.\" Copyright (c) 2001-2003 The Open Group, All Rights Reserved .TH "GLOB" 3P 2003 "IEEE/The Open Group" "POSIX Programmer's Manual" .\" glob .SH NAME glob, globfree \- generate pathnames matching a pattern .SH SYNOPSIS .LP \fB#include .br .sp int glob(const char *restrict\fP \fIpattern\fP\fB, int\fP \fIflags\fP\fB, .br \ \ \ \ \ \ int(*\fP\fIerrfunc\fP\fB)(const char *\fP\fIepath\fP\fB, int\fP \fIeerrno\fP\fB), .br \ \ \ \ \ \ glob_t *restrict\fP \fIpglob\fP\fB); .br void globfree(glob_t *\fP\fIpglob\fP\fB); .br \fP .SH DESCRIPTION .LP The \fIglob\fP() function is a pathname generator that shall implement the rules defined in the Shell and Utilities volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001, Section 2.13, Pattern Matching Notation, with optional support for rule 3 in the Shell and Utilities volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001, Section 2.13.3, Patterns Used for Filename Expansion. .LP The structure type \fBglob_t\fP is defined in \fI\fP and includes at least the following members: .TS C center; l1 l1 l. \fBMember Type\fP \fBMember Name\fP \fBDescription\fP \fBsize_t\fP \fIgl_pathc\fP Count of paths matched by \fIpattern\fP. \fBchar **\fP \fIgl_pathv\fP Pointer to a list of matched pathnames. \fBsize_t\fP \fIgl_offs\fP Slots to reserve at the beginning of \fIgl_pathv\fP. .TE .LP The argument \fIpattern\fP is a pointer to a pathname pattern to be expanded. The \fIglob\fP() function shall match all accessible pathnames against this pattern and develop a list of all pathnames that match. In order to have access to a pathname, \fIglob\fP() requires search permission on every component of a path except the last, and read permission on each directory of any filename component of \fIpattern\fP that contains any of the following special characters: \fB'*'\fP , \fB'?'\fP , and \fB'['\fP . .LP The \fIglob\fP() function shall store the number of matched pathnames into \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathc\fP and a pointer to a list of pointers to pathnames into \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathv\fP. The pathnames shall be in sort order as defined by the current setting of the \fILC_COLLATE\fP category; see the Base Definitions volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001, Section 7.3.2, LC_COLLATE. The first pointer after the last pathname shall be a null pointer. If the pattern does not match any pathnames, the returned number of matched paths is set to 0, and the contents of \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathv\fP are implementation-defined. .LP It is the caller's responsibility to create the structure pointed to by \fIpglob\fP. The \fIglob\fP() function shall allocate other space as needed, including the memory pointed to by \fIgl_pathv\fP. The \fIglobfree\fP() function shall free any space associated with \fIpglob\fP from a previous call to \fIglob\fP(). .LP The \fIflags\fP argument is used to control the behavior of \fIglob\fP(). The value of \fIflags\fP is a bitwise-inclusive OR of zero or more of the following constants, which are defined in \fI\fP: .TP 7 GLOB_APPEND Append pathnames generated to the ones from a previous call to \fIglob\fP(). .TP 7 GLOB_DOOFFS Make use of \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_offs\fP. If this flag is set, \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_offs\fP is used to specify how many null pointers to add to the beginning of \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathv\fP. In other words, \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathv\fP shall point to \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_offs\fP null pointers, followed by \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathc\fP pathname pointers, followed by a null pointer. .TP 7 GLOB_ERR Cause \fIglob\fP() to return when it encounters a directory that it cannot open or read. Ordinarily, \fIglob\fP() continues to find matches. .TP 7 GLOB_MARK Each pathname that is a directory that matches \fIpattern\fP shall have a slash appended. .TP 7 GLOB_NOCHECK Supports rule 3 