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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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These pages are designed by Michael J. Hammel. Permission to
use all graphics and other content is granted provided you give
me (or the original authors/artists) credit for the work and this
copyright notice is not removed.
(c)1997, 1998 Michael J. Hammel (mjhammel@graphics-muse.org)
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<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOSAVE><img SRC="../gx/hammel/gm-logo-3.jpg" height=169 width=400></td>
<br><b><font size=+1>muse:</font></b>
<i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>v; to become absorbed in
<i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>n; [ fr. Any of the nine
sister goddesses of learning and the arts in Greek Mythology ]: a source
of inspiration</font></font></i></li>
<center><font size=-2>&copy; 1999 by <a href="mailto:mjhammel@graphics-muse.org">mjh</a></font></center>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<td WIDTH="187" NOSAVE><img SRC="../gx/hammel/muse-image-map.jpg" ALT="Button Bar" USEMAP="#nav-main" height=200 width=185 align=LEFT></td>
<br><img SRC="../gx/hammel/w.gif" ALT="W" height=28 width=36 align=BOTTOM><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>elcome
to the Graphics Muse! Why a "muse"? Well, except for the sisters aspect,
the above definitions are pretty much the way I'd describe my own interest
in computer graphics: it keeps me deep in thought and it is a daily source
of inspiration.&nbsp;</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>[<a href="#mews">Graphics
Mews</a>][<a href="#webwonderings">WebWonderings</a>][<a href="#musings">Musings</a>][<a href="#rsrc">Resources</a>]</font></font></center>
<p><img SRC="../gx/hammel/t.gif" ALT="T" height=28 width=26><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>his
column is dedicated to the use, creation, distribution, and discussion
of computer graphics tools for Linux systems.</font></font></td>
<table BORDER=0 COLS=2 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >
<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOSAVE><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>You'll
notice a few minor changes to this months column.&nbsp; First, I've got
a sponsor:&nbsp; <a href="http://www.softpro.com">SoftPro Books</a> is
providing books for me to do book reviews.&nbsp; In exchange, I'll be linking
the book covers to their site so you can order them.&nbsp; Their sponsorship
allows me to do more book reviews than normal since otherwise I'd have
to purchase the books.&nbsp; And that gets expensive.&nbsp; So if you think
the book being reviewed is for you, please consider purchasing it from
SoftPro Books.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Second, I've signed up for
Associate/Affiliate programs with <b><font color="#CC6600">Amazon.com</font></b>
and <b><font color="#CC6600">fatbrain.com</font></b>, respectively.&nbsp;
If you're considering buying some other books online, I'd appreciate it
if you visited their site via these links.&nbsp; If you buy books via these
links I get a small stipend, which over the long term I can use to buy
equipement.&nbsp; Right now I'm trying to get some cash together to get
a TV card so I can do an article on software for those beasts.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>In this months column you'll
A review of Jennifer Niederst's book Web Design In A Nutshell</li>
Information on accessing non-keyboard characters in X</li>
<td ALIGN=CENTER NOSAVE><a href="http://www.clbooks.com/home.html?from=CJK692"><img SRC="./gx/hammel/cla_small.gif" HSPACE=10 BORDER=0 height=22 width=100 align=CENTER></a></td>
<td ALIGN=CENTER NOSAVE><a href="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/thegraphicsmuse"><img SRC="./gx/hammel/amazon-logo.gif" BORDER=0 height=29 width=90></a>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-2>Associate</font></font></td>
<td ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER WIDTH="219" NOSAVE><img SRC="./gx/hammel/artistsguide.jpg" height=140 width=110></td>
<td NOSAVE><b><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica">The Artists' Guide to the
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Available online from <a href="http://www1.clbooks.com/asp/bookinfo/bookinfo.asp?theisbn=1578310113&from=CJK692"
fatbrain.com</a>, <a href="http://www.softpro.com/softpro/1-57831-011-3.html">SoftPro
Books</a> and <a href="http://search.borders.com/fcgi-bin/db2www/search/search.d2w/Details?&mediaType=Book&prodID=51315727">Borders
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>In Denver, try the <a href="http://www.tatteredcover.com/cgi-bin/bookfind.pl?lit_ttl=Gimp&Id=733947.13300&refer=list&page=book&isbn=1-57831-011-3&str=1">Tattered
Cover </a>bookstore.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Also, check out the associated
web site, <a href="http://www.thegimp.com">TheGimp.com</a>, sponsored by
SSC, Inc. and edited by The Graphics Muse - <b><font color="#993300">Michael
J. Hammel</font></b>.</font></font></td>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><a NAME="mews"></a><img SRC="../gx/hammel/mews.jpg" height=50 width=245>
<table BORDER=0 COLS=3 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >
<td><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Other Announcements:</font></font></b></td>
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#metro-x">Metro
Link support for Rendition / Nvidia cards</a></font></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#clickable-imagemap-release">Release
0.3 of a clickable imagemap plug-in for the Gimp</a></font></font></td>
<td NOSAVE><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#giram">Giram
<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP NOSAVE><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#tgif">tgif
<td NOSAVE><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#sketch">Sketch
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#kuickshow">KuickShow
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#wmtune">wmtune
for bttv 1.0</a></font></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#freedraft">FREEdraft
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#grass">GRASS
5.0 beta</a></font></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#w3c-vector-graphics">W3C
aims to streamline vector graphics</a></font></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#netscape-flash-plugin">Netscape
Flash Plugin 0.4.3</a></font></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#video-server">Video
Server 0.5.4</a></font></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#poorman-cam">Poor
