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<TITLE>Linux Quake HOWTO: General Info </TITLE>
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<H2><A NAME="s2">2.</A> <A HREF="Quake-HOWTO.html#toc2">General Info </A></H2>
<H2><A NAME="ss2.1">2.1</A> <A HREF="Quake-HOWTO.html#toc2.1">Getting Started </A>
<P>Installing Quake requires a few basic steps.</P>
<DT><B>Get the Game Data Files</B><DD><P>Getting the game data files is normally done by installing the
<A HREF="http://www.idsoftware.com/games/quake/quake">game</A> (or
<A HREF="ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/quake/quake106.zip">game demo</A>) using
Microsoft Windows, or an emulator such as Wine or Dosbox, and then
copying the <B>id1</B> directory of the installed game to your Linux Quake
directory - making sure all files are in
<A HREF="Quake-HOWTO-8.html#lowercase_">lowercase</A>.</P>
<P>Alternatively, you can use the
<A HREF="http://freshmeat.net/projects/lhaforunix/">lha utility</A>
to extract the data files. For early CDs, you must first
cat /mnt/cdrom/quake101.1 /mnt/cdrom/quake101.2 > resource.1
Once you have the resource.1 file, then type
cd /usr/local/games/quake
lha e {some directory}/resource.1
<P>Later versions of the game, including WinQuake, come with the data files in an
uncompressed form and the <B>id1</B> directory can be directly copied from
the CD. </P>
<DT><B>Install a Quake Executable</B><DD><P>The program you execute to run Quake is known as the
<A HREF="Quake-HOWTO-3.html#engine_">game engine</A>. There are several to choose from, but the simplest choice
is either
<A HREF="http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/uhexen2/quake-lq-1.0.1.tgz?download">TyrQuake</A>, or the more enhanced
<A HREF="Quake-HOWTO-3.html#quakespasm_">QuakeSpasm</A>.
After downloading or compiling a game engine, place this
binary in your Quake directory alongside the <B>id1</B> directory.</P>
<DT><B>Summary</B><DD><P>Finally, you should have a directory structure similar to this, with all files
being in
<A HREF="Quake-HOWTO-8.html#lowercase_">lowercase</A>:</P>
/usr/local/games/quake +- quakespasm (or another game engine)
+- progs.dat
+- id1 -+- pak0.pak
+- pak1.pak
Now, from an xterm window, type (for example)
./quakespasm -fullscreen -width 800 -height 600
to start the game.</P>
<DT><B>Help</B><DD><P>This sounds simple, but if you are new to Linux and you are not familiar
with the command line, try one of these links for more information:</P>
<A HREF="Quake-HOWTO-8.html#troubleshooting_">Trouble-shooting</A> section</LI>
<LI> The
<A HREF="Quake-HOWTO-10.html#other_">old version</A> of this how-to</LI>
<A HREF="http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=42">Linuxgamers Quake How-To</A></LI>
<A HREF="http://wiki.quakesrc.org/index.php/HomePage">Quake wiki</A></LI>
<A HREF="http://www.happypenguin.org">The Linux Game Tome</A>
<H2><A NAME="ss2.2">2.2</A> <A HREF="Quake-HOWTO.html#toc2.2">Command Line Options </A>
<P>Command Line Options are extra parameters that are typed on the Linux command
line following the program's name. Quake has a large number of them, some of
which vary from engine to engine. The most useful/common ones are:</P>
<DT><B>-window</B><DD><P>Run the game in windowed mode</P>
<DT><B>-fullscreen</B><DD><P>Run the game in fullscreen mode</P>
<DT><B>-game NAME</B><DD><P>Load the mod NAME.</P>
