.\" Copyright (c) 2001-2003 The Open Group, All Rights Reserved .TH "GETOPT" 3P 2003 "IEEE/The Open Group" "POSIX Programmer's Manual" .\" getopt .SH PROLOG This manual page is part of the POSIX Programmer's Manual. The Linux implementation of this interface may differ (consult the corresponding Linux manual page for details of Linux behavior), or the interface may not be implemented on Linux. .SH NAME getopt, optarg, opterr, optind, optopt \- command option parsing .SH SYNOPSIS .LP \fB#include .br .sp int getopt(int\fP \fIargc\fP\fB, char * const\fP \fIargv\fP\fB[], const char *\fP\fIoptstring\fP\fB); .br extern char *optarg; .br extern int optind, opterr, optopt; .br \fP .SH DESCRIPTION .LP The \fIgetopt\fP() function is a command-line parser that shall follow Utility Syntax Guidelines 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, and 10 in the Base Definitions volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines. .LP The parameters \fIargc\fP and \fIargv\fP are the argument count and argument array as passed to \fImain\fP() (see \fIexec\fP()). The argument \fIoptstring\fP is a string of recognized option characters; if a character is followed by a colon, the option takes an argument. All option characters allowed by Utility Syntax Guideline 3 are allowed in \fIoptstring\fP. The implementation may accept other characters as an extension. .LP The variable \fIoptind\fP is the index of the next element of the \fIargv\fP[] vector to be processed. It shall be initialized to 1 by the system, and \fIgetopt\fP() shall update it when it finishes with each element of \fIargv\fP[]. When an element of \fIargv\fP[] contains multiple option characters, it is unspecified how \fIgetopt\fP() determines which options have already been processed. .LP The \fIgetopt\fP() function shall return the next option character (if one is found) from \fIargv\fP that matches a character in \fIoptstring\fP, if there is one that matches. If the option takes an argument, \fIgetopt\fP() shall set the variable \fIoptarg\fP to point to the option-argument as follows: .IP " 1." 4 If the option was the last character in the string pointed to by an element of \fIargv\fP, then \fIoptarg\fP shall contain the next element of \fIargv\fP, and \fIoptind\fP shall be incremented by 2. If the resulting value of \fIoptind\fP is greater than \fIargc\fP, this indicates a missing option-argument, and \fIgetopt\fP() shall return an error indication. .LP .IP " 2." 4 Otherwise, \fIoptarg\fP shall point to the string following the option character in that element of \fIargv\fP, and \fIoptind\fP shall be incremented by 1. .LP .LP If, when \fIgetopt\fP() is called: .sp .RS .nf \fIargv\fP\fB[optind]\fP is a null pointer\fB*\fP \fIargv\fP\fB[optind]\fP is not the character \fB- \fP \fIargv\fP\fB[optind]\fP points to the string \fB"-"\fP .fi .RE .LP \fIgetopt\fP() shall return -1 without changing \fIoptind\fP. If: .sp .RS .nf \fIargv\fP\fB[optind] \fP points to the string \fB"--" \fP .fi .RE .LP \fIgetopt\fP() shall return -1 after incrementing \fIoptind\fP. .LP If \fIgetopt\fP() encounters an option character that is not contained in \fIoptstring\fP, it shall return the question-mark ( \fB'?'\fP ) character. If it detects a missing option-argument, it shall return the colon character ( \fB':'\fP ) if the first character of \fIoptstring\fP was a colon, or a question-mark character ( \fB'?'\fP ) otherwise. In either case, \fIgetopt\fP() shall set the variable \fIoptopt\fP to the option character that caused the error. If the application has not set the variable \fIopterr\fP to 0 and the first character of \fIoptstring\fP is not a colon, \fIgetopt\fP() shall also print a diagnostic message to \fIstderr\fP in the format specified for the \fIgetopts\fP utility. .LP The \fIgetopt\fP() function need not be reentrant. A function that is not required to be reentrant is not required to be thread-safe. .SH RETURN VALUE .LP The \fIgetopt\fP() function shall return the next option character specified on the command line. .LP A colon ( \fB':'\fP ) shall be returned if \fIgetopt\fP() detects a missing argument and the first character of \fIoptstring\fP was a colon ( \fB':'\fP ). .LP A question mark ( \fB'?'\fP ) shall be returned if \fIgetopt\fP() encounters an option character not in \fIoptstring\fP or detects a missing argument and the first character of \fIoptstring\fP was not a colon ( \fB':'\fP ). .LP Otherwise, \fIgetopt\fP() shall return -1 when all command line options are parsed. .SH ERRORS .LP No errors are defined. .LP \fIThe following sections are informative.