Man's Cam 1.1</a></font></font></td>
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#gilt">GILT
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#zope">Zope
<td><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mews.html#gview">gView
<td ALIGN=CENTER NOSAVE><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&lt;
<a href="mews.html">More
Mews</a> ></font></font></td>
<td WIDTH="1" NOSAVE></td>
<td NOSAVE><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b>Disclaimer</b>:
Before I get too far into this I should note that any of the news items
I post in this section are just that - news. Either I happened to run across
them via some mailing list I was on, via some Usenet newsgroup, or via
email from someone. I'm not necessarily endorsing these products (some
of which may be commercial), I'm just letting you know I'd heard about
them in the past month.</font></font></td>
<hr NOSHADE WIDTH="100%"></td>
<b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>XawTV 2.34</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Gerd Knorr&nbsp;</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>XawTV is a simple Xaw-based
TV program which uses the bttv driver or video4linux. It contains various
command-line utilities for grabbing images and avi movies, for tuning in
TV stations, etc. A grabber driver for vic and a radio application (needs
KDE) for the boards with radio support are included as well.&nbsp; Changes:
15 bpp problems fixed, NTSC-HRC support added, driver updates (sync up
with bttv 0.6.1, msp3400 nicam changes).</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.in-berlin.de/User/kraxel/xawtv.html">http://www.in-berlin.de/User/kraxel/xawtv.html</a></font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>Random Quotes:</font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Seen on the <a href="http://www.mostang.com/sane/">SANE</a>
web site (in the legend explaining the supported scanner list):</font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>"<b>stable</b>"
means someone is pulling your leg.</font></font></blockquote>
<br><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>"When I read a book about
computers, they're written by Martians, for Martians.&nbsp; They don't
know how to spell out a word.&nbsp; Everything has to be three letters.&nbsp;
This drives me batty.&nbsp; In fact, when I rule the world, there will
be a glossary at the bottom of every page and every photograph in every
computer publication that says exactly what these abbreviations are."</font></font></i>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Harold Feinstein,
as quoted from the February 1999 issue of <a href="http://www.peimag.com">PEI
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>Tech Soft America Announces
support for Linux Operating System in HOOPS 3D Graphics System v4.41</font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Tech Soft America (TSA),
developer of the popular HOOPS 3D Graphics System today announced support
for the Linux Operating System in their 4.41 release.&nbsp; This announcement
further expands HOOPS' already extensive platform coverage and will enable
high-end 3D applications to be built for Linux using HOOPS - a robust graphics
development component with a proven track record in the CAD/CAM/CAE GIS
and Geophysical application markets.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.newsalert.com/bin/story?StoryId=CnTohubKbytaYnZy&FQ=Linux&SymHdl=1&Nav=na-search-&StoryTitle=Linux">Complete
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.hoops3d.com/">Hoops3D
Web site.</a></font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>FreeWRL 0.1.8</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>John A. Stewart (CRC Canada)</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>FreeWRL is a free VRML browser
for Linux. It aims to be fully VRML97 compliant, complete with scripting
in Perl, Java and Javascript, and EAI. It is written mostly in Perl, with
some C for library interfaces &amp; rendering and uses OpenGL (Mesa) for
graphics.&nbsp; The current versions are still alpha-stage and there are
several pieces missing (especially certain field types in EAI etc) but
it is quite usable in various types of worlds.&nbsp; Changes: Some bugs
fixed. New maintainer - John Stewart - CRC Canada</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://debra.dgbt.crc.ca/~luigi/FreeWRL/">http://debra.dgbt.crc.ca/~luigi/FreeWRL/</a></font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>ttmkfdir current</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>jpo</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>ttmkfdir is a tool to create
valid and complete fonts.dir files from TrueType fonts. It is very useful
when you plan to use a TrueType enabled font server that is based on the
X11R6 sample implementation (xfsft for instance). Great care has been taken
to correctly identify the encodings that a given TrueType font supports.</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Changes: First freshmeat
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.darmstadt.gmd.de/~pommnitz/ttmkfdir.tar.gz">http://www.darmstadt.gmd.de/~pommnitz/ttmkfdir.tar.gz</a></font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>xfsft 1.0.3</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>jpo</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The Xfsft patches to X11R6
enable X11 servers (including XFree86) to use TrueType fonts and improves
on the way X11 handles international scalable fonts.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Changes: New in version 1.0.3
is support for international Type 1 and Speedo</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>fonts.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Download: <a href="ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/X11/fonts/xfsft-1.0.3.tar.gz">ftp://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/X11/fonts/xfsft-1.0.3.tar.gz</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Red Hat Packages: <a href="http://www.darmstadt.gmd.de/~pommnitz/XF86-xfsft/index.html">http://www.darmstadt.gmd.de/~pommnitz/XF86-xfsft/index.html</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Homepage: <a href="http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/jec/programs/xfsft/">http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/jec/programs/xfsft/</a></font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>Retardotracer 1.0.0</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Michael Leibowitz</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Retardotracer is a raytracer
written in C++ that raytraces both reverse and forwards for each polygon.
