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<title>Linux Gazette MailBag LG #40</title>
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<H4>"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"</H4>
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<H2><a NAME="mail"><IMG SRC="../gx/mailbox.gif" ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT=" ">
The Mailbag!</a> </H2>
Write the Gazette at <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com"> gazette@ssc.com</A>
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<center><H3><font color="maroon">Help Wanted -- Article Ideas</font></H3></center>
Answers to these questions should be sent directly to the e-mail address of
the inquirer with or without a copy to gazette@ssc.com. Answers that are
copied to <I>LG</I> will be printed in the next issue in the Tips column.
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Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 11:25:56 PDT<BR>
From: "Trenton Hergesell", <A HREF="mailto:lethalbyte@hotmail.com">
lethalbyte@hotmail.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">Help with NEC 4X6 Multi-platter CD-ROM reader</font>
I have Caldera OpenLinux 1.2 with 2.2.5 kernel installed. I need to
know if the NEC 4X6 CD changer is supported under Linux, and if so how
do you set up Linux to access the 3 other platters?
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Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 23:53:39 -0400<BR>
From: "linalan", <A HREF="mailto:linalan@ufl.edu">linalan@ufl.edu</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">diald as backup?</font>
I'm trying to figure out a way to automatically bring up a back-up line if
my leased line goes down. For example, my T1 goes down. This is recognized,
thus my back-up line (modem) gets brought up. I was thinking that this could
somehow be done with diald and maybe some scripting. any suggestions?
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Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 19:04:30 +0800<BR>
From: "Gary", <A HREF="mailto:gary0526@ms2.hinet.net">
Subject: <font color="navy">Question for hp682c</font>
I have a question , I can not print chinese with hp682c.
Can you help me?
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Date: Wed, 7 Apr 1999 01:54:06 -0400<BR>
From: "gurugarzah", <A HREF="mailto:gurugarzah@novagate.com">
gurugarzah@novagate.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">Dual Monitors</font>
Does Red Hat 5.2 Apollo kernal support two monitors
with two separate video cards:
S3 Virge
and STB Velocity 4400 Riva TnT Chipset Worksin windows98?
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Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 22:45:28 -0400<BR>
From: "Raymond Koenig", <A HREF="mailto:rayk2@bellsouth.net">
rayk2@bellsouth.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">SoundPro</font>
I recently upgraded my system and the new motherboard came with a "built
in" sound card called Sound Pro.
I run a dual OS system Linux and Windows 95, Windows only because my job
requires it. the *sndconfig* file
does not list this chipset. Do you know of any drivers for this card?
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Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 13:03:27 -0500<BR>
From: LaFette Partee, <A HREF="mailto:lafette@interaccess.com">
lafette@interaccess.com </A>
Subject: <font color="navy">Cable Modems Under Linux</font>
I am trying to resolve a problem with getting the proper route and
netmask configured for a cable modem under Linux RedHat 5.2. The
configuration under Windows98 uses the DHCP to configure the
connection. Which I used in linux as well. I have made the connection
via PPP but I am unable to make the proper route to receive the
information sent back via the ethernet. I can make a complete
connection to a normal service provider via PPP only and it works fine.
The way the cable moden works is as follow:
You call the service provider via PPP and the information is sent back
through the ethernet connection.
Any suggestions would be greatfully accepted. The cable company is
Prime Cable in Chicago, IL.
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Date: Wed, 14 Apr 1999 21:07:20 -0700<BR>
From: Rob Bertrand, <A HREF="mailto:cvp.rob@sympatico.cax">
cvp.rob@sympatico.cax</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">DV editing</font>
I am a video editor/home studio who just discovered the Linux OS and
would love nothing more than to leave the "other system", but I can't
seem to confirm if DV editing is ready on the Linux Os. In paticular
my system is the Sparks DV firewire board made by Adaptec for DPS, I use
Adobe Premiere4.2 and DPS's Video action editors for post production
non-linear editing. Any info would greatly be appreciated.
