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<title>The BeOS and Linux LG #37</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Comparison of BeOS-r4 and Linux</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:layers@marktwain.net">Larry Ayers</a></H4>
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<center><h3><font color="maroon">Introduction</font></h3></center>
<p>After using Linux exclusively for a couple of years I began to feel a bit
out of touch with the computer users in our rural community, nearly all of
whom use some version of Windows. It had become more difficult to help
people (especially over the phone) with computer problems, as my memories of
Windows configuration and tweaking had faded. With a fresh set of
YARD boot-disks at hand, I reinstalled Win95 from the CDROM, rebooted from the
YARD disks, then reinstalled lilo on the usurped master boot record.
<p>After completing this unpleasant and tedious task I felt that I deserved
some sort of reward. Due to an inherent and insatiable curiosity about
software and operating systems, I had ordered the BeOS release 4 CD a week or
two before but hadn't gotten around to repartitioning a hard disk and
installing it. In this article I'll discuss my first impressions of this BeOS
installation, as well as compare the relative features, appearance, and
usability of Be and Linux
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Installing the BeOS</font></h3></center>
<p>The BeOS is a young operating system. Its hardware support and software
availability reminds me of Linux in the mid-nineties. Since not everyone is
willing to spend money on new hardware in order to run Be, the company is
willing to refund the purchase price (no questions asked) if someone buys a
copy but can't get it run. Luckily my hardware was supported, which was as
much a matter of luck as anything else.
<p>Be can only be installed on a primary partition, in contrast to
Linux, which can be installed on any sort of partition. Earlier releases of
Be were limited to IDE drives, but release 4 can be installed on SCSI drives
as well, but only when connected to certain brands of controller cards. It
happens that I have one of the supported SCSI cards, but the drivers are new
so I thought I'd play it safe and make room for a new primary partition on my
IDE drive. Be Inc. has licensed a limited version of the partition-resizing
utility Partition Magic and included it on the Be CD. This version of
Partition Magic is meant to be run from Windows, so it wouldn't be of much use
to a Linux user without Windows installed. It's also limited to three preset
partition sizes. I tried it but it refused to recognize the partition I had
<p>The other method of installation is to boot from the supplied boot-floppy and
insert the CD during the booting process. The new partition was still
unrecognizable. To make a long story short, after several attempts I found
that only one of the first two primary partitions would work for the
installation. Unfortunately the first two primaries on my IDE disk were
occupied by Win95 and Linux, so I ended up moving the contents of some
Linux partitions on the SCSI disk, edited the <kbd>/etc/fstab</kbd> file to
reflect the changes, and created a new first primary partition on the drive.
BeOS installed without a hitch once it could find an acceptable boot
partition, but it struck me as being rather picky about its partitions.
<p>Be comes with a bootmanager (based on lilo) but I chose to add a new stanza
to my existing <b>lilo.conf</b> file, as lilo has always been dependable for
me and I couldn't see an advantage to using Be's. The stanza is simple:<br>
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Booting Be</font></h3></center>
<p>Accustomed as I am to the verbose Linux boot-messages scrolling by, Be's
seemed spare and uninformative. The messages which do appear let you know
that a &quot;boot-volume&quot; has been found, and that unspecified devices
are being initialized. Be requires about the same amount of time to boot as
Linux if you add in the time X takes to start up.
<p>The developers at Be have created a GUI which is reminiscent of both the
Mac and OS/2 interfaces. Not spectacular or flashy, but nevertheless cleanly
designed and functional. Linux users have become accustomed to
configurability, a trait which aficianados cherish but which can be confusing
to new users. A few minor tweaks of the interface are possible with Be, such
as scrollbar style and desktop background, but the basic window appearance is
hard-wired. In a sense, the legions of Linux programmers have, over the
years, transformed a liability (X-Windows' lack of a built-in window-manager)
into an opportunity. That this was even possible is due to X's inherent
flexibility along with the availability of the X source.
