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<title>Linux Gazette MailBag LG #34</title>
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<H4>"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"</H4>
<table width="100%" cellpadding=7><tr><td>
<H2><a NAME="mail"><IMG SRC="../gx/mailbox.gif" ALIGN=MIDDLE ALT=" ">
The Mailbag!</a> </H2>
Write the Gazette at <A HREF="mailto:gazette@ssc.com"> gazette@ssc.com</A>
<li><a HREF="./lg_mail34.html#help">Help Wanted -- Article Ideas</a>
<li><a HREF="./lg_mail34.html#gen">General Mail</a>
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<center><H3><font color="maroon">Help Wanted -- Article Ideas</font></H3></center>
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Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 16:04:47 -0500<BR>
From: "Casey Bralla", <A HREF="mailto:Vorlon@pdn.net">Vorlon@pdn.net</A>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Single IP Address & Many Servers. Possible?</font>
This is for the "article wanted" section of the Linux
Gazette. Thanks!
I have a single IP address for accessing the Internet. I
have an Intranet with several old 486-class computers which all
access the Internet via IP Masquerading. The single machine which
is actually connected to the Internet (and does the masquerading)
is not powerful enough to run a news server, mail server, HTTP
server, etc. I would like to split these functions up among the
cheap low-cost computers I have lying around. How can I force
HTTP web pages to be serviced by the HTTP server even though it
is not directly connected to the Internet with an IP address?
Example Diagram below:
207.123.456.789 (Single IP address to the Internet)
486 DX/2-66 (IP Masquerading)
486 DX-33 Mail Server
K-5 133 HTTP Server
486 DX-33 Leafnode News Server
(Other local machines)
I want anyone on the Internet who accesses my web server by
accessing 207.123.456.789 to be directed to the computer at on the Intranet.
(obviously, the Intranet users have no problem accessing
the correct machines since they just reference the local
192.xxx.xxx.xxx IP address. But how can I make the same
functionality available to the rest of the known universe?)
Casey Bralla
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Date: Wed, 7 Oct 1998 15:40:06 -0500<BR>
From: "John Watts", <A HREF="mailto:watts@top.net">watts@top.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Missing network card</font>
I've installed (from diskette) Debian 2.0 (hamm) on a system at work. The
idea was to set it up as a file/print server for my department. Unfortunately,
Linux doesn't believe me when I tell it that there is a network card. Its the
EtherExpress 16. I've tried reinstalling and autoprobing, no luck. I've tried
different Linux distributions, no luck. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!
John Watts
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Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 21:36:12 PDT<BR>
From: "Jonathan Bryant", <A HREF="mailto:jonathanbryant@hotmail.com">
jonathanbryant@hotmail.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Linux Extra?</font>
I've been trying to encourage my Dad to try Linux. He has showed
interest, but was curious if there was a Linux counterpart to Extra! on
Windoze. He does a lot of work on the mainframe and needs something that
can provide a "3270 terminal interface" for a "TSO session". I wondered
if there are any old school programmers out there who can recommend a
piece of software which would suit his needs.
Thanks <BR>
Jonathan Bryant
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Date: Fri, 09 Oct 1998 08:45:50 -0400<BR>
From: "Brian M. Trapp", <A HREF="mailto:bmtrapp@acsu.buffalo.edu">
bmtrapp@acsu.buffalo.edu</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">NumLock - On at startup?</font>
Hi! I've been reading the <I>Linux Gazette</I> for almost a year now. NICE
WORK!!! You're a great resource.
Here's my quick and probably easy question.. On reboot (yes, I do that
occasionally, just to use Win95 and Quicken) Linux (Red Hat 5.1)
defaults to starting up with Num Lock off. How can I get it to switch
it on for me automatically? (This is a matter of pride - I made the
mistake of telling my girlfriend how great and powerful the OS is, and
then she has to discover the num lock quirk for me...)
Brian Trapp
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Date: Fri, 9 Oct 1998 09:47:05 +0800<BR>
From: "ctc", <A HREF="mailto:zhanghongyi@163.net">
zhanghongyi@163.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Where to find S3 ViRGE GX2 card driver for Linux</font>
I use S3 ViRGE GX2 video card in my computer, but I cannot
run startx. Do you know where I can find drivers for this
kind of card? Any information is greatly appreciated.
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Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 16:38:00 -0700<BR>
From: Ed Ewing, <A HREF="mailto:edewing@isomedia.com">
edewing@isomedia.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">article idea</font>
An article regarding cable modems and security, multiple interfaces etc.
