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<title>Linux Gazette MailBag LG #43</title>
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<H4>"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"</H4>
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<H2><a NAME="mail"><IMG SRC="../gx/mailbox.gif" ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT=" ">
The Mailbag!</a> </H2>
Write the Gazette at <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com"> gazette@ssc.com</A>
<li><a HREF="#help">Help Wanted -- Article Ideas</a>
<li><a HREF="#gen">General Mail</a>
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<center><H3><font color="maroon">Help Wanted -- Article Ideas</font></H3></center>
Answers to these questions should be sent directly to the e-mail address of
the inquirer with or without a copy to gazette@ssc.com. Answers that are
copied to <I>LG</I> will be printed in the next issue in the Tips column.
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Date: Thu, 27 May 1999 12:33:42 -0230 (NDT)
<BR>From: Neil Zanella <nzanella@cs.mun.ca>
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>call for article: wireless ethernet</FONT>
<P> It would be nice if someone wrote an article on wireless ethernet on Linux
(eg. WaveLAN). I think it would make a good article.
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Date: Sat, 05 Jun 1999 16:06:20 +0000
<BR>From: Jeffrey Bell (jfbell@earthlink.net)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Article idea</FONT>
I don't know if this has already been done but how about an article
about setting up a network printer between to GNU/Linux boxes.
Jeffrey A. Bell
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Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 10:27:30 -0700 (PDT)<BR>
<BR>From: Kenneth Scharf (scharkalvin@yahoo.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>How to format floppies with an LS120</FONT>
<P> I have installed an LS120 IDE drive in my linux machine and it works
fine. I compiled the kernel with ide-floppy support for this. There
is only one thing missing, a utility that will format floppies in the
LS120 drive. Once I get this I can rip out the 'real' floppy disk
drive and grap it's interrupt for a second lan card. Any Ideas here?
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Date: Wed, 9 Jun 1999 11:55:19 -0600
<BR>From: Terry Singleton (terry@dynavar.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>gazette</FONT>
<P> Is the gazette not searchable? I am trying to find out if linux supports
multilink PPP? with the built in pptd or a custom one?
<P> Terry Singleton, Network Engineer<BR>
Dynavar Networking
(In response to the many letters we have received on searching:
there is a link to a new </EM>LG<EM> search engine on The Front Page.
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Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 15:57:36 GMT
<BR>From: d@fnmail.com (daniel)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>suggestions and comments</FONT>
<P> Hi. read your "Getting started with Linux" and as it says it gives a brief
introduction to Linux. I've just started with linux, slakware, and comming from
windows there are some problems that are hard to figure out for yourself. First
of all it's this thing with devices. It took me two hours to get my cd-rom to
work. it's simple, but if you don't know how to mount your cd or you don't know
what a mounted hd/cd etc. is then it's quite tricky. And very often you need
your cd. Then it took me about three more hours to connect to internet. This
was also quite tricky comparing to just use the dial-up networking in windows.
Since much information about linux can be found on the internet it's not good
if you can't connect to it. I don't need this information, but I think these
two things are stuff you should put in your article, espescially how to connect
to an internet provider so you can serch for information on the web. daniel,
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Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1999 14:53:27 -0500
<BR>From: Tom Wyrick (twyrick@paulo.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>RedHat Linux 6.0 on a Tecra 8000</FONT>
<P> I recently attempted to install RedHat Linux 6.0 on a Toshiba Tecra 8000
notebook computer, and ran into a couple of problems. The first time I
installed it, everything appeared to be working properly, except the
keyboard keys were too "touchy". Many times, it would act like the keys
were sticking and print a character twice when it was pressed once.
(I've seen a couple other references to this issue on Usenet, but no
solutions were posted.)
<P> After I used Linux for several days on the notebook, I encountered a
situation where it didn't unlock the hard drive for read/write usage
after it finished performing a disk check with fsck, and subsequent
reboots failed due to the file system being stuck in "read only" mode.
