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<title>Installing Microsoft & Linux LG #30</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Installing Microsoft & Linux</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:pagey@home.com">Manish P. Pagey</a></H4>
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This is a story about my struggles setting up a new laptop computer to
boot two different operating systems. And how I discovered the extent to
which Microsoft and IE4 are lacking. Hopefully, someone will learn from this
experience and think twice before installing IE4 on there machine.
The first operating system that I wanted to install on the machine was
Linux (a free, UNIX like operating system which can teach Microsoft a
million or two things about what a stable operating system is supposed
to be like). I booted the computer using the Linux boot disks, inserted
the Linux CD-ROM into the CD drive and finished the installation in less
than thirty minutes. Everything was up and running including the network
using a PCMCIA network card. Linux comes with a program called LILO
which allows one to decide which operating system to boot when the
system is powered up. This was also installed without any problems.
The next task was to install Windows 95 on another partition of the same
disk. That is where my nightmare began. (Of course, you may ask why I
wanted to do this in the first place. Because I am stupid, thats why).
The developers at Microsoft have no regard for other operating systems
and have been living in their shells for so long that they could not
imagine having two operating systems on the same computer. In any case,
after booting from the Windows 95 setup disk, the setup program kept
insisting on destroying all partitions from the disk before installing
the "operating system". It gave me only two choices: Let it partition
the disk again or Exit setup.
My first choice was to exit setup and try to trick it into installing
Win95 on a DOS partition that was already present. So, I went to the
"A:>" prompt (LOL) and fired up fdisk. I could see the DOS partition and
hence I could format the "C:" drive. I was hoping that after I format
the "C:" drive and then try installing Win95 from "Disk 1" instead of
the "Setup Disk", everything will work fine. So, I formatted the C:
drive and started the "setup" program from "Disk 1". Everything seemed
to work fine till the third disk and once again the setup program
refused to proceed; this time because of a similar reason which I do not
I was kinda stuck at this point because if I let the Win95 setup program
to repartition the disk, it will gobble up the whole disk and would not
leave any space for the second operating system. The other option was to
use the DOS fdisk utility to destroy all partitions on the disk and
create a new partition for installing Win95 and install Win95 before
installing Linux. That is the path I took.
So, I destroyed my perfectly working Linux partition and installation
and created a new partition to install Win95. This time, the setup
program worked without any problems and installed the Win95 operating
system on the first partition on the disk. In a few minutes after that I
had Linux running once again on the second partition and reinstalled
LILO to choose the operating system during startup.
As before, I had no trouble getting the network up and running on the
Linux OS. So, I decided to setup the networking on the Win95 side. Guess
what, the driver that Win95 installed to access the PCMCIA cards was not
working properly. I had to try different drivers (and reboot the machine
every time I selected a new driver) and get the correct one by trial and
error. (I did the obvious things such as look up the documentation for
the computer and install the driver corresponding to the documentation,
but that did not work. I had to use a driver that conflicted with the
documentation in order for Win95 to access the PCMCIA cards correctly.
On the other hand, the driver that Linux was using was consistent with
the documentation). Finally, after a long struggle and several million
reboots, I got Win95 to see my PCMCIA cards. Linux came with the driver
for the Ethernet card that I was using but Win95 had to use the floppy
disk provided by the manufacturer (and they say that Win95 supports more
I have been exposed to all this hype about IE4.0 and such. So, I decided
that instead of using the good old Netscape Communicator, I will give
IE4.0 a test drive. (Once again, you may ask why I would do such a
stupid thing. Now that I have gone through this torture that I am
describing, I must say that I will never attempt to give a Microsoft
product a test drive just because Microsoft says its good. What was I
thinking ?). I have a fast connection to the Internet and hence, the
obvious way to install IE4.0 was to download it from the Microsoft home
page. You would love what happened next.
My local network is behind a firewall. In order to access the Internet,
we need to use SOCKS proxy service provided by the local gateway
machine. This is not something that is very uncommon in the present
corporate networks (in fact, this might even be the most common
configuration). Coming back to my attempt at installing IE4.0, I clicked
on "The Internet" icon sitting on the desktop and went through the
process of setting up the network properties for the machine. After all
the setup was done, I was hoping for it to bring up a browser window for
me. But I realized that the first time you click on this program, it
only performs the setup. You have to run it again to start the browser.
I am not sure why it was set up this way, but I will ignore this for the
time being as there are more important things for me to complain about.
