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.\" Hey Emacs! This file is -*- nroff -*- source.
.\" Copyright (C) Tom Bjorkholm, Markus Kuhn & David A. Wheeler 1996-1999
.\" This is free documentation; you can redistribute it and/or
.\" modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
.\" published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of
.\" the License, or (at your option) any later version.
.\" The GNU General Public License's references to "object code"
.\" and "executables" are to be interpreted as the output of any
.\" document formatting or typesetting system, including
.\" intermediate and printed output.
.\" This manual is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
.\" but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
.\" GNU General Public License for more details.
.\" You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
.\" License along with this manual; if not, write to the Free
.\" Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111,
.\" USA.
.\" 1996-04-01 Tom Bjorkholm <>
.\" First version written
.\" 1996-04-10 Markus Kuhn <>
.\" revision
.\" 1999-08-18 David A. Wheeler <> added Note.
.\" Modified, 25 Jun 2002, Michael Kerrisk <>
.\" Corrected description of queue placement by sched_setparam() and
.\" sched_setscheduler()
.\" A couple of grammar clean-ups
.\" Modified 2004-05-27 by Michael Kerrisk <>
.\" 2005-03-23, mtk, Added description of SCHED_BATCH.
.TH SCHED_SETSCHEDULER 2 2006-03-23 "Linux" "Linux Programmer's Manual"
sched_setscheduler, sched_getscheduler \-
set and get scheduling algorithm/parameters
.B #include <sched.h>
.BI "int sched_setscheduler(pid_t " pid ", int " policy ,
.BI " const struct sched_param *" param );
.BI "int sched_getscheduler(pid_t " pid );
\fBstruct sched_param {
int \fIsched_priority\fB;
.BR sched_setscheduler ()
sets both the scheduling policy and the associated parameters for the
process identified by \fIpid\fP.
If \fIpid\fP equals zero, the
scheduler of the calling process will be set.
The interpretation of
the parameter \fIparam\fP depends on the selected policy.
Currently, the
following three scheduling policies are supported under Linux:
.\" In the 2.6 kernel sources, SCHED_OTHER is actually called
their respective semantics are described below.
.BR sched_getscheduler ()
queries the scheduling policy currently applied to the process
identified by \fIpid\fP.
If \fIpid\fP equals zero, the policy of the
calling process will be retrieved.
.SS Scheduling Policies
The scheduler is the kernel part that decides which runnable process
will be executed by the CPU next.
The Linux scheduler offers three
different scheduling policies, one for normal processes and two for
real-time applications.
A static priority value \fIsched_priority\fP
is assigned to each process and this value can be changed only via
system calls.
Conceptually, the scheduler maintains a list of runnable
processes for each possible \fIsched_priority\fP value, and
\fIsched_priority\fP can have a value in the range 0 to 99.
In order
to determine the process that runs next, the Linux scheduler looks for
the non-empty list with the highest static priority and takes the
process at the head of this list.
The scheduling policy determines for
each process, where it will be inserted into the list of processes
with equal static priority and how it will move inside this list.
\fISCHED_OTHER\fP is the default universal time-sharing scheduler
policy used by most processes.
\fISCHED_BATCH\fP is intended for "batch" style execution of processes.
intended for special time-critical applications that need precise
control over the way in which runnable processes are selected for
Processes scheduled with \fISCHED_OTHER\fP or \fISCHED_BATCH\fP
must be assigned the static priority 0.
Processes scheduled under \fISCHED_FIFO\fP or
\fISCHED_RR\fP can have a static priority in the range 1 to 99.
The system calls
.BR sched_get_priority_min (2)
.BR sched_get_priority_max (2)
can be used to find out the valid
priority range for a scheduling policy in a portable way on all
POSIX.1-2001 conforming systems.
All scheduling is preemptive: If a process with a higher static
priority gets ready to run, the current process will be preempted and
returned into its wait list.