<P> At this point, I decided to reformat and do another install from
scratch. This time around, the only changes I made were #1, not to put
the system in runlevel 5 so it started in X immediately upon boot-up,
and #2, enabled the apmd service for advanced power management. When
this install completed, I had problems right away where Linux would boot
- and then I wouldn't be able to type on the keyboard at all. (Every so
often, I was able to get control of the keyboard back - but only after
multiple reboots by hitting the power button on the notebook.)
<P> Has anyone else out there had any luck running Linux on a Tecra 8000?
Thanks, Tom.
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<BR>From: "box2.tin.it" (toblett@tin.it)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Extrenal ISDN adapters</FONT>
Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 21:44:36 +0200
<P> Is it possible to get ISDN adapters to work under Linux though they are =
not supportet by the manufacturer on gessing there details?
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Date: Sat, 5 Jun 1999 23:43:34 -0400
<BR>From: "Jay Bramble" (shipkiller@earthlink.net)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>IPChaining and Firewall rules</FONT>
<P>I have a small home network with 5 systems. I use Linux as my
proxy/firewall/dial-upon demand internet server and fileserver.
Before I upgraded to RH6 I could go to any site on the Web. Now with RH6 I
cannot get to some sites. ie: www.hotmail.com, www.outpost.com and
www.iomega.com to name a few. I can get to them from my Linux box but not
from the network. It sends the request and I see some data return but then
everything stops.
Here is my rc.firewall file:
# In rc.d make a script called rc.firewall. Make it mod 700.
# Makes it read/write/execute by owner(root)
# chmod 700 rc.firewall
#rc.firewall - Initial SIMPLE IP Masquerade test for 2.2.3 kernels
#enable dynamic IP address
echo "1" > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_dynaddr
/ipchains -M -S 7200 10 60
#Home Area Network
ipchains -P forward DENY
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
ipchains -A forward -s -j MASQ
<P> It looks like those sites don't like how my proxy/firewall is setup. This
only happened when I upgraded to RH6 and the 2.2 series of kernels.
<P> Any Ideas?????????
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Date: Mon, 07 Jun 1999 18:43:21 -0400
<BR>From: "Edward G. Prentice" (egp@egp.net)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>NFS boot RH6.0 Alpha?</FONT>
<P> I have a few old Alpha (UDB Multia) systems. All but one have no disks.
I'm hoping to figure out how to NFS boot one of them to become a diskless
firewall box. I noticed while configuring the kernel that there is an option
for NFS mount of the root, so I suspect all the software pieces are there -
just a small matter of configuring the server to listen for NFS requests. The
primary question I have, is: does anyone know if it is possible (through the
SRM or ARC consoles) to boot directly from the net, or do I have to boot a
floppy first that then boots from the net? I think there's also a way to put
milo into flash memory so I don't need the floppy for milo, but I don't know
how to tell milo to see the ethernet device. If I can't do it directly, how do
I do it indirectly? - it sure would be nice to have one (or more) diskless
alphas. On a somewhat related topic - is there any problem with adding a PCI
NIC card to the Multia to get a second ethernet device for my firewall effort?
Thanks in advance. /egp
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Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 03:34:53 -0400
<BR>From: zak (zak@acadia.net)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>KODAK Picture Disk & gimp</FONT>
<P> Hi, again. I've started saving my photos with a KODAK Picture Disk when I
have them developed. When I was using Windows this was no problem, but now
that I'm using Linux there is. KODAK does not support Linux with the software
that comes with their disks. When I save my images to my HD using MCOPY, the
images are upside down, but not reversed edge-wise. I've tried using gimp to
turn them 'right-side-up', and have managed to do just about everything else
with those images using gimp *but* that. (I fully admit I have no knowledge
about image manipulation, and really only want to know enough to accomplish
this one thing.) Can someone please tell me how to do this with gimp? I'm
using RH 5.1. Thanks in advance for any help you can give me.<BR>
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Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 17:47:07 +0200
<BR>From: khreis (septcs@cybercable.tm.fr)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Linux as Xterminal with SGI</FONT>
<P> I'd like to ask about a strange thing I am getting when I run an SGI
application displayed on a Linux Xserver(PC )
<P>The Linux Xserver is running with RedHat 5.2 as following:
Driver "accel"
Device "Trio32/Trio64"
Monitor "Standard VGA, 640x480 @ 60 Hz"
Subsection "Display"
Depth 32
Modes "640x480"
ViewPort 0 0
Virtual 800 600
<P> If I open a tiff image (RGB 24bits) on the SGI it shows ok with all colors.
