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<title>An xdm Session LG #43</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">An xdm Session</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:cwcarlson@home.com">Chris Carlson</a></H4>
[Revised to fix a few HTML tags. Originally published in issue #42.]
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So, you've got X Windows working on your system, you've
set your system to automatically start <i>xdm</i> by setting the default
run state to 5 and now you want to customize your personal windows session
by having certain applications start automatically after you log in.
At work, I like to log out of my system every evening before I go home
so that others may log in when I'm not there. It doesn't
happen often, but I don't want someone coming into my office and
using a window logged in as me. [You never know when someone gets curious
and starts wandering through my saved mail messages.] The problem is,
I have certain applications that I want brought up automatically, like
my list of things to do and my calendar program.
In this article, I'm going to explain an X Windows session,
how it is started and what you can do to customize it. It will show
you how to automatically start the window manager of your choice,
have applications start automatically and customize colors and fonts to
your liking. Since X Windows is pretty much identical on all platforms,
much of what I am going to explain can be used on other platforms that
use X Windows other than just XFree86 on Linux. As a matter of fact,
I will make some comparisons between the version of XFree86 that comes
with Red Hat 5.x and what comes with Silicon Graphics IRIX&reg;. You may
note that the files I discuss on both systems have the same name but
are usually just in different directories.
I realize that other articles have been written about X Windows
configuration, for example Jay Ts' fine article in the December
issue entitled ``X Window System Administration.'' X Windows
is an extremely versatile windowing environment and, because of this,
can be very complex. For this reason, I believe it will require many
articles that might overlap but each will provide information from a
different perspective. This article is intended to be from a user's
perspective, rather than from an administrator's.
To start off with and to keep my article from becoming a book in itself,
this article is written with the following assumptions:
<li> That you are working with the default configuration of xdm as
it is installed by Red Hat (see <a href="#foot">Footnote</a>). This means that you haven't
changed any of the files found in /etc/X11/xdm. (Since I don't
have an installation of any of the other Linux vendor releases, I'm
presuming their default configuration is identical or similar enough
that it won't cause any problems.)
With this in mind, I will refer to filenames that are used and
referenced by xdm (and their contents) as specified in the installed
configuration file. It should be noted, however, that almost all of
these filenames can be changed by modifying /etc/X11/xdm/xdm-config
or by specifying a different configuration file on the command
line when starting xdm. (On the SGI, the configuration file is
/var/X11/xdm/xdm-config and I have seen some installations use
<li> That you have a basic understanding of the server/client concept
used by X Windows. i.e. The X server handles the display and keyboard
and runs as an application. User's applications are clients that
request services from the X server to display things and provide input.
<li> That you have some familiarity with X resources and how they
are used in the X environment.
<h3>User Session Initialization and Termination</h3>
When the X server is started automatically via <i>xdm</i>, the user is
presented with a login screen. When a user successfully logs in via this
screen, <i>xdm</i> starts the ``user session''. This session is
a shell script which, when it terminates, ends the user's session
and <i>xdm</i> resets the X server and returns to the login screen.
Prior to starting a session, <i>xdm</i> runs a small startup script with
root privileges to perform any user initialization that may be required.
Currently, this file, /etc/X11/xdm/GiveConsole, changes the ownership of
/dev/console to that of the user so messages sent there can be displayed
on a window in the user's environment.
In like manner, when the session ends, xdm runs another small exit script
with root privileges to clean up anything that might have been set up by
the startup script. Currently, this script, /etc/X11/xdm/TakeConsole,
changes the ownership of /dev/console back to root.
Note that these two files are /var/X11/xdm/GiveConsole and
/var/X11/xdm/TakeConsole on the SGI.
The step of interest to this article is the actual starting of the user
session itself. Here, <i>xdm</i> starts a subprocess running the script
/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession (/var/X11/xdm/Xsession on SGI) and waits for it
to exit. When it does, <i>xdm</i> processes the exit script and returns
to the login screen. This session script is run with the user's
A resource has been set for <i>xdm</i> which causes the parameter
``failsafe'' to be passed to the user session if the user uses
the F1 key rather than the Enter key to complete his/her login. This can
be very useful if the user makes a mistake in his or her customized
session script which makes it impossible to log in. How this feature
is taken advantage of is discussed below. It should be noted that I
found this resource defined for both Linux and SGI and is used in an
identical manner on both.
<h3>The Xsession File</h3>
The /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession file provided by Red Hat is quite simple,
especially when compared to the /var/X11/xdm/Xsession file provided with
the SGI. This file is a standard Bourne shell script which performs
all the user startup and initialization that the system administrator
wants done for all users.
