
145 lines
3.5 KiB

# $Id$
# Copyright 2005 Oliver Beckstein
# Released under the GNU Public License
# Author of script granted permission for inclusion in ABS Guide.
# (Thank you!)
# pseudo hash based on indirect parameter expansion
# API: access through functions:
# create the hash:
# newhash Lovers
# add entries (note single quotes for spaces)
# addhash Lovers Tristan Isolde
# addhash Lovers 'Romeo Montague' 'Juliet Capulet'
# access value by key
# gethash Lovers Tristan ----> Isolde
# show all keys
# keyshash Lovers ----> 'Tristan' 'Romeo Montague'
# Convention: instead of perls' foo{bar} = boing' syntax,
# use
# '_foo_bar=boing' (two underscores, no spaces)
# 1) store key in _NAME_keys[]
# 2) store value in _NAME_values[] using the same integer index
# The integer index for the last entry is _NAME_ptr
# NOTE: No error or sanity checks, just bare bones.
function _inihash () {
# private function
# call at the beginning of each procedure
# defines: _keys _values _ptr
# Usage: _inihash NAME
local name=$1
function newhash () {
# Usage: newhash NAME
# NAME should not contain spaces or dots.
# Actually: it must be a legal name for a Bash variable.
# We rely on Bash automatically recognising arrays.
local name=$1
local _keys _values _ptr
_inihash ${name}
eval ${_ptr}=0
function addhash () {
# Usage: addhash NAME KEY 'VALUE with spaces'
# arguments with spaces need to be quoted with single quotes ''
local name=$1 k="$2" v="$3"
local _keys _values _ptr
_inihash ${name}
#echo "DEBUG(addhash): ${_ptr}=${!_ptr}"
eval let ${_ptr}=${_ptr}+1
eval "$_keys[${!_ptr}]=\"${k}\""
eval "$_values[${!_ptr}]=\"${v}\""
function gethash () {
# Usage: gethash NAME KEY
# Returns boing
# ERR=0 if entry found, 1 otherwise
# That's not a proper hash --
#+ we simply linearly search through the keys.
local name=$1 key="$2"
local _keys _values _ptr
local k v i found h
_inihash ${name}
# _ptr holds the highest index in the hash
for i in $(seq 1 ${!_ptr}); do
h="\${${_keys}[${i}]}" # Safer to do it in two steps,
eval k=${h} #+ especially when quoting for spaces.
if [ "${k}" = "${key}" ]; then found=1; break; fi
[ ${found} = 0 ] && return 1;
# else: i is the index that matches the key
eval echo "${h}"
return 0;
function keyshash () {
# Usage: keyshash NAME
# Returns list of all keys defined for hash name.
local name=$1 key="$2"
local _keys _values _ptr
local k i h
_inihash ${name}
# _ptr holds the highest index in the hash
for i in $(seq 1 ${!_ptr}); do
h="\${${_keys}[${i}]}" # Safer to do it in two steps,
eval k=${h} #+ especially when quoting for spaces.
echo -n "'${k}' "
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now, let's test it.
# (Per comments at the beginning of the script.)
newhash Lovers
addhash Lovers Tristan Isolde
addhash Lovers 'Romeo Montague' 'Juliet Capulet'
# Output results.
gethash Lovers Tristan # Isolde
keyshash Lovers # 'Tristan' 'Romeo Montague'
echo; echo
exit 0
# Exercise:
# --------
# Add error checks to the functions.