.\" Copyright (c) 2001-2003 The Open Group, All Rights Reserved .TH "" 0P 2003 "IEEE/The Open Group" "POSIX Programmer's Manual" .\" .SH NAME stropts.h \- STREAMS interface (\fBSTREAMS\fP) .SH SYNOPSIS .LP \fB#include \fP .SH DESCRIPTION .LP The \fI\fP header shall define the \fBbandinfo\fP structure that includes at least the following members: .sp .RS .nf \fBunsigned char bi_pri \fP Priority band. \fB int bi_flag \fP Flushing type. \fB \fP .fi .RE .LP The \fI\fP header shall define the \fBstrpeek\fP structure that includes at least the following members: .sp .RS .nf \fBstruct strbuf ctlbuf \fP The control portion of the message. \fB struct strbuf databuf \fP The data portion of the message. \fB t_uscalar_t flags \fP RS_HIPRI or 0. \fB \fP .fi .RE .LP The \fI\fP header shall define the \fBstrbuf\fP structure that includes at least the following members: .sp .RS .nf \fBint maxlen \fP Maximum buffer length. \fB int len \fP Length of data. \fB char *buf \fP Pointer to buffer. \fB \fP .fi .RE .LP The \fI\fP header shall define the \fBstrfdinsert\fP structure that includes at least the following members: .sp .RS .nf \fBstruct strbuf ctlbuf \fP The control portion of the message. \fB struct strbuf databuf \fP The data portion of the message. \fB t_uscalar_t flags \fP RS_HIPRI or 0. \fB int fildes \fP File descriptor of the other STREAM. \fB int offset \fP Relative location of the stored value. \fB \fP .fi .RE .LP The \fI\fP header shall define the \fBstrioctl\fP structure that includes at least the following members: .sp .RS .nf \fBint ic_cmd \fP \fIioctl\fP() command. \fB int ic_timout \fP Timeout for response. \fB int ic_len \fP Length of data. \fB char *ic_dp \fP Pointer to buffer. \fB \fP .fi .RE .LP The \fI\fP header shall define the \fBstrrecvfd\fP structure that includes at least the following members: .sp .RS .nf \fBint fda \fP Received file descriptor. \fB uid_t uid \fP UID of sender. \fB gid_t gid \fP GID of sender. \fB \fP .fi .RE .LP The \fBuid_t\fP and \fBgid_t\fP types shall be defined through \fBtypedef\fP as described in \fI\fP . .LP The \fI\fP header shall define the \fBt_scalar_t\fP and \fBt_uscalar_t\fP types, respectively, as signed and unsigned opaque types of equal length of at least 32 bits. .LP The \fI\fP header shall define the \fBstr_list\fP structure that includes at least the following members: .sp .RS .nf \fBint sl_nmods \fP Number of STREAMS module names. \fB struct str_mlist *sl_modlist \fP STREAMS module names. \fB \fP .fi .RE .LP The \fI\fP header shall define the \fBstr_mlist\fP structure that includes at least the following member: .sp .RS .nf \fBchar l_name[FMNAMESZ+1] \fP A STREAMS module name. \fB \fP .fi .RE .LP At least the following macros shall be defined for use as the \fIrequest\fP argument to \fIioctl\fP(): .TP 7 I_PUSH Push a STREAMS module. .TP 7 I_POP Pop a STREAMS module. .TP 7 I_LOOK Get the top module name. .TP 7 I_FLUSH Flush a STREAM. .TP 7 I_FLUSHBAND Flush one band of a STREAM. .TP 7 I_SETSIG Ask for notification signals. .TP 7 I_GETSIG Retrieve current notification signals. .TP 7 I_FIND Look for a STREAMS module. .TP 7 I_PEEK Peek at the top message on a STREAM. .TP 7 I_SRDOPT Set the read mode. .TP 7 I_GRDOPT Get the read mode. .TP 7 I_NREAD Size the top message. .TP 7 I_FDINSERT Send implementation-defined information about another STREAM. .TP 7 I_STR Send a STREAMS \fIioctl\fP(). .TP 7 I_SWROPT Set the write mode. .TP 7 I_GWROPT Get the write mode. .TP 7 I_SENDFD Pass a file descriptor through a STREAMS pipe. .TP 7 I_RECVFD Get a file descriptor sent via I_SENDFD. .TP 7 I_LIST Get all the module names on a STREAM. .TP 7 I_ATMARK Is the top message "marked''? .TP 7 I_CKBAND See if any messages exist in a band. .TP 7 I_GETBAND Get the band of the top message on a STREAM. .TP 7 I_CANPUT Is a band writable? .TP 7 I_SETCLTIME Set close time delay. .TP 7 I_GETCLTIME Get close time delay. .TP 7 I_LINK Connect two STREAMs. .TP 7 I_UNLINK Disconnect two STREAMs. .TP 7 I_PLINK Persistently connect two STREAMs. .TP 7 I_PUNLINK Dismantle a persistent STREAMS link. .sp .LP At least the following macros shall be defined for use with I_LOOK: .TP 7 FMNAMESZ The minimum size in bytes of the buffer referred to by the \fIarg\fP argument. .sp .LP At