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<title>Linux Gazette MailBag LG #38</title>
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<H4>"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"</H4>
<table width="100%" cellpadding=7><tr><td>
<H2><a NAME="mail"><IMG SRC="../gx/mailbox.gif" ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT=" ">
The Mailbag!</a> </H2>
Write the Gazette at <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com"> gazette@ssc.com</A>
<li><a HREF="./lg_mail38.html#help">Help Wanted -- Article Ideas</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_mail38.html#gen">General Mail</a>
<a name="help"></a>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<center><H3><font color="maroon">Help Wanted -- Article Ideas</font></H3></center>
Answers to these questions should be sent directly to the e-mail address of
the inquirer with or without a copy to gazette@ssc.com. Answers that are
copied to <I>LG</I> will be printed in the next issue in the Tips column.
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Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 10:47:38 +0100 (MET)<BR>
From: Jan-Hendrik Terstegge, <A HREF="mailto:jh.terstegge@gmx.net">
Subject: <font color="maroon">Korn Shell FAQ</font>
I'm looking for a good Korn Shell FAQ, because I dislike reading the
Manpages. Does anyone know a good Internet Address of a FAQ?
Thanks in advance
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Date: Tue, 2 Feb 1999 15:13:18 -0500<BR>
From: "Jim Coleman", <A HREF="mailto:jecoleman@upsala.org">
Subject: <font color="maroon">Windows program replacements</font>
I'm making the move from Windows to Linux and am in the process of
tracking down Linux programs to replace anything in Windows that I feel
I cannot do without. It's a short but stubborn list. Presently, I'm
trying to locate a Linux Family Tree program (I'm using Family Tree
Maker in Windows) and also need a Linux program that can import the
contents of several Cardfile databases.
I've heard of and have downloaded the Unix based LifeLines program but
have not yet tried it. Though it comes highly recommended, even the
author admits that it's somewhat dated. I was hoping a more recent
program was available. Not necessarily freeware, by the way.
Suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks,
Best Regards,<BR>
Jim Coleman
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Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 14:45:12 -0800<BR>
From: "Michel A. Lim", <A HREF="mailto:support@whl-international.com">
Subject: <font color="maroon">RH5.2 and Intel EtherExpress Pro/10+ ISA NIC</font>
I am a Linux newbie, with some computer experience, trying to install my
intel etherexpress pro/10+ isa card on my new Linux box (Macmillan RH 5.2,
kernel 2.0.36-0.7). I have read several newsgroup postings regarding this
network card, but I could really use a step-by-step guide.
The card did work when the OS was win98. Linux is now the only OS on this
computer. The Linux install was successful except that it did not recognize
my network card. I disabled the plug and play function of the card using
the intel configuration software (softset2), and then tried re-installing
Linux and passing the IRQ and I/O settings (7 and 320-32Fh respectively) but
that also did not work. I then tried to add the following lines to
alias eth0 eepro
options eth0 io=320-32Fh irq=7
this was also unsucessful. Furthermore, pnpdump returns "board not found,"
and even AFTER reading the HOWTO for isapnptools, I have no idea what to add
to add to my isapnp.conf file.
Any help would be very appreciated, just please be detailed as I am not a
guru by any stretch of the imagination.
thank you.
michel a. lim
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Date: Mon, 8 Feb 1999 18:30:50 -0200<BR>
From: "Eliane Aureliana de Sousa", <A HREF="mailto:lili@martins.com.br">
lili@martins.com.br</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">We do not relay...</font>
Could you help me? I have Red Hat Linux installed and I have sendmail and
a pop server running but when I try to send and receive mail via
Netscape what I receive is this mensage: We do not relay..... and there
is neve any msg in my mail box.
I've read as many how-to as I could, but I couldn't find nothing about
my problem. Send mail is already running, I need to know how to set the
permissions to let my users send and receive mail.
