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<title>EMACSulation LG #27</title>
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<meta name="keywords"
content="emacs, ediff, comparing, diff, cmp, patch"
<meta name="description"
content="Ediff is an Emacs interface to diff and patch. It provides
convenient functions for examining the differences between files and
directories, for merging files, and for applying patches
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content="Eric Marsden">
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content="with Emacs">
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"Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>"
<P> <HR> <P>
<h4>by <a href="mailto:emarsden@mail.dotcom.fr">Eric Marsden</a>
<p><HR> <P>
This column is devoted to making the best use of Emacs, text editor
extraordinaire. Each issue I plan to present an Emacs extension
which can improve your productivity, make the sun shine more brightly
and the grass greener.
<h2>Ediff: an Emacs interface to diff and patch</h2>
<blockquote><font face="Helvetica">
Never read that diff output again! <br>
Apply patches interactively! <br>
Merge with ease! <br>
<p> <strong>Ediff</strong> is a powerful package by <a
href="http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~kifer/">Michael Kifer</a> which lets
you browse through the differences between files and directories, merge
files which have been revised by coworkers, and apply patches
interactively. Let's start with the simplest use&nbsp;: eyeballing the
differences between two versions of a text file. Either type <tt>M-x
ediff</tt>, or from the menubar go to Tools -> Compare -> Two files
(yes, it's something else on the XEmacs menubar). Ediff will prompt you
for two files to compare, open them and ponder a bit (while running <a
href="http://www.new.ox.ac.uk/jargon/jargon_19.html#TAG468">diff</a> as
a subprocess). Emacs will open a small control window, and show you
something like this
<p> <img src="./gx/marsden/ediff-compare-two.gif"
alt="Comparison of two files [21 kB]"
width="538" height="587">
<p> (for the curious, the window manager is a slighly modified version of
Chris Cannam's almost-minimal <a
href="http://www.netcomuk.co.uk/~cannam/wmx.html">wmx</a>). Differing
lines --or <em>hunks</em> in diff parlance-- in the two files are
highlighted in grey, and you can step through them by typing <tt>n</tt>
(next) or <tt>p</tt> (previous) into the control window. The active
hunk is highlighted in color, with the exact words which differ
displayed in a separate color (this process is called refining, and is
done by Emacs itself, not by diff). Naturally Ediff works best when run
under a windowing system, but it does work in degraded mode in the
<p> You can use all your normal keybindings in the two buffers being
compared; ediff-specific commands must be typed into the control panel.
To obtain help, type <tt>?</tt> while focus is in the ediff control
panel; it should warp into a reassuring help window something like
<p> <img src="./gx/marsden/ediff-help.gif"
alt="Ediff help window [7 kB]"
width="512" height="239">
<h3>Merging files</h3>
<p> Ediff can help you merge two files into a third file, a little like the
command-line tools <em>sdiff</em> and <em>merge</em>. Type <tt>M-x
ediff-merge</tt> to enter merge mode and be prompted for two filenames.
The Emacs frame will then be split in three, with the two files to be
merged side by side in windows named respectively A and B, above a
buffer containing their merge. It should look a little like <a
href="./gx/marsden/ediff-merge.gif">this</a> <i>(23 kB)</i>. The normal width of
your Emacs frame may be a little limiting for two files side by side;
you can type <tt>m</tt> to widen the frame.
<p> For each hunk you will then be able to choose which files to make
authoritative (ie which version to include in the merge). Type
<tt>a</tt> to choose the version in the buffer labelled A, <tt>b</tt>
for the other buffer, or <tt>+</tt> to include both (you can then edit
the merge buffer to select bits of both). You can also merge files with
respect to an ancestor, if for example two people have made independent
changes to a common original.
<h3>Interactive Patching</h3>
<p> We come to one of the most amusing uses of Ediff: applying a <a
interactively from the comfort of Emacs. No more reading diffs ``by
hand'', no more fiddling around with rejects. Type <tt>M-x
ediff-patch-file</tt> to start the fun and be prompted for a patch file
and a filename. The Emacs frame will be split vertically with the
original file above, and the patched file below. You step from hunk to
hunk like for a diff, and can selectively restore certain regions from
the original file (undo parts of the patch) by typing <tt>a</tt>.
<p> Ediff also has an excellent integration with Emacs' <a
control interfaces</a>, which lets you compare different revisions of a
file. Open a file under version control (Emacs detects this
automatically) and type <tt>M-x ediff-revision</tt>; you will be
prompted for the two version numbers to compare. Ediff will check out
the two revisions and run diff on them. This seamless integration is
extended to remote and compressed files&nbsp;: your patches can be
compressed or on a distant machine, and Ediff will work things out all
by itself. You can even (not tested!) apply a gzipped remote patch to
an old version of a compressed file on another machine, so there.
<p> I've only described the most common uses of Ediff&nbsp;: it can also
compare three files (<tt>ediff3</tt>), compare buffers, compare
directory contents, and apply multi-file patches. Many aspects of the
presentation can be customized. It has a registry of current ediff
sessions which may be useful if you're a heavy user. Read the <a
documentation</a> to know all about it.
<font face="Helvetica">
For they have entertained cause enough <br>
To draw their swords. But how the fear of us <br>
May cement their divisions, and bind up <br>
The petty difference we yet not know. <br>
Be't as our gods will have't! It only stands <br>
Our lives upon to use our strongest hands. <br>
<p> William Shakespeare,
and Cleopatra</i></a>
<p> A few people pointed out to me that <strong>ffap</strong> is not
included with both Emacsen as I claimed in last month's column, but
only with GNU Emacs. XEmacs users can obtain the latest version from
Michelangelo Grigni (the author)'s <a
href="ftp://ftp.mathcs.emory.edu/pub/mic/emacs/">ftp site</a>. I also
incorrectly attributed a message from Christopher B. Smith to another
Linux user, Christopher B. Browne; my apologies to both Christophers.
<h2>Next time ...</h2>
<p> In the next issue I'll review emacsclient/gnuserv, a mechanism for
sending messages to a running Emacs process. Don't hesitate to contact
me at <tt>&lt;emarsden@mail.dotcom.fr&gt;</tt> with comments,
corrections or suggestions (what's <em>your</em> favorite
couldn't-do-without Emacs extension package?). <code>C-u 1000 M-x
hail-emacs</code> !
<p> <b>PS</b> : Emacs isn't in any way limited to Linux, since
implementations exist for many other operating systems (and some
systems which only halfway operate). However, as one of the leading
bits of <a href="http://www.open-source.org/">open-source</a> software,
one of the most powerful, complex and customizable, I feel it has its
place in the <i>Linux Gazette</i>.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H4>Previous ``EMACSulation'' Columns</H4></center>
<A HREF="../issue25/marsden.html">EMACSulation #1, February 1998</A> <BR>
<A HREF="../issue26/marsden.html">EMACSulation #2, March 1998</A>
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1998, Eric Marsden <BR>
Published in Issue 27 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, April 1998</H5></center>
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