
662 lines
26 KiB

<!doctype linuxdoc system>
<title>Linux Quake How-to
<author>Author: Steven A
Last updated: September 2, 2005
This document is a modern guide to GLQuake, a collection of the most useful
tips and a pointer to the best resources still available on the web.
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<sect> Introduction
<sect1> Preamble <p>
Linux Quake sits at the crossroads of two computing revolutions - GNU/Linux,
the free operating system we all love, and GLQuake, the first "first person
shooter" to use the 3d graphics library OpenGL. Quake has a loyal community
still making games almost ten years after it's release by ID Software, and
thanks to John Carmack releasing the software under the GPL, people are able to
enjoy it on non-proprietary platforms.
<newline> <newline>
Does all this mean our game is important ? No... It's just fun ;>
<sect1> About <p>
This document is not an exhaustive how-to of setting up any one Quake
program, but a modern guide to GLQuake, a collection of the most useful tips,
and a pointer to the best resources still available on the web -
concentrating on the many engine re-writes and incredible add-ons which make
quake such a great game.
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<sect> General Info
<sect1>Getting Started<p>
Installing Quake requires a few basic steps.
Getting the game data files is normally done by installing the game using
Microsoft Windows, or a Windows emulator such as Wine, and then copying the
<bf>id1</bf> directory of the installed game to your Linux Quake directory
(making sure all files are in <ref id="lowercase_" name="lowercase">).
You can then install a <ref id="engine_" name="game engine"> and execute
this program to play Quake.
For example, if you installed Jörgen's <ref id="glquake_" name="glquake">,
typing from an xterm window
<bf>glquake.glx -fullscreen -width 800 -height 600</bf>
will start the game at 800x600 resolution in fullscreen mode.
This sounds simple, but if you are new to Linux and you are not familiar
with the Linux command line try one of these links for more information:
<item><url url="http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=42" name="Linuxgamers Quake howto">
<item><url url="http://wiki.quakesrc.org/index.php/HomePage" name="Quake wiki">
<sect1> Command Line Options <p>
Quake has a large number of command line options, some of which vary
from engine to engine. The most useful/common ones are:
<tag/-window/Run the game in windowed mode
<tag/-game NAME/Load the mod NAME.
<tag/-mem N/Reserve N megabytes of memory for the internal heap. This
generally defaults to 8 or 16 meg, but must be increased when playing
larger mods.
<tag/-width WIDTH/window/fullscreen width
<tag/-height HEIGHT/window/fullscreen height
<tag/-sndspeed MHz/Set sound sampling rate (eg. 44100, 22100, 11025)
<tag/-sndbits N/Set sound bits to N = 8 or 16
<tag/-nosound/Disable sound. Necessary when sound is
absent/unconfigured to stop the game from crashing.
<tag/-listen N/Allow a maximum of N players/bots to join multiplayer games.
<tag/-cddev DEVICE/Use DEVICE for playing the cd music
<tag/-nocdaudio/Disable cd audio
<tag/-nomouse/Disable pointer support
You can also append Quake commands to the Linux command line by prefixing
them with a plus sign. For example, to automatically start a new game
at hard skill, use <bf>glquake.glx +skill 2 +map e1m1</bf>.
<sect1> Trouble Shooting <p>
<em>Other trouble shooting resources can be found at:
<url url="http://mfcn.ilo.de/glxquake" name="Jörgen's GLQuake Site">,
the <ref id="old_" name="old version"> of this how-to, and
<url url="http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq" name="Linux Gamers FAQ">
<tag/Program dies at startup/
This is not good, but some simple options to try are:
<item>- use <bf>-nosound</bf> if sound is unconfigured.
<item>- use <bf>-noudp</bf> if network is unconfigured.
<item>- use <bf>-nocdaudio</bf> if cdrom is absent.
<item>- use <bf>-height</bf>, <bf>-width</bf> and
<bf>-fullscreen</bf> command line options to select a screen
mode you know is properly configured.
e.g. <bf>glquake.glx -width 800 -height 600 -fullscreen -nosound</bf>
<newline> <newline>
<label id="lowercase_"><bf>Files not lowercased</bf> or <bf>Data files missing</bf>.