This allows it to accurately model some (and only some) things.&nbsp; It
works in parallel, which is kinda neat. Foo, Bar, and Baz are included.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Changes: This is the first
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.ece.utexas.edu/~leibowit/retardotracer/">http://www.ece.utexas.edu/~leibowit/retardotracer/</a>
(only provides access to tarball)</font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>Dave Gnukem 0.4</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>David Joffe</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Dave Gnukem is a GPL'ed 2D
Scrolling platform game, similar to Duke Nukem 1. It includes a sprite
and level editor. The game and editor use GGI, and thus runs on the console
as well as in a window under X.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Changes: Added teleporters,
bananas, title screen image; Some cosmetic additions, bugfixes, structural
game-flow improvements, menu improvements, new sprite editor features,
full-screen mode in X.</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2018/djgame.html">http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/2018/djgame.html</a></font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>TexturePaint 1.1</font></font></b>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Uwe Maurer</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>TexturePaint is a Gimp plugin
which displays a Quake I/II model in an openGL window and shows a texture
image mapped on the model. You can modify the texture image with GIMP and
view the result in the 3d window. You can also paint in the 3d view and
TexturePaint calculates the texture for you.</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Changes: Autoconf , Support
for Quake I models</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://home.t-online.de/home/uwe_maurer/texpaint.htm">http://home.t-online.de/home/uwe_maurer/texpaint.htm</a></font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>SGI announces the Open
Source release of GLX</font></font></b>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>"GLX provides the
glue connecting OpenGL&reg; and the X Window System<sup>TM</sup> and is
required by any OpenGL implementation using X."</font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>For the complete announcement,
go to <a href="http://www.sgi.com/software/opensource/glx/">http://www.sgi.com/software/opensource/glx/</a>.</font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=+1>Linux and 3D Graphics
BoF @ LinuxWorld</font></font></b>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>John Leech is&nbsp; organizing
a BOF (Birds-of-a-Feather) session on Linux and 3D graphics at Linux World
Expo in March. The details:</font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Linux/3D BOF</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Wednesday, March 3, 1999</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>San Jose Convention Center</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Room A4&nbsp; 5:30-7 PM</font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>If you have a topic to discuss,
please contact me about it in advance (email to <a href="mailto:lwbof@oddhack.engr.sgi.com">lwbof@oddhack.engr.sgi.com</a>).
Items already on the list:</font></font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Current status of OpenGL, and
GLX source code release (Jon Leech, Silicon Graphics)</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Direct rendering architecture
status (Frank LaMonica, Precision Insight)</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Darryll Strauss will be giving
a conference talk with an overview of the various OpenGL and Mesa projects
touching Linux at 2:30, and he will join us at the BOF to follow up.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Jon Leech</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>OpenGL Group</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Silicon Graphics</font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
-- Did You Know Section
Did You Know?</h2>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>...the Gimp was
mentioned in an article discussing alternatives to Photoshop in the February
1999 issue of <a href="http://www.peimag.com">PEI (Photo Electronic Imaging)
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>...holding the Control [CTRL]
key down while rotating [Gimp images and layers] locks it to 15 degree
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Seth Burgess &lt;sjburges@gimp.org></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>...the relatively new <a href="http://www.wacom.com">Wacom
Intuos</a> drawing tablets are reported to work with the Gimp now.&nbsp;
Take a look at <a href="http://www.gtk.org/~otaylor/xinput/">http://www.gtk.org/~otaylor/xinput/</a>
for help on setting up X Input (required for using tablets under the X
Window System) and <a href="http://levien.com/free/linux_intuos.html">http://levien.com/free/linux_intuos.html</a>
for information on the Intuos driver status.&nbsp; Seth Burgess says "Support
for tablets is improved in Gimp 1.1.x with a new "Ink" tool that is just
too much fun to play with.&nbsp; Of course 1.1.x is development, and crashes
semi-regularly, so use at your own risk."</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>...there is a TrueType for
XFree86 Mini-Howto at <a href="http://www.sfu.ca/~yzhang/linux/truetype/">http://www.sfu.ca/~yzhang/linux/truetype/</a>.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>...there is an interesting
article by Cecil Adams on the history of the ratios for TV and movie screens
at <a href="http://www.straightdope.com/columns/981120.html">http://www.straightdope.com/columns/981120.html</a>.</font></font>
-- Q and A Section
Q and A</h2>
<i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Q:&nbsp; Can I restore the
default values on a [Gimp plug-in] easily?&nbsp; If I experiment with various
bump map settings, for example, and I want to get back to defaults, how
do I do that without shutting GIMP down?</font></font></i>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A:&nbsp; Some plug-ins have
Reset or Defaults buttons but many do not.&nbsp; There is no standard for
how plug-ins should behave for resetting to default values.</font></font>
<p><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Q:&nbsp; Can I have more
than 1 layers dialog open simultaneously, rather than switching from image
to image.&nbsp; This is annoying when I'm working on several multi-layer
images together.</font></font></i>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A:&nbsp; No, its not possible.