The scheduling policy only determines the
ordering within the list of runnable processes with equal static
.SS SCHED_FIFO: First In-First Out scheduling
\fISCHED_FIFO\fP can only be used with static priorities higher than
0, which means that when a \fISCHED_FIFO\fP processes becomes runnable,
it will always immediately preempt any currently running
\fISCHED_FIFO\fP is a simple scheduling
algorithm without time slicing.
For processes scheduled under the
\fISCHED_FIFO\fP policy, the following rules are applied: A
\fISCHED_FIFO\fP process that has been preempted by another process of
higher priority will stay at the head of the list for its priority and
will resume execution as soon as all processes of higher priority are
blocked again.
When a \fISCHED_FIFO\fP process becomes runnable, it
will be inserted at the end of the list for its priority.
A call to
.BR sched_setscheduler ()
.BR sched_setparam (2)
will put the
\fISCHED_FIFO\fP (or \fISCHED_RR\fP) process identified by
\fIpid\fP at the start of the list if it was runnable.
As a consequence, it may preempt the currently running process if
it has the same priority.
(POSIX.1-2001 specifies that the process should go to the end
of the list.)
.\" In 2.2.x and 2.4.x, the process is placed at the front of the queue
.\" In 2.0.x, the Right Thing happened: the process went to the back -- MTK
A process calling
.BR sched_yield (2)
will be
put at the end of the list.
No other events will move a process
scheduled under the \fISCHED_FIFO\fP policy in the wait list of
runnable processes with equal static priority.
process runs until either it is blocked by an I/O request, it is
preempted by a higher priority process, or it calls
.BR sched_yield (2).
.SS SCHED_RR: Round Robin scheduling
\fISCHED_RR\fP is a simple enhancement of \fISCHED_FIFO\fP.
described above for \fISCHED_FIFO\fP also applies to \fISCHED_RR\fP,
except that each process is only allowed to run for a maximum time
If a \fISCHED_RR\fP process has been running for a time
period equal to or longer than the time quantum, it will be put at the
end of the list for its priority.
A \fISCHED_RR\fP process that has
been preempted by a higher priority process and subsequently resumes
execution as a running process will complete the unexpired portion of
its round robin time quantum.
The length of the time quantum can be
retrieved using
.BR sched_rr_get_interval (2).
.\" On Linux 2.4, the length of the RR interval is influenced
.\" by the process nice value -- MTK
.SS SCHED_OTHER: Default Linux time-sharing scheduling
\fISCHED_OTHER\fP can only be used at static priority 0.
\fISCHED_OTHER\fP is the standard Linux time-sharing scheduler that is
intended for all processes that do not require special static priority
real-time mechanisms.
The process to run is chosen from the static
priority 0 list based on a dynamic priority that is determined only
inside this list.
The dynamic priority is based on the nice level (set
.BR nice (2)
.BR setpriority (2))
and increased for
each time quantum the process is ready to run, but denied to run by
the scheduler.
This ensures fair progress among all \fISCHED_OTHER\fP
.SS SCHED_BATCH: Scheduling batch processes
(Since Linux 2.6.16.)
\fISCHED_BATCH\fP can only be used at static priority 0.
This policy is similar to \fISCHED_OTHER\fP, except that
this policy will cause the scheduler to always assume
that the process is CPU-intensive.
Consequently, the scheduler will apply a small scheduling
penalty so that this process is mildly disfavoured in scheduling
.\" The following paragraph is drawn largely from the text that
.\" accompanied Ingo Molnar's patch for the implementation of
This policy is useful for workloads that are non-interactive,
but do not want to lower their nice value,
and for workloads that want a deterministic scheduling policy without
interactivity causing extra preemptions (between the workload's tasks).
.SS Privileges and resource limits
.\" FIXME make some general statement about Unix implementations
.\" A process calling
.\" .BR sched_setscheduler
.\" needs an effective user ID equal to the real user ID or effective
.\" user ID of the process identified by
.\" .IR pid ,
.\" or it must be privileged (Linux: have the
.\" capability).