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Date: Sun, 11 Oct 1998 10:47:09 +0200<BR>
From: "P.Plantinga", <A HREF="mailto:plant@cybercomm.nl">
plant@cybercomm.nl</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">drivers savage Linux</font>
Are there drivers for my savage for Red Hat 5.1 xwindows? If there are any,
please let me know where to get them.
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Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1998 04:23:56 -0400<BR>
From: Eduardo Herrmann Freitas, <A HREF="mailto:efreitas@winnie.fit.edu">
efreitas@winnie.fit.edu</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Ensoniq Audio PCI Sound Card</font>
I would like to know if it is possible to install an Ensoniq Audio PCI
Sound Card on Linux...
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Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1998 14:01:07 -0400<BR>
From: "Mann, Jennifer", <A HREF="mailto:Jennifer.Mann@GSC.GTE.Com">
Jennifer.Mann@GSC.GTE.Com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">looking for information</font>
Hi. I am looking for information about how Linux handles transactions and
database support. Has the <I>Linux Gazette</I> published any articles pertaining
to this topic? If so, I would like to know if and where I can find those
articles on the web.
Thank you,<BR>
Jennifer Mann
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Date: Thu, 15 Oct 1998 09:01:46 -0500<BR>
From: "Mark Shipp(Soefker)", <A HREF="mailto:mshipp@netten.net">
mshipp@netten.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Confused with ProComm scripting</font>
I got to your web site through a search on Yahoo. I must say that your
help is a very valuable resource.
The reason that I'm doing this search is because I'm looking for someone
with experience with the Aspect scripting. Could you or someone that you
know steer me in the right path?
What I'm trying to do is create a counter that transmits its value in
order to open to different nodes on a network. Below it the part of the
program that is giving me the problem. It works except for the fact that
I have to use the "TERMMSG" command instead of a "TRANSMIT". This won't
work because the "open 0,(value)" statement has to be transmitted across
the LAN.
Thanks for your help and time,<BR>
proc main
integer unit
while unit !=3D 3 ; This means "while unit does *not* equal 3".
unit++ ; Increment the value of counter (add 1 to it)
termmsg "open 0,%d" unit
transmit "^M"
;This is where I would add in my other
pause (2)
endwhile ; When unit equals 3 proceed, else count unit
and restart
; This is where I would close the network
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Date: Wed, 14 Oct 1998 15:29:49 +0000<BR>
From: "J luis Soler Cabezas", <A HREF="mailto:jsoca@etsii.upv.es">
jsoca@etsii.upv.es</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">I need info</font>
Hello, I have a TX pro II motherboard with an VGA onboard video chip.
The problem is that Linux X86config X-Window subsystem doesn't recognize
this video, the fact is that Linux can't access to Emulated video RAM.
I'm waiting for your news, and please, excuse my English.
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Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 08:31:49 -0700<BR>
From: Ken Deboy, <A HREF="mailto:glockr@locked_and_loaded.reno.nv.us">
glockr@locked_and_loaded.reno.nv.us</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Win95 peer-to-peer vs. Linux server running Samba</font>
I'm wondering if anyone can tell me the advantages of a Linux machine
running as a print server for a network of Win95 machines vs. just hang-
ing the printer off one of the Win95 machines and setting them up in a
peer-to-peer arrangement. You don't have to convince me, because I _do_
run Samba as my print server, but what can I tell my friends to convince
them, especially if they aren't having too many problems with their
Windoze machines? Thanks for any comments, but no flames...
Ken Deboy
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Date: Sun, 18 Oct 1998 18:03:57 -0400<BR>
From: "Gregory Engel", <A HREF="mailto:rengel1@nycap.rr.com">
rengel1@nycap.rr.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">How to add disk space to RH 5.1?</font>
I am a new Linux user having installed Red Hat 5.1 last month. (So
far so good)
After installing several goodies and libraries like qt I find myself
running out of disk space on my / directory. I have a Syquest EZ-flyer
removeable disk drive that I didn't use at all during the install.
My question is can I move some of the directories that defaulted to
the root directory like /tmp/ and /var/ to this drive without a full
re-installation, and if so, how. Also I really couldn't figure out
how to get the thing working during install. It is a SCSI drive
that connects to the parallel port. Red Hat lists it as a supported
drive but was of little help when I asked them for specific
If there is some other strategy I might use to gain disk space
without a re-installation I would like to hear it. I'm still amazed I got
the thing going in the first place. The partitioning makes me nervous.
