
183 lines
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Handle configuration setup.
All of the configuration options and information on their format are at the end
of this file.
import getopt, sys, os, ConfigParser
defaultConfigFile = 'scrollserver.conf'
# These constants just make the code more readable. They refer to fields in the
# 'flatOptions' value tuples.
FUNC = 1
# An exception which will only be raised by this module
class ConfigError(Exception): pass
def parseConfig():
The main entry point for this module. This function returns a
dictionary containing a value for all of the options specified in
configOptions. It does this by choosing, for each option, the first
available value from
1. The command line (--option)
2. The config file specified in the $SCROLLSERVER_CONFIG
environment variable.
3. The config file specificed in the 'defaultConfigFile'
4. A hardcoded default from 'configOptions'.
# First, fill in the results dictionary with all the fields we need to
# eventually have values for. Construct the list to pass to getopts in
# the same pass.
result = {}
longArgs = []
for option in flatOptions.keys():
result[option] = None
if flatOptions[option][FUNC] == None:
longArgs.append('%s=' % option)
# Now parse the command line.
optlist, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '', longArgs)
for opt, value in optlist:
# Strip off the leading '--' from the option
opt = opt[2:]
func = flatOptions[opt][FUNC]
if func:
result[opt] = func(value)
result[opt] = 1
# It only makes sense to ask for help on the commandline, so we show it
# here and return immediately.
if result['help'] == 1:
return result
# Look in the file in $SCROLLSERVER_CONFIG.
filename = os.environ.get('SCROLLSERVER_CONFIG')
if filename:
processConfigFile(filename, result)
# Look in the default config file.
processConfigFile(defaultConfigFile, result)
# And, finally, use the default values for anything not yet filled in.
for option, value in result.items():
if value == None:
result[option] = flatOptions[option][DEFAULT]
return result
def processConfigFile(filename, dict):
Read the config parameters from 'filename' and for any item in 'dict'
that has a value of None, fill in the value (if any) from the file. If
the specified file does not exist, this function will do nothing.
fd = open(filename)
except IOError:
# FIXME: display error message somehow?
cp = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
for section in configOptions.keys():
if not cp.has_section(section):
for option in configOptions[section].keys():
if result[option] != None or not cp.has_option(section, option):
value = cp.get(section, option)
func = flatOptions[option][FUNC]
if func:
dict[option] = func(value)
dict[option] = 1
def cacheSize(param):
Handle strings that specify the cache size. These are just numbers,
possibly with suffix of 'k' or 'm' or 'g' (upper- or lower-case). If
the 'param' is badly formed (e.g. 1234mg), a ValueError exception will
be raised.
multipliers = {'k': 1024, 'm': 1024 * 1024, 'g': 1024 * 1024 * 1024}
param = param.strip()
suffix = param[-1].lower()
if suffix in multipliers.keys():
mult = multipliers[suffix]
param = param[:-1]
mult = 1
return long(param) * mult
def showHelp():
List all of the options and their help strings from 'configOptions'.
sections = configOptions.keys()
# Do the sections and the options alphabetically.
for section in sections:
print 'Options for %s:' % section
options = configOptions[section].keys()
for option in options:
print ' --%s: %s' \
% (option, configOptions[section][option][2])
# The 'configOptions' variable describes the various options which can be
# configured. It is a dictionary of (Section, Options) mappings. The 'Section'
# key describes the area of the program to which the options correspond. It is
# also the name of a major section in the config file.
# The 'Options' value is another dictionary which maps configuration parameters
# to a tuple which is (conversion-function, default-value, help-string). The
# conversion function is either None (in which case the config option is 'on'
# when present and 'off' otherwise) or a function which converts a string to an
# appropriate value for later use. This can either be a builtin Python function
# (e.g. 'str' or 'int') or a custom function.
# Note that this dictionary needs to be defined _after_ any custom functions it
# refers to, so we put it here at the end of this module.
configOptions = {
'scrollserver': {
'cache-dir': (str, '/var/cache/scrollserver/',
'The directory where files will be cached.'),
'cache-size': (cacheSize, 10485760, # 10 megabytes
'The size of the cache (k, m and g suffixes '
'disable-cache': (None, 0, 'If present, disable the cache.'),
'port': (int, 8000, 'The port to listen on.'),
'interface': (str, '', 'The interface to listen on '
'("" = all interfaces).'),
'help': (None, 0, 'Show short description of options.'),
'xsltproc': {
'timing': (None, 0, 'Display the time used by xsltproc.'),
# In some cases (e.g. parsing the command line), the above format is not so
# convenient to use. So, upon module import we construct another dictionary
# which moves the options up to the top level and keeps a reference to their
# section, conversion function and default value.
flatOptions = {}
for section, optionDict in configOptions.items():
for option, (func, default, junk) in optionDict.items():
if flatOptions.has_key(option):
# This option already exists, so we have a fatal error.
first = flatOptions[option][0]
raise ConfigError, 'Option %s exists in sections ' \
'%s and %s.' % (first, section)
flatOptions[option] = (section, func, default)