It is also OK if I open the same image on the Linux server using XV or Gimp.
<P> But if I display the image on the linux monitor while it is running on the
SGI the colors are not matching at all. The image resolution is perfect but
for the colors , the white is getting yellowish as if the green channel is
missing or getting dimmer or I can say as the blue and red channel are swapped.
<P> I used with a csh login on sgi:
setenv DISPLAY linux1:0
fm /var/tmp
<P> On linux The fm window appears and I doubleclick on a tiff image:
a window open with the image of my cat ( white originally) with yellow
<P> Today I am asking myself what is wrong and how should I repair. Can
anybody help on this.
<P> Thanks in advance
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Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 10:45:35 +0200
<BR>From: ANTONIO SORIA (mpenas@sego.es)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>need help!!!</FONT>
<P> I have a problem and i hope linuxgazette can help me with it. I'm about
to buy a Toshiba Satellite S4030CDS which comes with the Trident Cyber 9525
video card. I've seen in the Xfree86 docs that it supports Trident
cyber 9520. Can i use this driver for the 9525? Please, if you know the answer
or know somebody who can help me let me know.
<P> Thanks very much for reading my message and for the great gazzette!!
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Date: Fri, 11 Jun 1999 11:41:42 -0400
<BR>From: Kedric Bartsch (root@
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>vertical scroll bars and fvwm95</FONT>
<P> I have been using fvwm95 on RH5.2. All the xterms have scrollbars on the
left side of their window. I recently installed SuSE6.1 and found that the
xterm windows in fvwm95 have no vertical scroll bars at all. This makes it
tough to look back through a screen's previous display. I tried the "Scroll
module" in the fvwm95 configuration menue but it scrolls the window itself
rather than the screen display history. I know the previous lines are there
because past display lines appear when I resize the window vertically.
<P> My question is how to I add vertical scroll bars to the xterm displays?
Kedric C. Bartsch
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Date: Sat, 12 Jun 1999 17:24:13 +0100
<BR>From: "Jolt-Freak" (stephen@ph01480.freeserve.co.uk)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>X won't start </FONT>
<P> I Have Reacently Installed LINUX on an old 486DX2/66 that I bought for
that specific purpose. I can boot up an login into root but when i issue
the command the command startx to get X to star this is what i get:
(This message came with MIME-escapes embedded. I'm not sure which
numbers were typed and which are MIME codes. --Ed.)
execve failed for /ect/X11/X (errno 2)
and then 6
_X11TransSocketUNIXConnect: Can't Connect: errno =3D 2
Giving up
and Finally
Xinit:No Such File or directory (errno 2):
unable to connect to X server followed by xinit: No such process (errno =
3): Server error.
I wonderered if anyone could help a LINUX newbie
(Only playing with the prompt)
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Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 13:04:39 +0200
<BR>From: Izbaner (lizbaner@alfa.c-map.pl)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>set_multmode {Error 0x04}</FONT>
<P> I have a problem with hard disk (Seagate 4.3MB). On the start appears
the kernel message:
hda: set_multmode 0x51 {DriveStatus SeekComplete Error}
error 0x04 {DriveStatusError}
<P> It appears in all kernel's versions and distributions, which I have
(SuSE 5.3, 6.0, 6.1; RedHat 5.1, 6.0; kernel from 2.0.34 to 2.2.9).
After that I can work in text mode, but in X Window some applications
hang up the system (no key work, no actions, no way to exit or shutdown
the system...).
<P> Help me, please!!!
Lucas z Izbanerowic
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Date: Mon, 14 Jun 1999 14:12:04 +0200
<BR>From: rakeshm@za.ibm.com
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>FAT32 and Linux</FONT>
<P> Hi everyone...
<P> I just got a new PC and it came with Win 98 (and FAT32) pre-installed. I
also recently read an article saying that Linux does not get along with
FAT32. =&gr; LILO can;t be loaded on FAT32. Is this correct ?