Eliane Aureliana de Sousa
Uberlandia - Brazil
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Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 16:28:52 +0100<BR>
From: Kristoffer Andersson, <A HREF="mailto:e7koffe@etek.chalmers.se">
e7koffe@etek.chalmers.se</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Help wanted -- article ideas</font>
I'm having a sort of luxorius problem. In the building where I live we have
a 24-7 ethernet connection two the Internet - so long every thing is fine -
the problem is that this connection goes through a masquerading-server and
as a result it is almost impossible to connect to your computer from a
computer outside my building.
To go around this limitation I have set up a small script that uses ssh to
forward a few ports (21, 22 and 80) to a computer outside the building.
This is fine as long as you and your friends now to wich computer the ports
have been forwarded to.
A more fancy solution would be to use ssh to tunnel ppp! The problem is
that I dont now of an ISP that would let me to use PPP over the Internet
instead of over their modem-pools.
Kristoffer Andersson
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Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 10:35:02 -0200<BR>
From: Silvia, <A HREF="mailto:silvia@waytecnet.com.br">
silvia@waytecnet.com.br</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">DOS Emulations</font>
How does the DOS emulation through the serial ports works?<BR>
What is the default terminal emulation?<BR>
How can we change this?<BR>
We need to use 25 lines 80 columns and the key combinations ALT+F1,
ALT+F2, ..., ETC.
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Date: Mon, 08 Feb 1999 04:52:35 +0100<BR>
From: JVA, <A HREF="mailto:vargaj@intrak.tuke.sk">
vargaj@intrak.tuke.sk</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Sound card with radio on it</font>
I am intending to install Red Hat 5.0 to myP 166: PC and my question is
that I have a ISA sound card (SF16-FMI) with radio on it, it's 100% SB
compatible,and has a IDE connection on it and it's not PnP will it be
able to work and in particular the radio
please help I enjoy listening to radio.
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Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 15:42:19 -0800<BR>
From: Jay Xia, <A HREF="mailto:xia@xlnt.com">xia@xlnt.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">MS words to Postscript conversion</font>
From time to time, people e-mail me documents
in Microsoft Words format. Do you know where
I can find an utility to convert the MS Words
documents into Postscript format so that I can
view/print them in Linux?
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Date: Sun, 14 Feb 1999 01:32:18 +0100<BR>
From: bonis, <A HREF="mailto:bonis@tin.it">bonis@tin.it</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">problema</font>
ciao, mi chiamo cris
ho red hat 5.0 e devo collegarmi a internet... con netscape
..non ci riesco :)..sono abbonato a tin...e ho un modem esterno da 33.6
...ho provato di tutto..ma non riesco propio :) aiuto :) grazie.
ho installato Linux Red Hat da 3 giorni :)..e mai prima.. :)
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Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 20:58:10 +0530<BR>
From: "Mukul Jain", <A HREF="mailto:jainmukul@usa.net">jainmukul@usa.net</A>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Configuring Linux as mail server</font>
I want to configure Linux as my off-line mail server. What all I want is
that I want it to aceept my mail and when I dial to my ISP it just sends
collected mail and then recieves the mail from my domain. and distributes
according to Linux user accounts.
I've done the following setting
in sendmail.cw; I've added my domain entry.
In sendmail.cf I've changed the
DS to my ISP server
and at DM added my domain
also changed <tt>OHoldExpensive=True</tt>
Well and then changed settings for the mailers expensiver
Now still I get an Error 'We do not relay mail'
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Date: Fri, 12 Feb 1999 11:06:49 +0100 (Ora solare Europa occidentale)<BR>
From: Bruno Falconi, <A HREF="mailto:bruno@ifctr.mi.cnr.it">
bruno@ifctr.mi.cnr.it</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">primo approccio</font>
finalmente ho trovato un link interessante per chi vuole
inoltrarsi in Linux.
Ho cercato di installare Linux (Red Hat 5.2) sul mio pc
che gia gira con windows 98.
ho tre dischi (10gb, 2gb e 1.5gb).
ho incontrato mille difficolta' e alla fine non sono
riuscito ad installarlo, non solo, ma ho perso anche
Windows 98.
