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<sect1 id="interop">
<title>Using Linux NFS with Other OSes</title>
Every operating system, Linux included, has quirks and deviations
in the behavior of its NFS implementation -- sometimes because
the protocols are vague, sometimes because they leave gaping
security holes. Linux will work properly with all major vendors'
NFS implementations, as far as we know. However, there may be
extra steps involved to make sure the two OSes are communicating
clearly with one another. This section details those steps.
In general, it is highly ill-advised to attempt to use a Linux
machine with a kernel before 2.2.18 as an NFS server for non-Linux
clients. Implementations with older kernels may work fine as
clients; however if you are using one of these kernels and get
stuck, the first piece of advice we would give is to upgrade
your kernel and see if the problems go away. The user-space NFS
implementations also do not work well with non-Linux clients.
Following is a list of known issues for using Linux together with
major operating systems.
<sect2 id="aix">
<sect3 id="aixserver">
<title>Linux Clients and AIX Servers</title>
The format for the <filename>/etc/exports</filename> file for our example in <xref linkend="server"> is:
/usr slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com,access=slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com
/home slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com,rw=slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com
<sect3 id="aixclients">
<title>AIX clients and Linux Servers</title>
AIX uses the file <filename>/etc/filesystems</filename> instead of <filename>/etc/fstab</filename>.
A sample entry, based on the example in <xref linkend="client">, looks like this:
dev = "/home"
vfs = nfs
nodename = master.foo.com
mount = true
options = bg,hard,intr,rsize=1024,wsize=1024,vers=2,proto=udp
account = false
<orderedlist numeration="lowerroman">
Version 4.3.2 of AIX requires that file systems be exported with
the insecure option, which causes NFS to listen to requests from
insecure ports (i.e., ports above 1024, to which non-root users can
bind). Older versions of AIX do not seem to require this.
AIX clients will default to mounting version 3 NFS over TCP.
If your Linux server does not support this, then you may need
to specify vers=2 and/or proto=udp in your mount options.
Using netmasks in <filename>/etc/exports</filename> seems to sometimes cause clients
to lose mounts when another client is reset. This can be fixed
by listing out hosts explicitly.
Apparently automount in AIX 4.3.2 is rather broken.
<sect2 id="bsd">
<sect3 id="bsdserver">
<title>BSD servers and Linux clients</title>
BSD kernels tend to work better with larger block sizes.
<sect3 id="bsdclient">
<title>Linux servers and BSD clients</title>
Some versions of BSD may make requests to the server from insecure ports,
in which case you will need to export your volumes with the insecure
option. See the man page for <emphasis>exports(5)</emphasis> for more details.
<sect2 id="tru64">
<title>Compaq Tru64 Unix</title>
<sect3 id="tru64server">
<title>Tru64 Unix Servers and Linux Clients</title>
In general, Tru64 Unix servers work quite smoothly with Linux clients.
The format for the <filename>/etc/exports</filename> file for our example in <xref linkend="server"> is:
/usr slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com \
-access=slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com \
/home slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com \
-rw=slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com \
Tru64 checks the <filename>/etc/exports</filename> file every time there is a mount request
so you do not need to run the <command>exportfs</command> command; in fact on many
versions of Tru64 Unix the command does not exist.
<sect3 id="tru64client">
<title>Linux Servers and Tru64 Unix Clients</title>
There are two issues to watch out for here. First, Tru64 Unix mounts
using Version 3 NFS by default. You will see mount errors if your
Linux server does not support Version 3 NFS. Second, in Tru64 Unix
4.x, NFS locking requests are made by daemon. You will therefore
need to specify the <userinput>insecure_locks</userinput> option on all volumes you export
to a Tru64 Unix 4.x client; see the <command>exports</command> man pages for details.
<sect2 id="hpux">
<sect3 id="hpuxserver">
<title>HP-UX Servers and Linux Clients</title>
A sample <filename>/etc/exports</filename> entry on HP-UX looks like this:
/usr -ro,access=slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com
/home -rw=slave1.foo.com:slave2.fo.com:root=slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com
(The <userinput>root</userinput> option is listed in the last entry for informational
purposes only; its use is not recommended unless necessary.)
<sect3 id="hpuxclient">
<title>Linux Servers and HP-UX Clients</title>
HP-UX diskless clients will require at least a kernel version 2.2.19
(or patched 2.2.18) for device files to export correctly.
<sect2 id="irix">
<sect3 id="irixserver">
<title>IRIX Servers and Linux Clients</title>
A sample <filename>/etc/exports</filename> entry on IRIX looks like this:
/usr -ro,access=slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com
/home -rw=slave1.foo.com:slave2.fo.com:root=slave1.foo.com:slave2.foo.com
(The <userinput>root</userinput> option is listed in the last entry for informational
purposes only; its use is not recommended unless necessary.)
There are reportedly problems when using the nohide option on
exports to linux 2.2-based systems. This problem is fixed in the
2.4 kernel. As a workaround, you can export and mount lower-down
file systems separately.
<sect3 id="irixclient">
<title>IRIX clients and Linux servers</title>
There are no known interoperability issues.
<sect2 id="solaris">
<sect3 id="solarisserver">
<title>Solaris Servers</title>
Solaris has a slightly different format on the server end from
other operating systems. Instead of <filename>/etc/exports</filename>, the configuration
file is <filename>/etc/dfs/dfstab</filename>. Entries are of the form of a "share"
command, where the syntax for the example in <xref linkend="server"> would
look like
share -o rw=slave1,slave2 -d "Master Usr" /usr
and instead of running <command>exportfs</command> after editing, you run <command>shareall</command>.
Solaris servers are especially sensitive to packet size. If you
are using a Linux client with a Solaris server, be sure to set
<userinput>rsize</userinput> and <userinput>wsize</userinput> to 32768 at mount time.
Finally, there is an issue with root squashing on Solaris: root gets
mapped to the user <emphasis>noone</emphasis>, which is not the same as the user <emphasis>nobody</emphasis>.
If you are having trouble with file permissions as root on the client
machine, be sure to check that the mapping works as you expect.
<sect3 id="solarisclient">
<title>Solaris Clients</title>
Solaris clients will regularly produce the following message:
svc: unknown program 100227 (me 100003)
This happens because Solaris clients, when they mount, try to obtain
ACL information - which linux obviously does not have. The messages
can safely be ignored.
There are two known issues with diskless Solaris clients: First, a kernel
version of at least 2.2.19 is needed to get <filename>/dev/null</filename> to export
correctly. Second, the packet size may need to be set extremely
small (i.e., 1024) on diskless sparc clients because the clients
do not know how to assemble packets in reverse order. This can be
done from <filename>/etc/bootparams</filename> on the clients.
<sect2 id="sunos">
SunOS only has NFS Version 2 over UDP.
<sect3 id="sunosserver">
<title>SunOS Servers</title>
On the server end, SunOS uses the most traditional format for its
<filename>/etc/exports</filename> file. The example in <xref linkend="server"> would look like:
/usr -access=slave1.foo.com,slave2.foo.com
/home -rw=slave1.foo.com,slave2.foo.com, root=slave1.foo.com,slave2.foo.com
<sect3 id="sunosclient">
<title>SunOS Clients</title>
Be advised that SunOS makes all NFS locking requests as daemon, and
therefore you will need to add the <userinput>insecure_locks</userinput> option to any
volumes you export to a SunOS machine. See the <command>exports</command> man page
for details.