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<h4>&quot;Linux Gazette...<i>making Linux just a little more fun!</i>&quot;
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<h1 align="center"><font color="#800000">Creating A Linux
Certification Program, Part 5</font></h1>
<h4 align="center">By <a href="mailto:dyork@lodestar2.com">Dan
<p>Over the past two months, the community effort to build a
Linux certification program, called the Linux Professional
Institute (LPI), has made some very strong progress. We had very
successful and positive discussions with members of the Linux
community at both LinuxWorld in San Jose, CA, and also at CeBIT
in Hannover, Germany. Now, we're poised to make our program a
reality over the next few months. (See my<a
<a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue34/york.html">November</a>,
<a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue35/york.html">December</a>
, and <a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue37/york.html">February</a>
Linux Gazette articles for a history of the process.)&nbsp; This
month's article will address: </p>
<li><a href="#New Web Site">New web site</a> ----- <a
href="http://www.lpi.org/">http://www.lpi.org/</a> &nbsp;
<li><a href="#analysis">Job Analysis Survey</a></li>
<li><a href="#SAGE">Liaison with SAGE</a></li>
<li><a href="#Linuxcare">Linuxcare offers more support to LPI</a></li>
<li><a href="#ac">Advisory Council</a></li>
<li><a href="#How You Can Help"><strong>How you can help</strong></a></li>
<h2><a name="New Web Site">New Web Site</a></h2>
<p>In an effort to make the Linux Professional Institute web site
easier to remember, we have taken out the domain lpi.org and our
pages can now be found at:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.lpi.org/">http://www.lpi.org/</a> </p>
<p>They also continue to be available at:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.linuxinstitute.org/">http://www.linuxinstitute.org/</a>
<p>Please visit the web pages, read about the program we are
proposing, and jump on board to help us out!</p>
<p>Credit for the site is due to <a
href="mailto:evan@starnix.com">Evan Leibovitch</a> who
established the domain name and maintains the site.</p>
<h2><a name="analysis">Job Analysis Survey</a></h2>
<p>As part of our effort to ensure that our certification program
is grounded on solid statistical data about the actual tasks that
people are doing as they administer Linux systems, we have
undertaken a job analysis survey. A couple of our volunteers,
including Scott Murray (the chair of our exam development
committee), have degrees in psychometrics and have worked to
develop a method of validating both our program and the questions
themselves. Scott and Tom Peters (chair of our program committee)
put together a pre-survey where we collected lists of tasks
performed by Linux system administrators. This pre-survey ran for
a week, after which Tom and Scott cleaned the information up and
now have the actual survey available on the web.</p>
<p>We invite anyone with an interest in Unix and Linux system
administration to visit the website we put up to collect data for
the job analysis. You will be asked to answer a few questions
about a random selection from the many tasks a system
administrator might need to perform; this will take 15 to 30
minutes of your time. We also need to collect some data of a
personal nature, for reasons that are explained in the on-line
instructions; these may be entered anonymously if you wish.</p>
<p>The survey will run until Friday the 9th of April. This is
your opportunity to help shape the future of professional Linux
certification, so please offer your input at:</p>
<p><a href="http://www.lpi.org/cgi-bin/jass.py">http://www.lpi.org/cgi-bin/jass.py</a>
<p>Please help us out by visiting now!</p>
<h2><a name="SAGE">Liaison with SAGE</a></h2>
<p>For the past several years, the <a
href="http://www.usenix.org/sage/">System Administrator's Guild
(SAGE)</a>, a Special Technical Group of <a
href="http://www.usenix.org/">USENIX</a>, has been trying to
develop a generic UNIX system administration certification. This
effort has not been easy, as many within SAGE have been against
the entire concept of certification. The challenge faced by SAGE
is also far greater than that of LPI. The differences between
Linux distributions are minor when compared with the wide
differences between various versions of UNIX.</p>
<p>Still, SAGE has slowly moved forward and has a <a
site describing their efforts</a>. They are about to begin a job
analysis project similar to what we are doing, only utilizing a
research firm that specializes in performing such surveys. Expect
to see notices in UNIX mailing lists and possible focus groups at
upcoming conferences.</p>
<p>Since we both share similar goals, we have agreed to stay in
close communication. The SAGE certification committee invited me