Ho ripristinato poi i dischi ed windows, ma prima di riprovarci
gradirei qualche dritta per fare una cosa seria.
Bruno Falconi
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Date: Thu, 11 Feb 1999 12:35:03 -0500<BR>
From: "Jeff Moore", <A HREF="mailto:champnet@iisc.net">champnet@iisc.net</A>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Converting to Linux</font>
Was told that I can do lot more with this Linux, where it be with 286 or 386
so on, and to be able develop the full capabilities a Service provider to
community, schools, business, residential. Would consider this task is a
must see how it can be done. O f course now one would have to have a great
deal old hardware, software all ready and surely this person would no just
go out and buy old equipment with this intent in mind. Instead work with
students with a great of old equipment that we are upgrading- Using what we
have an looking for conversions that would act like they up-to-date? any
suggestion ?
Jeff Moore
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Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 01:05:56 +0800 (SGT)<BR>
From: "Jayasuthan ......", <A HREF="mailto:suthan@eplx01.fairchildsemi.com">
suthan@eplx01.fairchildsemi.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Clear Up Corrupted Files</font>
I having problem with my filesystem lately. I believe it caused by Linux
Kernel 2.2.0 with hdparm -m8 option on my hard disk. Lucky its not very
serius. But now the problem is cleaning up those file which corrupted. I
do have file in /lost+found folder and thats not an issue but files like
this :-
br-Sr-S--- 1 25449 28015 99, 105 Nov 26 2031 System.map
br-srwS-wT 1 29813 23328 9, 10 Jan 19 2026 System.old
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 1024 Feb 15 23:07 beta/
drwxr-xr-x 2 root bin 2048 May 8 1994 bin/
Look at System.map and System.old file. This file can't just "rm -rf"
away. I don't want to format my hard disk well it will be very hard for
me. I do have good backup. I want to learn Linux file system and
understand it.
Please help me out here.
Thank You,<BR>
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Date: Thu, 18 Feb 1999 13:20:29 +0200<BR>
From: "yossi", <A HREF="mailto:yossi@sivan-north.co.il">
yossi@sivan-north.co.il</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Linux & Win95/98/NT clients</font>
Well, I am system administrator in colleage (about 200 machines). Mostly
they're running Win95/98 and some of them running NT4.0 Workstation. We
don't use yet Linux as a server ( but I use it a lot for
java-development). We use NT4.0.
So my question is :
I'd like to install Linux as a file-server & keep on him images of
hard-disks from classrooms(i.e every classroom has own "master" with all
the programmes installed on it). So if something goes wrong with one (or
more) of a computers in the classroom I'd like to keep this "masters" on
Linux server & connect to them somehow from this computer and take the
"image" off to my win95/98/nt client.
Somehow - I mean I have to have a boot-diskette that does the work.
The second point is that I'm not sure in possibility that
in-the-same-time I can use the "image" on Linux with multiple
connections... Sometimes the "image" has to be requested by 20-25
clients(in the same time).=20
If somebody can help me it's really great coz' this way I can install
first-Linux-server in our network ( I really like this OS.... but it
doesn't depend on me :) )
Any information will be appreciated.
Daniel Mester
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Date: Wed, 17 Feb 1999 18:23:55 -0700 (MST)<BR>
From: "Dale M. Snider", <A HREF="mailto:dsnider@nmia.com">
dsnider@nmia.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Re: Trap float divide-by-zero and NaN</font>
Can someone tell me how to turn on a gcc compile option to trap a divide
by zero and NaN with type float or double. I can get the divide-by-zero
trap with type int. Is this a trap that can be done on the kernal level?
The signal SIGFPED only works on integers?? I am using Red Hat 5.2
Trap on divide by zero: a=1., b=0., a/b=Inf
Trap on overflow: a=3.4e38, b=3.4e38, a*b=Inf
Trap on NaN: sqrt(-1)
I have included a small test code to illustrate the problem (question)..
