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<sect1 id="security">
<title>Security and NFS</title>
This list of security tips and explanations will not make your site
completely secure. <emphasis>NOTHING</emphasis> will make your site completely secure. This
may help you get an idea of the security problems with NFS. This is not
a comprehensive guide and it will always be undergoing changes. If you
have any tips or hints to give us please send them to the HOWTO
If you're on a network with no access to the outside world (not even a
modem) and you trust all the internal machines and all your users then
this section will be of no use to you. However, its our belief that
there are relatively few networks in this situation so we would suggest
reading this section thoroughly for anyone setting up NFS.
There are two steps to file/mount access in NFS. The first step is mount
access. Mount access is achieved by the client machine attempting to
attach to the server. The security for this is provided by the
<filename>/etc/exports</filename> file. This file lists the names or ip addresses for machines
that are allowed to access a share point. If the client's ip address
matches one of the entries in the access list then it will be allowed to
mount. This is not terribly secure. If someone is capable of spoofing or
taking over a trusted address then they can access your mount points. To
give a real-world example of this type of "authentication": This is
equivalent to someone introducing themselves to you and you believe they
are who they claim to be because they are wearing a sticker that says
"Hello, My Name is ...."
The second step is file access. This is a function of normal file system
access controls and not a specialized function of NFS. Once the drive is
mounted the user and group permissions on the files take over access
An example: bob on the server maps to the UserID 9999. Bob
makes a file on the server that is only accessible the user (0600 in
octal). A client is allowed to mount the drive where the file is stored.
On the client mary maps to UserID 9999. This means that the client
user mary can access bob's file that is marked as only accessible by him.
It gets worse, if someone has root on the client machine they can
<command>su - [username]</command> and become ANY user. NFS will be none
the wiser.
Its not all terrible. There are a few measures you can take on the server
to offset the danger of the clients. We will cover those shortly.
If you don't think the security measures apply to you, you're probably
wrong. In <xref linkend="portmapper-security"> we'll cover securing the portmapper,
server and client security in <xref linkend="server.security"> and <xref linkend="client.security"> respectively.
Finally, in <xref linkend="firewalls"> we'll briefly talk about proper firewalling for
your nfs server.
Finally, it is critical that all of your nfs daemons and client programs
are current. If you think that a flaw is too recently announced for it to
be a problem for you, then you've probably already been compromised.
A good way to keep up to date on security alerts is to subscribe to the
bugtraq mailinglists. You can read up on how to subscribe and various
other information about bugtraq here:
<ulink url="http://www.securityfocus.com/forums/bugtraq/faq.html">http://www.securityfocus.com/forums/bugtraq/faq.html</ulink>
Additionally searching for <emphasis>NFS</emphasis> at
<ulink url="http://www.securityfocus.com">securityfocus.com's</ulink> search engine will
show you all security reports pertaining to NFS.
You should also regularly check CERT advisories. See the CERT web page
at <ulink url="http://www.cert.org">www.cert.org</ulink>.
<sect2 id="portmapper-security">
<title>The portmapper</title>
The portmapper keeps a list of what services are running on what ports.
This list is used by a connecting machine to see what ports it wants to
talk to access certain services.
The portmapper is not in as bad a shape as a few years ago but it is
still a point of worry for many sys admins. The portmapper, like NFS and
NIS, should not really have connections made to it outside of a trusted
local area network. If you have to expose them to the outside world -
be careful and keep up diligent monitoring of those systems.
Not all Linux distributions were created equal. Some seemingly up-to-
date distributions do not include a securable portmapper.
The easy way to check if your portmapper is good or not is to run
<emphasis>strings(1)</emphasis> and see if it reads the relevant files, <filename>/etc/hosts.deny</filename> and
<filename>/etc/hosts.allow</filename>. Assuming your portmapper is <filename>/sbin/portmap</filename> you can
check it with this command:
strings /sbin/portmap | grep hosts.
On a securable machine it comes up something like this:
@(#) hosts_ctl.c 1.4 94/12/28 17:42:27
@(#) hosts_access.c 1.21 97/02/12 02:13:22
First we edit <filename>/etc/hosts.deny</filename>. It should contain the line
portmap: ALL
which will deny access to everyone. While it is closed run:
rpcinfo -p
just to check that your portmapper really reads and obeys
this file. Rpcinfo should give no output, or possibly an error message.
The files <filename>/etc/hosts.allow</filename> and <filename>/etc/hosts.deny</filename>
take effect immediately after you save them. No daemon needs to be restarted.
Closing the portmapper for everyone is a bit drastic, so we open it
again by editing <filename>/etc/hosts.allow</filename>. But first
we need to figure out what to put in it. It should basically list
all machines that should have access to your portmapper. On a run of
the mill Linux system there are very few machines that need any access
for any reason. The portmapper administers <command>nfsd</command>,
<command>mountd</command>, <command>ypbind</command>/<command>ypserv</command>,
<command>pcnfsd</command>, and 'r' services like <command>ruptime</command> and <command>rusers</command>.