But when you press Ctrl-L in an image the layers dialog shows the layers
of this image. So you can switch faster to other images than to use the
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Jens Finke &lt;<a href="mailto:pearl@darkride.net">pearl@darkride.net</a>></font></font>
<p><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Q:&nbsp; Someone mentioned
this recently, saying what map projection is required to get a map of Earth
correctly image mapped on to a sphere in POV-Ray, and even mentioning a
web site where such a map can be found.</font></font></i>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A1:&nbsp; There is a collection
of bitmapped planet surfaces at the IMP website:</font></font>
<blockquote><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.imp.org/members/scene/test_a/scripta.html">http://www.imp.org/members/scene/test_a/scripta.html</a></font></font></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>There are also links to sources
and methods of projection.&nbsp; The maps here are not necessarily 'correct',
but I would be interested in knowing how to do the correction.</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Nigel Stewart (<a href="mailto:nigels@eisa.net.au">nigels@eisa.net.au</a>)</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A2:&nbsp; The maps at that
site [listed in A1 above] are certainly much nicer than the others I have
found, and they also appear to be the correct projection for POV's map_type
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Robert Sorenson</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mailto:zephyr@nerc.com">zephyr@nerc.com</a></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A3:&nbsp; For the most part
(+95% of maps) you should map them cyllindricly onto a sphere, and they
look great.</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Simon de Vet</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://home.istar.ca/~sdevet">http://home.istar.ca/~sdevet</a></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A4:&nbsp; <a href="http://maps.jpl.nasa.gov/">http://maps.jpl.nasa.gov/&nbsp;</a>
(yes, Nasa, the space agency)</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Scott McDonald</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mailto:scott@urbandragons.com">scott@urbandragons.com</a></font></font>
<p><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Q: I am an "end user"
of my own Linux-based system, having recently graduated from that "other"
OS.&nbsp; I miss having the font selection I have on the other side of
my hard drive (my computer has a split personality).&nbsp; I have the new
WordPerfect 8 for Linux and the fonts are boring!&nbsp; I would like at
least one good blackletter, script, or classic type face (Goudy, Caslon,etc.)
but I don't know where to look or even if they are available for Linux.&nbsp;
Any ideas?&nbsp; Kinene Barzin &lt;<a href="mailto:KBarzin@compuserve.com">KBarzin@compuserve.com</a>></font></font></i>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A:&nbsp; Linux, actually
the X Window System, uses Adobe Type 1 fonts by default.&nbsp; You're probably
used to True Type fonts.&nbsp; You <i>can</i> use both on your system,
but there are a few tricks to getting things to work.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The easiest method is to
find Type 1 versions of the fonts you already have.&nbsp; I have found
that many of the font collections on CDs available from the local software
stores come with both True Type and Type 1 fonts.&nbsp; I just copy the
Type 1 fonts to a local directory and then tell the X server to include
this new directory.&nbsp; Take a look at the <b><font color="#006600">xset</font></b>
command, in particular the "fp" option.&nbsp; You'll also want to take
a look at the <a href="http://goblet.anu.edu.au/~m9305357/type1inst.html">Type1Inst</a>
script, which will configure the new directory so WordPerfect, the Gimp
and other tools can use the common Font name instead of the longer XLFD,
X Logical Font Description (that long name with all the dashes in it).</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Alternatively, you can use
the True Type fonts through the use of a Font Server.&nbsp; A Font server
is a separate program that talks to the X server and manages fonts for
the server.&nbsp; There are two fonts servers available that handle True
Type fonts:&nbsp; <b><font color="#006600">xfstt</font></b> and <b><font color="#006600">xfsft</font></b>
(similar names, but different programs).&nbsp; Look on <a href="http://www.freshmeat.net">freshmeat</a>
for where these can be downloaded. Font servers should be able to handle
both True Type and Type 1 fonts, but I've not tried to do mix them.&nbsp;
Using xset it should also be possible to mix local Type 1 fonts with those
managed using a font server.</font></font>
<hr SIZE=1 NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
Reader Mail</h2>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Cecile Hebert-Souche &lt;<a href="mailto:souche@atp6000.tuwien.ac.at">souche@atp6000.tuwien.ac.at</a>>
wrote to the Gimp-User mailing list:</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I see a lot of
posts regarding problems with font installation, I had a tip for those
who have bought applix : it comes with a wonderful fontmanager (applix/axdatas/fontmetrics/gallium/fontfm)
just start it as root and you can manage your fonts in a very easy way,
create subdirectories and activate them only on need, test fonts before
installing etc...</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:&nbsp;
I tried this with my installation of Applix and sure enough, its a fine
font previewer.&nbsp; Certainly better than most of the other tools I have
for previewing fonts.&nbsp; I didn't try it for managing font directories
but it does appear to permit this.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mailto:whitenoise@fishnet.com">whitenoise@fishnet.com</a>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A Linux freak
of mine sent me your URL. Cool graphics (esp. like Angel).&nbsp; I do some
designing/putzing as well - mostly Photoshop - and I was curious where
you get the initial images of the women? The graphics I do are ok but I
always seem to get stuck finding GOOD images of women that I can reproduce
without spending money or getting sued for infringement. By GOOD pictures
of women, I mean head shots, eyes, lips, necklines, that type of thing.
Stock photography is one out (like Digital Stock) but I'd&nbsp; be curious
to hear your response.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>&nbsp;
Angel (and some of the others) were taken from one of <b><font color="#006600">Corel's
Super Ten Packs.</font></b>&nbsp; I did a short review of these in my November
1998 issue of my Graphics Muse colum.&nbsp; These are royalty free images
in fairly high resolutions.&nbsp; Maybe not quite good enough for print
media, but pretty close.&nbsp; And certainly less expensive (about $40)
than other stock image collections.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>However, I have the same
problem as you - its hard to find good photos of faces.&nbsp; The only
thing I can think of other than the stock photo collections is to hook
up with a decent photographer, perhaps a friend, acquaintance or maybe
a student at a local university who is looking for some way to showcase
their work.</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Also, where did
you get the design pattern for a subject like Angel - you know, all those
brick like things? It almost looks like you selected a range and did a
lighting effect to get one side "sunny" and the other hidden in shadow.
