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<TITLE>A New Console/Xterm FTP Client Issue 23</TITLE>
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&quot;Linux Gazette...<I>making Linux just a little more fun!</I>&quot;
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<center><h1>Comfortable FTP</h1></center>
<h4><a href="mailto: layers@marktwain.net">by Larry Ayers</a></h4>
<p>There are quite a few FTP clients available for Linux these days. Several
of them are X programs, but why incur the overhead of running an X FTP client?
Downloading a file is not a very interactive process. Usually an FTP download
is a process running in the background, which just needs to be checked every
now and then.
<p>On the other hand, using the basic command-line FTP program is not much fun
unless you enjoy typing complete pathnames and filenames. A great improvement
is the classic ncurses-based client <b>NcFtp</b>, written by Mike Gleason.
This program has a well-designed bookmarking facility and supports the FTP
"reget" command, which allows resumption of interrupted
downloads. Unfortunately, file and directory names still must be typed in,
though NcFtp does support shell-like completion of filenames in both local and
remote directories.
<p>Recently I came across a new FTP client called <b>cftp</b>. It is being
developed by Dieter Baron, and though it is still a relatively new program, it
has been working superbly for me.
<center><h3>About cftp</h3></center>
<p>Cfpt isn't a showy application. It uses the termcap library, which allows
it to show a reverse-video modeline displaying the current host and directory,
as well as the number of bytes transferred. Otherwise it resembles a <b>ls
-l</b> listing of files in the remote directory. The default keybindings are
fairly intuitive: <b>d</b> downloads a file, <b>v</b> views a remote file
using your default pager, and the left and right arrow keys function like they
do in the <b>Lynx</b> text-mode web-browser: the left arrow-key takes you back
to the previous directory, and the right arrow-key descends into the
subdirectory under the cursor. The other key-bindings (as well as user
options) can be viewed during a session by typing <kbd>:help</kbd>. The colon
as a prefix to a command will be familiar to anyone who has used the <b>vi</b>
editor or one its clones. <b>Vi</b> and <b>Emacs</b> motion-keys can also be
used instead of the arrow-keys.
<p>What impressed me was the quickness with which the program starts up and
makes the connection; before you know it a directory listing is displayed.
This is a small and efficient little program which nevertheless has convenient
keyboard commands. It's just the thing for making a quick check of an FTP
site, perhaps reading a few *.lsm or README files, then pressing <b>q</b>
which tells cftp to first log off, then quit. Directory listings displayed
during a session are cached in memory, so returning to a previously-viewed
directory is near-instantaneous.
<p>Many FTP programs are in effect front-ends for the command-line FTP
utility, just as many mail clients use sendmail to do the actual
mail-handling. In contrast, cftp uses its own built-in FTP routines; this may
be one reason for its speed. Instead of passing an FTP command through a GUI
layer before handing it to the actual FTP executable, cftp is talking directly
with the remote server.
<center><h3>Aliases and Configuration</h3></center>
<p>There are two files which cftp reads when starting up, <i>~/.cftprc</i> and
<i>~/.netrc</i>. The <i>~/.cftprc</i> file can contain personal changes to
default settings, such as keybindings. Aliases for oft-visited sites can be
entered into this file as well. The line<br>
<p><kbd>alias sun ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/Incoming</kbd><br>
<p>enables quick access to the site by merely typing <kbd>cftp sun</kbd>.
<p>The <i>~/.netrc</i> file is used by the default FTP program, as well as the
FTP facilities provided by GNU Emacs' dired and XEmacs' EFS. Cftp refers to
this file as well. An entry like this:<br>
<p><kbd>default login anonymous password [your e-mail address]</kbd><br>
<p>will save typing login info for sites which allow anonymous access, and if
you access a site for which you have a username and password, lines like
these:<br> <pre><kbd>machine [hostname] login [login-id] password [password]
macdef init cd /[directory to change to]</kbd></pre><br> will speed up
accessing the site.
<center><h3>New Enhancements</h3></center>
<p>When I began this review version 0.7 was the latest version; since then
version 0.8 has been released, which contains several new features:
<li>In this version "putting" or uploading files to
a remote site is supported.
<li>Directory listings can now be sorted by date as well as by name.
<li>A new option is a beep when a download is completed. This is handy when
a session is running in the background or on another desk-top.
<p>As I write this <b>cftp-0.8.tar.gz</b> is the current version; the latest
release can be found at the cftp home
<a href="ftp://ftp.giga.or.at/pub/nih/cftp">FTP site</a>, or via the WWW at
<a href="http://ftp.giga.or.at/pub/nih/cftp">this site</a>.
<p>I enjoyed trying this small application and find myself using it often.
It's a small download and should compile easily if you have libtermcap
installed. If you do try it, let <a href="mailto://dillo@giga.or.at">
Deiter Baron</a> know what you think of it.
<P> <hr> <P>
<center><H5>Copyright &copy; 1997, Larry Ayers<BR>
Published in Issue 23 of <i>Linux Gazette</i>, December 1997</H5></center>
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