These are some things that should get done for man-pages, one day. POSIX.1 pages ============= Separate POSIX.1 pages into another package. Migrate pages into kernel source tree ===================================== Perhaps split glibc stuff out into a separate tree? Would also need to migrate some .3 pages to .2 and vice versa. Some Section 5 and 7 pages probably belong rather with the glibc pages. Public SCM ========== Set up a public source code repository. Website ======= Set up a website for the man-pages project. Aside from describing the project, and how to contribute to it, the site should also: * provide hyperlinked versions of the manual pages * provide a web interface to the subversion repository in which the manual pages have been maintained since version 2.00 * provide a (searchable) archive of the mailing lists Once the web site is up, it may be worthwhile putting its URL into the header or footer of every manual page; this would allow people to easily determine where to submit bug reports and suggestions. Bugzilla ======== Set up a bugzilla for reporting bugs in the manual pages. Markup language =============== The existing man-pages set is an unfortunate mixture of pages written in two formats: 'man' and 'mdoc' (BSD). Neither is optimal, since they don't encode sufficient semantic detail about the elements of a page. What is perhaps required is a new markup language (probably some form of docbook) that: a) is unintrusive: the raw page source should remain very readable b) applies markup by function, not by effect c) can be easily processed to generate the present nroff from it d) can be easily processed to generate HTML from it e) be simple to learn and use And of course, the existing pages would need to be converted to the new format. A big job... Devise (or adopt) a style guide =============================== This should describe formatting, terminology, and grammar conventions. In the meantime, there is at least man-pages(7).