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Graphics Muse
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<LI><A HREF="#ac3d">Review: The AC3D Modeller</A>
<LI><A HREF="#irtc">more IRTC...</A>
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&copy 1996 <A HREF="mailto:mjhammel@csn.net">Michael J. Hammel</A>
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<A NAME="ac3d">
<H4>Review: The AC3D Modeller</H4>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
There are only a few 3D modellers available for Linux: AMAPI (which may
now only be available for the Mac, based on one report I've received),
Midnight Modeller, SCED/SCEDA, and AC3D. Each of these has its advantages
and disadvantages. I've tried each of these at least briefly. A couple,
SCED and AC3D, I've used to actually create scenes. Lets take a quick look
at one of these - AC3D.
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&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
<A HREF="http://www.comp.lancs.ac.uk/computing/users/andy/ac3dlinux.html">AC3D</A>
comes from <A HREF="mailto:andy@comp.lancs.ac.uk">Andy Colebourne</A>. It
is a shareware modeller that comes in binary format only. It is available
for Linux, SGI's and Sun's (both SunOS and Solaris). Once registered you have access to a
private Web site from which you can download the full version of the software.
Documentation is a bit sparse (a common problem with much of the software
available for Linux, in this authors opinion), consisting of about
12 or 13 pages formatted in either HTML or Postscript. The distribution
package contains the binary, the HTML manual with a few images and a set
of object files that are necessary for packages which use the Mesa Graphics
Library, which AC3D does.
<IMG SRC=../gx/hammel/ac3d.jpg ALT="AC3D" ALIGN="left"
HSPACE="0" WIDTH="322" HEIGHT="248">
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<B>Figure 1</B>: Example AC3D session (this is taken from the AC3D Web site).
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
The interface consists of 4 view windows and a control panel. There are 3
orthographic views and a 3D view. Changes in one of the orthographic view
windows are reflected in the other views. Edits are not allowed in the 3D
view. The 3D view can provide wireframe, filled or textured surfaces.
My system is not quite fast enough to handle anything but the wireframe
surface so I won't be able to say much about the texturing features of
the modeller.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
AC3D supports a number of import file formats, including DXF and Lightwave
files. It can export POV, RIB, VRML and a couple of other formats. Since
the modeller is a based on vertices (as opposed to primitives like spheres
or boxes) it is quite easy to manipulate basic shapes into more complex
ones. This can be a disadvantage to those used to the CSG aspects of SCED
or users of POV-Ray, but it really doesn't take that long to get used to.
Even though the modeller bases its shapes on vertices, there are still a
collection of basic shapes provided: disk, line, box, sphere, and mesh are
just some of these. These shapes are displayed with a given number of
vertices. The number of vertices can be configured and its possible to add
more vertices where necessary.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
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&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
One of the nicest features is the ability to extrude a 2D shape into 3
dimensions. Lets follow an example of this. First, select the "ellipse"
drawing function from the control panel and create a stretched out ellipse
in the XY orthographic view.
<IMG SRC=./gx/hammel/wing-1b.jpg ALT="AC3D" ALIGN="middle"
HSPACE="5" WIDTH="341" HEIGHT="279">
<BR clear=both>
<B>Figure 2</B>: An ellipse
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Next, change the <I>Edit</I> type to "vertex" in the control panel and select all
the vertices on the lower half of the ellipse (but not the ones on the end
of the ellipse). Delete these with the "delete" function in the control
panel. Then select the two lowest vertices and insert some new vertices (as
shown in Figure 3).
<IMG SRC=./gx/hammel/wing-2b.jpg ALT="AC3D" ALIGN="middle"
HSPACE="5" WIDTH="341" HEIGHT="279">
<BR clear=both>
<B>Figure 3</B>: The ellipse has been halved and some new vertices added.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
This next part is a little tricky. What you want to do is select the
vertices on each end of the object and move them, one at a time, until you
get a slightly rounded effect. Then select 4 or 5 of the vertices on the
back end (the left side in Figure 4) and strecth them out a little, to
flatten the wings trailing edge. Then get rid of the extra vertices along
the bottom of the wings edge by selecting them and using the "delete"
function in the control panel. The result should look something like
Figure 4.