Linux Quake requires (most) filenames to be in lowercase. If you get an error
similar to "<bf>Error: W_LoadWadFile: couldn't load gfx.wad</bf>" it means the game
can't find the data files, possibly because they are not all lowercase.
<itemize> <item>Make sure you have the subdirectory "id1" (not "ID1")
containing the files "pak0.pak" and "pak1.pak". <newline><newline> <item>For a
comprehensive lowercase utility, visit <url
"<bf>Memory overwrite in Sys_Printf</bf>"
<itemize> <item>
This error means you need to edit file <bf>sys_linux.c</bf>,
procedure <bf>Sys_Printf</bf>, at or near line 89, and change
<bf>text&lsqb;1024&rsqb;</bf> to <bf>text&lsqb;4096&rsqb;</bf> and recompile.
<tag/Program dies loading level/
<item>Many mods require extra memory. Use the <bf>-mem 49152</bf> option
to allocate 48M ram for the heapsize.
<newline> <newline>
<item>A few newer mods just won't work with standard GLQuake, and need
an enhanced <ref id="engine_" name="game engine">, though they will generally indicate
this in their documentation.
<newline> <newline>
<item> In some cases, this problem can be sound related. Try some of the tips in the
sound section.
<tag/Sound problems/
An error such as: "<bf>/dev/dsp: Device or resource busy</bf>" indicates some program is
already using your sound card, and you will have to halt this program to get
Quake sound effects.
<item>From the Linux command line, type <bf>killall artsd</bf>
or <bf>killall esd</bf> to terminate two popular sound daemons.
"Quake engine games exit, and I see an error about <bf>mmap</bf>!"
<item> The <url url="http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq" name="Linux Gamers FAQ">
recommends "Your sound card/driver doesn't support this needed feature.
However, if you use KDE/arts you may be able to bypass this with the -m switch
to the artsdsp wrapper". Try <bf>artsdsp -m glquake.glx</bf>.
<item> If you are using a Linux kernel 2.4 (or earlier) you may also be using
the kernel sound modules rather than ALSA sound. Swapping your sound modules
can be hard work, with good online documentation scarce, but start with a visit
to the <url url="http://www.alsa-project.org" name="Alsa Homepage"> and download
the alsa drivers source code.
Sound stutters or is not very good.
<item>Try using the <bf>-sndspeed</bf> or <bf>-sndbits</bf> option(s).
<item>You may also try using the ALSA sound modules as mentioned above.
<tag/Mouse look/"This game won't let me look around properly. %$!$@"
<item>Bring down the console with the "&tilde;" key and enter <bf>+mlook</bf>.
<tag/Mouse doesn't work properly/ Try the following -
<item>Start the game in fullscreen mode by using the <bf>-fullscreen</bf> option.
<item>From the console, type <bf>_windowed_mouse 1</bf>
<item>If you're using fluxbox, try another window manager. Fluxbox has issues
with some games in fullscreen mode.
<item>If still without success, try the
<ref id="nprquake_" name="NPRQuake">
sdl client <bf>glquake.sdl</bf> which uses the SDL api.
Typing <bf>export SDL_VIDEO_X11_DGAMOUSE=0</bf> before starting
the game will disable hardware dga mouse.
<item><ref id="fuhquake_" name="FuhQuake"> and
<ref id="darkplaces_" name="Darkplaces"> also have re-written mouse code.
<tag/Crazy polygons/ Some mission-packs/mods for Quake can cause existing
player/monster models to be drawn with lines all over the place. To fix this,
delete the directory "quake/id1/glquake". When you next run the game, it will
remake this directory and everything should be fine.
<tag/Lines on screen/
A common problem with 3dfx cards is a shower of flickering lines on the screen.
<item>From the console, type <bf>gl_ztrick 0</bf>.
<sect1> Hardware Acceleration <p>
Setting up hardware GL acceleration under Linux used to be a big deal, but
modern distros should now handle this automatically. Of course there are
Nvidia's drivers for all of their modern video cards are not open source.
Because of this many distributions do not include them. If your Nvidia card
is running slowly this is probably the cause, and you should visit
<url url="http://www.nvidia.com"> to download the Linux installer. In my experience
these drivers are great, but not all versions work 100% with all cards. If
you have a misbehaving Nvidia video card, try a different driver.