<DT><B>-mem N</B><DD><P>Reserve N megabytes of memory for the internal heap. This
generally defaults to 8 or 16 meg, but must be increased when playing
larger mods.</P>
<DT><B>-width WIDTH</B><DD><P>window/fullscreen width</P>
<DT><B>-height HEIGHT</B><DD><P>window/fullscreen height</P>
<DT><B>-basedir DIRECTORY</B><DD><P>Use this directory by default</P>
<DT><B>-sndspeed MHz</B><DD><P>Set sound sampling rate (eg. 44100, 22050, 11025)</P>
<DT><B>-sndbits N</B><DD><P>Set sound bits to N = 8 or 16</P>
<DT><B>-nosound</B><DD><P>Disable sound. Necessary when sound is
absent/unconfigured to stop the game from crashing.</P>
<DT><B>-nomtex</B><DD><P>Disable GL multitextures.</P>
<DT><B>-listen N</B><DD><P>Allow a maximum of N players/bots to join multiplayer games.</P>
<DT><B>-cddev DEVICE</B><DD><P>Use DEVICE for playing the cd music</P>
<DT><B>-nocdaudio</B><DD><P>Disable cd audio</P>
<P>You can also append Quake commands to the Linux command line by prefixing
them with a plus sign. For example, to automatically start a new game
at hard skill, use
quakespasm +skill 2 +map e1m1
<A NAME="console_"></A> </P>
<H2><A NAME="ss2.3">2.3</A> <A HREF="Quake-HOWTO.html#toc2.3">Game Console Commands </A>
<P><EM>For more info see
<A HREF="http://www.planetquake.com/console/commands/quake.html">http://www.planetquake.com/console/commands/quake.html</A></EM></P>
<P>The console is an in-game command line at which you can issue commands,
change variables and cheat. It is toggled by pressing the tilde "~" key when
in a game. The main commands include -</P>
<DT><B>noclip</B><DD><P>Walk through walls</P>
<DT><B>notarget</B><DD><P>Enemies won't attack player</P>
<DT><B>timedemo DEMO</B><DD><P>Play DEMO (eg. "demo1") at top speed and show frame rate</P>
<DT><B>impulse N</B><DD><P>Issue "impulse N" </P>
<P>These are in-game commands which can be given special uses. A few usefull ones are:
<LI><B>impulse 9</B> Give all weapons</LI>
<LI><B>impulse 12</B> Select previous weapon
(eg <B>bind MWHEELUP "impulse 12"</B>)</LI>
<LI><B>impulse 10</B> Select next weapon</LI>
<LI><B>impulse 255</B> Give Quad damage</LI>
<DT><B>bind key "COMMAND"</B><DD><P>Bind a key to perform a command</P>
<DT><B>map MAP</B><DD><P>Load MAP</P>
<DT><B>changelevel MAP</B><DD><P>Load MAP without resetting player settings</P>
<DT><B>quit</B><DD><P>Exit to system</P>
<DT><B>skill VALUE</B><DD><P>value = 0 (easy) - 3 (impossible)</P>
<P>Degree of difficulty. Level must be restarted to take effect</P>
<DT><B>r_wateralpha VALUE</B><DD><P>value = 0.0 - 1.0</P>
<P>Opacity of water in maps with transparent water support (See
<A HREF="Quake-HOWTO-9.html#watervis_">Watervis</A>)</P>
<DT><B>_snd_mixahead VALUE</B><DD><P>value = 0.1 - 1.0</P>
<P>Raising this value is a good way to speed up the game at the expense of
some sound lag. I use 0.3 on my slower computers</P>
<DT><B>gl_texturemode VALUE</B><DD><P>value = gl_nearest | gl_nearest_mipmap_nearest | gl_linear_mipmap_nearest | gl_linear_mipmap_linear</P>
<P>Worst to best texture quality.</P>
<DT><B>r_shadows FLAG</B><DD><P>flag = 0 | 1</P>
<P>Display model shadows</P>
<DT><B>vid_wait FLAG</B><DD><P>flag = 0 | 1</P>
<P>Sync video output with screen refresh</P>
<DT><B>chase_active FLAG</B><DD><P>flag = 0 | 1</P>
<P>Show player from third person perspective</P>
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