
894 lines
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Executable File

Lampadas Object Hierarchy Module
This module defines Data Objects (Users, Documents, Notes, Topics, etc.)
for the Lampadas system. All access to the underlying database should be
performed through this layer.
# Modules
import Config
import Database
import Log
from string import strip
from types import StringType
# Globals
Config = Config.Config()
DB = Database.Database()
DB.Connect(Config.DBType, Config.DBName)
Log = Log.Log()
# Base Classes
class LampadasList:
Base class for Lampadas list objects, which are cached in RAM
for high performance.
Classes based on this one emulate lists, with additional methods.
list = []
def __len__(self):
return len(self.list)
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.list[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.list[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self.list[key]
def items(self):
return self.list.items()
def append(self, item):
def Count(self):
return len(self.list)
class LampadasCollection:
Base class for Lampadas collection objects, which are cached in RAM
for high performance.
Classes based on this one become pseudo-dictionaries, providing
iteration and similar methods. This is done by providing a wrapper to
the built-in dictionary type. In Python 2.2, dictionaries will be
subclassable, so this can be rewritten to take advantage of that.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
def __getitem__(self, key):
item = self.data[key]
except KeyError:
item = None
return item
def __setitem__(self, key, item):
self.data[key] = item
def __delitem__(self, key):
del self.data[key]
def keys(self):
return self.data.keys()
def Count(self):
return len(self.data)
# Lampadas
class Lampadas:
This is the top level container class for all Lampadas objects.
While you can also create User, Doc, and other classes independently,
this class can be instantiated and all those objects accessed as part
of a single object hierarchy.
Using this method gives you complete data caching capabilities and a
single, global access route to all Lampadas data.
def __init__(self):
self.Classes = Classes()
self.Config = Config()
self.Docs = Docs()
self.DTDs = DTDs()
self.Formats = Formats()
self.Languages = Languages()
self.PubStatuses = PubStatuses()
self.Strings = Strings()
self.Topics = Topics()
self.Users = Users()
def User(self, UserID):
return User(UserID)
def Doc(self, DocID):
return Doc(DocID)
# Class
class Classes(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all document classes (HOWTO, FAQ, etc).
def Load(self):
self.sql = "SELECT class_id FROM class"
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newClass = Class()
self.data[newClass.ID] = newClass
class Class:
def __init__(self, ClassID=None):
self.I18n = {}
if ClassID==None: return
self.ID = ClassID
def Load(self, row):
self.ID = row[0]
self.sql = "SELECT lang, class_name, class_description FROM class_i18n WHERE class_id=" + str(self.ID)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
self.row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if self.row == None: break
newClassI18n = ClassI18n()
self.I18n[newClassI18n.Lang] = newClassI18n
class ClassI18n:
def Load(self, row):
self.Lang = row[0]
self.Name = trim(row[1])
self.Description = trim(row[2])
# Config
class Config(LampadasCollection):
def __call__(self, key):
return self[key]
def Load(self):
self.sql = "SELECT name, value FROM config"
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
self[trim(row[0])] = trim(row[1])
# Documents
class Docs(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to all documents.
def Load(self):
self.sql = "SELECT doc_id, title, class_id, format, dtd, dtd_version, version, last_update, url, isbn, pub_status, review_status, tickle_date, pub_date, ref_url, tech_review_status, maintained, license, abstract, rating, lang, sk_seriesid FROM document"
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
self.row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if self.row == None: break
newDoc = Doc()
self[newDoc.ID] = newDoc
def Add(self, Title, ClassID, Format, DTD, DTDVersion, Version, LastUpdate, URL, ISBN, PubStatus, ReviewStatus, TickleDate, PubDate, HomeURL, TechReviewStatus, License, Abstract, LanguageCode, SeriesID):
self.id = DB.Value('SELECT max(doc_id) from document') + 1
self.sql = "INSERT INTO document(doc_id, title, class_id, format, dtd, dtd_version, version, last_update, url, isbn, pub_status, review_status, tickle_date, pub_date, ref_url, tech_review_status, license, abstract, lang, sk_seriesid) VALUES (" + str(self.id) + ", " + wsq(Title) + ", " + str(ClassID) + ", " + wsq(Format) + ", " + wsq(DTD) + ", " + wsq(DTDVersion) + ", " + wsq(Version) + ", " + wsq(LastUpdate) + ", " + wsq(URL) + ", " + wsq(ISBN) + ", " + wsq(PubStatus) + ", " + wsq(ReviewStatus) + ", " + wsq(TickleDate) + ", " + wsq(PubDate) + ", " + wsq(HomeURL) + ", " + wsq(TechReviewStatus) + ", " + wsq(License) + ", " + wsq(Abstract) + ", " + wsq(LanguageCode) + ", " + wsq(SeriesID) + ")"
assert DB.Exec(self.sql) == 1
self.NewID = DB.Value('SELECT MAX(doc_id) from document')
newDoc = Doc(self.NewID)
self[self.NewID] = newDoc
return self.NewID
def Del(self, id):
self.sql = ('DELETE from document WHERE doc_id=' + str(id))
assert DB.Exec(self.sql) == 1
del self[id]
class Doc:
A document in any format, whether local or remote.