In Linux kernels before 2.6.12, only privileged
processes can set a non-zero static priority.
The only change that an unprivileged process can make is to set the
policy, and this can only be done if the effective user ID of the caller of
.BR sched_setscheduler ()
matches the real or effective user ID of the target process
(i.e., the process specified by
.IR pid )
whose policy is being changed.
Since Linux 2.6.12, the
resource limit defines a ceiling on an unprivileged process's
priority for the
If an unprivileged process has a non-zero
soft limit, then it can change its scheduling policy and priority,
subject to the restriction that the priority cannot be set to a
value higher than the
soft limit.
If the
soft limit is 0, then the only permitted change is to lower the priority.
Subject to the same rules,
another unprivileged process can also make these changes,
as long as the effective user ID of the process making the change
matches the real or effective user ID of the target process.
.BR getrlimit (2)
for further information on
processes ignore this limit; as with older kernels,
they can make arbitrary changes to scheduling policy and priority.
.SS Response time
A blocked high priority process waiting for the I/O has a certain
response time before it is scheduled again.
The device driver writer
can greatly reduce this response time by using a "slow interrupt"
interrupt handler.
.\" as described in
.\" .BR request_irq (9).
.SS Miscellaneous
Child processes inherit the scheduling algorithm and parameters across a
.BR fork (2).
The scheduling algorithm and parameters are preserved across
.BR execve (2).
Memory locking is usually needed for real-time processes to avoid
paging delays, this can be done with
.BR mlock (2)
.BR mlockall (2).
As a non-blocking end-less loop in a process scheduled under
\fISCHED_FIFO\fP or \fISCHED_RR\fP will block all processes with lower
priority forever, a software developer should always keep available on
the console a shell scheduled under a higher static priority than the
tested application.
This will allow an emergency kill of tested
real-time applications that do not block or terminate as expected.
POSIX systems on which
.BR sched_setscheduler ()
.BR sched_getscheduler ()
are available define
in <unistd.h>.
On success,
.BR sched_setscheduler ()
returns zero.
On success,
.BR sched_getscheduler ()
returns the policy for the process (a non-negative integer).
On error, \-1 is returned, and
.I errno
is set appropriately.
The scheduling \fIpolicy\fP is not one of the recognized policies,
or the parameter \fIparam\fP does not make sense for the \fIpolicy\fP.
The calling process does not have appropriate privileges.
The process whose ID is \fIpid\fP could not be found.
The \fISCHED_BATCH\fP policy is Linux specific.
Standard Linux is a general-purpose operating system
and can handle background processes,
interactive applications, and soft real-time applications
(applications that need to usually meet timing deadlines).
This man page is directed at these kinds of applications.
Standard Linux is
.I not
designed to support
hard real-time applications, that is, applications in which deadlines
(often much shorter than a second) must be guaranteed or the system
will fail catastrophically.
Like all general-purpose operating systems, Linux
is designed to maximize average case performance
instead of worst case performance.
Linux's worst case performance for
interrupt handling is much poorer than its average case, its various
kernel locks (such as for SMP) produce long maximum wait times, and
many of its performance improvement techniques decrease average time by
increasing worst-case time.
For most situations, that's what you want, but
if you truly are developing a hard real-time application,
consider using hard real-time extensions to Linux such as
RTLinux ( or RTAI (
or use a different operating system
designed specifically for hard real-time applications.
.BR getpriority (2),
.BR mlock (2),
.BR mlockall (2),
.BR munlock (2),
.BR munlockall (2),
.BR nice (2),
.BR sched_get_priority_max (2),
.BR sched_get_priority_min (2),
.BR sched_getaffinity (2),
.BR sched_getparam (2),
.BR sched_rr_get_interval (2),
.BR sched_setaffinity (2),
.BR sched_setparam (2),
.BR sched_yield (2),
.BR setpriority (2),
.BR capabilities (7)
.I Programming for the real world \- POSIX.4
by Bill O. Gallmeister, O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., ISBN 1-56592-074-0