
29 lines
737 B

# -- reserved values; these are not available for site-specific use
# the values below will not be looked up by the ip utility; they
# are hard-coded into the source code. DO NOT CHANGE these; you'll
# confuse the humans.
# 255 local
# 254 main
# 253 default
# 0 unspec
# -- make all of your changes below
# -- local values; the ip utility will look up the table number here
# if referring to a table by name instead of number, e.g.:
# ip route add default via table ipsec
# will cause the default route through to be added to
# table number 4
# 1 inr.ruhep
# 2 mail.out
# 3 web
# 4 ipsec
# 252 prohibit
# -- end /etc/iproute2/rt_tables