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Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 15:12:39 +0200<BR>
From: "Roman Valuch", <A HREF="mailto:roman@tbb.sk">roman@tbb.sk</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">Help wanted</font>
I'm looking for any small OPI server on Linux Red Hat 5.2.
Thank you
Roman Valuch
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Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 06:45:03 +1000<BR>
From: Lazar Lubin, <A HREF="mailto:tsar@editgroup.aunz.com">
tsar@editgroup.aunz.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">Help this old battler</font>
I have a very smattering knowledge of Linux, and am having problems
installing the ruddy thing. Can anyone help?!
<blockquote> <I>
(Have you checked our Ron Jenkins' series "Linux Installation Primer"? He's
done 8 parts so far, all full of good information. --Editor)
</I> </blockquote>
<a name="gen"></a>
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<center><H3><font color="maroon">General Mail</font></H3></center>
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Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 14:30:14 -0500 (CDT)<BR>
From: "Michael J. Hammel", <A HREF="mailto:mjhammel@graphics-muse.org">
mjhammel@graphics-muse.org</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">Re: a newbie's grief</font>
Sorry to take so long to reply. I was out of the country the entire month
of March and am just now catching up on my email.
Thus spoke Erik Refner & Clara Lundqvist:
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
A few month ago I started getting interested in Linux. Everything seemed so wonderful in Linuxland, and the sheer Idea of a free OS spoke to my Scandinavian nature having a long tradition for free an "unpatented" knowledge.
Today after having used two month of my spare time and my tenth try to get Linux (RedHat 5.2) and some programs (KDE-office) up running, I'm disappointed and utterly frustrated.
I'm a graphic designer and use apps like Adobe PageMaker, PageFrame, Illustrator, Photoshop etc.
I'm very well aware that new things take time to learn. But if this system is so wonderful, why make everything so damned complicated? I'm interested in using my computer as a tool in my work, not being a programmer. And of course I'm willing to pay for it too).
Like you, I prefer to use my system for doing non-programming work:
artwork, writing, etc. This despite the fact that I'm a programmer by
trade. Many of the new faces to Linux are just like you and I - and they
are experiencing some of the same issues you are facing.
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
At the moment I'm beginning to understand why Windows (and not Linux) is the most popular and used OS. It seems to me that Windows takes pride in making life easy to the user. If the user find it interesting he or she can start learning about the OS, writing programs and so on). Linux seems to do the exact opposite, and may I: I do not at all find it funny or interesting writing unintelligible words and commands.
Although I understand your comments, I think you need to put things into
perspective. First, the Microsoft interface has about 8 years (going back
to early DOS-based Windows) head start on the Linux interface. Although
the components for designing the interface for Linux (the X Windows
libraries and architecture) has been around for quite some time, it was
never used to create a non-technical interface, ie a point-and-click,
drag-and-drop style interface. Such a design has only recently been started
by the Linux community within the past 2 years by KDE and only a little over
a year for GNOME. The original use of the X Windows system was for more
computer savvy users who wanted greater control of their environment, and
they found they could have that with a mostly command line oriented
environment. At least that was the case early on.
Things change, the world evolves. Linux brought X Windows to the
non-technical user. So now projects like GNOME and KDE are working to
provide the simpler to use interfaces that users like yourself demand from
their computers. And you should demand it! Demands from users are what
drive development.
As to the unintelligible words or commands, well, thats strictly a point of
view. To me, DOS commands are cryptic. Why? Because I never use them.
Unfamiliarity breeds contempt. Then again, many of the scripting languages
you find on Linux (Perl, for example) are available from command line
prompts on Microsoft systems too. Its just that many users never use them
from the command (re: DOS prompt) line.
Its not that the words or commands are cryptic that annoys you - thats just
a matter of becoming familiar with new surroundings - its that the
interface to the OS is not graphical and intuitive. And thats a valid
complaint for Linux at this time for users like yourself.
