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<TITLE>The Answer Guy 30: Breakin' Out of the chroot() Jail</TITLE>
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<H4>"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1 align="center"><A NAME="answer">
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<a href="./index.html">The Answer Guy</a>
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<H4 align="center">By James T. Dennis,
<a href="mailto:linux-questions-only@ssc.com">linux-questions-only@ssc.com</a><BR>
Starshine Technical Services,
<A HREF="http://www.starshine.org/">http://www.starshine.org/</A> </H4>
<H3><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" alt="(?)" width="50" height="28"
align="left" border="0">Breakin' Out of the chroot() Jail</H3>
<H4 ALIGN="center">Or: adding "disabilities" to Linux</H4>
<p><strong>From Ron Arts on 25 Jun 1998
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I saw a post by your hand from 26 Apr 98 in
<A HREF="news:comp.os.linux.development.system"
>comp.os.linux.development.system</A> where you said a lot of noteworthy
things on linux security. Also I have been talking to Jos Vos from
Xopen Systems (who wrote the <TT>ipfwadm</TT> package).
Both you and he noted the possibility to break out of a <TT>chroot</TT> jail
(once you become root there). It seems that devices are the weak
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(!)" border="0"
>It seems that letting anyone "become root there" is the weak
factor! If we can reduce the need to "become root" --- by
providing mechanisms other than "SUID" and "SGID" programs
for accessing "privileged" operations than we have made
some progress.
One approach would be the POSIX.1e "capabilities" (which are
more like VMS style "privileges" than true "capabilities").
There is a bit of preliminary work being done on this in the
2.1.x kernels --- but nothing is likely be usable in 2.2
(so you're looking at Linux 2.4 before there is "stable" support
for any of that).
Another approach is to limit the damage that '<TT>root</TT>' can do
using something like the BSD securelevel features. Last I
heard on the Linux kernel mailing list they had dropped plans
to put in simple '<TT>securelevel</TT>' support in favor of a
"more flexible" approach --- which would mesh better with the
eventual POSIX.1e ("Orange Book") work.
<li>(The implementations of 'securelevel' in all of
the popular BSD variants, free and commercial
have been vulnerable to a few attacks via the
<TT>/proc</TT> filesystem and more recently via
--- so having Linux adopt one of those designs
might not be a sound idea. We'll see).
I'm a little shy on the implementation details and design
but I think they said it would essentially be a bit field
of limitations that would be set on a per process basis.
There would be bits to prevent various syscalls like
<TT>mknod()</TT>, <TT>chroot()</TT>, <TT>mount()</TT>, etc.
In the POSIX.1e model
this would later become the "maximum privileges mask" ---
and the individual privileges would be set by meta data on
the executable files (think of that as a list of about 80
"P" bits rather than just the SUID and SGID bits we have now).
The argument for this is that we could set any set of
this bits we want on the '<TT>init</TT>' process (PID 1) to accomplish
the same limitations as we get with BSD's '<TT>securelevel</TT>'.
That's a pretty compelling argument so far as I'm concerned.
My main hesitation beyond that has to do with code
complexity. The BSD crowd has been trying to get their
'<TT>securelevel</TT>' implementations right for years --- and the
<TT>ptrace()</TT> bug was just found a couple of weeks ago.
It's not a simple problem. NT's "object" model (and I
use the term "object" very loosely) provides ACL's on
files, registry keys, and all sorts of other OS elements.
There is work underway to add ACL support to Linux ---
over some filesystems at least. However, I'm convinced
that ACL's are a fundamentally flawed security model ---
and that opinion is based on some pretty good academic work.
Unfortunately the true capabilities security model entails
a completely different programming paradigm --- it doesn't
translate to Unix conventions at all. In my research
(purely "armchair" or "book larnin'") I spent most of my
energy trying to unlearn the Unix, Netware, and NT approaches.
You can read more about the capabilities security model at
Jonathan Shapiro's "EROS" (extremely reliable OS) web site:
<blockquote><code> <A HREF="http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~eros/"
(EROS is an ongoing research project which will hopefully
eventually be available as a production operating system).