in the Shell and Utilities volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001, Section 2.13.3, Patterns Used for Filename Expansion. If \fIpattern\fP does not match any pathname, then \fIglob\fP() shall return a list consisting of only \fIpattern\fP, and the number of matched pathnames is 1. .TP 7 GLOB_NOESCAPE Disable backslash escaping. .TP 7 GLOB_NOSORT Ordinarily, \fIglob\fP() sorts the matching pathnames according to the current setting of the \fILC_COLLATE\fP category; see the Base Definitions volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001, Section 7.3.2, LC_COLLATE. When this flag is used, the order of pathnames returned is unspecified. .sp .LP The GLOB_APPEND flag can be used to append a new set of pathnames to those found in a previous call to \fIglob\fP(). The following rules apply to applications when two or more calls to \fIglob\fP() are made with the same value of \fIpglob\fP and without intervening calls to \fIglobfree\fP(): .IP " 1." 4 The first such call shall not set GLOB_APPEND. All subsequent calls shall set it. .LP .IP " 2." 4 All the calls shall set GLOB_DOOFFS, or all shall not set it. .LP .IP " 3." 4 After the second call, \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathv\fP points to a list containing the following: .RS .IP " a." 4 Zero or more null pointers, as specified by GLOB_DOOFFS and \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_offs\fP. .LP .IP " b." 4 Pointers to the pathnames that were in the \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathv\fP list before the call, in the same order as before. .LP .IP " c." 4 Pointers to the new pathnames generated by the second call, in the specified order. .LP .RE .LP .IP " 4." 4 The count returned in \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathc\fP shall be the total number of pathnames from the two calls. .LP .IP " 5." 4 The application can change any of the fields after a call to \fIglob\fP(). If it does, the application shall reset them to the original value before a subsequent call, using the same \fIpglob\fP value, to \fIglobfree\fP() or \fIglob\fP() with the GLOB_APPEND flag. .LP .LP If, during the search, a directory is encountered that cannot be opened or read and \fIerrfunc\fP is not a null pointer, \fIglob\fP() calls (\fI*errfunc\fP()) with two arguments: .IP " 1." 4 The \fIepath\fP argument is a pointer to the path that failed. .LP .IP " 2." 4 The \fIeerrno\fP argument is the value of \fIerrno\fP from the failure, as set by \fIopendir\fP(), \fIreaddir\fP(), or \fIstat\fP(). (Other values may be used to report other errors not explicitly documented for those functions.) .LP .LP If (\fI*errfunc\fP()) is called and returns non-zero, or if the GLOB_ERR flag is set in \fIflags\fP, \fIglob\fP() shall stop the scan and return GLOB_ABORTED after setting \fIgl_pathc\fP and \fIgl_pathv\fP in \fIpglob\fP to reflect the paths already scanned. If GLOB_ERR is not set and either \fIerrfunc\fP is a null pointer or (\fI*errfunc\fP()) returns 0, the error shall be ignored. .LP The \fIglob\fP() function shall not fail because of large files. .SH RETURN VALUE .LP Upon successful completion, \fIglob\fP() shall return 0. The argument \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathc\fP shall return the number of matched pathnames and the argument \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathv\fP shall contain a pointer to a null-terminated list of matched and sorted pathnames. However, if \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathc\fP is 0, the content of \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathv\fP is undefined. .LP The \fIglobfree\fP() function shall not return a value. .LP If \fIglob\fP() terminates due to an error, it shall return one of the non-zero constants defined in \fI\fP. The arguments \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathc\fP and \fIpglob\fP->\fIgl_pathv\fP are still set as defined above. .SH ERRORS .LP The \fIglob\fP() function shall fail and return the corresponding value if: .TP 7 GLOB_ABORTED The scan was stopped because GLOB_ERR was set or (\fI*errfunc\fP()) returned non-zero. .TP 7 GLOB_NOMATCH The pattern does not match any existing pathname, and GLOB_NOCHECK was not set in flags. .TP 7 GLOB_NOSPACE An attempt to allocate memory failed. .sp .LP \fIThe following sections are informative.