To build sample code:
cc -g tst.c -lm -o tst
Test code:
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;math.h&gt;
main() {
float a,b,c,d;
int ia,ib,ic;
int i;
a=1.; b=0.;
printf("Float: a=%f b=%f a/b=%f d=sqrt(-a)=%f\n",a,b,c,d);
ia=1; ib=0;
printf("Integer: ia=%d ib=%d ia/ib=%d\n",ia,ib,ic);
Float: a=1.000000 b=0.000000 a/b=Inf d=sqrt(-a)=NaN
Floating point exception (core dumped)
Note that the integer divide by zero is trapped but reported as " Floating
point exception"??
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Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 03:39:39 +0200<BR>
From: Jussi Kallioniemi, <A HREF="mailto:jukal@teraflops.com">
jukal@teraflops.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">business plan</font>
Just a quick question (worth printing to next issue?)
Is there any (good) GNU licensed programs to help
the creation of businessplans?
-- <BR>
Jussi Kallioniemi
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Date: Wed, 27 Jan 1999 23:50:54 -0800<BR>
From: "Snow Wolf", <A HREF="mailto:snowwolf@sprynet.com">
snowwolf@sprynet.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Letter to the Editor ...</font>
On the same day that I received my <I>Linux Journal</I>, I got a PC Connection
periodical. It's a standard PC mail-order catalog, but it seems to assume
that people are running Windows. Are there similar catalogs that cater to
people running Linux/Unix. Like have non-PnP modems, cards that include
drivers for other OSes besides Windows, etc., etc.
Charles Wheeler
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Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 11:36:25 PST<BR>
From: "Jaap Wolters", <A HREF="mailto:woltersj@hotmail.com">woltersj@hotmail.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">problem</font>
Ik heb geprobeert jullie programma "LINUX" te downloaden, maar ik krijg
geen toegang. hoe zou het toch kunnen? Op de t.v werd verteld dat het
programma beter is dan Windows 98, Minder fouten en minder vastlopers.
Is het programma windows compatible zodat ik mijn oude windows spellen
kan doorspelen. Ik heb ZEER veel belang bij dit programma, maar
aangezien me het niet lukt om het te downloaden zou ik graag uw advies
Met vriendelijke groeten
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Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 12:21:53 -0500<BR>
From: "Nick Wilkens", <A HREF="mailto:NWilkens@holnam.com">
NWilkens@holnam.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Making a Red Hat 5.2 CD</font>
Hi, I downloaded the Red Hat/RPMS Red Hat/base directories from sunsite,
along with the proper image files, etc... I also burn them to a CD in
this same way under the Red Hat directory, is this proper? because when
i try to do a CD install, it says invalid media no Red Hat tree found or
something to that effect. Any suggestions?
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Date: Sun, 21 Feb 1999 17:28:54 PST<BR>
From: <A HREF="mailto:helicon123@hotmail.com">helicon123@hotmail.com</A><BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Installation Question</font>
Since Linux was mostly used by x86, do you think it's OK if I install it
on PII-300MHz computer?
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Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 15:18:23 +0000<BR>
From: Austin, <A HREF="mailto:austinp@headland.co.uk">
austinp@headland.co.uk</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Help wanted: Fax gateway</font>
I'm toying with the idea of setting up a FAX gateway on a Linux machine.
The machine is currently on a LAN, and has no modem, so I'll be wanting
to stick a 56Kbps in there. I'm just after pointers, personal
experience, web pages, and general advice on this, because I have no idea
where to start :)
So far, I've discovered Hylafax. Is this what I should be using? Are
there alternatives?
How do you go about installing a modem? What models are recommended?
Thanks for any help.
