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<title>UniForum '98 Report LG #29</title>
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
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<font color="navy">A <I>Linux Journal</I> Preview</font>:
This article will appear in the August issue of <I>Linux Journal</I>.
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<H1><font color="maroon">UniForum '98 Report</font></H1>
<H4>By <a href="mailto:phil@ssc.com">Phil Hughes</a></H4>
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I am writing this article as I fly back from the UniForum Association
Spring '98 Conference. This was only the second East Coast conference
held by UniForum in its 17 year history. It was held in Ocean City,
Maryland--a beautiful town by the Atlantic Ocean.
UniForum is an advocacy
organization that promotes the use of Open Computing solutions--or, to
put it in succinct terms--the use of UNIX and UNIX-like solutions.
UniForum and Usenix have tended to complement each other with UniForum
being the conference for suits and Usenix the conference for T-shirts.
The conference was a two and a half day event that looked light on paper.
Once there, I discovered there was too much to do in such a
short time. For the first two days, there were three tracks: <i>New Open
Software Development Model and Linux</i>, <i>Network Computing</i> and
<i>Best of SCO Forum</i>. All tracks included common Plenary and Keynote
sessions. On the third day there were two three-hour sessions: one presented by
the Open Group and the other by Linux International.
I attended all the Linux track sessions as well as the common sessions.
Monday's Plenary session was Eric Raymond's presentation of his paper <i>The
Cathedral and the Bazaar</i> which is credited with convincing Netscape to
take their Open Source stance.
If you haven't heard the talk or read the paper, it is available on our
Linux Resources page.
After Jon Hall introduced the Linux track, Frank Hecker, who is a systems
engineer at Netscape, gave a talk entitled <i>The Why and the How</i> that
filled in the background of Netscape's decision to embrace the Open
Source model.
For those of us who have been involved in what I call ``revolution from
below''--that is, attempting to sell Linux or Open Source to those in the trenches
and let it move up the corporate ladder--Frank had some interesting
things to say.
He said the engineers didn't believe Open Source could happen with
Netscape. So, Frank went to Marc Andreessen with the idea, and the rest is
After Frank's talk, we got together for the keynote lunch where Ralph
Nader (<A HREF="./uniforum2.html">UniForum Press Release</A>) spoke on the Microsoft monopoly and how Linux could be a big player
in an alternate solution.
It was a treat to get to meet Ralph and to hear the
word Linux come out of his mouth just a few days after hearing Marc
Andreessen saying it.
I brought up how U.S. government procurements used to require a
POSIX-compliant operating system be made available with any system they
purchased, and Ralph and his staffers are going to look into why that
requirement was dropped.
I asked him to keep <i>LJ</i> up to date on any findings, but you might also
wish to check out his web site at http://www.essential.org/.
Two afternoon sessions were held in the Linux track.
The first was presented by Ron Workman of Cygnus Solutions, and the second
was presented by me. Covering mine is easy--I went through a series of
articles which have appeared in our <i>Linux Means Business</i> column,
illustrating how companies identified a problem, then used Linux to
address that problem.
Ron's talk addressed Open Source software from a different direction:
how a company can succeed in the business of supporting freely
available software. Cygnus was
founded in 1989 to provide commercial support for open Internet technologies
and has grown to 160 employees. The company has succeeded by offering
consulting and support on such products as the Free Software
Foundation's GNU C Compiler.
Monday evening was filled with good food and bad beer (Coors
Light?--lucky Linus wasn't there) at a beach party hosted by Red Hat
Like most parties at these conferences, the evening was filled with
meeting others and talking about computers, the UNIX market and telling
Microsoft jokes.
I found it a valuable time to get to know people better, for example, Morgan Von
Essen and Garry Paxinos of Metro Link, and to thank Alan Fedder and Kathy
Goetz of UniForum for organizing the conference.
Tuesday morning started with a Plenary by Eid Eid, President of Corel
Computer (see <i>LJ</i>, Issue 48). If I had to choose one person who provided
me with the most
new information, I would choose Eid. I did cheat a little however, as I also
talked to him extensively over lunch.
Eid's Plenary was a pleasant combination of future fantasy and a look at
what is available today. The fantasy part consisted of describing a day in
the life of Mr. Twenty O'One, illustrating what we should
expect in the near future (2001 isn't that far away) from our personal
communicator: voice- and e-mail access,
voice commands and an interface to the Corel NetWinder.
At the office, Mr. Twenty O'One will have a typical Intel-based PC
but most of his work will be done on his personal communicator and his
NetWinder. The NetWinder is much faster for doing common tasks
because, while it is a complete Linux system, common tasks (everything
from e-mail to video conferencing and replying to e-mail with a
voice message automatically appended to e-mail) are trivial to
After this fictional introduction, Eid went on to cover the pieces which
actually exist today, including the NetWinder, video conferencing, XML and capable
portable systems.
He went on to say that we need to make all the interfaces and
standards open so any vendor can produce pieces which interoperate.