def __init__(self, id=None):
if id == None: return
self.sql = "SELECT doc_id, title, class_id, format, dtd, dtd_version, version, last_update, url, isbn, pub_status, review_status, tickle_date, pub_date, ref_url, tech_review_status, maintained, license, abstract, rating, lang, sk_seriesid FROM document WHERE doc_id=" + str(id)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
self.row = self.cursor.fetchone()
def Load(self, row):
self.ID = row[0]
self.Title = trim(row[1])
self.ClassID = row[2]
self.Format = trim(row[3])
self.DTD = trim(row[4])
self.DTDVersion = trim(row[5])
self.Version = trim(row[6])
self.LastUpdate = trim(row[7])
self.URL = trim(row[8])
self.ISBN = trim(row[9])
self.PubStatus = trim(row[10])
self.ReviewStatus = trim(row[11])
self.TickleDate = trim(row[12])
self.PubDate = trim(row[13])
self.HomeURL = trim(row[14])
self.TechReviewStatus = trim(row[15])
self.Maintained = tf2bool(row[16])
self.License = trim(row[17])
self.Abstract = trim(row[18])
self.Rating = safeint(row[19])
self.LanguageCode = trim(row[20])
self.SeriesID = trim(row[21])
self.Errors = DocErrors(self.ID)
self.Files = DocFiles(self.ID)
self.Ratings = DocRatings(self.ID)
self.Ratings.Parent = self
self.Versions = DocVersions(self.ID)
def Save(self):
self.sql = "UPDATE document SET title=" + wsq(self.Title) + ", class_id=" + str(self.ClassID) + ", format=" + wsq(self.Format) + ", dtd=" + wsq(self.DTD) + ", dtd_version=" + wsq(self.DTDVersion) + ", version=" + wsq(self.Version) + ", last_update=" + wsq(self.LastUpdate) + ", url=" + wsq(self.URL) + ", isbn=" + wsq(self.ISBN) + ", pub_status=" + wsq(self.PubStatus) + ", review_status=" + wsq(self.ReviewStatus) + ", tickle_date=" + wsq(self.TickleDate) + ", pub_date=" + wsq(self.PubDate) + ", ref_url=" + wsq(self.HomeURL) + ", tech_review_status=" + wsq(self.TechReviewStatus) + ", maintained=" + wsq(bool2tf(self.Maintained)) + ", license=" + wsq(self.License) + ", abstract=" + wsq(self.Abstract) + ", rating=" + dbint(self.Rating) + ", lang=" + wsq(self.LanguageCode) + ", sk_seriesid=" + wsq(self.SeriesID) + " WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.ID)
# DocErrors
class DocErrors(LampadasList):
A collection object providing access to all document errors, as identified by the
Lintadas subsystem.
def __init__(self, DocID):
assert not DocID == None
self.DocID = DocID
self.sql = "SELECT error FROM document_error WHERE doc_id=" + str(DocID)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newDocError = DocError()
newDocError.Load(DocID, row)
self.list = self.list + [newDocError]
def Clear(self):
self.sql = "DELETE FROM document_error WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.DocID)
self.list = []
def Add(self, Error):
self.sql = "INSERT INTO document_error(doc_id, error) VALUES (" + str(self.DocID) + ", " + wsq(Error)
assert DB.Exec(self.sql) == 1
newDocError = DocError()
newDocError.DocID = self.DocID
newDocError.Error = Error
self.list = self.list + [newDocError]
class DocError:
An error filed against a document by the Lintadas subsystem.