While new versions of XFree and <url url="http://www.x.org" name="Xorg"> have great
support for Voodoo 3, 4 and 5, early 3dfx hardware such as Voodoo1, Voodoo2
and Rush are no longer hardware accelerated. To get OpenGL working for these
cards, you'll need to download, install and/or compile the software libraries
called Glide and Mesa. <url url="http://sourceforge.net/docman/display_doc.php?docid=28982&amp;group_id=124987" name="Here"> is a detailed README on old
3dfx cards.
<sect1> Game Console Commands <p>
<em>For more info see <url url="http://www.planetquake.com/console/commands/quake.html"></em>
The console is an in-game command line at which you can issue commands,
change variables and cheat. It is toggled by pressing the tilde "&tilde;" key when
in a game. The main commands include -
<tag/noclip/Walk through walls
<tag/notarget/Enemies won't attack player
<tag/timedemo DEMO/Play DEMO (eg. "demo1") at top speed and show frame rate
<tag/impulse N/Issue "impulse N"
These are in-game commands which can be given special uses. The most
common cheat is <bf>impulse 9</bf> which gives all weapons.
<tag/bind key "command"/Bind a key to perform a command
<tag/map MAP/Load MAP
<tag/changelevel MAP/Load MAP without resetting player settings
<tag/quit/Exit to system
<tag/skill VALUE/value = 0 (easy) - 3 (impossible)
Degree of difficulty. Level must be restarted to take effect
<tag/r_wateralpha VALUE/value = 0.0 - 1.0
Opacity of water
<tag/_snd_mixahead VALUE/value = 0.1 - 1.0
Raising this value is a good way to speed up the game at the expense of
some sound lag. I use 0.3
<tag/r_shadows FLAG/flag = 0 | 1
Display model shadows
<tag/vid_wait FLAG/flag = 0 | 1
Sync video output with screen refresh
<tag/chase_active FLAG/flag = 0 | 1
Show player from third person perspective
<sect1> Miscellaneous <p>
<item>Because of the way the original game renders the sky, any map with
numerous outdoor enemies suffers a big performance hit.
<item>You can jump further when strafing than when going forward or back 8-)
<item>The <bf>timedemo demo1</bf> command is a great way to benchmark your system.
<item>Rocket-jumping is the technique of using a rocket or grenade
explosion to jump further than normal. For a demonstration see the
Scourge done Slick speed run.
<item>John Carmack -
"At this time (march '97), the only standard opengl hardware that can play
glquake reasonably is an intergraph realizm, which is a VERY expensive card"
<item>From the original Quake How-To -
"Hardware-accelerated OpenGL Quake is Quake the way God intended it to
be. There is no substitute, and once you've experienced it there's no
going back."
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<sect>Game Engines <label id="engine_">
The program you execute to run Quake is known as the game engine,
and once you have the data files installed you will have to install
one. Notable Quake game engines are:
<sect1> GLQuake <label id="glquake_"><p>
The first place for Linux noobs to go is Jörgen's no frills site. It is a basic
version of OpenGL Quake for Linux, and has some relevant up to date
documentation. Fairly pain free by Linux standards, it looks and works great,
and supports virtually all Quake mods.
<url url="http://mfcn.ilo.de/glxquake">
<label id="quakeforge_"><sect1> QuakeForge <p>
Is one of the best supported Linux Quake projects with many preferring it to
GLQuake. It has a visually enhanced engine , numerous clients including
<ref id="quakeworld_" name="QuakeWorld">, and also Quake C tools. If you want
help, and/or something not covered on Jörgen's GLQuake site, try here.
<url url="http://www.quakeforge.net">
<url url="http://sourceforge.net/projects/quake/">
<label id="darkplaces_"><sect1> Darkplaces <p>
Darkplaces is an amazing Quake engine with a great range of visual
enhancements and options for colour, effects and sound. It also supports
many otherwise incompatible total conversions including the awesome
<ref id="nehahra_" name="Nehahra"> and improved support for the official
mission packs. Thank-you Havoc.
<url url="http://www.icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces">
<sect1>Software Quake<p>
<em>For a more in-depth treatment of Software Quake, see the <ref id="old_" name="previous version"> of this how-to</em>.