Greg Engel
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Date: Tue, 20 Oct 1998 19:50:58 -0700<BR>
From: Michael McDaniel, <A HREF="mailto:mmcdaniel@acm.org">
mmcdaniel@acm.org</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">imapd</font>
I have found a lot of information about using clients with IMAP servers.
I have found basically _nothing_ about how to actually make the imapd
server on Linux do anything.
I can point NetScape Messenger at the localhost IMAP server and it (NS)
dutifully says "no messages on server". Ok, I know that; how do I get
messages on it?
My Suggestion:
Provide an article about imapd - how to set up hosts.allow for security,
how to configure sendmail.cf to use it (I'm pretty sure this has to be
done), how to set up user mailboxes,
I would love to see an article like this. By the way, how can I be
automatically notified when a new issue comes out? I thought I was
receiving that information but maybe not - I haven't seen any info about
the new articles as they come out lately.
Michael McDaniel
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Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 02:27:44 -0500<BR>
From: "Oblivion", <A HREF="mailto:garymc@mail.portup.com">
garymc@mail.portup.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Help, with Debian 2.0 install from CD-ROM not part of HDD
I am having problems with Debian 2.0 to install the the important, extra,
and/ or packages, which include the kernel source and patches. I have got
a operating system, but it does not recognize the CD-ROM drive, thus I can
not add or upgrade any program packages to the system. I have tried to
move the CD-ROM drive to run off the HDD control but the system will not
even do look at the BIOS to startup. I am including at the base of this
message the system specs. of this machine.
CPU: Cyrix 5x86 100MHz
Hard Drives: BigFoot 1.2 Gb
WD 4.0 Gb
Floppy Drives: 3.5"
Bus Type: PCI
Extra Drives: TEAC CD-55 tray ROM 4x
Mouse and style: Bus on COM1
modem: on COM2
Memory: 24 Megs
Root Directory: hdc7
O/S on system: Windows 95
Kernal Version: 2.0.34
Sound Card: Drives CDROM - Sound Blaster Pro 16 compatible
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Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 17:53:29 +0100<BR>
From: Thierry Durandy, <A HREF="mailto:thierry.durandy@art.alcatel.fr">
thierry.durandy@art.alcatel.fr</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Tie with the penguin logo</font>
Do you know if I can find a tie with the Linux penguin logo on it?
I could be interested in buying one to wear it and to show my opinion with
keeping the suit.
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Date: Fri, 30 Oct 1998 17:00:16 EST<BR>
From: Ross, <A HREF="mailto:IceRaven1@aol.com">IceRaven1@aol.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Cirrus Logic is the pits</font>
Help me, I have a huge computer science project to hand in on Monday 11:00 GMT
and my university won't let us use the UNIX boxes on the weekends. I have Linux
but alas I have a Cirrus Logic 5446 PCI with 2MB and Xwindows can't hack
corrupts the screen. My mate bought a new card to fix this problem. There must
be a cheaper sollution, patch, new server, whatever.
Also any quick help on how to set up a PPP conncection would be apreaciated,
Cheers to anyone who can help.
A newly converted Linux user,<BR>
<a name="gen"></a>
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<center><H3><font color="maroon">General Mail</font></H3></center>
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Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 22:39:09 +0200<BR>
From: A.R. (Tom) Peters, <A HREF="mailto:tom@tompth.xs4all.nl">
tom@tompth.xs4all.nl</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Linux certification</font>
I read your article in <I>Linux Gazette</I> 33 on a Linux Certification program
with interest. However, I would like to point out (and I will not
be the only one), that this issue was already raised by Phil Hughes in
L.J. Nov.1997 p.10; since then, there has been a still-active discussion
in <A HREF="http://www.linuxjournal.com/HyperNews/get/certification.html">
Therefore, I am somewhat surprised to see this paper appear in Linux
Gazette without reference to these discussions. Moreover, Robert Hart
of Red Hat has been actively defining a RH certification program; see
http://www.redhat.com/~hartr/ .
In principle, I sustain initiatives like these. I strongly disagree
however, with Dan York's stress on the benefits for conference centers
and publishers. Although I don't care if they make a lot of money out
of it, I am very much afraid of the consequences: if something like
this really catches on, only people who can afford the certification
program will be taken seriously as Linux consultants or developers.
Everyone else will be officially doomed to be an "amateur", disrespective
of competence or contributions already made to the Linux movement.
So I think we should NOT copy the expensive MSCE model, but keep Linux
certification affordable.