Of these only <command>nfsd</command>, <command>mountd</command>,
<command>ypbind</command>/<command>ypserv</command> and perhaps
<command>pcnfsd</command> are of any consequence. All machines that need
to access services on your machine should be allowed to do that. Let's
say that your machine's address is <emphasis></emphasis> and
that it lives on the subnet <emphasis></emphasis>, and that all
machines on the subnet should have access to it (those are terms introduced
by the <ulink url="http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/Networking-Overview-HOWTO.html">Networking-Overview-HOWTO</ulink>,
go back and refresh your memory if you need to). Then we write:
in <filename>/etc/hosts.allow</filename>. This is the same as the network
address you give to route and the subnet mask you give to <command>ifconfig</command>. For the
device eth0 on this machine <command>ifconfig</command> should show:
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:60:8C:96:D5:56
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:360315 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
TX packets:179274 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0
Interrupt:10 Base address:0x320
and <command>netstat -rn</command> should show:
Kernel routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
... U 0 0 174412 eth0
(Network address in first column).
The <filename>/etc/hosts.deny</filename> and <filename>/etc/hosts.allow</filename> files are
described in the manual pages of the same names.
IMPORTANT: Do not put anything but IP NUMBERS in the portmap lines of
these files. Host name lookups can indirectly cause portmap activity
which will trigger host name lookups which can indirectly cause
portmap activity which will trigger...
Versions 0.2.0 and higher of the nfs-utils package also use the
<filename>hosts.allow</filename> and <filename>hosts.deny</filename>
files, so you should put in entries for <command>lockd</command>,
<command>statd</command>, <command>mountd</command>, and
<command>rquotad</command> in these files too.
The above things should make your server tighter. The only remaining
problem (Yeah, right!) is someone breaking root (or boot MS-DOS) on a
trusted machine and using that privilege to send requests from a
secure port as any user they want to be.
<sect2 id="server.security">
<title>Server security: nfsd and mountd</title>
On the server we can decide that we don't want to trust the client's
root account. We can do that by using the <userinput>root_squash</userinput> option in
/home slave1(rw,root_squash)
This is, in fact, the default. It should always be turned on unless you
have a VERY good reason to turn it off. To turn it off use the
<userinput>no_root_squash</userinput> option.
Now, if a user with <emphasis>UID</emphasis> 0 (i.e., root's user ID number)
on the client attempts to access (read, write, delete) the file system,
the server substitutes the <emphasis>UID</emphasis> of the server's 'nobody'
account. Which means that the root user on the client can't access or
change files that only root on the server can access or change. That's
good, and you should probably use <userinput>root_squash</userinput> on
all the file systems you export. "But the root user on the client can
still use <command>su</command> to become any other user and
access and change that users files!" say you. To which the answer is:
Yes, and that's the way it is, and has to be with Unix and NFS. This
has one important implication: All important binaries and files should be
owned by root, and not bin or other non-root account, since the only
account the clients root user cannot access is the servers root
account. In the <emphasis>exports(5)</emphasis> man page there are several other squash
options listed so that you can decide to mistrust whomever you (don't)
like on the clients.
The TCP ports 1-1024 are reserved for root's use (and therefore sometimes
referred to as "secure ports") A non-root user cannot bind these ports.
Adding the secure option to an <filename>/etc/exports</filename> entry forces it to run on a
port below 1024, so that a malicious non-root user cannot come along and
open up a spoofed NFS dialogue on a non-reserved port. This option is set
by default.
<sect2 id="client.security">
<title>Client Security</title>
<sect3 id="nosuid">
<title>The nosuid mount option</title>
On the client we can decide that we don't want to trust the server too
much a couple of ways with options to mount. For example we can
forbid suid programs to work off the NFS file system with the nosuid
option. Some unix programs, such as passwd, are called "suid" programs:
They set the id of the person running them to whomever is the owner of
the file. If a file is owned by root and is suid, then the program will
execute as root, so that they can perform operations (such as writing to
the password file) that only root is allowed to do. Using the nosuid
option is a good idea and you should consider using this with all NFS
mounted disks. It means that the server's root user cannot make a suid-root
program on the file system, log in to the client as a normal user
and then use the suid-root program to become root on the client too.
One could also forbid execution of files on the mounted file system
altogether with the <userinput>noexec</userinput> option.
But this is more likely to be impractical than nosuid since a file
system is likely to at least contain some scripts or programs that need
to be executed.
<sect3 id="brokensuid">
<title>The broken_suid mount option</title>
Some older programs (<command>xterm</command> being one of them) used to rely on the idea
that root can write everywhere. This is will break under new kernels on
NFS mounts. The security implications are that programs that do this
type of suid action can potentially be used to change your apparent uid
on nfs servers doing uid mapping. So the default has been to disable this
<userinput>broken_suid</userinput> in the linux kernel.
The long and short of it is this: If you're using an old linux
distribution, some sort of old suid program or an older unix of some
type you <emphasis>might</emphasis> have to mount from your clients with the
<userinput>broken_suid</userinput> option to <command>mount</command>.
However, most recent unixes and linux distros have <command>xterm</command> and such programs
just as a normal executable with no suid status, they call programs to do their setuid work.