<IMG SRC=./gx/hammel/wing-3b.jpg ALT="AC3D" ALIGN="middle"
HSPACE="5" WIDTH="341" HEIGHT="279">
<BR clear=both>
<B>Figure 4</B>: The wing edge takes shape
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
This isn't bad, but a wing should be smoother around the top and edges,
so change the <I>Edit</I> type to "Object" and select the wing. Then
use the "Spline Surfaces" option from the <I>Object</I> pull-down menu.
This adds a bunch of new vertices to the object and creates a smoother
line around the wing.
<IMG SRC=./gx/hammel/wing-4b.jpg ALT="AC3D" ALIGN="middle"
HSPACE="5" WIDTH="341" HEIGHT="279">
<BR clear=both>
<B>Figure 5</B>: Smoothing the wing edge.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Now lets take this simple shape and extrude it. Make sure the
<I>Edit</I> type is still "Object" and select the wing edge. We need
to change to the XZ orthographic view window. Up to this point we've
been using the XY viewport. Click on "Extrude" under the <I>Mouse</I>
options in the control panel. Grab the object in the XZ viewport and
drag up. The original points stay put and a new set of points is moved
to where ever you drag to. Once you let go of the mouse button you'll
see the new points get connected to their corresponding points on the
original object. Notice how the connecting lines aren't quite straight.
This would be bad for a real wing, so we'll straighten them out.
<IMG SRC=./gx/hammel/wing-5b.jpg ALT="AC3D" ALIGN="middle"
HSPACE="5" WIDTH="341" HEIGHT="279">
<BR clear=both>
<B>Figure 6</B>: The wing edge gets extruded.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
In this next figure, the control panel was used to change the
<I>Edit</I> mode to "vertices" and the vertices on the
new side of the extruded object
have been selected. Once selected, the "move" option under the
<I>Mouse</I> features allows the selected vertices to be moved as a
group. When these vertices are moved the lines connecting them to the
opposite end are redrawn. You can play with this a bit in order to get the
connecting lines to become straight. Note that its not absolutely
necessary to correctly align the two ends of the extruded object, but this
is one way to do so if you feel it necessary.
<IMG SRC=./gx/hammel/wing-6b.jpg ALT="AC3D" ALIGN="middle"
HSPACE="5" WIDTH="341" HEIGHT="279">
<BR clear=both>
<B>Figure 7</B>: The ends of the extruded object are aligned.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Now switch back to the "object" <I>Edit</I> mode and select the object.
The bounding box (in green) has handles that can be grabbed to drag
the bounding box to resize the object. Use the middle top and bottom
handles to make the object wider in the XZ view.
<IMG SRC=./gx/hammel/wing-7b.jpg ALT="AC3D" ALIGN="middle"
HSPACE="5" WIDTH="341" HEIGHT="279">
<BR clear=both>
<B>Figure 8</B>: Stretch the object a bit.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Next, switch back to "vertices" <I>Edit</I> mode and select the vertices
on one end of the object. Click on "Create Surface" under
<I>Functions</I> in the control panel. If the surface (as viewed in the 3D
view) does not appear solid you can select "Poly" under <I>Surface</I> to
create a solid surface to close the end of the object. Repeat this process
for the other end.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Viola! You've got a solid surfaced wing, just like the one in Figure 9.
(The grid is an option for the 3D view window and not part of the image.)
Of course, this is a pretty simplistic example, but you should get the
idea of how easy it is to create shapes using AC3D. You'll need to export
the file to POV or RIB format and add some real textures to finish up the
project, of course.
<IMG SRC=./gx/hammel/wing-9b.jpg ALT="AC3D" ALIGN="middle"
HSPACE="5" WIDTH="341" HEIGHT="279">
<BR clear=both>
<B>Figure 9</B>: The solid surfaced wing.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
When I first started examining modellers I got my hands on SCED, a nifty
modeller from Stephen Chenney. One of the nice features of SCED is that it
is constraint based - you can join objects using CSG and then constrain
them to certain points. This allows you to create an arm, for example,
that can bend only at the elbow. AC3D works similarly in that you can
rotate any set of points around a single point within one of the
orthographic views. For example, if I created an arm I could select
"Rotate" from the control panel and then use the mouse to rotate the arm
around a single point, such as the elbow, in one of the 2D view windows.