to join their group (I have), and we will shortly be inviting one
of their members to be a member of our Advisory Council. Several
of our list members, including John Sechrest and Jim Dennis, are
also members of SAGE and have been posting LPI information to
SAGE lists (and also strongly defending the concept of
<h2><a name="Linuxcare">Linuxcare offers more support to LPI</a></h2>
<p><a href="http://www.linuxcare.com/">Linuxcare</a>, a
organization offering 24x7 support for all distributions of
Linux, has been a supporter of LPI efforts since the very
beginning of our work last fall. Dave Sifry offered to create
mailing lists and that has been our dominant form of
communication. They took their support one step further in
February, when they hired me to work full time as their
representative to the LPI certification program. I will also have
other duties within Linuxcare, but the bulk of my time in at
least the short term will be spent on the LPI program. We within
LPI appreciate their vote of confidence in our work and thank
Linuxcare for their continued support.</p>
<h2><a name="ac">Advisory Council</a></h2>
<p>To ensure that our program meets both the needs of the Linux
community as well as the organizations that will employ those
people who successfully complete our certification program, we
have been building an Advisory Council of individuals and
organizations who can provide us with the feedback we require.
Members of our Advisory Council will be part of a private mailing
list to which questions will occasionally be posted and feedback
solicited. Their assistance will be sought in helping guide the
overall direction of the LPI program, as well as in helping to
solve questions that may arise from time to time within the
linux-cert lists where a wider industry perspective may be
useful. As a consultative body, the Advisory Council will provide
input to the LPI Steering Committee as that committee makes
decisions related to LPI.</p>
<p>Based on the very successful meetings we have had, both at
trade shows such as LinuxWorld and CeBIT, and also separately
with individual people and companies, we will soon be announcing
a large council including representatives from several
distributions, Linux International, the Linux Journal, UniForum,
publishers, information technology companies and other
organizations who believe in the need for Linux certification. We
appreciate their support and are looking forward to their
assistance in making our program a reality. Watch for our
announcement soon!</p>
<h2><a name="How You Can Help">How You Can Help</a></h2>
<p>We need you!&nbsp; We want this certification effort to be far
better than those for other operating systems. We need your
assistance with our <a href="http://www.lpi.org/cgi-bin/jass.py">job
analysis survey</a> and also with our continuing efforts on our
mailing lists.</p>
<p>To help out, you can join one or more of our <a
lists</a>.&nbsp; Before you decide how you can help, please read
about our proposed <a
(which has been arrived at over the past six months of
discussions) and the <a
we are building to move the whole process forward.&nbsp; I would
suggest you also browse the<a
archive</a> of our linux-cert mailing list to understand the
discussions we've had to date.</p>
<p>After reading our information, please plunge on in, join a
list (or lists) and help us out!</p>
<h2>Final Thoughts</h2>
<p>The next few months will be a time of high energy within our
program. The job analysis survey will be completed and by the end
of this month, we should have exam objectives online for all of
our Level 1 exams. The development of the exams themselves will
be underway, and we will be working hard to bring Level 1 to
completion by the middle of the year. There will be a lot of work
- and a lot of opportunties for people wanting to help make this
program a reality.</p>
<p>Will a Linux certification program evolve out of the
community?&nbsp; Or will it be specified by a vendor or
distributor?&nbsp;&nbsp; <em>We believe it should come from the
community and we hope you will join us in that effort!</em></p>
<p>Please take our survey, join us on the list(s) and let's make
this happen!</p>
<h4 align="center">Previous ``Linux Certification'' Columns</h4>
<p><a href="../issue33/york.html">Linux Certification Part #1,
October 1998</a><br>
<a href="../issue34/york.html">Linux Certification Part #2,
November 1998</a><br>
<a href="../issue35/york.html">Linux Certification Part #3,
December 1998</a> <br>
<a href="../issue37/york.html">Linux Certification Part #4,
February 1999</a>
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<h5 align="center">Copyright &copy; 1999, Dan York <br>
Published in Issue 40 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, Mid-April 1999</h5>
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