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<section><title>Our perspective</title>
This chapter has been added to allow us to share our perspective on
certain technical choices. Certain issues which are more a matter of
opinion than detail, are discussed here.
<section id=feedefficiency><title>Efficiency issues of NNTP</title>
To understand why NNTP is often an inappropriate choice for
newsfeeds, we need to understand TCP's sliding window protocol
and the nature of NNTP. NNTP is an apalling waste of bandwidth
for most bulk article transfer situations, because of the
following simple reasons:
<emphasis>No compression</emphasis>: articles are transferred in plain text.
<emphasis>No article transmission restart</emphasis>: if a
connection breaks halfway through an article, the next round
will have to start with the beginning of the article.
<emphasis>Ping-pong protocol</emphasis>: NNTP is unsuitable for
bulk streaming data transfer because the TCP sliding window feature
is unusable with NNTP.
What is a ping-pong protocol? TCP uses a sliding window mechanism to
pump out data in one direction very rapidly, and can achieve near
wire speeds under most circumstances. However, this only works if
the application layer protocol can aggregate a large amount of data
and pump it out without having to stop every so often, waiting for
an ack or a response from the other end's application layer. This is
precisely why sending one file of 100 Mbytes by FTP takes so much less
clock time than 10,000 files of 10 Kbytes each, all other parameters
remaining unchanged. The trick is to keep the sliding window sliding
smoothly over the outgoing data, blasting packets out as fast as the
wire will carry it, without ever allowing the window to empty out
while you wait for an ack. Protocols which require short bursts of
data from either end constantly, <emphasis>e.g.</emphasis> in the
case of remote procedure calls, are called ``ping pong protocols''
because they remind you of a table-tennis ball.
With NNTP, this is precisely the problem. The average size
of Usenet news messages, including header and body, is
3 Kbytes. When thousands of such articles are sent out by
NNTP, the sending server has to send the message ID of the
first article, then wait for the receiving server to respond
with a ``yes'' or ``no.'' Once the sending server gets the
``yes'', it sends out that article, and waits for an ``ok''
from the receiving server. Then it sends out the message ID
of the second article, and waits for another ``yes'' or
``no.'' And so on. The TCP sliding window never gets to do
its job.
This sub-optimal use of TCP's data pumping ability, coupled with
the absence of compression, make for a protocol which is great
for synchronous connectivity, <emphasis>e.g.</emphasis> for news
reading or real-time
updates, but very poor for batched transfer of data which can be
delayed and pumped out. All these are precisely reversed in the
case of UUCP over TCP.
To decide which protocol, UUCP over TCP or NNTP, is appropriate
for your server, you must address two questions:
How much time can your server afford to wait from the time
your upstream server receives an article to the time it
passes it on to you?
Are you receiving the same set of hierarchies from multiple
next-door neighbour servers, <emphasis>i.e.</emphasis> is your
newsfeed flow pattern a mesh instead of a tree?
If your answers to the two questions above are ``messages cannot
wait'' and ``we operate in a mesh'', then NNTP is the correct
protocol for your server to receive its primary feed(s).
In most cases, carrier-class servers operated by major service
providers do not want to accept even a minute's delay from the
time they receive an article to the time they retransmit it out.
They also operate in a mesh with other servers operated by their
own organisations (<emphasis>e.g.</emphasis> for redundancy) or
others. They usually
sit very close to the Internet backbone,
<emphasis>i.e.</emphasis> with Tier 1 ISPs,
and have extremely fast Internet links, usually more than
10 Mbits/sec. The amount of data that flows out of such servers
in outgoing feeds is more than the amount that comes in, because
each incoming article is retained, not for local consumption,
but for retransmission to others lower down in the flow. And
these servers boast of a retransmission latency of less than 30
seconds, <emphasis>i.e.</emphasis> I will retransmit an article
to you within 30 seconds of my having received it.