def Load(self, DocID, row):
assert not DocID == None
assert not row == None
self.DocID = DocID
self.Error = trim(row[0])
# DocFiles
class DocFiles(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to all document source files.
def __init__(self, DocID):
self.data = {}
assert not DocID == None
self.DocID = DocID
self.sql = "SELECT filename, format FROM document_file WHERE doc_id=" + str(DocID)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newDocFile = DocFile()
newDocFile.Load(DocID, row)
self.data[newDocFile.Filename] = newDocFile
class DocFile:
An association between a document and a file.
def Load(self, DocID, row):
assert not DocID == None
assert not row == None
self.DocID = DocID
self.Filename = trim(row[0])
self.Format = trim(row[1])
def Save(self):
self.sql = "UPDATE document_file SET format=" + wsq(self.Format) + " WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.DocID) + " AND filename=" + wsq(self.Filename)
assert DB.Exec(self.sql) == 1
# DocRatings
class DocRatings(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to all ratings placed on documents by users.
def __init__(self, DocID):
self.data = {}
self.Parent = None
assert not DocID == None
self.DocID = DocID
self.sql = "SELECT user_id, date_entered, vote FROM doc_vote WHERE doc_id=" + str(DocID)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
self.row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if self.row == None: break
newDocRating = DocRating()
newDocRating.Load(DocID, self.row)
self.data[newDocRating.UserID] = newDocRating
def Add(self, UserID, Rating):
newDocRating = DocRating()
newDocRating.DocID = self.DocID
newDocRating.UserID = UserID
newDocRating.Rating = Rating
self.data[newDocRating.UserID] = newDocRating
def Del(self, UserID):
if self.data[UserID] == None: return
del self.data[UserID]
self.sql = 'DELETE FROM doc_vote WHERE doc_id=' + str(self.DocID) + ' AND user_id=' + str(UserID)
def Clear(self):
self.sql = "DELETE FROM doc_vote WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.DocID)
self.data = {}
def CalcAverage(self):
self.Average = 0
if self.Count() > 0:
keys = self.data.keys()
for key in keys:
self.Average = self.Average + self.data[key].Rating
self.Average = self.Average / self.Count()
self.sql = "UPDATE document SET rating=" + str(self.Average) + " WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.DocID)
if not self.Parent == None:
self.Parent.Rating = self.Average
class DocRating:
A rating of a document, assigned by a registered user.
def Load(self, DocID, row):
assert not DocID == None
assert not row == None
self.DocID = DocID
self.UserID = row[0]
self.DateEntered = trim(row[1])
self.Rating = row[2]
def Save(self):
self.sql = "DELETE from doc_vote WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.DocID) + " AND user_id=" + str(self.UserID)
self.sql = "INSERT INTO doc_vote (doc_id, user_id, vote) VALUES (" + str(self.DocID) + ", " + str(self.UserID) + ", " + str(self.Rating) + ")"
# DocVersions
class DocVersions(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to document revisions.
def __init__(self, DocID):
self.data = {}
assert not DocID == None
self.DocID = DocID
self.sql = "SELECT rev_id, version, pub_date, initials, notes FROM document_rev WHERE doc_id=" + str(DocID)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newDocVersion = DocVersion()
newDocVersion.Load(DocID, row)
self.data[newDocVersion.ID] = newDocVersion
class DocVersion:
A release of the document.