Anyway, what you'd care to share I'd appreciate.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>&nbsp;
Its actually a combination of effects.&nbsp; I can't remember how I started
it but I think it was with a brick pattern that I fiddled with in the Gimp
plug-in called Gimpressionist.&nbsp; I think I used it as both a layer
and a layer mask, and I used it multiple times.&nbsp; This much I do remember:&nbsp;
it took quite some time to get that image just right.</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>If you find time,
I'd appreciate your feedback. There aren't too&nbsp; many people who's
work I go ga-ga over but you stuff rocks pretty well.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:&nbsp;
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>You ever heard
of Peter Lessing? He's a designer/photographer who's big on the female
form - not like www.gogogirls.com but more subdued and flattering. I think
you'd like his work.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i>:&nbsp;
Send me a URL if you have one.&nbsp; I do like looking at art work online.&nbsp;
It helps motivate me to do more work.&nbsp; I don't know if you like the
style, but you might take a look at http://www.sirius.com/~fenster/.&nbsp;
I don't know what this style is called - maybe Modern Gothic? - but I like
it.&nbsp; She's also done a fairly nice job in displaying the gallery.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Another guy I like is <b><font color="#006600">Tim
Umney</font></b>.&nbsp; He was featured in Issue #37 of <a href="http://www.designgraphics.com.au">Design
Graphics </a>(an Australian graphics design magazine focused on the use
of computers to do the artwork).&nbsp; He's a HR Giger fan and his work
shows it.&nbsp; Sort of has an X Files feel to it, too.&nbsp; It took some
searching, but I found his website at <a href="http://homepages.tig.com.au/~umney/">http://homepages.tig.com.au/~umney/</a>.</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I don't ask much,
do I? If what I've requested above isn't enough, could&nbsp; you toss in
a million dollars? Just throw that in as an attachment.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:&nbsp;
I use text based mail readers on Linux.&nbsp; So I don't do attachments.&nbsp;
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Corel's a huge
outfit but they're not really the market leader in anything, maybe that's
why I never considered their photos/images before. Didn't even know they
offered them.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:&nbsp;
Corel is actually quite well known for their stock photo collection.&nbsp;
I learned about them by reading Design Graphics.&nbsp; You can get it at
most Barnes and Nobles or Borders bookstores.</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I'm surprised
some vendor (such as corel) hasn't come out with a "women only" photo collection,
or something similar. I would think there would be a market for such an
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:&nbsp;
There is at least one SuperTen collection from Corel called "Women".&nbsp;
You can also order individual shots from their web site of stock photos.&nbsp;
There are a lot of photos of womens faces there.&nbsp; Check that issue
of the Graphics Muse column that I did the Corel SuperTen write up on -
I think it was somewhere between August and November of last year (but
I'm too lazy to go look for it right now).</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Anything worth
doing always seems to take a long time. Have you looked into doing prints
or otherwise reselling them?</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:&nbsp;
In the future, perhaps.&nbsp; I was thinking of making a series of images
for a calendar, but there are business problems with calendars:&nbsp; low
margins, high production costs, etc.&nbsp; None of the images (well, except
for the Linux Journal covers I did) are large enough to transfer to print
media very well.&nbsp; You need to make <i>very</i> large images if you
plan on printing them out in high quality gloss prints.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Jason Thomas Murray &lt;<a href="mailto:lather@electrografix.com">lather@electrografix.com</a>></font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Erm, I have been
wanting to make some basic CD jackets.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<blockquote><tt><font size=-1>+----+----+</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=-1>|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=-1>|&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; |</font></tt>
<br><tt><font size=-1>+----+----+</font></tt>
<p><tt><font size=-1>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; ^-- the fold.</font></tt></blockquote>
<i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I was able to convert the
size into points fer LaTeX, but I wanna use the GIMP. Does anyone know
what dimensions I need to use for the image? It looks like the new GIMP
is going to have inches as an option for new image sizes, but not sure
I want to wait that long for the next stable.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>&nbsp;
Short answer:&nbsp; Measure the jacket you want to print on.&nbsp; Multiply
by the DPI your printer will be printing at and that gives you the dimensions
for the image you want to make.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Long answer:&nbsp; Go to
my Muse back issues and look for the discussion on DPI/LPI.&nbsp; Its not
hard to do the conversion from paper inches to pixels if you have the right
information, you just have to know what information to gather to do the
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.graphics-muse.org/linux.html">http://www.graphics-muse.org/linux.html</a>
- click on the "muse" button.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Nancy Mazur wrote to the
Gimp-User list:</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I've got a drawing
with a bit of text here and there, yet I'm not glad about the font I've
chosen initially, and now I'd like to set all of my text into another font.&nbsp;
How can I do this without having to delete my previous text, create new
text in new font, and reposition that new text as the old one used to be?</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:&nbsp;
Well, it actually can be done, but its not easy.</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Is there an easy
solution to this?&nbsp; Perhaps I keep on understanding Gimp's philosophy
in a wrong way.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Christopher Curtis replied:</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The GIMP is a
bitmap tool.&nbsp; Once something is "done", it cannot be "undone" or "modified"
(Undo/Redo excepting).&nbsp; The text will have to be recreated.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse:</font></i></b>&nbsp;
This is true if the text has already been merged with other layers in the
image.&nbsp; If the image is one you just scanned in, then the text is
already part of the single layer you scanned in.&nbsp; In any case, the