The <url url="http://www.quakeforge.net/files/q1source.zip" name="original
WinQuake source"> also came with two pixelated versions of the game:
<itemize> <item>X Quake (quake.x11) <item>Svga Quake (squake) </itemize>
but compiling them is no longer straight forward. It involves copying
<bf>Makefile.linux</bf> to <bf>Makefile</bf>, editing this file to remove the extra
targets , replacing <bf>/usr/X11/lib</bf> with <bf>/usr/X11R6/lib</bf> and typing
<bf>make build_release</bf>.
There are easier options though. <ref id="quakeforge_"
name="QuakeForge"> have more than one software client, and there is also an
old <url url="http://www.libsdl.org/projects/quake/" name="SDL Quake"> hacked
together by SDL's author, Sam Lantinga.
<sect1> Other <p>
<label id="nprquake_"><sect2>NPRQuake<p>
Another Quake engine which has been ported to Linux but afaik hasn't been
touched in a few years is <url url="http://www.cs.wisc.edu/graphics/Gallery/NPRQuake/" name="NPRQuake">.
Notably, it has the ability to load different renderers on the fly (!) which
is pretty cool. The <url url="http://www.geocities.com/coolguywithgun" name="linux port"> includes support for the cartoon renderer
<url url="http://www.cs.unc.edu/%7Eadyilie/comp238/Final/Final.htm" name="ainpr">,
and works really well for me.
The <url url="http://www.tempestgames.com/ryan/" name="SDL version">
has rewritten mouse code which may work on some systems where all else fails.
<label id="fuhquake_"><sect2>FuhQuake<p>
<url url="http://www.fuhquake.net" name="FuhQuake"> "contains numerous
gameplay and eyecandy enhancements over the original QuakeWorld game".
With the focus on multiplayer, it is still actively maintained by Fuh.
A Quake engine using advanced lighting techniques similar
to those in Doom III. Requires a very fast computer to run. <url url="http://tenebrae.sourceforge.net/" name="Link">
<label id="quakeworld_"><sect2>QuakeWorld<p>
An enhanced Quake engine for online and network multiplayer action. It is
incorporated into <ref id="quakeforge_" name="QuakeForge">. See also <ref
id="fuhquake_" name="FuhQuake">
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<sect> Mods
<sect1> Mods <p>
There are hundreds of user created levels - known variously as "mods", "total
conversions" or simply "maps", all over the internet. When it comes to
finding them though, many URLs are no longer valid, and it is easier to just
google for a file name (perhaps adding "quake" as an extra search term) than
to try and find the project's homepage - which is probably just dust in the
ether now.
To run new maps, place the bsp file into the Quake/id1/maps
subdirectory, and then start Quake with the <bf>+map MAPNAME</bf> option.
Installing mods is simply a matter of creating a subdirectory DIR and
extracting the contents of the mod zipfile/tarball into this directory.
The mod is started by using the <bf>-game DIR</bf> command line option.
For both maps and mods, all files should be in <ref id="lowercase_" name="lowercase"> format.
QuakeTerminus has a good
<url url="http://www.quaketerminus.com/addon.htm" name="list"> of mods,
Tenfour numerous <url url="http://tenfourmaps.telefragged.com/php/revidx.php?gameid=q1&amp;sortby=date&amp;reversesort=1&amp;page=1" name="map reviews">.
A few of my favourites are:
<tag/Contract Revoked/
A modern mod which made my jaw drop, and
has an equally impressive sequel, The Lost Chapters.
<url url="http://kell.spawnpoint.org/convoked.html">
<tag/Zerstörer/Dark and bloody, with Doom's paranoiac atmosphere. A classic -
<url url="http://www.google.com.au/search?q=zerstorer.zip" name="zerstorer.zip">
<label id="nehahra_"><tag/Nehahra/Hugely impressive mod only supported in
Linux by LordHavoc's <ref id="darkplaces_" name="Darkplaces">
engine. <url url="http://www.planetquake.com/nehahra">
<tag/Neil Manke's mods/Neil wrote the definitive Half-Life mod "They Hunger".
