipping its newest English
language offering, TurboLinux Workstation 3.6.
Based on the 2.2.9 Linux kernel, TurboLinux Workstation 3.6 retails for
$49.95 and is currently available from the company's web site at
www.turbolinux.com. It will be available in North America through retail
outlets and resellers later this summer.
<P> "TurboLinux is best known as the Linux leader in the Pacific Rim through our
Japanese and Chinese language products," said Cliff Miller, president and
CEO of TurboLinux. "TurboLinux Workstation 3.6 is the first of a series of
forthcoming Linux offerings that are designed to meet the needs of high
performance Linux users in North America and illustrate our ongoing
commitment to this market. On TurboLinux Workstation 3.6 we've also improved
the installer that Forbes Online and other reviewers described as the best
in the market."
<P> TurboLinux, formerly called Pacific HiTech, is quickly emerging as a
dominant, global player in the Linux industry with offices in the U.S, Japan,
China and Australia. It recently announced major alliances with IBM, Computer
Associates and Hewlett-Packard. The company has shipped more than two million
units of its Linux products in the past 18 months. After TurboLinux 3.0's
December 1998 introduction in Asia, it rapidly outsold Microsoft's Windows NT
(2000) at Japanese retail point of sale outlets, according to the Asia-Pacific
high technology analyst firm, Computer News. Further, the product was voted
"Editor's Choice Best Software Product for 1998" by Byte Magazine in Japan.
[Different-language editions of TurboLinux have different version
numbers. The current English edition is 3.6. The current Japanese
edition is 3.0. The Chinese edition is 3.0.2. There is also a
TurboLinux Server 1.0 Japanese. -Ed.]
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Active Tools Clustor 2.0 for Beowulf
<P> Active Tools is pleased to announce that beta version of Clustor 2.0 for
Linux Beowulf clusters is available for download from
<A HREF=http://www.activetools.com>http://www.activetools.com</A>
<P> With Clustor, existing applications can be rapidly adapted for
execution on a Beowulf type computing clusters. Clustor can
also be used to utilize idle computing power of other networked
<P> Clustor provides an easy and intuitive environment to build
distributed compute intensive applications, which offers significant
time and money savings. Unlike other tools for development of
distributed and parallel programs, no reprogramming of existing
applications is required.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Caitoo 0.6.4 - Internet download manager for KDE
<P> Caitoo ( formerly known as KGet ) is a download manager similar to
Go!zilla(tm) or GetRight Download(tm).
It keeps all your downloads in one dialog and you can add and remove
transfers. Transfers can be paused, resumed, queued or scheduled.
Dialogs display info about status of transfers - progress, size, speed
and remaining time.
Program supports drag &amp; drop from KDE applications and Netscape.
Title: Caitoo
Version: 0.6.4
Entered-date: 7 July 1999
Description: Internet download manager
Keywords: KDE, QT, ftp, download, resume, queueing, kget, caitoo
Author: koss@napri.sk (Matt Koss)
Maintained-by: koss@napri.sk (Matt Koss)
Primary-site: http://tux.kawo2.rwth-aachen.de/~caitoo
Alternate-site: ftp://ftp.kde.org/pub/kde/unstable/apps/network
Original-site: http://tux.kawo2.rwth-aachen.de/~caitoo
Platforms: Linux, Qt 1.42, KDE 1.1
Copying-policy: GPL
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Magic Software news
<P> Magic Software has formed an Australian subsidiary for the e-commerce
market in the Asia-Pacific region.
<P> Magic also offers Magic 8.20 for
developers deploying enterprise database applications (traditional or
web-based). The current Linux product supports only Oracle and Informix
databases, but others are supported on their other platforms and are
expected to be ported to Linux in the future.<BR>
<A HREF=http://www.magic-sw.com>http://www.magic-sw.com</A>
<P> COME MEET MEL, Magic Software's LIVE Magic for Linux Really Cool PENGUIN at
the LinuxWorld Expo. MeL, along with Jack Dunietz (Chief Executive Officer
of Magic) and MAD DOG HALL (a founder of the Linux movement), will host a
PRESS CONFERENCE on TUESDAY, AUGUST 10, 1999, at 9:00a.m. in Meeting Room K
at the San Jose Convention Center to introduce eMerchant for Linux, Magic's
new b2b e-commerce solution for the Linux patform. In addition, MeL will
introduce Magic's new president of U.S. operations, Rephael Inbar., while
Mad Dog will discuss new developments regarding Linux.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Linux Games Coming to the PowerPC (Loki and Terra Soft)
<P> Loveland, CO, July 14, 1999 Terra Soft Solutions and Loki
Entertainment Software announce a strategic alliance to bring best-selling PC
games to Linux on PowerPC computers -- in some cases before those same games
are available for the MacOS.