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
While trying to get Linux to obey my awkward commands I've been surfing the net in my look out for programs that would match above mentioned. Neither this seems to be successful. I may be wrong and would bee most delighted if you could advise me a page layout application like PageMaker/FrameMaker or QuarkExpress. I have seen LyX and KDE's KWord, but they do not meet my needs (will they ever?). And what about press and prepress? It is crucial that I get my files back from printing without too much trouble. I have hardly been able to find anything about this issue. (I mean, everybody knows that CorelDraw is superior to Illustrator, but very few proffs use it because of the printing problems.)
The first question is an easy answer: there aren't any such tools yet
announced for Linux. The problem is simple - large application companies
like Adobe and Quark haven't yet found the demand on Linux systems to
warrant their porting of their applications. But these application houses
are driven by either commercial requests or consumer (end user) requests.
Demand from either side will get them to port. Quark is rumored to be
interested in porting if they can validate a supportable market for their
products. Adobe seems less willing, but again, money talks. With large
companies like IBM, Oracle, Dell, Compaq, and Corel showing large scale
support for Linux, its only a matter of time before the application houses
realize the demand is there to warrant their efforts to port their
Your concerns here are extremely valid. The problem is that Linux isn't
ready for prepress at the support level you need it because its still too
early in the game. Corel will be shipping their products sometime this
year (so I've heard, I could be wrong here) for Linux. I expect later this
year we'll start hearing announcements from other application level
companies about their plans to support Linux.
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
In one of your articles last year you "advertised" for whishes regarding Linux and related software. These are mine:
Window based ease-of-use and easy to install (no programming tricks)
Red Hat is working on this, with help from vendors like IBM, Dell, and
Compaq. They've had to deal with these same issues in the past for the
Microsoft environment and can offer both technical and end-user assistance
to improve this area. Other vendors, such as SuSE in Europse and Pacific High
Tech in Japan, will also benefit from this since the installation improvements
are likely to be shared with the Linux community in general.
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
Applications like Adobe PageMaker, PhotoShop, Illustrator (Gimp, KIllustrator??)
Gimp has quite a number of improvements in the works, both from the volunteer
developers and from a number of movie-industry special effects people who
hoping to improve it for use with film and video productions.
Beyond that, Adobe will, in my opinion at least, eventually come around.
There is demand for these products on Linux. Adobe isn't likely to ignore
a potential source of added revenue. It just may take a little while
before we see this happen.
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
Press- and prepress-proof.
Magic words. These are things I'd love to see too. I just don't know when
they'll happen. All I know is that Linux is growing fast - and someone
will fill this void eventually.
<blockquote><font color="navy">
Until then I will use my spare time on my family, off and on read your recommendable column, and try Linuxland once again in a couple of years from now.
-- Yours sincerely Erik
Not a bad plan, really. Keep an eye and ear open on the Linux community.
Things move fast here. You might check back in August to see if I've heard
anything new, then again in December. I really do expect to start hearing
of more application ports soon.
The demand is growing. You're one of the early pioneers from the
non-programming world into Linux. Its not an easy road for pioneers like
yourself, but in the long run I think you'll find it a worthwhile pursuit.
Thanks for the note! I hope I've helped put your mind at ease about the
state of the Linux world for now.
-- <BR>
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Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 02:54:15 +0100<BR>
From: George Russell, <A HREF="mailto:george.russell@clara.net">
george.russell@clara.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">KDE - so what?</font>
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
Am I just being obtuse, or does KDE feel like a heavy, bloated, resource-intensive desktop environment? If that's what I
wanted, I would stay with M(I'm sorry, I can't say the word)t.
Being unable to utter the name of Microsoft does show a certain
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
Features and benefits be damned, FVWM2 comes real close
to the type of responsiveness I feel should be expected of the desktop ... KDE doesn't even come close.
<li>Fix it
<li>Use something else
<li>Try and understand KDE is *NOT* a Window Manager and fvwm2 *IS*.
Direct comparisons are obviously *POINTLESS*. A Window Manager does not
a desktop make.
If your going to fix it you can do one of several things
<li>Hack the code, and make it better
<li>Use a better compiler. Turn up optimisatiions to -06, target the
pentium or whatever your CPU class is, use PGCC (pentium gcc) for
cutting edge performance, use egcs and optimise for size (ie small),
compile Qt and KDE yourself with --fno-exceptions.