However, if your server is used by a company for making Usenet
news available for its employees, or by an institute to make the
service available for its students and teachers, then you are
not operating your server in a mesh pattern, nor do you mind it
if messages take a few hours to reach you from your upstream
In that case, you have enormous bandwidth to conserve by moving
to UUCP. Even if, in this Internet-dominated era, you have no
one to supply you with a newsfeed using dialup point-to-point
links, you can pick up a compressed batched newsfeed using UUCP
over TCP, over the Internet.
In this context, we want to mention Taylor UUCP, an excellent
UUCP implementation available under GNU GPL. We use this UUCP
implementation in preference to the bundled UUCP systems offered
by commercial Unix vendors even for dialup connections, because
it is far more stable, high performance, and always supports
file transfer restart. Over TCP/IP, Taylor is the only one we
have tried, and we have no wish to try any others.
Apart from its robustness, Taylor UUCP has one invaluable
feature critical to large Usenet batch transfers: file transfer
restart. If it is transferring a 10 MB batch, and the connection
breaks after 8 MB, it will restart precisely where it left off
last time. Therefore, no bytes of bandwidth are wasted, and
queues never get stuck forever. </para>
Over NNTP, since there is no batching, transfers happen one
article at a time. Considering the (relatively) small size of an
article compared to multi-megabyte UUCP batches, one would
expect that an article would never pose a major problem while
being transported; if it can't be pushed across in one attempt,
it'll surely be copied the next time. However, we have
experienced entire NNTP feeds getting stuck for days on end
because of one article, with logs showing the same article
breaking the connection over and over again while being
transferred <footnote><para>
This lack of a restart facility is something NNTP shares with
its older cousin, SMTP, and we have often seen email messages
getting stuck in a similar fashion over flaky data links. In
many such networks which we manage for our clients, we have
moved the inter-server mail transfer to Taylor UUCP, using UUCP
over TCP.</para></footnote>. Some rare articles can be
more than a megabyte in size, particularly in
<literal>comp.binaries</literal>. In each such incident, we have
had to manually edit the queue file on the transmitting server
and remove the offending article from the head of the queue.
Taylor UUCP, on the other hand, has never given us a single
hiccup with blocked queues.
We feel that the overwhelming majority of servers offering the
Usenet news service are at the leaf nodes of the Usenet news
flow, not at the heart. These servers are usually connected in a
tree, with each server having one upstream ``parent node'', and
multiple downstream ``child nodes.'' These servers receive their
bulk incoming feed from their upstream server, and their users
can tolerate a delay of a few hours for articles to move in and
out. If your server is in this class, we feel you should
consider using UUCP over TCP and transfer compressed batches.
This will minimise bandwidth usage, and if you operate using
dialup Internet connections, it will directly reduce your
A word about the link between mesh-patterned newsfeed flow and
the need to use NNTP. If your server is receiving primary ---
as against trickle --- feeds from multiple next-door neighbours,
then you have to use NNTP to receive these feeds. The reason
lies in the way UUCP batches are accepted. UUCP batches are
received in their entirety into your server, and then they are
uncompressed and processed. When the sending server is giving
you the batch, it is not getting a chance to go through the
batch article by article and ask your server whether you have or
don't have each article. This way, if multiple servers give you
large feeds for the same hierarchies, then you will be bound to
receive multiple copies of each article if you go the UUCP way.
All the gains of compressed batches will then be neutralised.
NNTP's <literal>IHAVE</literal> and <literal>SENDME</literal>
dialogue in effect
permits precisely this double-check for each article, and thus
you don't receive even a single article twice.
For Usenet servers which connect to the Internet periodically
using dialup connections to fetch news, the UUCP option is
especially important. Their primary incoming newsfeed cannot be
pushed into them using queued NNTP feeds for reasons described
in the above <link linkend="dialupnonntp">paragraph</link>
hapless servers are usually forced to pull out their articles
using a pull NNTP feed, which is often very slow. This may lead
to long connect times, repeat attempts after every line break,
and high Internet connection charges.