<P> Loki Entertainment Software has become a strong force in the gaming
industry, licensing MacOS and Windows games and porting them to the Linux
operating system. Terra Soft Solutions has quickly established itself as
a leader in the Linux for PowerPC arena. Through the partnership, Loki
and Terra Soft will combine their efforts to bring Linux games to PowerPC
<P> In addition to working with Loki to bring Linux games to the PowerPC,
Terra Soft will soon offer game bundles with its Yellow Dog Linux Gone
Home distribution. Retail versions of Loki's games, which will include
both the i386 and PPC versions, will be available as stand alone products
for sale directly from Loki, Terra Soft and other software retailers.
<P> Loki plans to bring a wide variety of games to Linux, including the most
popular action, adventure, and educational titles. Loki's current product
line includes Civilization: Call to Power, Myth II: Soulblighter,
Railroad Tycoon II Gold Edition, and Eric's Ultimate Solitaire. A total
of 8 titles are planned for release in 1999.
<A HREF=http://www.lokigames.com>http://www.lokigames.com</A>.
<A> Based in Loveland, CO, Terra Soft is the developer of Yellow Dog Linux
for Apple Macintosh G3 and PPC computers. Champion Server, their flagship
product, is a highly professional distribution geared toward a wide range
of network applications such as ISPs, corporate intra/extranets, web and
network servers. Terra Soft recently introduced Black Lab Linux, a
parallel computing system for research and development facilities. For
more information about Terra Soft Solutions, visit their website at
www.terrasoft solutions.com.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">SourceGear (AbiWord) acquires Cyclic Software (CVS)
<P> SourceGear Corporation announced today that it has acquired Cyclic
Software. We are looking forward to the opportunity to be involved in the
support and development of CVS, and we hope to carry on with Cyclic Software
now that its previous proprietor, Jim Kingdon, has moved on to another
<P> SourceGear is a new identity for an existing company, and I'd like to
take this opportunity to tell you who we are.
<P> First of all, SourceGear is the founder and sponsor of the AbiWord
project. (AbiWord is a cross-platform word processor being developed
by individuals here at SourceGear as well as many others in the
broader community. It is distributed under the GNU GPL, the same
license as CVS.) We are active participants in the free software
world. Our experience in leading the development of AbiWord has
taught us a great deal about community-developed projects. We intend
to serve the community as active maintainers of CVS and provide
leadership in the ongoing development of this important tool.
<P> SourceGear also sells a line of developer tools for users of Microsoft
Visual SourceSafe (Microsoft's version control tool). Our products,
including SourceOffSite and SourceSurf, are used by thousands of
customers all over the world. Our experience in the development and
support of these products, including version control technology and
customer support, gives us great confidence in our ability to service
the needs of Cyclic's existing customers.
<P> We are very pleased to be involved with the support and development of
the most popular version control tool in the Open Source world. We
ourselves are active users of CVS, and it is important to us that it
continue to grow and be maintained proactively.
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">SuSE Linux 6.2 debuts August 9
<P> Oakland, CA -- July 21, 1999 -- On August 9th, SuSE Linux 6.2 for x86 will
be released worldwide, and, like its predecessors, boasts a host of new and
interesting packages. The new release will make its public debut at Linux
World Expo in San Jose, CA, when SuSE demonstrates its features at their booth,
August 10 - 12 at the San Jose Convention Center. Highlights include:
- Over 1300 applications and utilities on six CD-ROMs -- even more
software at the same price as the previous version
- Kernel 2.2.10 -- the latest Linux kernel
- Completely glibc 2.1-based (with continued support for libc5 programs)
- VMware (time-limited) -- run DOS-, FreeBSD-, Windows 3.x, 9x and NT
4.0-applications easily under Linux
- XFree86 (TM) 3.3.4
- Hardware accellerated OpenGL drivers for all 3D fx-based graphics
- User authentification with PAM
<P> SuSE Linux 6.2 includes the latest Linux kernel, 2.2.10, with
markedly improved performance under high loads.
