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<title>Selecting a Linux Distribution LG #31</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<font color="navy">A <I>Linux Journal</I> Review</font>:
This article appeared in the August issue of <I>Linux Journal</I>.
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<h1><font color="maroon">Selecting a Linux Distribution</font></h1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:phil@ssc.com">Phil Hughes</a></H4>
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Any current Linux distribution most likely contains the software
needed to do your job, including kernel and
drivers, libraries, utilities and applications programs.
Still, one of the most common questions I hear is ``which
distribution should I get?'' This question is
answered by an assortment of people, each proclaiming their
favorite distribution is better than all the rest.
My new theory is that most people favor the first distribution they
successfully installed. Or, if they had problems with the first, they favor
the next distribution they install which addresses the problems of the
Let's use me as an example. SLS was my first Linux installation.
Unfortunately, SLS
had a few bugs--in both the installation and the running system.
This, of course, isn't a surprise since this installation took place five
years ago.
Now, about this time, Patrick Volkerding came along and created Slackware. Pat
took the SLS distribution and fixed some problems. The result looked the same
as SLS and worked the same, but without bugs. To this day, I find Slackware
the easiest distribution to install.
I have, however, progressed beyond installation problems and found some
serious shortcomings in Slackware which have been addressed by other
distributions. Before I get into specifics, here is a rough estimate of
the number of times I have installed various distributions, in order of
first installation. I give you this information to help you understand the
basis of my opinions.
<li> 100+ SLS/Slackware
<li> 5 MCC (a small distribution done for university students)
<li> 5 Yggdrasil
<li> 20 Red Hat
<li> 10 Caldera
<li> 20 Debian
<li> 5 S.u.S.E.
That said, here is my blow-by-blow analysis of what is right and wrong
with each distribution. Note that this is my personal opinion--your
mileage will vary.
All these distributions are easy to install and understand.
They were all designed to install from floppy disk, and
packages were in floppy-sized chunks. At one time, I could successfully
install Slackware without even having a monitor on the computer.
There are, however, costs associated with this simplicity. Software is
saved in compressed tar files. There is no information within the
distribution that shows how files interrelate, no dependencies and no
good path for upgrades. Not a problem if you just want to try
something, but for a multi-computer shop with long-term plans, this
initial simplicity can have unforeseen costs in the long run.
Yggdrasil offered the most promise with a GUI-based configuration.
Unfortunately, development stopped (or at least vanished from the
public eye), and it no longer offers anything vaguely current.
<h3>Red Hat</h3>
When I first looked at Marc Ewing's creation, I was impressed.
It had some GUI-based configuration tools and showed a lot of promise.
Over the years, Red Hat has continued to evolve and is easy to install and
configure. Red Hat introduced the RPM packaging system that offers
dependencies to help ensure loaded applications work with each other
and updating is easy. RPMs also offer pre- and post-install
and remove scripts which appear to be underutilized.
Version 4.2 has proven to be quite stable. The current release is 5.0, and
a 5.1 release with bug fixes is expected to again produce a
stable product.
The install sequence is streamlined to make it easy to do a standard
install. I see two things missing that, while making the install
appear easier, detract from what is actually needed:
<li> The ability to save the desired configuration to floppy disk during the
installation process (something that both Caldera and S.u.S.E. offer) would simplify
subsequent installations on the same or other machines.
<li> The ability to create a boot floppy disk during installation.
Red Hat has evolved into the most ``retailed'' distribution. First it
was in books by O'Reilly, then MacMillan and now IDG Books Worldwide. It also appears
to have a large retail shrink-wrap distribution in the U.S.
Versions of Red Hat are available for Digital Alpha and SunSPARC, as well
as Intel.
The Caldera distribution was assembled by the Linux Support Team
(LST) in Germany--now a part of Caldera. Caldera, like Red Hat,
uses the RPM package format. Installation is similar to
Red Hat with the addition of the configuration save/restore option.
Caldera is different from other distributions at this time
in that it offers a series of systems including various commercial
packages such as a secure web server and an office suite. Caldera is
also the most ``commercial feeling'' as far as packaging and
One complaint I received from a reviewer of my original version of this
article is that you cannot perform an upgrade. That is, you must save your
configuration files and then re-install.