-- <BR>
Tom "thriving on chaos" Peters
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Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 16:53:56 -0400<BR>
From: Dan York, <A HREF="mailto:dyork@lodestar2.com">
Subject: <font color="maroon">RE: Linux certification</font>
Many thanks for the pointers... I was not aware of the discussion
on the linuxjournal.com site and had, in fact, been quite unsuccessful
in finding such discussions on the web. Thank you.
Thank you for pointing out Robert Hart's site... yes, others have sent
along that pointer as well. Maybe I missed it, but when I was going
through Red Hat's site, I didn't see a link to his pages on certification.
Thank you for sending the pointer... and I hope Red Hat and Caldera
can unify their efforts. We'll see.
As far as your comments on the pricing, I understand your concerns.
The struggle is to keep it affordable while also making it objective
(which I would do through exams). In truth, Microsoft's MCSE program
could cost only $600 (the price of the 6 exams), although in practice
people spend much more for books and/or training classes.
Thanks for your feedback - and I look forward to whatever discussions
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Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 16:56:14 +0200<BR>
From: "David Andreas Alderud", <A HREF="mailto:aaldv97@student.hv.se">
aaldv97@student.hv.se</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Reb0l</font>
Just thought I'd mention something everybody needs to know...
Reb0l is no longer beta and is available from www.rebol.com
Really nice, I've used Reb0l since late last year (On my Amiga though)
and I'm really pleased, sure think it will run over every other
script language.
Kind Regards,<BR>
Andreas Alderud.
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Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 10:29:21 -0500 (CDT)<BR>
From: <A HREF="mailto:mjhammel@graphics-muse.org">
mjhammel@graphics-muse.org</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">re: links between identical sections</font>
Although I can't speak for other areas of the Gazette, the Graphics Muse
can be searched using the Graphics Muse Web site. I have all the back
issues online there with topical headings for the main articles in each
issue. This feature just went live (online) last night, so it's brand new
(which is why no one knew about it before :-).
Take a look at <A HREF="http://www.graphics-muse.org/linux.html">
http://www.graphics-muse.org/linux.html</A> and click on the "Muse"
button. That will do it for you.
Michael J. Hammel,
The Graphics Muse
<blockquote> <I> We've added those requested links to each of the regular
columns now. Ellen Dahl did this good work for us. --Editor </I> </blockquote>
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Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 04:02:23 -0400<BR>
From: "Tim Gray", <A HREF="mailto:timgray@geocities.com">
timgray@geocities.com</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Linux easy/not easy/not ready/ready YIKES!</font>
Ok, I've noticed one very strong theme in every message I have ever read
about Linux and how it won't be accepted as a desktop. Every message states
in one way or another, "if they see a command prompt, they will panic". I am
appalled at how IT professionals view users as idiots and morons. I refuse
to call myself an IT professional because I help my users and clients use
their software and don't "just fix it when they mess it up". A user can
learn the command prompt quickly, and it's easier to teach than, "click on
start,settings,controlpanel,system,bla bla bla bla...." than, "just type
setupmodem and press enter" or whatever command or script you may like. I
have started to move all my clients to Linux starting with the servers,
saving them time and money. And I have a CEO that logs in as root and adds
and removes users at one location. Users are much smarter than everyone
gives them credit for and a command prompt doesn't affect them as if the
devil just spoke from the speakers. If the IT departments around the world
put 1/5 the effort into educating the users than complaining about them,
then it would be a non-issue. As computer professionals, we are to keep
things running and educate our users, not sit on the pillar looking down
with the look of "what do you do to it now?"
As one last question, everyone says "I'll use Linux when it has a standard
GUI"... What is a standard GUI? Windows doesn't have one, Linux is the
closest thing to a standard GUI than anything else available.
Tim Gray
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Date: Tue, 06 Oct 1998 06:56:51 -0400<BR>
From: Nathaniel Smith, <A HREF="mailto:slow@negia.net">slow@negia.net</A><BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Information on Linux</font>
I wrote you on Article Ideas and told you that I thought you should
write an article on how to use Linux for us (click and go people, who
are computer dummies), and you were kind enough to publish it. Before I
wrote you, I had already ordered 4 books (apparently the wrong ones, and
had received two, they started out, "I will assume you already have a
full working knowledge of Unix commands).
I have had several kind souls, who have taken their time and energy, to
point me in a direction that I can help myself, and that is all anyone
can ask. Some have even tried to go even further and tried to help me
with a hard drive problem that I have. I would like to see someone try
that with the Windows crowd, you would most likely come up with an empty
mail box.