<P> The 1300 applications in the distribution include updates of applications
previously released on SuSE Linux, such as StarOffice 5.1, KDE 1.1.1,
Apache 1.3.6, GIMP 1.1.4 and sendmail 8.9.3. There are also many "firsts"
such as VMware and RealPlayer 5.0.
<P> According to SuSE Inc. President, Marc Torres, "This distribution
includes many features that will be of interest to IT professionals.
System administrators benefit from the state-of-the-art drivers in 6.2,
such as for SCSI controllers by Adaptec and Tekram as well as for Megaraid
controllers from AMI. Administrators of heterogeneous networks will
appreciate the support for NIS, NIS+ (with Secure RPC) and smb, as these
facilitate user administration on the network."
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Macmillan: UK release of Linux-Mandrake and Quake 1 &amp; 2
Macmillan Computer Publishing announced
the UK release of two LINUX products in July featuring Linux-Mandrake:
"The Complete Linux Operating System 6.0" and "The Complete Linux( Deluxe
Operating System 6.0". Both are based on Red Hat 6.0 with enhancements from
Mandrake. The enhancements include:
Optimised for Pentium( class or compatible processors (AMD Kx, Cyrix,
Pentium) for faster running, this Mandrake version of Red Hat 6.0 is
built on the more recent kernel 2.2.9 (as opposed to 2.2.5) providing
better drivers and easier installation. The pre-configured K Desktop
Environment [KDE] is the latest version 1.1.1, and can be launched
under the Gnome interface and vice-versa for even more flexibility.
Several window managers are provided for maximum customisation to suit
the way you work. True desktop productivity allows you to drag'n'drop
files and access devices directly from the desktop.
Included is a range of desktop applications for graphics editing, word
processing, personal information and financial management. Special
versions of PartitionMagic and BootMagic are included for easy
install of Windows for dual boot options.
The deluxe version also includes:
... `StarOffice 5.1 Personal Edition', a complete office productivity
suite that can act as a fully integrated desktop. Includes word
processing, spreadsheet, graphic design, presentations, database
access, HTML editor, mail/news reader, event planner, and formula
editor. StarOffice features a very familiar and intuitive user
interface that allows experienced office users to be productive almost
<P> Macmillan also announced the forthcoming UK release of <STRONG> Quake The
Offering</STRONG> and <STRONG>Quake II Colossus</STRONG> for the Linux
operating system, the first in a range of `classic' games due for release on
Linux from Macmillan Digital Publishing this year.
<P> <A HREF=http://www.macmillansoftware.com>Macmillan Digital Publishing</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<H3><IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/bolt.gif">
<font color="green">Other software
<P> Digital Image Professional 3.0 by Power Quest Corporation: clone another
computer, remote configuration, backups for several OSes including Linux.
<A HREF=http://www.os2.co.za/software>http://www.os2.co.za/software</A>
<P> PHP4 version 4 beta 1 has been released. PHP is a
server-side web scripting language, much like MS ASP.
<A HREF=http://www.php.net/version4/>http://www.php.net/version4/</A>
Stalker announced the LinuxPPC Version of its CommuniGate Pro mail server.
A free trial version available at
<A HREF=http://www.stalker.com/CommuniGatePro/>
<P> Open source disk partitioner from Linux-Mandrake:
<A HREF=http://www.linux-mandrake.com/diskdrake/>
<P> Cygnus to deliver GNUpro software for Solaris. This provides a common
development environment for Solaris and Linux across SPARC and Intel platforms:
<A HREF=http://www.cygnus.com/gnupro.html>http://www.cygnus.com/gnupro.html</A>
<P> Giganet extends cLAN interconnects to Linux platform. The company also
announced a commitment to the Open Source movement and will make cLAN for
Linux software available to all Linux designers and developers.
<A HREF=http://www.giganet.com/>http://www.giganet.com/</A>
<P> Loki Games new web site:
<A HREF=http://www.lokigames.com>http://www.lokigames.com</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in <i>Linux Gazette</i> Issue 44, July 1999</center>
<P> <HR> <P>
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