If I need it to move in 3D I need to do this type of rotation in 2 or more
of the 2D view windows. This process is a little different than SCED,
which can move objects in 3 dimensions, but the result is the same. In
fact, at times it can be a little easier to keep your bearings using
multiple rotations in 2D.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Since I've never used any of the modellers available for other systems
(such as high end modellers on SGI's or any of the modellers available for
Microsoft or Mac systems)
I can't say how well AC3D compares to them. I do know that I found the
modeller fairly easy to learn, but I tend to be more motivated than some
folks. AC3D could use some online help (whats the difference between a
"Poly" and a "Polyline", for example) and more detailed documentation in
general. It would also be nice to be able to unhide selected objects
instead of all hidden objects. Andy has told me that a new version coming
soon will include the ability to specify the exact dimensions of a selected
object or set of vertices. This is a very important feature in my eyes. I
tend to like to use modellers to create individual objets and then use the
conditional constructs of POV-Ray to position multiple copies of them, such
as trees or rocks or houses. By constraining an object to a unit size it
makes it easier to position and resize objects using POV-Ray.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Of all the modellers I've tried AC3D is probably the easiest to use. Its
ability to import formats like DXF gives it a step up on SCED, although I
really like the latter too. I don't particularly mind that you don't get
the source to AC3D since I'm mostly interested in just using the modeller
and not in developing new features for it. It would be nice if there were a
plug-in interface, but I'm not such a power user yet that I need that
feature. Aside from a lack of detailed documentation, and a few keystrokes
that are already used by fvwm, I find the AC3D modeller worth the
registration price.
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<A NAME="irtc">
<H4>more IRTC...</H4>
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
The contest started in earnest in May/June of 1996. The topic then was
Time and there were some stunning entries. In July/August we had fewer
entries, but the topic - Summer - was a little tougher to nail down.
In September/October we hit the jackpot with Science Fiction. Well over
200 entries were submitted for this round. Thats quite a difference from
the 20-30 submitted during Matt's original contests. Fortunately much of
the work for viewing, voting, and tabulating information has been
automated. The contest has been great fun and has been accompanied with
lively discussions on the associated irtc-l mailing list.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Unfortunately, there are always those that have to try to ruin things
for everyone else. We had some people submit images that were fair but not
likely winners. They then submitted multiple votes. A vote consists of
ratings of all the images with values between 1-20 for each in 3
categories - needless to say
this takes awhile to accomplish. Any vote that does not include ratings
for all images is not counted in the final tally. The multiple votes were
done offline (which is permissable) and submitted from different email
accounts. The artists images received very high marks while all the rest
received very low (within a very small range) ratings. Then they got some
of their friends to do the same thing. Beyond this, others have
submitted numerous entries that they had made in the past (prior to
the contest) that just happen to fit the category (how many 3D artists, for
fun or profit, have *never* made a space scene?) in order to turn the
contest into their own private gallery. The spirit of the competition is
lost on some people, I'm afraid.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
I haven't done any of the automation nor have I worked on the very
nice web site for the contest. But I've watched Chip and Bill do so.
Its very frustrating knowing how much effort they put into this,
trying very hard not to give themselves or anyone else unfair advantages
and still make the contest fun for everyone only to see someone still try
to cheat the system. Why? For a couple of CDs? Remember when the
Internet was a friendly, honest place?
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
Still, the contest continues and the Admin Team is working on ways
of keeping the contest fun, open to participation, and fair. The
guys could use a new host for their contest. Walnut Creek, the current
host, appears to be limiting ftp connections and the amount of disk space
required for 200+ images can get rather large.
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
If you are into 3D rendering for the fun of it you owe it to yourself
to take a shot at the IRTC. Its fun to see how your images stack
up against others. Many of the voters offer comments on the images which
can very useful in any future images you render. Check our the
<A HREF="http://www.povray.org/irtc/">IRTC Web Site</A>
to get more details and join in!
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&copy 1996 by <A HREF="mailto:mjhammel@csn.net">Michael J. Hammel</A>