text is a bitmap image, not a vector image.&nbsp; That means you just can't
edit the text.&nbsp; In a bitmapped image, its not really text - its just
a bunch of pixels that happened to be shaped like letters.</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Some things you
may want to consider in the future is to put text on its own layer so that
it does not corrupt existing image data.&nbsp; This makes things slower
because it uses more memory, but is generally a good idea, especially for
things like text where lines are important.&nbsp; It is always possible
to have layers smaller than the image as well, and this may help speed-wise.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:&nbsp;
This is correct, and part of the solution to saving the old text.&nbsp;
What you can do to save the old text is to make a selection of that text,
float the selection and make that floating layer a new layer.&nbsp; Then
add two new layers:&nbsp; one "patch" layer that fills in the background
where the old text used to be and another that is the new text.&nbsp; Position
the layers so the original is at the bottom, the patch is right above it
and the new text above that.&nbsp; The old text layer can be anywhere -
just make sure its visibility has been turned off (click on the eye icon
in the layers dialog).</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The most difficult part of
this technique is creating the patch.&nbsp; This is due to the fact that
the original image probably was not a solid color so creating the patch
requires multiple steps:</font></font>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>create a solid patch that is
very near the original image background colors.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>select a region of background
off the original image</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>paste into the patch</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>use the clone tool to copy from
the pasted region to the edges of the patch.</font></font></li>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Its tricky, but you can do it
if the background was not too complex of a design.&nbsp; The more solid
the original background the better.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>All of this simply replaces
the old text with new text, but both "texts" end up as new layers in the
Gimp image.&nbsp; You need to save the file as an .xcf format file in order
to preserve the layers.&nbsp; Once you "flatten" the layers or "merge visible
layers" then the layer information is gone and you have a single bitmap
image (and if the old text layers visibility is turned off then the old
text goes away in the flattened image).</font></font>
<blockquote><i><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Another thing
to look at is the gDynText plugin.&nbsp; I don't know the URL offhand,
but you can find references to it from <a href="http://news.gimp.org">news.gimp.org
from <a href="http://registry.gimp.org">registry.gimp.org</a>.&nbsp; Simply
download and untar the file, then type "gimptool --install gdyntext.c"
(if that's the source file name).&nbsp; You may want to read the README
that comes with it.</font></font></i></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><b><i><font color="#993300">'Muse</font></i></b>:&nbsp;
You can also, as a short cut, create a text file using vi (or some other
editor) and then copy/paste from that window into the stock Text Tool window.&nbsp;
Pasting this way will get you multi-line text, which you can't get if you
simply try to type newlines in the Text Tool's text input window.&nbsp;
Thats just an additional trick for getting multiline text into your image.</font></font>
<hr NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><a NAME="webwonderings"></a><img SRC="../gx/hammel/webwonderings.jpg" height=57 width=246>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Book Review:&nbsp; Web Design In a Nutshell</font></h2>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Author:&nbsp; Jennifer Niederst</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Publisher:&nbsp; O'Reilly</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Price: $24.95 from SoftPro
<p><a href="http://www.softpro.com/softpro/1-56592-515-7.html"><img SRC="./gx/hammel/web-design-cover.jpg" HSPACE=10 VSPACE=5 BORDER=0 height=208 width=140 align=RIGHT></a>
<br>Although I do a fair amount of web design, it has been quite some time
since I've picked up any references on HTML&nbsp;, JavaScript or general
web page layout.&nbsp; When it came time for this months Muse column I
find, as usual, I&nbsp;couldn't find something new to write up.&nbsp; It
then hit me that its been quite some time since I'd done any book reviews.
<p>So off I went to visit SoftPro Books, my favorite local haunt here in
Denver for technical-oriented texts.&nbsp; I&nbsp;browsed the shelves for
a solid hour (it had, after all, been over a year since I'd last visited
them - I'd been Dallas all that time) for something new on graphics but
applicable to Linux.&nbsp; A few items looked promising but nothing stood
out as particularly motivating.&nbsp; I then moved over to the Web-based
texts.&nbsp; <b>Web Design In A Nutshell </b>by Jennifer Niederst caught
my eye, partly because of its familiar O'Reilly cover.&nbsp; Since I had
never done a review for Web Wonderings I thought this would be a good choice.
<p>The first problem I have when doing book reviews is to find one that
is applicable to Linux users.&nbsp; Keep in mind that although there are
plenty of administrative texts for Linux, there are relatively few that
are specific to Linux in other areas of computing.&nbsp; I&nbsp;scanned
the table of contents of Jennifer's text looking to see if there were any
glaring OS issues.&nbsp; There is mention of Shockwave and Flash under
one chapter heading, but other than that the five part, 27 chapter text
looked fairly platform inspecific.&nbsp; Thats a good sign for a text on
a subject that isn't supposed to care much about which platform its running
on.&nbsp; A quick chat with the SoftPro crew and I&nbsp;headed home with
the text.
<p>Once home I&nbsp;did a little deeper research.&nbsp; First, the 27 chapters
are broken into 5 parts (not including the appendices):&nbsp; The Web Environment,
HTML, Graphics, Mutlimedia and Interactivity, and Emerging Technologies.&nbsp;
Each chapter within these parts is fairly short and to the point - exactly
what you'd expect and need from a Nutshell reference.&nbsp; The opening
chapter, Designing for a Variety of Web Browsers, is a good lead in.&nbsp;
It talks about the various browsers out there, some less well known than
others, and includes a very helpful table showing feature support for many
of the different versions of Netscape, IE, and other browers.&nbsp; This
is followed in the next chapter with information on designing for various
display issues and includes graphical descriptions of the maximum and minimum
screen space available to both Netscape and IE&nbsp;users.&nbsp; A brief
list on making sites accessible (such as to speech synthesis software)
rounds out&nbsp; this chapter.