-- <BR>
<a name="gen"></a>
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<center><H3><font color="maroon">General Mail</font></H3></center>
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Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 16:03:26 +0000<BR>
From: Keith, <A HREF="mailto:kwhudson@ticnet.com">
kwhudson@ticnet.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Not Linux</font>
three oaths:<BR>
1 of marriage<BR>
1 of truth<BR>
1 of leadership
1st one Rendered invalid by actions<BR>
2nd one destroyed by testimony<BR>
3rd one ?<BR>
lets not be lazy..lets not take a just get it over attitude...lets
tell the Pop Press that we want news, not day to day hogwash...
People are made to tire of a subject, because the press forces every
conceivable amount of data real or not about a subject down to us. This
is known. This is planned.
No one has lost face. This is not a party issue. Let it continue. We
need a answer. We need the Law. Whatever the outcome will be.
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Date: Mon, 01 Feb 1999 18:24:34 +0100<BR>
From: Roger Irwin, <A HREF="mailto:irwin@trucco.it">irwin@trucco.it</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Closed software promotion</font>
Launching into issue 37, I go straight to Software Announcements. And
the first item is "New circuit design software", which goes on to
describe itself as a spice front-end.
Well, I design electronic circuits, and immediately hit the link. What I
found was that the spice front-end was a plug-in for the 'visio'
package. No mention was made of Linux, but the announcement said it would
work on any version of Visio. So, I would need the Linux version of
So then I followed the link to Visio, and looked to see 'platform
requirements'. It said this:
<P><font color="navy">
"We've thought long and hard about what you'll need from a
business diagram
program. That's why we've designed our software to work on
most desktops.
Chances are, the computer you already use will be fine for
running Visio
Great, another program designed to run on as many platforms as possible?
Not quite, it will run on W95, W98 & Windows NT4.0. Period. Another
company who thinks the only OS that should be run on a desktop is
Windows, and <I>Linux Gazette</I> is helping to promote this.
Well done, keep up the good work...............
Bill will be so proud of you.
<blockquote> <I> (Sorry to let that one slip by me. I tend to assume if they
send the announcement to me, it works for Linux. And of course, I knew SPICE
works for Linux. Wish I had time to chase every announcement down, but I
don't. Anyway I removed it after getting a couple of letters telling me.
--Editor)</I> </blockquote>
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Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 10:24:33 -0800<BR>
From: jeff godden, <A HREF="mailto:jgodden@panlabs.com">jgodden@panlabs.com
</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">under software announcements, SpiceLink is not a Linux product</font>
As usual, <I>Linux Gazette</I> remains one of my favorite sources
of net-gleaned Linux information. Thank you!
Under software announcements of issue #37 there is a link
to SpiceLink which i was very thrilled about to see such
a graphical support for spice under Linux. But alas, even
through it's linked from <I>Linux Gazette</I> this software cannot
run under Linux. From the president of the SpiceLink following
an inquiry:
<blockquote> <font color="navy">
You're right about SpiceLink; it's for Visio and therefore Windows.
(maybe when they get near 100% of the Windows market they'll think about Linux).
Perhaps a note might be added that one better have WINE
running and even then it's uncertain...?
Many thanks!
-- <BR>
<blockquote> <I> (Always appreciate hearing when I lapse so I can get it
corrected. Thanks for doing it
in such a nice way. That announcement has been removed. -- Editor)
</I> </blockquote>
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Date: Tue, 02 Feb 1999 12:54:29 -0500<BR>
From: Darren, <A
HREF="mailto:PCTech1018@netscape.net">PCTech1018@netscape.net </A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">RE: What is a 'high crime'</font>
A "High crime" is not necessarily what could be called a 'heinous' act.
A 'High crime' is simply a 'crime' committed by a 'High' official (such
as a senator, federal judge, or president.) Because of their unique
positions, what would not be considered crimes for us, may be considered
crimes for 'High' officials, hence the term 'common criminal' versus
'high criminal'. For instance, accepting bribes would, for private
citizens outside of public office, not be considered a crime (immoral
perhaps, but not criminal.) For high officials, bribery is most
definitely a 'high' crime.