<p>Poking around in the directory tree I found some familiar names,
directories such as <kbd>/etc</kbd>, <kbd>dev</kbd>, plus a directory
<kbd>/beos/bin </kbd> which contains the standard unix utilities such as
<i>ls</i>, <i>cp</i>, and the <i>bash</i> shell. These are Be ports of the
GNU utilities; I suspect the source is tucked away on the CD in order to
satisfy the GPL. An old, non-GUI version of the Vim editor is even included.
These utilities can be run from a Terminal window, which is similar to xterm
with the addition of a menubar from which font-size and colors can be set.
<p>One interesting feature which I was interested in trying out is the support
for more than one color-depth simultaneously (on separate pager desktops).
This works, but not consistently in my case. Even though my video-card is
supposedly one of the highly-recommended cards for Be, switching back and
forth from an 8-bit to a 16-bit desktop will eventually result in a corrupted
display. I quickly learned not to try a high resolution and then set it as
default for all desktops, as if all screens are garbled rebooting is the only
solution. A reboot into &quot;safe mode&quot; to reset the defaults is
necessary when this happens.
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Font Rendering</font></h3></center>
<p>This is one part of the OS which the Be developers got right. The screen
fonts are crisply rendered at all sizes. Among the many demos included with
Be is a very impressive font demo which displays fonts in a variety of ways:
skewed, rotated, smoothly changing size, etc. One possible reason for the
high-quality on-screen font display is that the only type of font currently
supported in this release is TrueType, though Type 1 support is planned.
TrueType fonts typically just look better than Type 1 on a computer screen, as
can be seen in Linux when using one of the TrueType font servers such as
xfstt. A basic editor is included with Be, called Styled Edit. It's similar
to Microsoft's Wordpad in that it can use scalable fonts along with their bold
and italic versions and saves the information in the file.
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Filesystems</font></h3></center>
<p>Be uses a new filesystem called <i>befs</i>. It sounds impressive; a
64-bit journaling filesystem which can store file metadata in a file's
attributes. This is similar to OS/2's HPFS file-system, except HPFS files
just have attribute pointers stored in the file; the actual attribute data is
stored in a binary configuration file. When I first read about Be's
filesystem I hoped that they had avoided using binary-database configuration
files, as in my experience they cause more problems than they solve. The
filesystem also has inherent database capabilities, whatever that might mean.
I'd like to see a demonstration of this feature.
<p>The be filesystem also has support for very large files, up to one
terabyte. All of this sounds impressive, but without applications which make
use of these features (I mean large applications which handle large amounts of
data, such as video-editors) it's difficult for an end-user to see any
particular benefit.
<p>There has been much discussion in the past few months on the linux-kernel
mailing-list about the feasibility of extending the trusty ext2 filesystem to
include some of these features. People doing video-editing in particular
would like large-file support; Linus Torvalds thinks that these people would
be better off using a 64-bit machine for this sort of work, as the ability to
make use of large files &quot;comes with the territory&quot;. Journaling
ability for ext2 is being worked on, and after a lengthy debate about file
meta-data the consensus seemed to be that similar results can be achieved
using the existing ext2 filesystem.
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Stability</font></h3></center>
This is hard to judge, as I haven't really stressed the system much. I've
never had Be crash, but I've never run several large applications (like
Netscape Communicator, XEmacs, or the Gimp) simultaneously, mainly because I
don't have any for Be. Be does come with a decent web-browser, NetPositive, which
works well but doesn't have Java or secure transaction support. This browser
doubles as the default help-viewer, which is tolerable due to its quick
start-up time.
<center><font color="maroon">Networking and Printing</font></center>
<p>Be isn't a multi-user OS as Linux is, but the PPP networking is easy to set
up. Unfortunately, my modem wouldn't respond. It turns out that external
modems are autodetected well but internal modems can be troublesome. I
eventually found a configuration window which allows the user to add a non-PNP
ISA device, but it took me at least as long to figure out the format of the
memory addresses needed as it ever has taken me to figure out a cryptic Linux
config file. I finally found a newsgroup posting which explained it well, as
well as several which claimed to but were wrong. Once over this hurdle
opening a PPP session was easy, as long as the ISP uses PAP authentification.