As described above, if the user logs in and pressed F1 rather than
the Enter key, the parameter ``failsafe'' is passed to the
session file. The first thing the /etc/X11/xdm/Xsession file does is
check if this parameter exists and, if it does, exec's an xterm.
This bypasses all other initialization and provides the user with a
terminal window to work with. Notice that this is a good method of
logging in if the user has done something to his/her personal session
file that otherwise prevents logging in.
For those that don't understand the function of exec, this is a
builtin command provided by all the standard shell programs. It causes
the current running shell to be replaced by the exec'd program.
Thus, the current running shell never returns from an exec (unless the
program referenced fails to start for some reason) and the parent process
is not aware of any change in the child process. The exec'd
program retains the process ID of the shell and, when it terminates,
it is as if the shell terminated and the user session ends.
Presuming ``failsafe'' is not a parameter passed to Xsession,
the script continues by redirecting stderr to an error file. If it can
write to it, this file will be .xsession-errors in the user's home
directory. If the session can't write to the user's home
directory or this file is write protected for some reason, the script
will attempt to use /tmp/xses-$USER, where $USER is the user's
login name.
This error file is useful for determining problems during the user's
session. Any errors generated by applications that are started (including
the window manager or applications started by the window manager)
will be sent to this file. If the user has problems starting a user
session after logging in, he/she can perform a ``failsafe''
login (as described above) and look at this file. The error messages
may be of some help in determining the problem.
Finally, the standard Xsession file transfers control to one of a set of
shell scripts, depending on their existence and if they are executable.
It does this with the exec command which means that, whichever program is
run, it replaces the Xsession process and becomes the new user session.
The shell scripts are:
1. $HOME/.xsession
2. $HOME/.Xclients
3. /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients
Some interesting notes about this compared to the script used on an
SGI computer. SGI does not require the scripts to be executable but
will run /bin/sh against them if they aren``t. Also, SGI only looks
for $HOME/.xsession. If this file doesn't exist, the system Xsession
file sets up the default user environment provided by SGI. Red Hat
chose to break the default user session into two steps, since the
standard installation will provide /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients.
If none of the three files above exist or are executable, then the
user``s .Xresources file is loaded (if it exists) and the program
<i>xsm</i> is exec'd. <i>xsm</i> is one of the many window managers
provided with Red Hat Linux.
<h3>User Customized Xsession File</h3>
As you may have guessed from the above explanation of the
system's Xsession file, the user can create his/her own shell script
which will be processed as the user session. This is a very powerful
capability and provides each user the ability to do whatever processing
they want each time they log in via the X login. In this script,
the user can start various applications, set root window resources,
set one-time environment variables, change default keyboard definitions
and select a window manager.
The easiest way to set up your own personal Xsession file is to copy
the system /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients file into your home directory as
.xsession or .Xclients (what, in the future, I will refer to as the
user's Xsession file) and then edit it as desired. I'm not
going to step through the contents of the /etc/X11/xinit/Xclients file,
you can do this on your own. I'm going to just explain some of
the things one might want to do.
One important thing is to load desired resources into the root window.
This is usually done with the following commands:
if [ -f &quot;$resources&quot; ]; then
/usr/bin/X11/xrdb -load &quot;$resources&quot;
Another thing that the user may wish to do is set the root
window background to something different. This is done with the
<i>/usr/bin/X11/xsetroot</i> command. For example, I have my background
defined as follows:
/usr/bin/X11/xsetroot -solid DarkSeaGreen4
Note that this command can also be used to set the default cursor
and cursor color for the root window, a two-tone plaid pattern for the
background or an X bitmap to be used as a pattern.
Also, the command <i>/usr/bin/X11/xset</i> can be used to set the
desired bell volume, key click, DPMS (energy saving) features and
mouse parameters. This command can also set autorepeat and screensaver
If you want to define special keys, you can run <i>/usr/bin/X11/xmodmap</i>
from this script. For example, I like to be able to access the full
ISO 8859-1 character set and insert internationalized characters in
my documents. Also, Linux likes to define &lt;Shft&gt;F1 to be F11
and &lt;Shft&gt;F2 to be F12. Since my keyboard has an F11 and F12,
I prefer these keys to be set to F13 and F14 respectively. To handle
this, I have defined $HOME/.xmodmaprc to contain the following:
keycode 113 = Multi_key
keysym F1 = F1 F13
keysym F2 = F2 F14
keysym F3 = F3 F15
keysym F10 = F10 F22
keycode 95 = F11 F23
keycode 96 = F12 F24
Then, in my $HOME/.xsession file I have the following:
if [ -r $HOME/.xmodmaprc ]; then
/usr/bin/X11/xmodmap $HOME/.xmodmaprc
Finally, the most important step is running a window manager.