<li>Replace or remove whatever you find to big / slow about KDE. Edit
startkde and # comment out what you don't want and replace it. Don't
use sound? edit out kwmsound and kaudioserver. Don't want kwm? use
Window Maker, Blackbox, flwm, or any other WM. Don't want KDE to set
backgrounds or use root menus? comment it out. Don't want the panel?
Don't use it. KDE is not a monolith.
<li>But some decent hardware. If your running slow hardware, don't expect
anything to run other than slow.
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
And WHY hasn't anyone else complained? At least, not in a forum that I've been aware of. Is it that everyone is so enamored
of the acceptance that Linux has been getting that they are afraid to rock the boat?
Other people are capable of actions other than whining about how
they don't like something that they aren't forced to use. You have a
choice. Use it.
KDE is an example of what many, many people want. A layer on top of
X11/Unix, in which they can carry out their daily work, without recourse
to the command line or editing text files to configure trivial software
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
On the other hand, I suppose that we (the Linux user community) feel like we can pass this KDE thing off as a ready
replacement for W(I'm sorry, but I can't say that word, either)s, given that it is so slow and bloated that W(you know)s users
will feel right at home.
Yeah, that's the ticket, we'll make 'em feel right at home.
They'll see you running fvwm2, think "Oh my god, thats ugly", and go
straight back to Windows. KDE makes the use of UNIX bearable for many,
and acts as a platform from which to explore the depths of the operating
system. Throwing them in at the deep end will merely deter them.
George Russell
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Date: Wed, 07 Apr 1999 19:25:20 +1000<BR>
From: "Anthony Johnston", <A HREF="mailto:drider@mail.dcsi.net.au">
drider@mail.dcsi.net.au</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">New page layout</font>
I like the look of the new page layout. I have been reading your articles for several months, and they have helped me with so
many things .... keep up the excelent work!!
AJ :)
<blockquote> <I>
(Thanks. --Editor) </I> </blockquote>
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Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 09:44:56 -0600 <BR>
From: "Worth, Norman", <A HREF="mailto:Norman.Worth@siinet.trw.com">
Norman.Worth@siinet.trw.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">NT Article</font>
A recent article in "Windows NT" magazine [RUSS] needs to be answered.
Unfortunately, I am not well enough acquainted with the kernel internals to
do so properly. Any volunteers?
The main thrust of the article is that Linux is unsuitable for large
networking or enterprise applications due to inherent problems in thread
handling, kernel reentrant code implementation, and scalability. In some
cases, the author does not seem to see the big picture - that certain
actions will be required to take place somewhere, regardless of the specific
implementations. In others, he raises legitimate issues. There is also the
matter of style - Linux and NT approach the world in quite different ways
despite their similarities.
Among the issues raised is the lack of standard benchmark reports (TPC-C,
TPC-D, SpecWeb) for Linux. Has anyone done these? A big issue is how the
select routine handles events. The objection is that all processes are
notified of all events. This may be more of a style issue than a real
performance issue, but it requires an answer. Another big issue is that
because the kernel IO code is not rentrant, true asynchronous IO and
adequate multiprocessor scaling are impossible.
The fact that Linux seems to be more stable and a better performer in Web
servers and some enterprise servers than NT is ignored. Indeed, the
apparent Linux advantage may be simply a matter of how the applications are
implemented on the systems, rather than inherent operating system
A good, two-sided discussion of these performance issues would be helpful.
Linux seems to perform quite well in networks and as a standalone system.
I've seen (actually seen) some real horrors recently when NT was applied to
large networks. The horrors are slowly being resolved, and I'm sure anyone
could foul up a Linux network too.
[RUSS] Mark Russinovich, "Linux and the Enterprise", "Windows NT", April
1999, p.93
Norman Worth
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Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 18:03:02 -0500<BR>
From: "John E. Malmberg", <A HREF="mailto:malmberg@columbia.total-web.net">
malmberg@columbia.total-web.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">Comparison of Server-Based Operating Systems</font>
A well written comparison that even covers operating systems not mentioned.