least the following macros shall be defined for use with I_FLUSH: .TP 7 FLUSHR Flush read queues. .TP 7 FLUSHW Flush write queues. .TP 7 FLUSHRW Flush read and write queues. .sp .LP At least the following macros shall be defined for use with I_SETSIG: .TP 7 S_RDNORM A normal (priority band set to 0) message has arrived at the head of a STREAM head read queue. .TP 7 S_RDBAND A message with a non-zero priority band has arrived at the head of a STREAM head read queue. .TP 7 S_INPUT A message, other than a high-priority message, has arrived at the head of a STREAM head read queue. .TP 7 S_HIPRI A high-priority message is present on a STREAM head read queue. .TP 7 S_OUTPUT The write queue for normal data (priority band 0) just below the STREAM head is no longer full. This notifies the process that there is room on the queue for sending (or writing) normal data downstream. .TP 7 S_WRNORM Equivalent to S_OUTPUT. .TP 7 S_WRBAND The write queue for a non-zero priority band just below the STREAM head is no longer full. .TP 7 S_MSG A STREAMS signal message that contains the SIGPOLL signal reaches the front of the STREAM head read queue. .TP 7 S_ERROR Notification of an error condition reaches the STREAM head. .TP 7 S_HANGUP Notification of a hangup reaches the STREAM head. .TP 7 S_BANDURG When used in conjunction with S_RDBAND, SIGURG is generated instead of SIGPOLL when a priority message reaches the front of the STREAM head read queue. .sp .LP At least the following macros shall be defined for use with I_PEEK: .TP 7 RS_HIPRI Only look for high-priority messages. .sp .LP At least the following macros shall be defined for use with I_SRDOPT: .TP 7 RNORM Byte-STREAM mode, the default. .TP 7 RMSGD Message-discard mode. .TP 7 RMSGN Message-non-discard mode. .TP 7 RPROTNORM Fail \fIread\fP() with [EBADMSG] if a message containing a control part is at the front of the STREAM head read queue. .TP 7 RPROTDAT Deliver the control part of a message as data when a process issues a \fIread\fP(). .TP 7 RPROTDIS Discard the control part of a message, delivering any data part, when a process issues a \fIread\fP(). .sp .LP At least the following macros shall be defined for use with I_SWOPT: .TP 7 SNDZERO Send a zero-length message downstream when a \fIwrite\fP() of 0 bytes occurs. .sp .LP At least the following macros shall be defined for use with I_ATMARK: .TP 7 ANYMARK Check if the message is marked. .TP 7 LASTMARK Check if the message is the last one marked on the queue. .sp .LP At least the following macros shall be defined for use with I_UNLINK: .TP 7 MUXID_ALL Unlink all STREAMs linked to the STREAM associated with \fIfildes\fP. .sp .LP The following macros shall be defined for \fIgetmsg\fP(), \fIgetpmsg\fP(), \fIputmsg\fP(), and \fIputpmsg\fP(): .TP 7 MSG_ANY Receive any message. .TP 7 MSG_BAND Receive message from specified band. .TP 7 MSG_HIPRI Send/receive high-priority message. .TP 7 MORECTL More control information is left in message. .TP 7 MOREDATA More data is left in message. .sp .LP The \fI\fP header may make visible all of the symbols from \fI\fP. .LP The following shall be declared as functions and may also be defined as macros. Function prototypes shall be provided. .sp .RS .nf \fBint isastream(int); int getmsg(int, struct strbuf *restrict, struct strbuf *restrict, int *restrict); int getpmsg(int, struct strbuf *restrict, struct strbuf *restrict, int *restrict, int *restrict); int ioctl(int, int, ... ); int putmsg(int, const struct strbuf *, const struct strbuf *, int); int putpmsg(int, const struct strbuf *, const struct strbuf *, int, int); int fattach(int, const char *); int fdetach(const char *); \fP .fi .RE .LP \fIThe following sections are informative.\fP .SH APPLICATION USAGE .LP None. .SH RATIONALE .LP None. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS .LP None. .SH SEE ALSO .LP \fI\fP , \fI\fP , the System Interfaces volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001, \fIclose\fP(), \fIfcntl\fP(), \fIgetmsg\fP(), \fIioctl\fP(), \fIopen\fP(), \fIpipe\fP(), \fIread\fP(), \fIpoll\fP(), \fIputmsg\fP(), \fIsignal\fP(), \fIwrite\fP() .SH COPYRIGHT Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard is the referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html .