Otherwise you're out of luck. Once online stability of the connection and
transfer rates seemed comparable to what I'm accustomed to with Linux.
<p>A few network cards are supported, nowhere near the number which Linux
supports. My card isn't supported, so I was unable to test an ethernet
<p>Printer support is very limited; only Apple Laserwriters and HP PCL3
Laserjets, and the Epson ink-jets are usable. I use an old Epson dot-matrix
printer; even if my printer worked with Be I would miss being able to use
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Applications</font></h3></center>
<p>There really aren't many, though much is promised. That's the
chicken-and-egg problem with any new operating system: nobody wants to port
applications until there is a sizable user-base, but people don't migrate to
the new OS without those &quot;killer apps&quot; available. There are several
e-mail clients, at least two word-processors-in-progress, but so far not too many of
the audio and video applications which Be needs if it wants to live up to its
nickname &quot;the media OS&quot;.
<p>One problem with application availability is the change in release 4 to the
ELF file format, similar to Linux's. This means that programs written for
earlier Be releases won't run on release 4. Evidently recompiling can be
tricky, so there is a large backlog of ports and programs which haven't yet
been updated for the new release. This was disappointing, as I was looking
forward to trying the Be port of GNU Emacs. Another change made in release 4
is the adoption of the Cygnus egcs compiler as the default. Previous releases
used a crippled free edition of the commercial Metroworks development tools.
The software developed for and ported to previous Be releases was developed
with the Metroworks tools; evidently some code rewriting is necessary to
compile the old code with egcs. Yes, Be ships with a compiler, header files,
make, etc., as does Linux, but the trend in the Be world is binary software
distribution rather than the freely available source Linux users are
accustomed to.
<p>One of the most impressive applications available is Gobe Productive, a
word-processor with spreadsheet and image-editing modules. The documents it
produces are layer-based, similar to the usage of image layers in the Gimp.
Speaking of the Gimp, the image editor includes a subset of Gimp plug-ins,
though without preview windows. Unfortunately this application saves
documents in Yet Another Proprietary Format, though RTF is also supported.
Until Gobe Productive supports the ubiquitous Word file format (promised in a
future release) it's unlikely to sell too well unless Be really takes off.
<p>The apps situation reminds me of Linux a couple of years ago, minus the
open-source tradition which kept Linux alive and thriving before the advent of
commercial Linux interest (and is still responsible for much of the vitality
and yeasty ferment of the Linux community). I admit I find the
shareware-crippleware tendency in BeOS software to be a little irritating, but
Be is unabashedly a commercial OS with all that implies. Commercial, but not
above using driver and utility code developed by free software developers.
<center><h3><font color="maroon">Conclusions</font></h3></center>
<p>Right now the BeOS is not much more than potential. If Be Inc. can induce
hardware manufacturers to write more drivers (and if enough users migrate) it
may do well. This year is a perfect time for alternatives to Microsoft to
gain user-share due to Microsoft's legal entanglements and growing public
disenchantment. I don't think many current users of Linux will abandon it for
Be, though I imagine there will be a significant number who will dual-boot if
audio and especially video-editing applications for Be become available. I
doubt the user-interface amenities Be provides are enough of an incentive to
attract many current Linux users, as people who want these features are
currently using KDE, with a stable release of Gnome on the horizon providing
another choice. I believe in the principles fueling the free software
movement, but not in an exclusionary sense. If Be should gain popularity and
market-share the consequences will likely benefit Linux as well. Consumers
will begin to realize that viable non-Microsoft choices exist; Be's unix-like
structure could expose more people to the stability and other benefits of
unix-like operating systems.
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Last modified: Sat 30 Jan 1999
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1999, Larry Ayers <BR>
Published in Issue 37 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, February 1999</H5></center>
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