Sean Bullington wrote:
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
Sun has even started to recognize the benefits of enthusiasts and
hobbyists using their operating system and has started offering Solaris
for free (the user pays just the media and shipping/handling fees--see
Be also aware that Digital had a free HOBBY license available earlier than
sun for the OpenVMS Operating system. The media was available at very low
cost. If you wanted to program in something other than BLISS-32 and
Macro-32, Much of the GNU software was already ported, including GCC. The
right to use the POSIX software was also included.
Compaq has improved the OpenVMS Hobby license recently. It now covers both
ALPHA and VAX systems. In addition to that, a variety of very efficient
compilers and other programs are now available. See
www.montagar.com/hobbyist/ for complete information.
SCO UNIX is also available free for non-commercial use. See
Their program may have started before Digital's.
John Malmberg
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Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1999 05:27:02 -0500<BR>
From: "D Gartner", <A HREF="mailto:dgwhiz@earthling.net">
dgwhiz@earthling.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">Linux, and Freedom of Choice Petition</font>
If you want the right to choose what software and
hardware products are installed on your own computer,
then the Freedom of Choice Petition is for you. No matter
what p.o.v. you have about the Microsoft monopoly, and
whether you are a Linux home or business user, software
developer or computer re-seller, you are invited to join
us in this Petition to stop the exclusive
pre-installation [bundling or tying] of a single
company's software on the computers sold, bought and used
across the world.
Many of us realize that PC makers such as Compaq, Dell,
Gateway etc. pre-install Microsoft software on the
majority of new computers, along with hardware e.g.
modems and chipsets "optimized" just for Windows. We are
given no other choice. The PC maker will not install any
other mix of software brands for us. Though many of us
will delete the MSFT Windows software from our systems,
neither MSFT nor the computer companies will give us a
fair market exchange or refund. With such a lack of fair
choice, we are forced to pay double-- first when we pay
for Microsoft programs that we don't intend to use, and
secondly when we buy Linux software that we really want.
The only real, long-term solution is to buy new computers
with a choice of all available software in any
combination, including no software whatsoever. Likewise,
new computer hardware must support a wide range of
operating systems such as Linux-- not merely the
operating environments pushed upon us by Microsoft.
Our computers indeed belong to us and _not_ to Microsoft
nor the PC makers; those companies must respect our right
to choose for ourselves which programs and hardware will
be installed on our own property! You can help us send
that direct message to the PC companies, just by
supporting IACT's Freedom of Choice Petition. Take a
moment to read the Petition in the "Connections" section
of our website at...
<A HREF="http://pages.cthome.net/iact/iact-tell.html#IACTion">
...and "sign on" to the letter with us!
Diane Gartner, IACT Co-ordinator
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Date: Tue, 6 Apr 1999 17:15:59 -0400 (EDT)<BR>
From: Theo Chisholm <A HREF="mailto:theoc@us.ibm.com">theoc@us.ibm.com</A><BR>
Subject: <font color="navy">IBM Announces Linux Web Site</font>
In just a few years, Linux has gone from the pet project of a Finnish
university student to the fastest-growing server operating environment.
IBM recently announced support for Linux, alliances with key Linux
distributors and product plans that will enable more companies to integrate
Linux into their enterprises.
We are pleased to announce a Web site to keep you abreast of the latest news
about IBM's offerings for Linux, at: <A HREF="http://www.ibm.com/linux/">
http://www.ibm.com/linux/</A>. The site
gives details about IBM offerings for Linux as well as links to informative
resources for open source and Linux.
We know the time constraints you work under and hope this Web site will be a
useful tool for you. For more information please contact me.
Theo Chisholm, IBM Software
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in <i>Linux Gazette</i> Issue 40, Mid-April 1999</center>
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<h5>This page written and maintained by the Editor of <I>Linux Gazette</I>,
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Copyright &copy; 1999 Specialized Systems Consultants, Inc. </H5>
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