<p><strong><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
>I have been thinking about disabling the <TT>mount()</TT> or
better the <TT>mknod()</TT> systemcall when executed from <TT>chroot</TT>'ed
programs (patching the kernel).
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(!)" border="0"
>I think the "<TT>capabilities</TT>" (or Linux "<TT>securelevel</TT>" or
"<TT>privmask</TT>") patches will allow you to disable access to these
sorts of syscalls. I also suspect that these "disabilities"
(a more apt description really) will be inherited by all
forked processes. They will certainly need to be immutable
(by the process) and will have to imply certain disabilities
with regards to <TT>kmem</TT> and <TT>/proc</TT> access by the
'<TT>root</TT>' processes
that are running within these process groups.
You can look at the existing patches (in the recent 2.1.1xx
kernels) and possibly build on that.
<p><strong><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
> Do you think that would be worth the effort? We currently run
<TT>ftpd</TT>, <TT>telnetd</TT>, <TT>sshd</TT> and some more things
<TT>chroot</TT>'ed in a very minimal linux
environment. Based on the false assumption that even when you make it
to becoming root you cannot break out of that.
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(!)" border="0"
>The assumption that the <TT>chroot()</TT> jail is inescapable by
rogue root processes is very bad. You've discovered that.
The main advantage for <TT>chroot()</TT> have to do with limiting
the number of SUID/SGID programs that are accessible in the
effort to exploit various vulnerabilities that are used to
<EM>get</EM> root or other unauthorized access. The other advantage
is that you can limit the amount of snooping that a class
of users (anonymous and guestgroup ftp, for example) can
perpetrate on other users on the system.
In other words you can limit the exposure of your "general"
users from some classes of other users. For a long time
the most important element of this was to prevent FTP users
from grabbing your passwd file and running '<TT>crack</TT>' on it.
With the advent of shadow password systems that has been
much less of a concern.
These days the most common approach to securing systems
is to create special, sacrificial hosts for each service
and class of users. Linux and {Free|Net|Open}-BSD have
made this an increasingly economical and attractive option
since we can put any old "junker" 386 or better to work
in this sort of role (some people are <EM>giving</EM> away 386 and
486 systems these days). This is easy enough for commercial
sites --- but more of a problem for ISP's and educational
sites, which traditionally still have shell access to at
least some of their machines.
<p><strong><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
>I think very few programs use <TT>mknod()</TT>, and that probably are
the programs you wouldn't allow in a <TT>chroot</TT>'ed environment anyway. I
also think it would be a relatively small patch, I've done some digging and
- not being a kernel expert - it seemed pretty easy. The only thing
left to find out is how to detect in the kernel that the current env
is <TT>chroot</TT>'ed.
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(!)" border="0"
>The kernel obviously already tracks the 'root' directory
(device:inode) for every process. I think it's a field
in the uarea struct (a data structure maintained by the
kernel for every process).
<p><strong><img src="../gx/dennis/qbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(?)" border="0"
>Can you offer any thoughts on this, I'd like to know if I am on the
wrong track (again) here.
Thanks in advance,
<br>Ron Arts
<br>Netland Internet Services
<blockquote><img src="../gx/dennis/bbub.gif" height="28" width="50"
alt="(!)" border="0"
>Look at the existing (2.1.x) sources for references to
"securelevel" and "capabilities" --- I'm sure they're in there
somewhere. You can also consider contributing to the
Linux Security Audit project. See the following URL's for
more details:
<dl><dt>The Linux Weekly News article on it
(search on the keyword "audit"):
<dd><A HREF="http://www.lwn.net/980625/">http://www.lwn.net/980625/</A>
<dt>Their currently archives/web site:
<dd><A HREF="http://www.nas.nasa.gov/Pubs/Mail/archive/linux-security-audit/"
If your organization needs these features and is willing to
donate some web space and some personnel time and expertise
to the project --- you'll be doing yourself and all of us
alot of good.
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<H5 align="center"><a href="http://www.linuxgazette.com/copying.html"
>Copyright &copy;</a> 1998, James T. Dennis <BR>
Published in <I>Linux Gazette</I> Issue 30 July 1998</H5>
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