I think that says a lot about the type of people that uses Linux and I
just want to thank you and everyone who has tried to help me, for I will
try to help myself before asking for anymore help. I think that I have
enough to keep me busy learning for quite a while.
thank you<BR>
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Date: Thu, 8 Oct 1998 18:44:33 -0400<BR>
From: keith, <A HREF="mailto:keithg@bway.net">keithg@bway.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">suggestion for Linux security feature</font>
I wonder if you can point me in the right direction to make a suggestion
for a new "feature" of Linux which could further help to differentiate it
in the marketplace, and which might really give it a LOT of exposure (good)
in today's security-conscious press...
The security of computer information has been in the press a lot lately,
detectability of "deleted" files on people's hard drives, "secret" files,
cache files, cookies, etc. which are out of the purview of the typical (and
maybe even the advanced!) user. People either think they've deleted things
which they haven't really expunged, or their files are infiltrated, perhaps
by a child (accidentally, of course!).
It seems to me quite possible to structure an OS like UNIX (and Linux in
particular, since it is under development by so many gifted people) in such
a way that all such files are created in a directory under the current
user's ownership, in a knowable and findable place, so that:
A. only that user could access their own cache, cookies, pointer files,
etc. I do not know how deleted files could be safeguarded in this way,
unless it is simply to encrypt everything. Hmmm.;
B. these files - the whole lot of them - could be scrubbed, wiped,
obliterated (that's why it's important for them to be in a known and
findable place) by their owner, without impairing the function of the
applications or the system, and without disturbing similar such files for
other users.
C. it would be nice too if there were a way to prevent the copying of
certain files, and that would include copying by backup programs (for
example, I'm a Mac user and we use Retrospect to back up some of our Macs;
there's a feature to suppress the backing up of a particular directory by
having a special character (a "bullet", or optn-8) at the beginning or end
of the directory name.) But if this could be an OS-level feature, it would
be stronger.
If I'm user X, and I want to get rid of my computer, or get rid of
everything that's mine on the computer, I should just be able to delete all
of my data files (and burn them or wipe them or otherwise overwrite that
area of the disk), which I can surely do today. But in addition, I should
know where to go to do the same thing with whatever system level files
might be out there, currently unbeknownst to me, and be able to expunge
them also, without affecting anything for anyone else.
Who would work on such a thing as this? Who would I suggest this to? Of
course, it's my idea. (c) Keith Gardner 1998. :) But if something like this
could be set up, wouldn't it go a long way in the press, in corporate and
government buying mind set, etc.?
I'm writing this very quickly, the idea really just came to me while
reading the NY Times this morning with an article (in Circuits, 10/8/98)
about computer security, and I am on my way out the door. I don't have time
to give it much polish. But I hope the ideas are clear enough. Let me know
what you think.
Keith Gardner
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Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 15:41:25 -0500 (CDT)<BR>
From: Bret McGuire, <A HREF="mailto:mersault@busboy.sped.ukans.edu">
mersault@busboy.sped.ukans.edu</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Availability of information for newbies</font>
The October issue of <I>Linux Gazette</I> featured a number of mail
messages from individuals seeking basic information on how to start up and
run a useful Linux system. A common complaint among these individuals was
that basic information was not readily available, leading to the rather
humorous suggestion that anyone who operates a usable Linux system was
somehow "born with this information". :)
This isn't the case. There are a number of locations on the Web
which offer a great deal of information about the Linux operating system.
The best starting point is probably still the Linux Documentation
<A HREF="http://sunsite.unc.edu/mdw/">
(or at least that's where I always go... I understand there are
mirrors all over)
This site features HOWTO documents on nearly every topic you can
imagine, along with current copies of the various Guides (everything from
the Installation and Getting Started Guide thru The Linux Users' Guide
thru The Linux Network Administrators' Guide, etc.). I suspect that this
site either has the answer to your questions or has a link to someplace
else that does. Definitely worth looking at...
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Date: Mon, 19 Oct 1998 13:54:18 +0200<BR>
From: Jonas Erikson, <A HREF="mailto:jonase@admin.kth.se">
jonase@admin.kth.se</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">go go Network do or die!</font>
My concern is that the free software alternative is going to its grave due to
out-dated core bindings to the standard old UNIX core.
In comp.os.plan9 there are discussions like:
| Hasn't the coolness of Linux worn off? If you want true excitement with
| how cool an OS is and the fun of pioneering again, how about cloning
| Plan 9?
