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<center><h1>Running Sun's Hotjava Browser on a Linux System</h1></center>
<center><h4><a href="mailto: layers@vax2.rain.gen.mo.us">by Larry
<center>Copyright (c) 1996</center><BR>
<center><H5>Published in Issue 11 of the Linux Gazette</H5></center>
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<p>Recently I stopped by the
<a href="http://www.blackdown.org/java-linux/Information.html">Java-Linux</a>
web-page to see what was new and found an intriguing new link. This link
took me to a page which contains a script allowing Sun Microsystem's HotJava
web-browser to be run on a Linux machine. I was skeptical, as the Java-based
browser supposedly is only available in versions for Win 95/NT and Sparc
Solaris systems. The comments in the script stated that the Sparc version
should be downloaded and installed, after which the new script should be
edited to reflect the location of the Java Developers Kit on the machine.
The comments were rather terse; what I wanted to know was whether it worked
well enough to even bother with.
<center><h3>Download and Installation</h3></center>
<p>You've probably guessed that my curiosity got the better of me; feeling
faintly foolish I FTP'ed the three-and-one-half megabytes of Sparc binaries
from the <a href="ftp://ftp.javasoft.com/pub/">Javasoft site</a> and installed
them. After substituting the new start-up shell script for the supplied
script I was ready to try it out. The first try it died, complaining that it
couldn't find <b>mkdir</b> in /usr/bin. I re-edited the shell script and
corrected that path. This time it worked, and I have to say I was impressed.
<center><h3>So What's It Like?</h3></center>
<p>HotJava is a graphically well-designed browser. The graphics in the
various help-pages, the buttons, and the general design are all professionally
executed, and pleasing to the eye. Here is a screen-shot of one of the
included monitor applets:<br>
<img src="./gx/ayers/splash.jpg" alt="HotJava" align=center>
<p>The browser takes about as long to start up as Netscape does. It's
informative to start it from an xterm window, as verbose messages scroll by
throughout the session indicating what threads and applets are active.
You'll also be able to see its dying words, as (at least on my machine) it
will only run for about one-half an hour before crashing. While it runs it
seems to do well, though. I aimed it at http://www.gamelan.com and tried a
variety of java applets. They seemed to take longer to load than with
Netscape, but once loaded worked well. Frames, once a Netscape exclusive,
are supported. There is also a menu option allowing hotlists from other
browsers to be imported.
<p>In its current "pre-beta" state HotJava uses an awful lot of
memory. <b>Top</b> reported usage of fourteen to fifteen megabytes! No wonder
I could only start it when the machine was lightly loaded. The current version
of the Linux java compiler is a memory hog as well, so perhaps this is a trait
of java, being an interpreted language as it is.
<p>HotJava includes two interesting monitor applets. One shows the current
memory usage in bar-graph form, with a button which will clear past images and
pages from memory, rather like Netscape's "clear memory cache" function. The
other shows a list of all of the active threads, with often as many as twenty
to thirty active at once.
<p>I did notice that if used locally; i.e. for viewing HTML files on the local
hard disk rather than on the net, it wouldn't crash. GIF and JPEG images
referred to from a page (rather than inline on the page) are viewed in the
same window with an internal viewer. This is in contrast to some browsers
which call an external program for this purpose.
<p>I should state here that I don't have the Java Developer's Kit version 1.02
patchlevel 2 installed; my installation is the plain 1.02. Patchlevel 2 is
recommended on the Java-Linux page. Perhaps some of the problems I had with
HotJava can be attributed to my slightly out-of-date JDK.
Even with all of the faults related above my overall impression was
positive. Remember, this is a <b>pre-beta</b> release. HotJava is a major
evolutionary step up from the web-page applets which are the most common
uses of java these days. What other large application written in java is
available? It is a tribute to the inherent cross-platform nature of the
java language that a release intended for Sparc Solaris machines will run at
all on my humble 486 Linux box. Thanks go to whomever modified the
<i>hotjava</i> script and made it available on the Java-Linux site!
<address><a href="http://vax2.rain.gen.mo.us/~layers/">Larry
<!-- hhmts start --> Last modified: Sat Oct 26 17:29:28 CDT 1996
<!-- hhmts end -->
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