<P> I plan on installing Red Hat Linux 6.0 on a seperate slave drive, and
having a dual boot. I need to keep my Win98 as well as everyone in the
family uses it, and likes Games.
Has anyone had any problems with Win98 and Linux ? Is there anything that I
have to watch out for ?
<P> Thanks<BR>
Rakesh Mistry
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Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 07:51:20 +0800
<BR>From: Haji Mokhtar Stork (znur@pl.jaring.my)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Installation of REDHAT with Win98</FONT>
<P> By now you would have become the fifth person I have tried to contact
over the above mentioned subject. The closest I got was to a detailed
description on how to partition and install Dos/Win95/OS-2, but when I
tried contacting the person through his e-mail, apparently it no longer
exists. So I am back to square one.
<P> I have purchased REDHAT 6.0 at a local Linux fair. Unfortunately I go
not get them to partition and install it on my computer for free as I
was leaving for China the next day. Now I am trying to do so with great
hardship. The material I have downloaded from Linuz.com and
metalab.unc.edu etc does not serve my needs, so I need your expertise in
detail on how to go about it.
<P> I have formatted my HardDisk 4.5GB.<BR>
It has a DOS 6.2 pre-partition of26%<BR>
The Extended partition is 74%<BR>
Logical Drives E: and F: are each 37%<BR>
Drive E: has Win98. F: is for Linux.<BR>
I have a second slave Hard Disk as D:<BR>
<P> Problem arise when I boot REDHAT 6.0, its an auto generated process
which guides me through. First question: SCSI [select: No/Yes?Back].
When selecting Yes, a selection is provided but on choosing and going to
auto verification, all proposals are rejected because my system has an
Adaptec AVA-1502 SCSI Host Adaptor. I can't go any further!
<P> First, I have gone about the right partitioning?
<P> I can't read the README file on my REDHAT CD Rom because I cannot get it
<P> Please kindly assist me. Thank you.
<P> Haji Mokhtar Stork<BR>
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Date: Tue, 15 Jun 1999 03:20:09 PDT
<BR>From: Marek fastcom (mfastcom@hotmail.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>LINUX Ghostscripts *.DWG into *.EPS </FONT>
<P> Are there any LINUX scripts (Ghostscripts) available for
converting *.DWG into *.EPS alternatively JPG, TIF,etc.
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Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 07:14:20 -0700 (PDT)
<BR>From: "Allen D. Tate" (computermantate@yahoo.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Dell Optiplex GX1 and the PS/2 Mouse</FONT>
<P> I have a Dell OptiPlex GX1, Pentium II w/64 MB RAM and I'm trying to
get XWindow up and running but when I run startx, I get no response
from the mouse. Has anyone ran into a similar problem? If so how did
you fix it? I tried changing the mouse settings in the X86Config file
but it didn't seem to help. Any comments or suggestions will be
greatly appreciated.
<P> Thanks,<BR>
Allen Tate<BR>
Evansville, Indiana
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<P> Hello to all in the linux community, I would like to ask anyone who
might have some idea on how to mount a cdrom in linux, when I go into
the /mnt directory and type mount cdrom the response I get is something
like Linux does not recognise hdc as a block device. I am running linux
6.0 and I have no idea what manufacturer or driver my cdrom drive is,
can anyone help ???
<P> thanks<BR>
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Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 23:41:38 +0200
<BR>From: Thomas H (thomas@snt.nu)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Cable modem problems + graphical ftp client</FONT>
<P> Hi!<BR>
<P> I am a new GNU/Linux user (coming from the OS/2 world). I find the Linux
programs powerful, although it often is quite frustrating to learn to
use all of them.
<P> It's a shame to say, but I write this from a Windoze machine. The reason
is that my cable modem provider (Telia in Sweden) pops out my connection
in 175 seconds when using dhclient under SuSE Linux 6.0. Anyone got a
<P> Another question I would be very grateful to have an answer to regards
FTP. Which good FTP-programs for X do you recommend? I need one that
supports the PASV (passive) mode. I also would like to have a program
that can sync files between my /home/thomas and my ftp server. I have
heard about "rsync" but don't know anything about it.