\fP .SH EXAMPLES .SS Parsing Command Line Options .LP The following code fragment shows how you might process the arguments for a utility that can take the mutually-exclusive options \fIa\fP and \fIb\fP and the options \fIf\fP and \fIo\fP, both of which require arguments: .sp .RS .nf \fB#include .sp int main(int argc, char *argv[ ]) { int c; int bflg, aflg, errflg; char *ifile; char *ofile; extern char *optarg; extern int optind, optopt; . . . while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":abf:o:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'a': if (bflg) errflg++; else aflg++; break; case 'b': if (aflg) errflg++; else { bflg++; bproc(); } break; case 'f': ifile = optarg; break; case 'o': ofile = optarg; break; case ':': /* -f or -o without operand */ fprintf(stderr, "Option -%c requires an operand\\n", optopt); errflg++; break; case '?': fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized option: -%c\\n", optopt); errflg++; } } if (errflg) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: . . . "); exit(2); } for ( ; optind < argc; optind++) { if (access(argv[optind], R_OK)) { . . . } \fP .fi .RE .LP This code accepts any of the following as equivalent: .sp .RS .nf \fBcmd -ao arg path path cmd -a -o arg path path cmd -o arg -a path path cmd -a -o arg -- path path cmd -a -oarg path path cmd -aoarg path path \fP .fi .RE .SS Checking Options and Arguments .LP The following example parses a set of command line options and prints messages to standard output for each option and argument that it encounters. .sp .RS .nf \fB#include #include \&... int c; char *filename; extern char *optarg; extern int optind, optopt, opterr; \&... while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, ":abf:")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 'a': printf("a is set\\n"); break; case 'b': printf("b is set\\n"); break; case 'f': filename = optarg; printf("filename is %s\\n", filename); break; case ':': printf("-%c without filename\\n", optopt); break; case '?': printf("unknown arg %c\\n", optopt); break; } } \fP .fi .RE .SS Selecting Options from the Command Line .LP The following example selects the type of database routines the user wants to use based on the \fIOptions\fP argument. .sp .RS .nf \fB#include #include \&... char *Options = "hdbtl"; \&... int dbtype, i; char c; char *st; \&... dbtype = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, Options)) != -1) { if ((st = strchr(Options, c)) != NULL) { dbtype = st - Options; break; } } \fP .fi .RE .SH APPLICATION USAGE .LP The \fIgetopt\fP() function is only required to support option characters included in Utility Syntax Guideline 3. Many historical implementations of \fIgetopt\fP() support other characters as options. This is an allowed extension, but applications that use extensions are not maximally portable. Note that support for multi-byte option characters is only possible when such characters can be represented as type \fBint\fP. .SH RATIONALE .LP The \fIoptopt\fP variable represents historical practice and allows the application to obtain the identity of the invalid option. .LP The description has been written to make it clear that \fIgetopt\fP(), like the \fIgetopts\fP utility, deals with option-arguments whether separated from the option by s or not. Note that the requirements on \fIgetopt\fP() and \fIgetopts\fP are more stringent than the Utility Syntax Guidelines. .LP The \fIgetopt\fP() function shall return -1, rather than EOF, so that \fI\fP is not required. .LP The special significance of a colon as the first character of \fIoptstring\fP makes \fIgetopt\fP() consistent with the \fIgetopts\fP utility. It allows an application to make a distinction between a missing argument and an incorrect option letter without having to examine the option letter. It is true that a missing argument can only be detected in one case, but that is a case that has to be considered. .SH FUTURE DIRECTIONS .LP None. .SH SEE ALSO .LP \fIexec\fP(), the Base Definitions volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001, \fI\fP, the Shell and Utilities volume of IEEE\ Std\ 1003.1-2001 .SH COPYRIGHT Portions of this text are reprinted and reproduced in electronic form from IEEE Std 1003.1, 2003 Edition, Standard for Information Technology -- Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX), The Open Group Base Specifications Issue 6, Copyright (C) 2001-2003 by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc and The Open Group. In the event of any discrepancy between this version and the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard, the original IEEE and The Open Group Standard is the referee document. The original Standard can be obtained online at http://www.opengroup.org/unix/online.html .