Later in the same thread:
| We need a new Linus to start writing a Plan 9 kernel. GNU's Hurd doesn't
| go as far, as a cloned Plan 9 would.
And in other comp.os.* ... more...
I urge not to start all over again - but to modify that what is market
recognized and stable. I think, unlike many other freeware enthusiasts,
that there is a need for software infrastructure. A weak Linux would scatter
a lot of good work and inspirations. For a new alternative it would take far
too much time to reclaim the market confidence to freeware again.
I know that what I suggest, is far in terms of development in Linux and that
Linux holds a legacy of strong infrastructure.
But I don't know if Linux, can tackle the infrastructure requirements
building up after the first Internet pioneering..
Users in the MS-world see ACL:s and sharing (thus only the image)
capabilities as a condition for selecting system.
Also the development trend is that of distributing services, not only inside
corporations but also trading with services distributed via CORBA or DCOM.
Also other not so heavy standards are emerging as P3P, and do require a more
distributive approach.
If we look at sharing with supposed "advanced" like CODA and AFS
capabilities in file systems, that is just the beginning.
And I think only a symptom, of lacking structures inside UNIX.
(CODA _is_ advanced in may aspects not issued here)
New Internet standards make UNIX applications handle more, and more security
features not compatible with the system.
Building walls in systems by not providing infrastructure is not good for
freeware, it's not like Internet at all, not infrastructure.
The emerging operating system would be the most flexible in distributed
security and compatible to old standards...
And the idea to use a freeware alternative is to be ahead and in control.
Are we still?
So for the Linux Ext2fs kernel 2.3 ACL development:
Do embed [domain][gid/uid][rights] for ACL-enteries!
Don't forget that:<BR>
Linux is like windows to the whole OS-arena but on the "open/free" OS arena.
And software is like infrastructure. - nothing but smaller differences
are necessary to gain market.
As roads they need to be compatible with most cars, but still improve.
Now some infrastructures are gradually being implemented that set new
standards to cars, it's a bad idea not to take advantage of these standards.
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Date: Sun, 25 Oct 1998 06:53:39 -0500<BR>
From: "Bill Parker", <A HREF="mailto:bparker@dc.net">
bparker@dc.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Compliments on a great issue</font>
Great issue. It will take me some time to absorb even some of the
information and good ideas presented here.
I particularly benefited from "Thoughts about Linux," by Jurgen Defurne and
"DialMon: The Linux/Windows diald Monitor," by Mike Richardson. I have not
had time to read the rest yet.
Thanks and best wishes,<BR>
Bill Parker
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Date: Mon, 26 Oct 1998 16:16:37 -0800<BR>
From: Dave Stevens, <A HREF="mailto:dstevens@mail.bulkley.net">
dstevens@mail.bulkley.net</A> <BR>
Subject: <font color="maroon">Rant</font>
October 17, 1998, Smithers, B.C.<BR>
There is a lot of criticism of Linux that goes more or less like this - "Well if it was so hot it
would cost something. Everything free is no good."
It isn't necessarily so and it just isn't so.
Copyright is a social vehicle for compensating creators of intellectual property. The copyright
expires eventually. Then the benefit of the intellectual work can, if it is of lasting value, be used
more widely and, in principle, at least, in perpetuity. This process and model are very familiar in
other fields of intellectual endeavor but are new to computer programming. If we look at the
body of english literature that fills our libraries and bookshelves, there is certainly no direct
correspondence between copyright and quality. All of Shakespeare, to take a favorite of mine, is
long out of copyright and is some of the best literature ever created. Or Mozart, or Dickens. You
make the list.
The whole consumer software trip is too new for the copyright process and terms to have worked
themselves out full term. The concept of computer software as intellectual work, potentially of a
high calibre, is just too new for social understanding to be widespread. The idea that intellectual
work might be contributed and protected in such a way as to enlarge the realm of the possible in
the computer part of the public sphere certainly has a way to go in being got used to.
Does this mean that some of the criticism offered in superficial? To put it kindly, yes. The open
source software community is collaboratively creating a standard for computer software below
which any commercial vendor will fall at its peril. If you can have all this for free will you
actually pay to get an inferior product? Maybe by accident. But not twice.
The growth of acceptance of Linux is a step in the spread of the idea of a body of public domain
imperative literature. Its quality is no more to be judged by its price than a Chopin waltz.
I would be happy to discuss any of these ideas with coherent correspondents, and invite both
comment and criticism.
Dave Stevens
<P> <hr> <P>
<center>Published in <i>Linux Gazette</i> Issue 34, November 1998</center>
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