<P> Thanks for any help!
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Date: Sun, 20 Jun 1999 00:17:25 -0700
<BR>From: Ricky Deitemeyer (ricky@mediabase.premrad.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>FAT Compatibility</FONT>
<P> At work I have a Linux (Redhat 6.0) workstation and at home I have a
WinnNT machine. What are some good utils that I could use to write to a
disk with a FAT fs under Linux? (I'm assuming that this would be easier
than trying to get NT to read ext2...)
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Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 12:52:38 +0100
<BR>From: Network Management (Netman@fastnet-systems.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Netflex3 cards on RedHat 5.2</FONT>
<P> I am a new user to Linux and am running a Compaq Deskpro (for my sins).
I have seen several mails about using the integrated Netflex3 cards but
have not seen any replies which mean anything to me. Can someone please
send me instructions on how to find and install a driver for this card.
<P>Thanks in advance for anyone who can help.<BR>
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Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 17:45:17 +0200
<BR>From: Horacio Antunez (hantunez@ippt.gov.pl)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Installation problems</FONT>
<P> While trying to install
RedHat 6.0, after checking CDROM and Floppy disk I got the message
scsi : 0 hosts
scsi : detected total
Partition check
VFS: Cannot open device 08:21
Kernel panic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 08:21
<P> Configuration:<BR>
Dell Precision 610, P.III Xeon 500 MHz, 1GB RAM, NT 4.0<BR>
HD: 2x 9 GB SCSI<BR>
M.O. drive (also with SCSI controller)<BR>
<P> The thing is that I had no problems on an identical machine except for:
256MB RAM, only 1 HD 9GB SCSI, no M.O. drive.
<P> Is there any upper limit for RAM?
<P> Does Linux support:
<LI> more than 1 hard disk?,
<LI> magneto-optic drives?
<P> TIA for any help<BR>
Horacio Antunez
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Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 13:53:51 -0500
<BR>From: Gregory Buck (GBuck@sbsway.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Tseng Labs</FONT>
<P> Does Tseng Labs have an e-mail address I can get in touch with them through?
I have been to their web site and e-mailed them at: 'financial@tseng.com'
and 'prodsupp@tseng.com' (both addresses generate an "unknown e-mail
address" type of error).
<P> Thank you for your help.<BR>
Gregory Buck
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Date: Mon, 21 Jun 1999 17:00:48 -0600
<BR>From: Bryan Anderson (byran@sykes.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Compiling problems</FONT>
<P> I am currently running redhat 4.2 for SPARC on a SPARC IPC. I have been
programming C and C++ for about four years now, but this problem has me
stumped. I am trying to port a few apps over from i386 linux to Sparc
linux. I downloaded the source files and untarred them just fine, but from
then on the horrors begin. I have read the docs for each app and followed
the instructions meticulously, and even tried some of my own homebrewed
fixes to try and get the sources to run, but I still can not get anywhere.
The problems seem to lie in not the source itself, but in the libs
installed on my machine. I get tons of warnings and one error that seems
to stand out. The error is transcribed as something like this:
/usr/include/time.h:58 -- Parse error for fd_func
<P> The only other problem I have found is on perusal of the *.h files, I have
found numerous references to header files in directories that don't EVEN
EXIST!!! Is this a standard thing, or just on the SPARC port for linux?
For example, I am looking inside my /usr/include/sys/time.h and find
references to a linux/time.h, when there is not a linux directory
anywhere!! Is this a standard? If it is, it seems that someone got a
little sloppy in their porting. I have managed to fix this problem by
going in and removing references to files that don't exist or redirecting
them to files that do exist, but the error above has definitely stumped me.
Does anyone have experience with this error and how it can be fixed? I
don't have much experience in building my own header files, but when I did
do it, I never saw that error. I would be much obliged to anyone who could
provide some guidence in this issue.
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Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1999 01:17:20 +0200
<BR>From: "Bgsoft" (maximiliam@agarde.it)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Info sulla Red Hat!</FONT>
<P>Spett.le Direttoredel Linux Gazzette,
<P> Mi chiamo Nino Brando, e dato che ho visto in edicola una promozione(se si
pu<EFBFBD> chiamarla cos<6F>) della red hat di linux, contenente 4 CD.