Some people feel that the questions that the president did not
truthfully answer should not have been asked and were not relevant to
governing. After all, even some of the framers of the constitution were
known to have had 'improper relations'. But these same people seem to
forget that we did not have laws relating to sexual
harassment/discrimination back then. Also, the judgment by the courts
pertaining directly to those 'irrelevant' questions was that the
questions were relevant and proper at the time they were asked.
As to using the principle of 'acts related to governing', it would seem
that these same people feel that R. Nixon should have been impeached -
even though his alleged acts and deceptions had nothing to do with
'governing'. Using the Nixon precedent, W. Clinton should be held
accountable for lies and deception even if they had little bearing on
the act of 'governing'.
So then, we are left to ask, were the lies and deception in the courts
by the president acceptable? I guess we all need to answer that for
ourselves. If it is appropriate for the president to not tell the whole
truth on those matters that the court has decided he should answer for
and go unpunished for lying, then we should stop enforcing sexual
discrimination cases altogether. Women should just accept their place
as 2nd class citizens and let the rest of us get on with the job of
making a living. Just think, if he had 'pleaded the fifth', we wouldn't
be having this wonderful education on the constitutional process.
This may not be the populist view, but the moral high ground usually
isn't. Witness the popularity of Howard Stern and Larry Flynt. I am
not perfect. When I get caught breaking 'minor' laws, I should fully
expect some sort of punishment. But just because I am not perfect, does
that mean I should give up any expectation of holding myself and others
to standards of common decency?
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Date: Wed, 03 Feb 1999 14:27:08 -0800<BR>
From: James Guilford, <A HREF="mailto:guilfoja@oplin.lib.oh.us">
guilfoja@oplin.lib.oh.us</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Thanks!</font>
I've been experimenting with Linux (Red Hat flavor) but
needed to remove it from a machine to install {gad}
Windows. LILO wouldn't go away.
I found the answer on your Web site. Thanks for saving me a
lot of trouble!
-- <BR>
James Guilford
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Date: Wed, 3 Feb 1999 14:08:43 -0600<BR>
From: "John W. Burgoon", <A HREF="mailto:jwb@indiana.com">
jwb@indiana.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">J. W. Pennington's article about Doubt</font>
I read Pennington's article with considerable interest and look forward to
more. As a web developer (trained in Physics and Chemistry) I have to point
out the word that the hard sciences use in place of Mr. Pennington's
"doubt": we call that "skepticism". Not cynicism, which many folks use as a
way to protect their ego. (Failure is more common than success, so cynics
just predict failure all the time to get their winning %age).
Skepticism is a firm belief in empirical or deductive fact coupled with a
firm disbelief in personal perception. The good engineer is a skeptic; he
wants to know some empirical fact before he allows himself to believe his
perceptions. He tests the girder design before it goes into a bridge, and
even then he over builds that bridge by a factor of 2 or 3 just in case the
wind blows, or any army drives across with tanks, or an earthquake hits.
And when it fails anyway, he shows up and figures out why.
Linux benefits from skepticism since we don't say "Ha, this is perfect" but
rather we say, "weeellll, this works but so far we haven't looked at x/y/z".
Kudos to the good author for pointing out a fine generality in which Linux
developers can take pride. Healthy old-fashioned skepticism kicks ass.
John W. Burgoon
<blockquote> <I> (Mr. Pennington will return with part 2 next month.
--Editor)</I> </blockquote>
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Date: Thu, 04 Feb 1999 04:37:32 -0800<BR>
From: Igor Markov, <A HREF="mailto:imarkov@CS.UCLA.EDU">
imarkov@CS.UCLA.EDU</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Re: The Beauty of Doubt</font>
It seems, you are really talking about *critical thinking*.
*Doubt* is often caused by critical thinking, but shouldn't
be explicitly cultivated, in my opinion. Many colleges
offer classes on critical thinking, and the topic is not
that new. It is true, of course, that commercial
software developers are not as free to think critically
about their work as FSC folks, hence the advantage of FSC.