The quality and fun is in these maps too -
alba01.zip, alba02.zip, sofsp1.zip, sofsp2.zip, starshp2.zip
<url url="http://www.planethalflife.com/manke/">
<tag/Operation: Urth Majik/ Incredible production values and one of my favourites - <url url="http://disenchant.net/files/maps/oum.zip" name="oum.zip">
<url url="http://www.planetquake.com/fatty/oum/" name="Fat Controller's Oum page">
<tag/The Coagula Contest 2/<url url="http://www.planetquake.com/underworld/quakerev030814.html" name="Coagula"> is a six level compendium of maps
originating from a contest.
The novelty is that all maps are floating in the ether, and it's a great set.
<tag/Fantasy Quake/The first level is tough. The game has some beautiful
levels but plenty of raw edges -
<url url="http://www.google.com.au/search?q=fantasy.zip" name="fantasy.zip">
<tag/Blood Mage/... is another medieval themed mod with great
monsters and music. It's a little dated now, and the numerous spells can be overwhelming
- <url url="http://www.google.com.au/search?q=bmfull.zip" name="bmfull.zip">
<tag/Scourge done Slick/SdS is a speed run through Mission Pack 1, Scourge of Armagon. Hilarious and amazing.
<url url="http://www.planetquake.com/QdQ/sds.html">
<tag/Insomnia/Cracking game-play and rivers of blood -
<url url="http://www.google.com.au/search?q=czg07.zip" name="czg07.zip">
<tag/Gib Factory/Fun with very innovative models,
Ikka's plasma gun and the Doom cyberdemon -
<url url="http://www.google.com.au/search?q=gibfact.zip" name="gibfact.zip">
<tag/Vigil, Museum/Little mods with great game-play!
<url url="http://www.google.com.au/search?q=vigil.zip" name="vigil.zip">,
<url url="http://www.google.com.au/search?q=museum.zip" name="museum.zip">
<tag/Navy Seals/Great models and quite innovative -
<url url="http://www.google.com.au/search?q=navy3.zip" name="navy3.zip">
<sect1> Commercial Mods <p>
<tag/Mission Pack 1/Scourge of Armagon by Ritual Entertainment (formerly known as Hipnotic Interactive).
<tag/Mission Pack 2/Dissolution of Eternity by Rogue Entertainment.
- Both official mission packs are generally acknowledged as better than the original game.
<tag/Malice/Very original Quake total conversion, with the greatest
(make believe) machine gun I've ever unleashed.
Worth paying for.
<tag/Abyss of Pandemonium/Commercial mod now freely available:
<url url="http://www.planetquake.com/impel">
<tag/Ravages of Apocalypse/Xmen mod! Great Models. Shame about the game-play.
...When good mods turn bad.
<tag/Shrak/One of the first commercial mods with nice monsters,
but the game-play doesn't cut it anymore.
<label id="hexenII_"><sect1> Hexen II - Hammer of Thyrion <p>
Well, can Quake get any better ? We humbly think so - Hexen II.
Raven software made this colourful adaption of the Quake engine, but the game
was released with many rough edges. ...So beautiful, yet so cruel. And while
it is not as widely distributed as Quake, the demo includes some of the games
best levels and is available from the Sourceforge web site. Ozkan Sezer has
plundered the open source world and added his own touches to bring Dan
Olson's original Hexen II port screaming into the antarctic sunshine!
<url url="http://uhexen2.sourceforge.net">
<sect1> Mapping tools <p>
Another first for Quake was the implementation of it's own game language -
Quake C. This lets mods work seamlessly on any operating system.
It is possible to install many of the editors which are used to make Quake
maps, but creating full scale mods is real voodoo and beyond my knowledge.
The only currently maintained world editor I know of is
<url url="http://www.qeradiant.com/" name="GtkRadiant">.
<ref id="quakeforge_" name="QuakeForge">
include Quake C tools with their tarball, and the
<url url="http://wiki.quakesrc.org/index.php/HomePage" name="Quake Wiki"> has some
relevant links for the windows platforms.
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<sect> Other
<sect1> Text Version <p> This how-to is also available as a
<url url="Quake-HOWTO.txt" name="text file">.
<sect1> Old Quake How-To <label id="old_"> <p>
... is located <url url="old/Quake-HOWTO.html" name="here">
<sect1> Quake II <p> The sci-fi themed sequel that won many fans, but hasn't
endured like the original game.