<P> Vengo al nocciolo, e possibile che ci sia il sistema operativo Linux? Anche
perch<EFBFBD> il prezzo non supera le <20>.25.000, e poi la Red Hat <20> un sistema
<P> Chiedo scusa per la mia ignoranza ma <20> da poco che vorrei entrare nel mondo
Linux, sarei lieto di una risposta ed anche di qualche consiglio.
<P>La ringrazio,<BR>
distinti saluti<BR>
Nino Brando
(Can somebody who speaks Italian please help this person? He sent me
an English version but I couldn't understand it either. :) I think he
saw a Red Hat disk set and is wondering if it's the real Linux.
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Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 23:20:31 PDT
<BR>From: junainah sarian (ainina76@hotmail.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Installing Linux in Windows 98</FONT>
<P> I've difficulties in installing the Linux. Can you help me in solving this
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Date: Thu, 24 Jun 1999 14:50:21 +0300
<BR>From: vintze (vintze@libertatea.ro)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>help me please!</FONT>
<P> I'm from Romania. I install linux in my PowerPC but i can't print. I
have a 8600/200 Power Mac and a HP 4MV printer. Please HELP me.
my e-mail addres is vintze@libertatea.ro
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Fri, 25 Jun 1999 09:24:45 +1000
<BR>From: Zubin Henner (zubinh@one.net.au)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Help! Compatibility problems between linux and windows filesystems;</FONT>
StarOffice 5.1; Graphics settings
<P> Hi Linuxsters, I am a current Win98 user trying to switch to Linux, but
I have run into a few little problems!
<P> Firstly, after successfully partitioning my HDD and installing Red Hat
Linux 5.2, I wanted to reinstall Win98 as it was getting rather slow.
So I mounted my (FAT32) C: drive in Linux (mount -t vfat /dev/hda1
/mnt/c:) and backed up my essential files onto the Linux partition.
<P> After reinstalling Windows I copied the files back, only to discover
that some seemed to be corrupted by the Linux filesystem. Some
self-extracting programs like WinZip 7.0 and WinBoost 1.24 will not
execute, giving errors like "Permission denied" or "This is not a Win32
application". This is not a drama as I can simply download these again,
however many of my important compressed "zip" files containing Word
documents are corrupt and some files cannot be extracted. What is the
sitch? Can these files be "fixed"? Should I completely avoid mixing
the two filesystems in future? Any help would be gratefully
<P> Another problem I had was installing StarOffice 5.1 Personal Edition for
Linux - it freezes on page 2 of setup where it asks for the registration
key number. I downloaded the program from download.com and therefore
don't have a number. Even if I did it would be no use as the program
freezes anyway. Also I have since realised that it is probably because
I only have 15MB RAM (1MB for built-in video card) and not the minimum
requirement of 32MB (duh!). Which poses the question, "Why does MS
Office happily run on my system with the flaw-ridden inefficient Windows
OS, while StarOffice won't?" Please excuse me, I am only new to Linux!
I plan to upgrade my RAM soon so hopefully this won't be a problem -
just curious, you know?
<P> I am also having problems getting the appropriate graphics settings
happening on Linux. I have a Socket 7 M571 motherboard with a built-in
64-bit VGA chip. It is a 1 to 4MB chip and I have set it to 1MB (in
BIOS) due to my pathetic RAM situation. In Windows I can easily go to
800x600 and 1024x768 with 16- and 24-bit colour. During Red Hat Linux
5.2 installation I selected "VGA16" video card and "Custom:
Non-interlaced SVGA; 800x600@60Hz, 640x480@72Hz" monitor type. But it
won't go above 640x480 resolution without going into virtual mode. The
colour settings are also not right. What do I do?
<P> And finally (!) every time I exit "X", I get an error message "FreeFont
count is 2; should be 1; Fixing..." What does this mean and how do I fix
it? (do I need to?)