\fP .SH EXAMPLES .LP One use of the GLOB_DOOFFS flag is by applications that build an argument list for use with \fIexecv\fP(), \fIexecve\fP(), or \fIexecvp\fP(). Suppose, for example, that an application wants to do the equivalent of: .sp .RS .nf \fBls -l *.c \fP .fi .RE .LP but for some reason: .sp .RS .nf \fBsystem("ls -l *.c") \fP .fi .RE .LP is not acceptable. The application could obtain approximately the same result using the sequence: .sp .RS .nf \fBglobbuf.gl_offs = 2; glob("*.c", GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf); globbuf.gl_pathv[0] = "ls"; globbuf.gl_pathv[1] = "-l"; execvp("ls", &globbuf.gl_pathv[0]); \fP .fi .RE .LP Using the same example: .sp .RS .nf \fBls -l *.c *.h \fP .fi .RE .LP could be approximately simulated using GLOB_APPEND as follows: .sp .RS .nf \fBglobbuf.gl_offs = 2; glob("*.c", GLOB_DOOFFS, NULL, &globbuf); glob("*.h", GLOB_DOOFFS|GLOB_APPEND, NULL, &globbuf); \&... \fP .fi .RE .SH APPLICATION USAGE .LP This function is not provided for the purpose of enabling utilities to perform pathname expansion on their arguments, as this operation is performed by the shell, and utilities are explicitly not expected to redo this. Instead, it is provided for applications that need to do pathname expansion on strings obtained from other sources, such as a pattern typed by a user or read from a file. .LP If a utility needs to see if a pathname matches a given pattern, it can use \fIfnmatch\fP(). .LP Note that \fIgl_pathc\fP and \fIgl_pathv\fP have meaning even if \fIglob\fP() fails. This allows \fIglob\fP() to report partial results in the event of an error. However, if \fIgl_pathc\fP is 0, \fIgl_pathv\fP is unspecified even if \fIglob\fP() did not return an error. .LP The GLOB_NOCHECK option could be used when an application wants to expand a pathname if wildcards are specified, but wants to treat the pattern as just a string otherwise. The \fIsh\fP utility might use this for option-arguments, for example. .LP The new pathnames generated by a subsequent call with GLOB_APPEND are not sorted together with the previous pathnames. This mirrors the way that the shell handles pathname expansion when multiple expansions are done on a command line. .LP Applications that need tilde and parameter expansion should use \fIwordexp\fP(). .SH RATIONALE .LP It was claimed that the GLOB_DOOFFS flag is unnecessary because it could be simulated using: .sp .RS .nf \fBnew = (char **)malloc((n + pglob->gl_pathc + 1) * sizeof(char *)); (void) memcpy(new+n, pglob->gl_pathv, pglob->gl_pathc * sizeof(char *)); (void) memset(new, 0, n * sizeof(char *)); free(pglob->gl_pathv); pglob->gl_pathv = new; \fP .fi .RE .LP However, this assumes that the memory pointed to by \fIgl_pathv\fP is a block that was separately created using \fImalloc\fP(). This is not necessarily the case. An application should make no assumptions about how the memory referenced by fields in \fIpglob\fP was allocated. It might have been obtained from \fImalloc\fP() in a large chunk and then carved up within \fIglob\fP(), or it might have been created using a different memory allocator. It is not the intent of the standard developers to specify or imply how the memory used by \fIglob\fP() is managed. .LP The GLOB_APPEND flag would be used when an application wants to expand several different patterns into a single list. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS .LP None. .SH SEE ALSO .LP \fIexec\fP() , \fIfnmatch\fP() , \fIopendir\fP() , \fIreaddir\fP() , \fIstat\fP() , \fIwordexp\fP() , the Base Definitions volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001, \fI\fP, the Shell and Utilities volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001 .SH COPYRIGHT Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard is the referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html .