Red Hat likes to run <i>fvwm</i> because it can be set up to look a lot
like Windows 95&reg;. Since I use SGI computers a lot, I prefer Motif (which
costs money and doesn't come with Linux normally). There is also
<i>xsm</i> and <i>twm</i> available. You might want to read the man pages
for each to determine which window manager you prefer.
If it is desired, the user can exec the window manager as the last
thing in the Xsession file. This will mean that the user has to end
the window manager to end their session and return to the login screen.
I prefer to run the window manager as a background process and exec an
xterm as the last thing. This way, when I exit the xterm session, the
user session will end and the login screen will be brought up. Note that
the window manager and any window applications will be terminated because
the X display will be closed. Any non-window applications started as
a background process will not be terminated automatically and could
continue after the user's session ends.
I start the Motif window manager as follows:
I start the final xterm with:
exec nxterm -geometry 80x50+10+10 -ls
This creates a version of the xterm that supports color. It will be
80 characters wide and display 50 lines. The window will be positioned
in the upper left corner of the screen (at pixel position 10x10).
The last option forces nxterm to run the shell as a login shell.
>From within the user's Xsession file, you can run a number of
xterms, xclock or whatever, all of which will start automatically when
you login. Be sure to specify a geometry (with the -geometry option)
to get each application positioned on the screen where you want it.
Also, remember to run the applications in the background (by terminating
the line with ``&'') otherwise, the user Xsession file will
wait until that application terminates before continuing.
<h3>Important Tricks</h3>
Here I want to discuss some more interesting and important tricks
that can be done from the user's Xsession file.
All window managers can execute programs from a pulldown menu. Sometimes
these programs need special environment variables defined prior to
their execution (for example, Netscape may need SOCKS_NS to be defined).
Since the user's environment variables are not usually set until
a shell is started, the window manager and any programs started from
the window manager will not have the user's environment defined.
Trying to set them in $HOME/.cshrc, $HOME/.profile or $HOME/.login
won't do any good.
One trick is to define these environment variables in the user's
Xsession file. It is necessary to set these environment variables before
you start the window manager.
Another trick that I like to do is define XUSERFILESEARCHPATH in my user
Xsession file. Most applications look for and use a application resource
file, usually found in /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults. For example, Netscape
uses the file /usr/lib/X11/app-defaults/Netscape for its application
resource settings. If you want to change any of these settings for your
personal environment, you can copy this file into your home directory
and modify it. Next time you run Netscape, it will find the one in your
home directory first and use it.
I have found my home directory cluttered with application resource files
and wanted to put them into my own private app-defaults directory. I did
this by creating the directory and copying all the resource files into it.
Then, I set XUSERFILESEARCHPATH to the following in my user Xsession file:
This makes the application search in /home/carlson/app-defaults
for application resource files before going to the default locations
under /usr/lib/X11.
One last trick is for those of you that have multiple computers all
running X servers. Here at home, I have an SGI O2 and my Linux machine.
When I log in remotely to my O2, I want to be able to run X applications
and have them use the display on my Linux box. In order to do this,
I need to run <i>xhost</i> each time I log in to my Linux box to allow
remote logins to access the X server.
As part of my user Xsession file, I have the following line:
/usr/bin/X11/xhost +moonlight
This sets the X server on my Linux box to allow access from
moonlight, the name of my O2.
I hope you have found this information useful and interesting.
I've tried to show you how to create your own user Xsession
file to start applications, set a special environment and run your own
window manager. I'm sure you can come up with many more ideas.
One useful tool that I wrote, based on a similar application provided
with SGI, is <i>userenv</i>. This application creates a login shell as
a child and has it print its environment. This environment is collected
and then printed to stdout in a form that can be executed to create the
same environment by a shell.
In my user Xsession file, I have the following line:
eval `userenv`
This computes my user environment and echos it in a form that
the shell can execute the output to create the same environment.
The <i>eval</i> command causes the output to be processed by the shell.
You are welcome to a copy of the source for this program from my web
site, http://members.home.net/cwcarlson/files/utilities.tar.gz.
<a name="foot"></a>
I am running Red Hat 5.1 but it appears that it
hasn't changed significantly for a few years. Also, I find the
configuration almost identical with other Unix platforms such as Silicon
Graphics IRIX&reg;. The only differences appear to be in what directory
files are maintained.)
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Chris Carlson <BR>
Published in Issue 43 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, July 1999</H5></center>
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