<p>The next chapter unveiled hidden platform specifics that I'd missed
on first glance - throughout the text there sprinkled pointers to tools
that can be used to deal with the current chapters topics.&nbsp; Unfortunately,
these pointers are decidedly MS and Mac oriented.&nbsp; The third chapter
goes beyond this by offering an introduction to accessing Unix systems
(as if they were so foriegn!).&nbsp; Despite these hidden annoyances, most
of the text is still platform inspecific.&nbsp; So you can just skip those
short tools sections.
<p>Through out the text there are tables and graphical descriptions mixed
in with the text.&nbsp; The tables are especially good.&nbsp; For example,
chapter 5 has a table showing relationships between common color names
(as defined by the X&nbsp;Window System), their RGB and Hex equivalents
<b>AND</b> the nearest Web safe color.&nbsp; This last bit is a new twist
on other tables like this that I've seen and is a nice bonus.&nbsp; Later
in the same chapter is a table showing the character codes used for displaying
various uncommon characters in HTML.
<p>Jennifer uses a nice guide when defining specific HTML tags - she shows
which of 5 browsers (with their various releases included) support that
tag.&nbsp; For example, the horizontal rule tag definition opens like this:
<br><img SRC="./gx/hammel/hr-example.jpg" VSPACE=10 height=82 width=580>
<br>In this case all the browsers support the &lt;hr> tag.&nbsp; If any
of them didn't, they would be grayed out.&nbsp; This makes it easy to find
which tags are browser specific and, therefore, which tags to avoid.
<p>Along with the tables, the graphical descriptions used in many parts
of the text are very useful.&nbsp; In one table in chapter 12, the appearance
of form elements is shown for 4 different browsers (2 versions each from
Netscape and IE).&nbsp; This visual explanation of the differences in implementations
is very helpful to anyone who has muddled through trying to create forms
that are usable to users of any browser.
<p>The section on graphics is disappointingly biased to MS and Mac platforms.&nbsp;
Although much of the information can be applied to the Gimp and other Linux
graphics tools, its an excersize for the reader to make the translation
from the tools Jennifer describes to their Linux counterparts.
<p>Unlike the graphics section, the audio and video chapters are less biased
in the fact that Jennifer talks more about file formats than specific applications
that use them.&nbsp; For the most part, Linux has tools that support most
of the common audio and video formats.&nbsp; At least for playing these
files, if not for creating them.&nbsp; And even then, the creation tools
are slowly coming to public availability.
<p>Two areas that are covered that I&nbsp;find quite useful are DHTML and
XML.&nbsp; I've looked at DHTML a little but have not yet begun to read
up on XML.&nbsp; The two short chapters on these subjects are good introductions
for someone who is familiar with HTML in general.
<p>This nice thing about O'Reilly's Nutshell series is that the are more
than a straight reference guide but not so boring as a full blown collegiate
text on the subject.&nbsp; Jennifer Niederst's text <b>Web Design In A
Nutshell i</b>s a fine example of this series and, despite some of the
biases toward MS and Mac applications, is well worth the price.
<hr NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<p><a NAME="musings"></a>
<td ALIGN=LEFT VALIGN=TOP WIDTH="245" NOSAVE><img SRC="../gx/hammel/musings.jpg" height=50 width=245></td>
<td NOSAVE></td>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica">Accessing non-keyboard characters in X</font></h2>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>A question came up recently
on the Gimp-User mailing list that I found interesting, mostly since I
didn't know the answer:&nbsp; How do you access characters that are available
in a certain font but do not have a key stroke assigned to them?&nbsp;
For example, how do you get to the Copyright character if there is no Copyright
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>It turns out you can configure
your X server to understand new keystrokes for these unattached characters.&nbsp;
The key, if you'll parden the pun , is to learn about xmodmap, the program
that maps of keys to characters for the X server.&nbsp; This program, which
should be available on every Linux distribution under /usr/X11R6/bin, allows
you to specify the keystroke to use to access extended characters in a
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Let's say you want to map
the copyright character to the 2 key with the Shift key held down.&nbsp;
Currently, this is mapped to the familiar "at" (@) character.&nbsp; If
you make a short text file with the following line in it(<a href="#alan">1</a>):</font></font>
<blockquote><tt><font size=-1>keysym 2 = 2 copyright</font></tt></blockquote>
<font size=-1><font face="Arial,Helvetica">and save the file, say named
</font><tt>temp.map</tt><font face="Arial,Helvetica">,
and then run</font></font>
<blockquote><tt><font size=-1>% xmodmap temp.map</font></tt></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>this will map the copyright
character to the shifted 2-key. Now fire up the GIMP and you will be able
to generate the copyright character when using a font which supports it.&nbsp;
To get your keyboard back to normal, edit the temp.map file:</font></font>
<blockquote><tt><font size=-1>keysym 2 = 2 at</font></tt></blockquote>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>and again run xmodmap.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Alternatively, you can use
a graphical interface to map lots of keys all at once.&nbsp; The <a href="http://www.jwz.org/xkeycaps/">xkeycaps</a>
tool, written by Jamie Zawinski of Mozilla/Netscape fame, gives you a graphical
display of your keyboard and allows you to map multiple characters to single
keys when those keys are used with various modifiers (such as CTRL or ALT).</font></font>
<p><a href="./gx/hammel/xkeycaps.jpg"><img SRC="./gx/hammel/xkeycaps-tn.jpg" BORDER=0 height=176 width=400></a>
<br><b><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>xkeycaps - click on image
for full size version</font></font></b></center>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>If you make one of your keys
be a <i>Mode_switch</i> key, you can add two more characters to pretty
much every key that produces a character.&nbsp; For people that use international
characters, but want to use the US keyboard layout, you can make a key
a <i>Multi_key</i> and do sequences like <i>Multi_key-`-e</i> to get an