You enter the above options in the options column, with the <userinput>rsize</userinput> and
<userinput>wsize</userinput>, separated by commas.
<sect3 id="securing-daemons">
<title>Securing portmapper, rpc.statd, and rpc.lockd on the client</title>
In the current (2.2.18+) implementation of nfs, full file locking is
supported. This means that <command>rpc.statd</command> and <command>rpc.lockd</command>
must be running on the client in order for locks to function correctly.
These services require the portmapper to be running. So, most of the
problems you will find with nfs on the server you may also be plagued with
on the client. Read through the portmapper section above for information on
securing the portmapper.
<sect2 id="firewalls">
<title>NFS and firewalls (ipchains and netfilter)</title>
IPchains (under the 2.2.X kernels) and netfilter (under the 2.4.x
kernels) allow a good level of security - instead of relying on the
daemon (or in this case the tcp wrapper) to determine who can connect,
the connection attempt is allowed or disallowed at a lower level. In
this case you canstop the connection much earlier and more globaly which
can protect you from all sorts of attacks.
Describing how to set up a Linux firewall is well beyond the scope of
this document. Interested readers may wish to read the Firewall-HOWTO
or the <ulink url="http://www.linuxdoc.org/HOWTO/IPCHAINS-HOWTO.HTML">IPCHAINS-HOWTO</ulink>.
For users of kernel 2.4 and above you might want to visit the netfilter webpage at:
<ulink url="http://netfilter.filewatcher.org">http://netfilter.filewatcher.org</ulink>.
If you are already familiar with the workings of ipchains or netfilter
this section will give you a few tips on how to better setup your
firewall to work with NFS.
A good rule to follow for your firewall configuration is to deny all, and
allow only some - this helps to keep you from accidentally allowing more
than you intended.
Ports to be concerned with:
<orderedlist numeration="loweralpha">
<para>The portmapper is on 111. (tcp and udp)</para>
nfsd is on 2049 and it can be TCP and UDP. Although NFS over TCP
is currently experimental on the server end and you will usually
just see UDP on the server, using TCP is quite stable on the
client end.
<command>mountd</command>, <command>lockd</command>, and <command>statd</command>
float around (which is why we need the portmapper to begin with) - this causes
problems. You basically have two options to deal with it:
<orderedlist numeration="lowerroman">
You more can more or less do a deny all on connecting ports
but explicitly allow most ports certain ips.
More recent versions of these utilities have a "-p" option
that allows you to assign them to a certain port. See the
man pages to be sure if your version supports this. You can
then allow access to the ports you have specified for your
NFS client machines, and seal off all other ports, even for
your local network.
Using IPCHAINS, a simply firewall using the first option would look
something like this:
ipchains -A input -f -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input -s trusted.net.here/trusted.netmask -d host.ip/ -j ACCEPT
ipchains -A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -p 6 -j DENY -y -l
ipchains -A input -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -p 17 -j DENY -l
The equivalent set of commands in netfilter (the firewalling tool in 2.4) is:
iptables -A INPUT -f -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -s trusted.net.here/trusted.netmask -d \
host.ip/ -j ACCEPT
iptables -A INPUT -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -p 6 -j DENY --syn --log-level 5
iptables -A INPUT -s 0/0 -d 0/0 -p 17 -j DENY --log-level 5
The first line says to accept all packet fragments (except the first
packet fragment which will be treated as a normal packet). In theory
no packet will pass through until it is reassembled, and it won't be
reassembled unless the first packet fragment is passed. Of course
there are attacks that can be generated by overloading a machine
with packet fragments. But NFS won't work correctly unless you
let fragments through. See <xref linkend="troubleshooting"> for details.
The other three lines say trust your local networks and deny and log
everything else. It's not great and more specific rules pay off, but
more specific rules are outside of the scope of this discussion.
Some pointers if you'd like to be more paranoid or strict about your
rules. If you choose to reset your firewall rules each time <command>statd</command>,
<command>rquotad</command>, <command>mountd</command> or <command>lockd</command>
move (which is possible) you'll want to make sure you allow fragments to
your nfs server FROM your nfs client(s). If you don't you will get some very
interesting reports from the kernel regarding packets being denied. The messages
will say that a packet from port 65535 on the client to 65535 on the server
is being denied. Allowing fragments will solve this.
<sect2 id="summary">
If you use the <filename>hosts.allow</filename>, <filename>hosts.deny</filename>,
<filename>root_squash</filename>, <userinput>nosuid</userinput> and privileged
port features in the portmapper/nfs software you avoid many of the
presently known bugs in nfs and can almost feel secure about that at
least. But still, after all that: When an intruder has access to your
network, s/he can make strange commands appear in your <filename>.forward</filename> or
read your mail when <filename>/home</filename> or <filename>/var/mail</filename> is
NFS exported. For the same reason, you should never access your PGP private key
over nfs. Or at least you should know the risk involved. And now you know a bit
of it.
NFS and the portmapper makes up a complex subsystem and therefore it's
not totally unlikely that new bugs will be discovered, either in the
basic design or the implementation we use. There might even be holes
known now, which someone is abusing. But that's life.