On the other hand, we have been using UUCP over TCP and
<literal>gzip</literal>'d batches for more than five years now
in a variety of sites. Even today, a full feed of all eight
standard hierarchies, plus the full
<literal>microsoft</literal>, <literal>gnu</literal>
and <literal>netscape</literal> hierarchies, minus
<literal>alt</literal> and <literal>comp.binaries</literal>, can
comfortably be handled in just a few hours of connect time every
night, dialing up to the
Internet at 33.6 or 56 Kbits/sec. We believe that the proverbial
`full feed' with all hierarchies including
<literal>alt</literal> can be handled comfortably with a 24-hour
link at 56 Kbits/sec, provided you forget about NNTP feeds. We
usually get compression ratios of 4:1 using
<literal>gzip -9</literal> on our news batches, incidentally.
<section><title>C-News+NNTPd or INN?</title>
INN and CNews are the two most popular free software implementations
of Usenet news. Of these two, we prefer CNews, primarily because
we have been using it across a very large range of Unixen for more
than one decade, starting from its earliest release --- the so-called
``Shellscript release'' --- and we have yet to see a need to
change.<footnote><para>One of us did his first installation with with BNews,
actually, at the IIT Mumbai. Then we rapidly moved from there to CNews
Shellscript Release, then CNews Performance Release, CNews Cleanup
Release, and our current release has fixed some bugs in the latest
Cleanup Release.</para></footnote>
We have seen INN, and we are not comfortable with a software
implementation which puts in so much of functionality inside one
executable. This reminds us of Windows NT, Netscape Communicator,
and other complex and monolithic systems, which make us uncomfortable
with their opaqueness. We feel that CNews' architecture, which comprises
many small programs, intuitively fits into the Unix approach of building
large and complex systems, where each piece can be understood, debugged,
and if needed, replaced, individually.
Secondly, we seem to see the move towards INN accompanied by a move
towards NNTP as a primary newsfeed mechanism. This is no fault of INN;
we suspect it is a sort of cultural difference between INN users and
CNews users. We find the issue of UUCP versus NNTP for batched newsfeeds
a far more serious issue than the choice of CNews versus INN. We simply
cannot agree with the idea that NNTP is an appropriate protocol for bulk
Usenet feeds for most sites. Unfortunately, we seem to find that most
sites which are more comfortable using INN seem to also prefer NNTP over
UUCP, for reasons not clear to us.
Our comments should not be taken as expressing any reservation about
INN's quality or robustness. Its popularity is testimony to its
quality; it most certainly ``gets the job done'' as well as anything
else. In addition, there are a large number of commercial Usenet news
server implementations which have started with the INN code; we do not
know of any which have started with the CNews code. The Netwinsite DNews
system and the Cyclone Typhoon, we suspect, both are INN-spired.
We will recommend CNews and NNTPd over INN, because we are more
comfortable with the CNews architecture for reasons given above, and we
do not run carrier-class sites. We will continue to support, maintain and
extend this software base, at least for Linux. And we see no reason for
the overwhelming majority of Usenet sites to be forced to use anything
else. Your viewpoints welcome.
Had we been setting up and managing carrier-class sites with their
near-real-time throughput requirements, we would probably not have
chosen CNews. And for those situations, our opinion of NNTP versus
compressed UUCP has been discussed in <xref linkend="feedefficiency"/>
Suck and Leafnode have their place in the range of options, where they
appear to be attractive for novices who are intimidated by the ``full
blown'' appearance of CNews+NNTPd or INN. However, we run CNews + NNTPd
even on Linux laptops. We suspect INN can be used this way too. We do
not find these ``full blown'' implementations any more resource
hungry than their simpler cousins. Therefore, other than administration
and configuration familiarity, we don't see any other reason why even a
solitary end-user will choose Leafnode or Suck over CNews+NNTPd. As
always, contrary opinions invited.