I expect some people were surprised when he said, ``Corel, Lotus and
will have no choice but to provide some source code for commercial
products in the near future.''
Eid also pointed out that Microsoft
controls over 50% of the money made on PC applications.
Eid was the Chief Technical Officer for Corel Corporation, makers
of CorelDraw and owner of Corel Computer before coming President of Corel
He explained how Corel had been a Microsoft partner until Corel acquired
WordPerfect, then Microsoft started hiding technology from them.
As many of us have concluded in the past, Eid believes you cannot
successfully fight Microsoft, but went on to point out what you can do.
He sees the network computer as the new wave, being less costly and more
The network computer opens up a new market and, done right, it can become a
market as large as today's personal computer market.
The morning session in the Linux Track included a presentation by Don
Rosenberg of Stromian Technologies on making money with Open Source as
Differing from Ron Workman's presentation of the previous day, Don's
presentation was a mini-tutorial on how to get into a market and how to
make the right distribution choices along the way.
Next, Morgan Von Essen, President of Metro Link, with the help of Garry
Paxinos, Vice President, presented a talk on Metro Link's cooperative
work with the XFree86 community--another model of a commercial
enterprise working with the free software community.
In this case, they developed technology needed for their
commercial customers and then gave that technology back to the
XFree86 community. Doing this makes it easier for Metro Link to continue
development, because their work becomes standard in new XFree86 releases.
Tuesday's keynote lunch was presented by Janpieter Scheerder who was
President of Sunsoft and has now moved to head the storage division of Sun.
He talked about WebTone and made some very interesting points
demonstrating how the non-Microsoft community is growing faster than
the Microsoft community.
His pointed out that while MS Windows sales are growing at 13% a year,
companies like Cisco are growing at 30%, and that while there are over
100,000,000 MS/PC users, that number is a small minority of the six
billion people on the planet.
He also pointed out that every Quicken user who registers their product
is a UNIX user since the Quicken on-line registration server runs on
Sun systems.
Janpieter explained that today most ISVs will port their product to
either NT or Solaris. By
mentioning an old Dutch saying, ``the enemy of my enemy is my
friend,'' he clearly
sees Linux as an ally. By the same reasoning, we need to see Sun ports as
potential Linux ports of the future.
Janpieter, like Eid, pointed out that the network computer is in--all
we need is a $150 device to connect to the Internet.
He then went on to talk about two subjects: first
and then Java.
This got a reaction from both Eric Raymond and Eid Eid, who both pointed out that
for Java to be the answer, its standard needs to be open.
There was no resolution, but I am sure we were heard.
The afternoon Linux track brought Bob Young discussing the size of the
Linux market or, more accurately, explaining how hard it is to come up
with an accurate estimate.
Bob also announced the availability of the <i>Extreme Linux</i> CD which
includes all the Beowulf RPMs for those of you who want to build your
own supercomputer.
Jon Hall of Linux International closed the track with some general
comments and preparation work for the workshop the following morning.
On Wednesday the Linux track attendees changed their plans and
attended the first hour of a presentation entitled <i>What Exciting
Technology is Emerging?</i> by The Open Group, the organization that owns
the UNIX brand and standards.
In this presentation, the Open Group announced the UNIX'98 standard.
Historically, vendors such as Digital, Hewlett-Packard and Sun have paid
a lot of money to use the UNIX brand.
This money goes to support The Open Group's work on the standards and
enforcement of the trademark.
While it would be great for Linux or a Linux distribution to be UNIX
branded, the cost is prohibitive.
The Open Group has now
recognized the advantage of getting the Linux community on board.
While Sun and others anchor the high end of the Open Systems community,
having an entry-level system compatible with the standard would be a plus.
This is not yet a done deal. While the use of the
UNIX trademark is limited to those who have paid the fees, the
opportunity will be present for a system to be conformant with the standard.
Stay tuned, this could be the <i>in</i> necessary to tighten the bond
between Linux and the rest of the UNIX community.
For more information on the UNIX'98 standard, see the web page
<A HREF="http://www.UNIX-systems.org/">http://www.UNIX-systems.org/</A>.
The melding of minds with regard to UNIX standards, Open Computing and Open
Source software needs a venue and UniForum has elected to be that venue.
Here's what Alan Fedder (<A HREF="./uniforum.html">UniForum Press Release</A>), President of UniForum had to say about it:
UniForum Association is the only forum for open
discussion and open debate about open computing.
Where else could Eric Raymond and Mike Lambert [of The Open Group]
debate each other, listen to each other, and have a
better understanding of each other's position? Where
else could you hear Ralph Nader, Eid Eid, Janpieter
Scheerer, Eric Raymond--all quoting Eric Raymond?
Momentous things happened at the UniForum Spring
Conference in Ocean City--and I honestly believe
that five years from now, 5,000 people will be telling
each other they were there when UNIX was saved.
In conclusion, I found attending the conference to be truly worthwhile
and look forward to going again next year.
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<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Phil Hughes <BR>
Published in Issue 29 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, June 1998</H5></center>
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