def Load(self, DocID, row):
assert not DocID == None
assert not row == None
self.DocID = DocID
self.ID = row[0]
self.Version = trim(row[1])
self.PubDate = trim(row[2])
self.Initials = trim(row[3])
self.Notes = trim(row[4])
def Save(self):
self.sql = "UPDATE document_rev SET version=" + wsq(self.Version) + ", pub_date=" + wsq(self.PubDate) + ", initials=" + wsq(self.Initials) + ", notes=" + wsq(self.Notes) + "WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.DocID) + " AND rev_id" + wsq(self.ID)
assert DB.Exec(self.sql) == 1
# DTDs
class DTDs(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all DTDs.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
self.sql = "SELECT dtd from dtd"
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newDTD = DTD()
self.data[newDTD.DTD] = newDTD
class DTD:
def __init__(self, DTD=None):
if DTD==None: return
self.DTD = DTD
def Load(self, row):
self.DTD = trim(row[0])
# Formats
class Formats(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all formats.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
self.sql = "SELECT format FROM format"
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newFormat = Format()
self.data[newFormat.Format] = newFormat
class Format:
def __init__(self, Format=None):
self.I18n = {}
if Format==None: return
self.Code = Format
def Load(self, row):
self.Format = trim(row[0])
self.sql = "SELECT lang, format_name FROM format_i18n WHERE format=" + wsq(self.Format)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
self.row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if self.row == None: break
newFormatI18n = FormatI18n()
self.I18n[newFormatI18n.Lang] = newFormatI18n
# FormatI18n
class FormatI18n:
def Load(self, row):
self.Lang = row[0]
self.Name = trim(row[1])
# Languages
class Languages(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all languages.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
self.sql = "SELECT isocode, language_name FROM language"
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newLanguage = Language()
self.data[newLanguage.Code] = newLanguage
class Language:
def __init__(self, LanguageCode=None):
self.I18n = {}
if LanguageCode == None: return
self.Code = LanguageCode
self.sql = "SELECT isocode FROM language WHERE isocode= " + wsq(LanguageCode)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
def Load(self, row):
self.Code = trim(row[0])
self.sql = "SELECT lang, language_name FROM language_i18n WHERE isocode=" + wsq(self.Code)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
self.row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if self.row == None: break
newLanguageI18n = LanguageI18n()
self.I18n[newLanguageI18n.Lang] = newLanguageI18n
# LanguageI18n
class LanguageI18n:
def Load(self, row):
self.Lang = row[0]
self.Name = trim(row[1])
# PubStatuses
class PubStatuses(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all publication statuses.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
self.sql = "SELECT pub_status FROM pub_status"
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newPubStatus = PubStatus()
self.data[newPubStatus.PubStatus] = newPubStatus
class PubStatus:
def __init__(self, PubStatus=None):
self.I18n = {}
if PubStatus==None: return
self.PubStatus = PubStatus
def Load(self, row):
self.PubStatus = trim(row[0])
self.sql = "SELECT lang, pub_status_name, pub_status_desc FROM pub_status_i18n WHERE pub_status=" + wsq(self.PubStatus)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
self.row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if self.row == None: break
newPubStatusI18n = PubStatusI18n()
self.I18n[newPubStatusI18n.Lang] = newPubStatusI18n
# PubStatusI18n
class PubStatusI18n:
def Load(self, row):
self.Lang = row[0]
self.Name = trim(row[1])
self.Description = trim(row[2])
# Strings
class Strings(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all localized strings.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
self.sql = "SELECT string_code FROM string"
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newString = String()
self.data[newString.Code] = newString
class String:
def __init__(self, StringCode=None):
self.I18n = {}
if StringCode==None: return
self.Code = StringCode
def Load(self, row):
self.Code = trim(row[0])
self.sql = "SELECT lang, string FROM string_i18n WHERE string_code=" + wsq(self.Code)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
self.row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if self.row == None: break
newStringI18n = StringI18n()
self.I18n[newStringI18n.Lang] = newStringI18n
# StringI18n
class StringI18n:
def Load(self, row):
self.Lang = row[0]
self.Text = trim(row[1])
# Topics
class Topics(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all topics.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
self.sql = "SELECT topic_num FROM topic"
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newTopic = Topic()
self.data[newTopic.Num] = newTopic
class Topic:
def __init__(self, TopicNum=None):
self.I18n = {}
if TopicNum==None: return
self.Num = TopicNum
def Load(self, row):
self.Num = trim(row[0])
self.sql = "SELECT lang, topic_name, topic_description FROM topic_i18n string_i18n WHERE topic_num=" + wsq(self.Num)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
self.row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if self.row == None: break
newTopicI18n = TopicI18n()
self.I18n[newTopicI18n.Lang] = newTopicI18n
class TopicI18n:
def Load(self, row):
self.Lang = row[0]
self.Name = trim(row[1])
self.Description = trim(row[2])
# Users
class Users:
A collection object providing access to registered users.