Debian is one of the oldest distributions, but because development is
strictly by a team of volunteers, it has tended to evolve more slowly.
Since development is performed by a geographically diverse group,
the ability to manage and integrate upgrades is of primary importance.
To that end, you can always upgrade a system by pointing it at
an FTP site and instructing it to get the latest versions
of all the packages currently installed. In some cases, a service needs
to be stopped. (For example, to upgrade <b>sendmail</b>, you would need to
stop it, replace the program and then restart it.) This is all done
Debian deviates from the common RPM packaging format (although it can
install RPMs) by using its own .deb format. The .deb format is the
most versatile and includes dependency checking as well as pre- and
post-install and remove scripts. This is why the sendmail
example in the previous paragraph can be handled automatically.
The most difficult thing about Debian is the initial installation.
Or, put another way, fear of <b>dselect</b>, the installer program.
The design of dselect is old, and while it made sense when there were only
50-100 packages in a Linux install, it is out of control now that
there are around 1000. A replacement for dselect is being developed
and will be available in Debian 2.1.
Versions of Debian (with limited applications/utilities) are
available for Digital Alpha and M68k.
S.u.S.E. is a German distribution with an installation ``look and feel'' similar to Caldera. It also uses the RPM package
format and offers a save/restore configuration option during
Two things make S.u.S.E. stand out from the others. First, XFree86
support tends to be better than other distributions because
S.u.S.E. works closely with the XFree86 team. Second, there are more
applications and utility programs in this distribution.
A full installation takes over 2GB of disk space.
YAST, the install/administration tool, can handle .deb and .tgz packages as
well as RPMs. Also, upgrades are quite easy and can be performed by putting
in a new CD or pointing YAST at the files and telling it to perform the
<h3>Which Do I Choose?</h3>
It depends. I have one system running Caldera, three running Red Hat
(a PC, a Digital Alpha and a SunSPARC), two running Slackware,
one running S.u.S.E. (a laptop) and quite a few running Debian.
(Yes, I personally own too many computers.)
Further, there are problems with all the distributions--not
the same problems, but problems nevertheless. As a result,
I don't see a perfect answer--yet.
This is not to say they don't work--just that each has its
inconsistencies and limitations. They all suffer from the lack of
a common administration tool.
At USENIX in 1997, Caldera announced a project called COAS (Caldera
Open Administration System). The discussion at the
conference showed there were more concepts to consider and a lot of
implementation work before COAS could offer a uniform installation
system that would meet the needs of the majority of Linux users.
Today, for a general-purpose system I tend to install Debian.
I do, however, install other systems for other purposes.
For example, I have S.u.S.E. on a new laptop because the volume of
software included makes a more impressive demo system.
A better question is, ``which one should you choose?'' The answer is
still, ``it depends.'' Here are some hints to help you along the way:
<li> If everyone you know is running a particular distribution and
you are a newcomer, use the same one they do.
<li> If you like to roll your own--that is, you expect to
compile and install everything yourself--Slackware is probably for you.
<li> If you want to ``go with the crowd'' today, install
Red Hat.
<li> If you want ``everything'', install S.u.S.E.
<li> If you need the most ``commercial'' looking product
or you are a VAR (value-added reseller), pick Caldera.
<li> If the politics of free software is important to you and/or you
want to get involved in development of a distribution, pick
<li> If you have a bunch of systems you need to interconnect
and upgrade, pick Debian or hope Caldera gets COAS completed.
There is my input. Ask any other Linux user, and you will probably get
a different opinion from mine. If you are not sure you have the right answer,
there are some things you can do to make it possible to change
distributions in the future with minimal impact.
<li> Make /home a separate file system. Then, if you change
distributions, you don't have to save and restore your files.
This also means you could have multiple distributions on one
computer and share /home between them.
<li> Select hardware supported by most distributions.
<li> If you need to add applications that don't come with the Linux
distribution, try to get ones that come with source code so
you can upgrade them and port them to different distributions.
<li> Start with a Linux archive CD set (such as InfoMagic's
Developer's Resource). That will give you at least three distributions
(Slackware, Debian and Red Hat) with which to play.
Good luck and happy Linuxing.
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Phil Hughes <BR>
Published in Issue 31 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, August 1998</H5></center>
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