<ref id="quakeforge_" name="QuakeForge">'s
latest release is <url url="http://www.quakeforge.net/files/quake2forge/quake2-0.3.tar.gz" name="here">,
and other related projects are <url url="http://www.icculus.org/quake2/" name="Icculus Quake II">
and Michael Olson's <url url="http://www.cs.odu.edu/~olson/linux/quake2-0.12-1jag.src.rpm" name="source"> and <url url="http://www.cs.odu.edu/~olson/linux/quake2-0.12-1jag.i386.rpm" name="binary"> packages.
<sect1> Quake III <p> ID software didn't stop at two. The third Quake
installment was a landmark multiplayer game, with some of the most beautiful
and well balanced fragging ever. It was one of the first games to receive a
full Linux commercial release.
Linuxgamers host a <url url="http://www.linux-gamers.net/modules/wfsection/article.php?articleid=30" name="Quake III Howto">.
<sect1> FreeBSD <p> The author has limited experience with this OS.
<ref id="glquake_" name="GLQuake">, <ref id="darkplaces_" name="Darkplaces">
and <ref id="hexenII_" name="Hammer of Thyrion"> are known to work well.
<sect1> Links <p>
<tag/ID Software/<url url="http://www.idsoftware.com">
<tag/The Linux Game Tome/<url url="http://www.happypenguin.org">
<tag/Icculus/<url url="http://www.icculus.org">
<tag/Icculus Gamers FAQ/<url url="http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq">
<tag/Linux Gamers/<url url="http://www.linux-gamers.net">
<tag/Planetquake/<url url="http://www.planetquake.com/quake1">
<tag/Quake Terminus/<url url="http://www.quaketerminus.com">
<tag/Retro Quake/<url url="http://www.planetquake.com/retroquake/quake/index.html">
<tag/Quake Basics/<url url="http://www.quaketerminus.com/quakebible/index.htm">
<tag/Quake Wikipedia/<url url="http://wiki.quakesrc.org/index.php/HomePage">
<tag/Jörgen's GLQuake Site/<url url="http://mfcn.ilo.de/glxquake">
<tag/Quake Forge/<url url="http://www.quakeforge.net">
<tag/Darkplaces Game Engine/<url url="http://www.icculus.org/twilight/darkplaces">
<tag/Linux Hexen II project/<url url="http://uhexen2.sourceforge.net">
<tag/SDL - Cross platform graphics toolkit/<url url="http://www.libsdl.org/">
<tag/Lowercase utility/<url url="http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/filerenameutils">
<tag/Message Board from hell ...no, I mean it/<url url="http://www.celephais.net/board/forum.php">
<sect1> Glossary <p>
<tag/Mod/Modification to the original Quake game varying from a complete game
overhaul (total conversion) to simple map/model reworks. Quake was designed to
allow for ease of platform portability with it's own computer language "Quake
C" giving mappers control over most every aspect of their Quake world.
<tag/Client/This word is used in two subtly different ways. In single player,
the Quake game is known as a client, with different clients using their own
graphics libraries (for example, the GL client "quake.glx" or the X11 client
"quake.x11"). The usage is similar in multiplayer games, but also means the
per-user program which connects to a single "server" program which lets all
the players exist in the same world.
<tag/Server/A program central to multiplayer games to which every player connects.
<tag/Bot/A computer generated player with artificial intelligence (cough), in
a multiplayer game. Used to play multiplayer when no-one's around or not
connected to a network.
<tag/Tarball/An archive file such as <bf>somefile.tar</bf> created by the
"tar" program. It is often compressed using the programs
"gzip" or "bzip2", in which case it will normally end in the letters
<bf>.gz</bf> or <bf>.bz2</bf>. The extension <bf>.tar.gz</bf>
is often shortened to just <bf>.tgz</bf>. </descrip>
<sect1>Todo <p>
ati hardware, demo, Quakeworld status, gl_picmip cvars, impulses, _windowed_mouse ?
<sect1> Author <p>
Steven A.
<url url="http://sourceforge.net/users/stevenaaus" name="Sourceforge user page.">
<url url="mailto:stevenaaus (at) yahoo (dot) com" name="Email">