def Count(self):
return DB.Value('SELECT count(*) from username')
def Add(self, Username, FirstName, MiddleName, Surname, Email, IsAdmin, IsSysadmin, Password, Notes, Stylesheet):
self.id = DB.Value('SELECT max(user_id) from username') + 1
self.sql = "INSERT INTO username (user_id, username, first_name, middle_name, surname, email, admin, sysadmin, password, notes, stylesheet) VALUES (" + str(self.id) + ", " + wsq(Username) + ", " + wsq(FirstName) + ", " + wsq(MiddleName) + ", " + wsq(Surname) + ", " + wsq(Email) + ", " + wsq(bool2tf(IsAdmin)) + ", " + wsq(bool2tf(IsSysadmin)) + ", " + wsq(Password) + ", " + wsq(Notes) + ", " + wsq(Stylesheet) + ")"
assert DB.Exec(self.sql) == 1
return DB.Value('SELECT max(user_id) from username')
def Del(self, id):
self.sql = ('DELETE from username WHERE user_id=' + str(id))
assert DB.Exec(self.sql) == 1
class User:
A user is known by the system and can login to manipulate documents
and act on the database according to his rights.
def __init__(self, id) :
self.sql = 'SELECT user_id, username, session_id, first_name, middle_name, surname, email, admin, sysadmin, password, notes, stylesheet FROM username WHERE user_id=' + str(id)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
self.ID = row[0]
self.Username = trim(row[1])
self.SessionID = trim(row[2])
self.FirstName = trim(row[3])
self.MiddleName = trim(row[4])
self.Surname = trim(row[5])
self.Email = trim(row[6])
self.IsAdmin = tf2bool(row[7])
self.IsSyadmin = tf2bool(row[8])
self.Password = trim(row[9])
self.Notes = trim(row[10])
self.Stylesheet = trim(row[11])
self.Name = trim(trim(self.FirstName + ' ' + self.MiddleName) + ' ' + self.Surname)
self.Docs = UserDocs(self.ID)
# UserDocs
class UserDocs(LampadasList):
A collection object providing access to all user document associations.
def __init__(self, UserID):
assert not UserID == None
self.UserID = UserID
self.sql = "SELECT doc_id, user_id, role, email, active FROM document_user WHERE user_id=" + str(self.UserID)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
while (1):
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
if row == None: break
newUserDoc = UserDoc(UserID, row[0])
self.list = self.list + [newUserDoc]
def Add(self, DocID, Role, Email, Active):
self.sql = "INSERT INTO document_user(doc_id, user_id, role, email, active) VALUES (" + str(DocID) + ", " + str(self.UserID) + ", " + wsq(Role) + ", " + wsq(Email) + ", " + wsq(bool2tf(Active)) + " )"
assert DB.Exec(self.sql) == 1
def Del(self, DocID):
self.sql = ('DELETE from document_user WHERE doc_id=' + str(DocID) + ' AND user_id=' + str(self.UserID))
assert DB.Exec(self.sql) == 1
del self.col[DocID]
class UserDoc:
An association between a user and a document.
def __init__(self, UserID=None, DocID=None):
self.UserID = UserID
self.DocID = DocID
if DocID == None: return
if UserID == None: return
self.sql = "SELECT doc_id, user_id, role, email, active FROM document_user WHERE doc_id=" + str(DocID) + " AND user_id=" + str(UserID)
self.cursor = DB.Select(self.sql)
row = self.cursor.fetchone()
def Load(self, row):
assert not row == None
self.DocID = row[0]
self.UserID = row[1]
self.Role = trim(row[2])
self.Email = trim(row[3])
self.Active = tf2bool(row[4])
def Save(self):
self.sql = "UPDATE document_user SET role=" + wsq(self.Role) + ", email=" + wsq(self.Email) + ", active=" + wsq(bool2tf(self.Active)) + " WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.DocID) + " AND user_id=" + str(self.UserID)
# Utility routines
def wsq(astring):
if astring == None:
return 'NULL'
elif astring == '':
return 'NULL'
return "'" + astring.replace("'", "''") + "'"
def dbint(anint):
if anint == None:
temp = 'NULL'
temp = str(anint)
return temp
def safeint(anint):
if anint == None:
return 0
elif anint == '':
return 0
return int(anint)
def bool2tf(bool):
if bool == 1:
return 't'
return 'f'
def tf2bool(tf):
if tf == 't':
return 1
return 0
def trim(astring):
if astring == None:
temp = ''
temp = str(astring)
return strip(temp)
# main
if __name__ == '__main__' :
print "Running unit tests..."
string = "foo"
assert wsq(string) == "'foo'"
string = "it's"
assert wsq(string) == "'it''s'"
string = "it's that's"
assert wsq(string) == "'it''s that''s'"
print "End unit test run."