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<title>Lesstif: One User's Impression LG #30</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<H1><font color="maroon">Lesstif: One User's Impression</font></H1>
<h4>By <a href="mailto: layers@marktwain.net">Larry Ayers</a></h4>
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One of the main differences between Linux and the commercial Unix flavors
is that the commercial unices commonly come with one version or other of the
proprietary Motif libraries. Motif is basically a "widget-set", a set of
libraries and header-files which give X-windows applications a characteristic
look, including such features as dialog-boxes, menus, file- and
font-selectors, drag-and-drop support, etc.
<p>There are several free widget-sets which offer roughly the same
functionality, such as GTK, so Motif isn't a necessity for a Linux system
except for one factor. Many of the popular free-software projects come from
institutions such as universities or government agencies, with a few
originating in a commercial or corporate setting. These institutions often
use a commercial Unix and programmers tend therefore to use the Motif
development tools.
<p>A year or so ago I bought a copy of SWIM Motif from the <a
href="http://www.lsl.com">LSL</a> web-site. There were several software
packages I wanted to compile which required the Motif libraries and header
files, such as XEphem, NEdit, DDD and Vim. The price of a commercial Motif
package had been close to two hundred dollars, but the new SWIM version was
selling at that time for about sixty, so it seemed like a good deal. It's a
quality product and worked well for me until I decided to upgrade my Debian
system to Debian 2.0, which is based on libc6 (as are Redhat 5.0 and 5.1). I
used the handy <i>autoup.sh</i> script, which upgrades the core packages of
the distribution in the proper order. Everything was hunky-dory until I
realized that my proprietary Motif libs were based on libc5 and won't function
in a libc6 environment. The LSL company offers a thirty-dollar upgrade for
customers in my situation, but I felt that I'd spent enough on what isn't
really a necessary software package, and who's to say whether some future
changes in Linux might put me in the same situation again? Situations like
these really make me appreciate source-code availability!
<p>I'd been hearing favorable reports on the newer versions of Lesstif, a
free and open-source Motif 1.2 clone created by a team of developers
called the Hungry Programmers. The release of the Netscape source earlier
this year had attracted new Lesstif users, as Netscape needs Motif to
build. More users means more bug-reports and probably some additional
programming help; I can't help but think that the new Netscape situation was a
shot in the arm for Lesstif. The Lesstif releases seem to be more frequent
now, for whatever reasons.
<p>I really didn't know what to expect from Lesstif. I remembered reading
usenet postings concerning Lesstif's failures to work with this or that
application and numerous comments on display flaws and other bugs. These
comments were made over a year ago, which is approximately a decade in
"computer time", so I was hoping for at least a marginally useful product.
<p>The first release I tried was 0.83. To my surprise, it compiled and
installed as easily as any other quality GPL package. Feeling rather foolish
that I'd spent hard-earned cash on a commercial Motif implementation, I
proceeded to re-compile (over the course of a few weeks) every application
which I had previously linked with SWIM Motif. So far every one I've tried
has worked well with Lesstif; some packages needed the paths to the Lesstif
libraries and header-files specified in the Makefile, but this was the only
tinkering I've had to do. I was particularly pleased that NEdit now works
with Lesstif, as this editor's dependence on Motif has until now hindered its
widespread use by Linux users.
<p>The few bugs I've seen in the Lesstif version I'm using now (0.85) are
minor and have little effect on usability.
<p>One reason Lesstif is important for the Linux community is that its
existence and usability make it possible for the developers of distributions
to package Motif-linked applications without the necessity of dealing with
non-free software. The application developers can continue to use Motif,
while Linux users can still compile and run the programs without the
proprietary libraries.
<p>Jon Christopher, a member of the Lesstif team, has written an essay about
Lesstif's history and prospects which is well worth reading. It was originally
contributed to the Slashdot web-site, and is available
<a href="http://slashdot.org/features/9806051046213.shtml">here</a>. The
<a href="http://www.lesstif.org">Lesstif</a> web-site has the latest releases
and other news.
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Last modified: Sun 28 Jun 1998
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Larry Ayers <BR>
Published in Issue 30 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, July 1998</H5></center>
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