After bringing up this ancient version of Internet Explorer, I wanted to
setup the address of the proxy server so that I could access the
Internet and go to Microsoft's home page. Aha !! The Internet Explorer
that was packaged with my version of Win95 does not understand proxies.
This meant that sitting there I had no way to access the Internet
through my proxy server. I knew that Netscape could do this. So the only
way to get IE4.0 on my machine was to install Netscape first !!!!! Even
getting Netscape was not easy from within Win95. I had to reboot the
machine into Linux. Since Linux came with client programs to access
Socks proxy servers, I could get to the Netscape FTP site and download
the Communicator for Win95. I rebooted the machine into Win95 and
installed Netscape without any problem. I set the preferences for
Netscape so that it knew about my proxy server and everything was
running fine as far as accessing the Internet is concerned.
I used Netscape to download the "ie4setup" file from the Microsoft home
page and fired it up. I will give you one guess to tell me if it worked.
You are right !!! It did not even come close to working. The ie4setup
file does nothing more than connecting to another server and downloading
a bunch of files that are required to install IE4.0. Since I am behind a
firewall, it could not find the server. It would be fine if it returned
back in a few seconds and told me that it could not find the server. But
that would be the right thing to do and Microsoft just cannot do any
such thing. Instead, the ie4setup program made me glare at a rotating
globe for fifteen minutes before giving up the search for the server.
After not finding the server, the programmer had half a brain cell to
ask the user for the address of a proxy server. However, this feature of
the setup program does not support SOCKS proxy (I tried putting the
address of my proxy server but it did not work). Thanks to the people at
NEC not all was lost yet.
I remembered reading about the program SocksCap32 which allows Win95
programs to access the Internet though a SOCKS proxy server. So I fired
up Netscape again and downloaded/installed SocksCap32. After starting
ie4setup through SocksCap32, it could access the servers and started
downloading the rest of the files that are necessary to install IE4.0.
Just before starting to download these files, it gave me an option of
either saving these files on disk or directly installing IE4.0. I had
little patience left at this time, so I chose the latter. The ie4setup
downloaded all the files correctly and started the installation process.
The installation process continued correctly until about 75% of
installation was complete. At this point, I had to leave the computer
and go away for several hours. I was hoping that when I come back, this
installation will be over. (I am sure you are laughing at me right now).
I came back after about three hours and the installation process had
reached 78% !!!!!!! I waited for a few minutes to see if it was doing
anything. There was no disk activity and hence I concluded that the
program had crashed or hung up. So I clicked on the "Cancel" button to
stop the installation. It came up with a window which said that the
"cancellation" process will take several minutes and that I should not
reboot the machine because that might leave the machine in an
inconsistent state (whatever that means). So I waited for it to finish
the job. There was no disk activity for half an hour which is also when
my patience ran out. I rebooted the machine. When it came up in Win95,
it had installed IE4.0 but not many of its components. I was not sure
what was going on but soon realized that since the ie4setup was run
under SocksCap32, it must have started the rest of the setup under
SocksCap32 too. And, knowing Microsoft, it may not have been designed to
work under the SocksCap32 libraries.
This meant that I should have stored the files downloaded by ie4setup on
the disk and started the setup without using SocksCap32. So, I fired up
ie4setup through SocksCap32 once again and downloaded all the files to
my disk. After that, I started the setup program from these downloaded
files and IE4.0 was installed on the machine without any more problems
in just a few minutes. Whew.
Great. Now that I have IE4.0 and Outlook Express 98 installed on my
machine, I should start using them. I started up IE4.0 and set it up to
use the proxy server. It worked just fine and I could access the
Internet. So far so good. Now, I needed to setup my mail account. So, I
clicked on the "Mail" button which started up Outlook Express. It asked
me for my email address, mail server name etc. in order to setup the
mail account. After that, I tried to check for new mail. And nothing. It
brought up a window in which it displayed a message that it was trying
to connect to my mail server but stopped in a minute with an error
saying that the connection to the server had failed !! My POP3 mail
server is outside the local network. Which means that one has to get to
it through the SOCKS server. Netscape has no problem doing this but at
this point, I have not found any way to setup Outlook Express to do
this. And this is when I decided to give up completely on IE4.0/Outlook
Express/Win95. I am back to using good old reliable Netscape.
I am not sure if anyone in the Linux community will benefit from this but I am
sure some of the people "on the other side" can learn something from it.
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Manish P. Pagey <BR>
Published in Issue 30 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, July 1998</H5></center>
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