Regarding the other three terms: *cooperation* seems too
weak, free software developers *collaborate*."Cooperation"
is what Microsoft does when it gets sued for a breach of
contract ;-)
*Non-control (read: Freedom)* is vague. You probably mean
*independent thinking* and, separately, *freedom to allocate
personal resources*. For example, I may be interested in
kernel hacking, just because I like the subject (not because
I am paid for this) and may have new ideas, but not
time/skill to implement them. Someone else, who has a month
of vacation may pick them up and produce something useful.
"Rebellion"... how about "enthusiasm" or, better,
"improvement drive". I would actually agree that many
developers may be driven by a rebellion, but not the ones
who are responsible for most innovation. "Rebellion" does
not go well with incremental development models somehow.
Finally, the lack and, OTOH, the ease of several aspects
of management is critical to the FSC as much as the above
issues. This may need to be discussed as well.
well... so much for a non-native speaker. I guess, you will
correct me if I messed up connotaions/meanings etc.
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 21:17:27 +0000<BR>
From: Kevin Atkinson, <A HREF="mailto:kevinatk@home.com">kevinatk@home.com </A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Did you know about Aspell?</font>
I saw you article titled "ispell: Spelling Checker" in the <I>Linux Gazette</I>
and was wondering if you knew of the existence of Aspell.
From the manual:
<P> Features that only Aspell has
<li> Does a much better job with coming up with suggestions than
<li> Can learn from users misspellings.
<li> Is an actual library that others programs can link to instead of
having to use it through a pipe.
<li> Is multiprocess intelligent. When a personal dictionary (or
replacement list) is saved it will now first update he list
against the dictionary on disk in case another process modified
</ul> Things that only Aspell will have real soon
<li> Support for detachable dictionaries so that more than one aspell
class can use the same dictionary.
<li> Support for multiple personal dictionaries as well as support for
special auxiliary dictionaries.
</ul> Things that, currently, only Ispell have
<li> Lower memory footprint
<li> Support for affix compression
<li> Support for spell checking Latex and Nroff files.
Granted that when your article was first published Aspell didn't exist.
More information can be found at <A HREF="http://metalab.unc.edu/kevina/aspell/">http://metalab.unc.edu/kevina/aspell/</A>.
-- <BR>
Kevin Atkinson
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Date: Mon, 22 Feb 1999 15:17:36 -0600<BR>
From: "Gray, Robert C", <A HREF="mailto:Robert.Gray@feist.com">
Robert.Gray@feist.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Not Linux</font>
No offense meant, but <BR>
Three states list perjury as a "High crime or misdemeanor" in their state
they are California, Texas, and Alabama.
Three others call perjury an infamous crime (same as "High crime..." ?)
they are
West Virginia, Pennsylvania, and Illinois.
Three others list perjury as an offense serious enough for removal from
they are Wyoming, Missouri, and Colorado.
All these states also list conviction of perjury as reason to preclude
someone from ever holding public office.
In all 50 states perjury is a crime!
Robert Gray
<P> <HR> <P>
<IMG ALT=" " SRC="../gx/envelope.gif">
Date: Sat, 13 Feb 1999 17:43:22 -0300<BR>
From: Gustavo Larriera, <A HREF="mailto:gux@cs.com.uy">gux@cs.com.uy</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Corrected version of my article NTloader+Linux</font>
I would be pleased if this letter goes to the Mail Bag section.
I wish to thank the feedback I received for my article "Booting
Linux with the NT Loader" (LG January 1999). Some readers pointed
out my misinformation about the MBR-changed-means-NT-wiped-out
affair :-) I've corrected the article, the revised version can be
found at my home page [http://w3.cs.com.uy/u/gux/ntloadli2.htm].
Have a lot of fun,
Gustavo Larriera
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in <i>Linux Gazette</i> Issue 38, March 1999</center>
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