<P> I love the idea of leaving Windows behind but I can't while I have these
problems! Could I ask that any responses be reasonably basic as I am
totally new to Linux (or should I say "Linux is totally new to me!").
All help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you...
<P> Zubin.
<P> <HR> <P>
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Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1999 02:49:34 PDT
<BR>From: javafun@excite.com
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>linux in algeria</FONT>
<P> I would thank for your good job, i installed red hat linux 5.1 without much
trouble except for xwindow my video card is sis 5597 i wonder if it's
supported under linux.
<P> friendly mimoune
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Wed, 30 Jun 1999 12:48:10 +0100
<BR>From: "ian baker" (ian@pncl.co.uk)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Question!</FONT>
<P> Hi,
<P> I am growing to like the idea, philosophy behind Linux. I am a home user,
reasonable non-technical, is this a good move? and what is the difference
between Redhat and Suse. I hope I'm sending this to the right place and hope
that you'll give me an answer.
<P> Many thanks<BR>
Ian Baker (UK)
<a name="gen"></a>
<P> <hr> <P>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<center><H3><font color="maroon">General Mail</font></H3></center>
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1999 18:15:14 -0400
<BR>From: "Pierre Abbat" (phma@oltronics.net)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Garbled HTML in Linux Gazette</FONT>
<P> I found a reliable way to crash KFM: look at the front page, follow the link to
the current issue, then follow the front page link. A few people have reported
KFM crashes. I ran Amaya to check the page for errors and found the following:
*** Errors in http://www.linuxgazette.com/ temp file: /home/phma/.amaya/1/www.linuxgazette.com
line 53, char 51: Unknown attribute "NOSAVE"
line 57, char 22: Unknown attribute "color-"#BB0000""
line 107, char 73: Unknown tag &lt;/table&lt;
line 114, char 7: Tag &lt;table&gt; is not allowed here
[rest of error message not shown.]
<P> Please fix them (I suspect the &lt;/table&lt;, but it might be something
(These tags were related to the old search engine. I took them out and
it works now with my KFM. Please let me know if you have any further
problems. --Editor)
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1999 12:15:34 -0600
<BR>From: Coran Fisher (salyavin@verinet.com)
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>Setting up mail for a home network using exim</FONT>
<P> I was just reading the article "Setting up mail for a home network using
exim" in issue 42 and I noticed one possible problem. In the suggested .forward
file any mail that contains Emily in the To header will go to emi's mailbox, if
someone was to send a message with several addresses in the To field one to
jbloggs and one address had Emily in it (weather Emily be the Emily on the
local network or some other Emily). If a person sent mail with only one To
address and bcc'd or cc'd the rest that problem wouldn't exist but alas not all
email is sent that way (at least to me). You could probably cut down on the
possibility of this a bit by having it look for Emily's first and last name.
(A revised version of the article appears in this issue. --Ed.)
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Sat, 19 Jun 1999 14:30:47 +1000 (EST)
<BR>From: corprint login <'corprint@mail.netspace.net.au'>
<BR>Subject: <FONT COLOR=navy>LG Issue 42 - email article</FONT>
<P> I was most impressed with the following article in Linux Gazette 42,
June 1999: "Setting up mail for a home network using exim"
<P> I followed Jan's suggestions on a RedHat 5.1 Linux system and it
eventually worked. You may care to note the following comments and
pass them on to the author (as no email address was offered).
<LI> The "exim" package as supplied with RedHat Linux does not include
"eximconfig". I pinched a copy from a Debian distribution using ar and tar. The
configure file is too hard to setup without it.
<LI> The perl script "outfilt" as published, fails on my system. The
'@' character in the script should be '\@'.
<LI> As I do not use a Smarthost for email, I found that taking out the
reference to it in the ROUTERS CONFIGURATION section of the exim configure
file, worked fine. (Note that Debian uses exim.conf whereas the RedHat version
of exim uses the file 'configure').
<P> I have seen many requests for interfacing MS Internet Mail (???) to
Linux mail facilities on the Linux User Group discussion lists and
this article is most timely.
<P> Thank you for a great magazine.<BR>
Frank Drew
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in <i>Linux Gazette</i> Issue 43, July 1999</center>
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