e with a grave accent on it<a href="#lyle">(2</a>).</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Xkeycaps has to know about
your keyboards physical configuration, but fortunately its been around
for so long (since about 1991) and so many people have provided configurations
for so many keyboards that there is a good chance your keyboard will be
available.&nbsp; Even if its not, you can edit a configuration file in
order to add your keyboard to the list of keyboards.</font></font><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>I didn't have time to explore
this very useful application any further than this but plan when time permits.&nbsp;
For the most part I don't have a need to access any keys outside of those
available from my Dell keyboard.&nbsp; Still, occassionaly it would be
nice to have access to accent marks, copyright symbols and other symbols
for use in both my word processor as well as in the Gimp.</font></font>
<a NAME="alan"></a><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>This information
comes from <a href="mailto:a@alanho.student.princeton.edu">Alan</a> on
the Gimp-User mailing list.</font></font></li>
<a NAME="lyle"></a><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>This information
comes from <a href="mailto:lyle@ltaylor.users.xmission.com">Lyle</a> on
the Gimp-User mailing list.</font></font></li>
<hr NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<br><a NAME="rsrc"></a><img SRC="../gx/hammel/resources.jpg" height=50 width=245>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>The following links are
just starting points for finding more information about computer graphics
and multimedia in general for Linux systems. If you have some application
specific information for me, I'll add them to my other pages or you can
contact the maintainer of some other web site. I'll consider adding other
general references here, but application or site specific information needs
to go into one of the following general references and not listed here.</font></font>
<table BORDER=0 COLS=2 WIDTH="100%" NOSAVE >
<td NOSAVE><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Online Magazines
and News sources&nbsp;</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.news.com/">C|Net
Tech News</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.eklektix.com/lwn/">Linux
Weekly News</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://slashdot.org/">Slashdot.org</a></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>General Web Sites&nbsp;</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.graphics-muse.org/linux.html">Linux
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.bright.net/~dlphilp/linux_soundapps.html">Linux
Sound/Midi Page</a></font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Some of the Mailing Lists
and Newsgroups I keep an eye on and where I get much of the information
in this column&nbsp;</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.gimp.org">The
Gimp User and Gimp Developer Mailing Lists</a>.&nbsp;</font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="http://www.irtc.org">The
IRTC-L discussion list</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="news:comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing">comp.graphics.rendering.raytracing</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="news:comp.graphics.rendering.renderman">comp.graphics.rendering.renderman</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="news:comp.graphics.api.opengl">comp.graphics.api.opengl</a></font></font>
<br><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="news:comp.os.linux.announce">comp.os.linux.announce</a></font></font></td>
<td><img SRC="../gx/hammel/gmuse-2.jpg" HSPACE=10 BORDER=2 height=248 width=200></td>
<a NAME="future"></a>
Future Directions</h2>
<font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>Next month:&nbsp; No Muse since
I'll be out of contact for a while.&nbsp; But the Muse will be back in
May with, I hope, the first of a two parter on the X Windows System and
Themes.&nbsp; Maybe.</font></font>
<p><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1><a href="mailto:mjhammel@graphics-muse.org">Let
me know what you'd like to hear about!</a></font></font>
<hr NOSHADE WIDTH="100%">
<div align=right><font face="Arial,Helvetica"><font size=-1>&copy; 1999
<a href="mailto:mjhammel@graphics-muse.org">Michael
J. Hammel</a></font></font></div>
<P> <HR> <P>
<center><H4>Previous ``Graphics Muse'' Columns</H4></center>
<A HREF="../issue11/gm.html">Graphics Muse #1, November 1996</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue12/gm.html">Graphics Muse #2, December 1996</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue13/gm.html">Graphics Muse #3, January 1997</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue14/gm.html">Graphics Muse #4, February 1997</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue15/gm.html">Graphics Muse #5, March 1997</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue16/gm.html">Graphics Muse #6, April 1997</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue17/gm.html">Graphics Muse #7, May 1997</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue18/gm.html">Graphics Muse #8, June 1997</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue19/gm.html">Graphics Muse #9, July 1997</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue20/gm.html">Graphics Muse #10, August 1997</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue22/gm.html">Graphics Muse #11, October 1997</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue23/gm.html">Graphics Muse #12, December 1997</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue25/gm.html">Graphics Muse #13, February 1998</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue26/gm.html">Graphics Muse #14, March 1998</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue27/gm.html">Graphics Muse #15, April 1998</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue31/gm.html">Graphics Muse #16, August 1998</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue32/gm.html">Graphics Muse #17, September 1998</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue33/gm.html">Graphics Muse #18, October 1998</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue34/gm.html">Graphics Muse #19, November 1998</A><BR>
<A HREF="../issue37/gm.html">Graphics Muse #20, February 1999</A><BR>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Michael J. Hammel <BR>
Published in Issue 38 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, March 1999</H5></center>
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