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<!DOCTYPE Article PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN">
<Article id="index">
<orgname>Red Hat, Inc.</orgname>
<holder>Red Hat, Inc.</holder>
This document and its contents are copyright protected.
Redistribution of this document is permitted as long as the
content remains completely intact and unchanged. In other
words, you may reformat and reprint or redistribute only.
<title>RPM HOWTO</title>
<subtitle>RPM at Idle</subtitle>
<date>3 November 1999</date>
<sect1 id="intro">
RPM is the <emphasis>R</emphasis>PM <emphasis>P</emphasis>ackage
<emphasis>M</emphasis>anager. It is an open packaging system available
for anyone to use. It allows users to take source code for new software
and package it into source and binary form such that binaries can be
easily installed and tracked and source can be rebuilt easily. It also
maintains a database of all packages and their files that can be used
for verifying packages and querying for information about files and/or
Red Hat, Inc. encourages other distribution vendors to take the time
to look at RPM and use it for their own distributions. RPM is quite
flexible and easy to use, though it provides the base for a very
extensive system. It is also completely open and available, though we
would appreciate bug reports and fixes. Permission is granted to use
and distribute RPM royalty free under the GPL.
More complete documentation is available on RPM in the book by Ed Bailey,
<emphasis>Maximum RPM</emphasis>. That book is available for download or
purchase at <ulink url="http://www.redhat.com">www.redhat.com</ulink>.
<sect1 id="overview">
First, let me state some of the philosophy behind RPM. One design goal
was to allow the use of "pristine" sources. With RPP (our former
packaging system of which <emphasis>none</emphasis> of RPM is derived),
our source packages were the "hacked" sources that we built from.
Theoretically, one could install a source RPP and then
<emphasis>make</emphasis> it with no problems. But the sources were not
the original ones, and there was no reference as to what changes we had to
make to get it to build. One had to download the pristine sources
separately. With RPM, you have the pristine sources along with patches
that we used to compile from. We see this as a big advantage. Why?
Several reasons. For one, if a new version of a program comes out, you
don't necessarily have to start from scratch to get it to compile under
RHL. You can look at the patch to see what you <emphasis>might</emphasis>
need to do. All the compile-in defaults are easily visible this way.
RPM is also designed to have powerful querying options. You can do
searches through your entire database for packages or just certain files.
You can also easily find out what package a file belongs to and where it
came from. The RPM files themselves are compressed archives, but you can
query individual packages easily and <emphasis>quickly</emphasis> because
of a custom binary header added to the package with everything you could
possibly need to know contained in uncompressed form. This allows for
<emphasis>fast</emphasis> querying.
Another powerful feature is the ability to verify packages. If you are
worried that you deleted an important file for some package, just verify
it. You will be notified of any anomalies. At that point, you can
reinstall the package if necessary. Any config files that you had are
preserved as well.
We would like to thank the folks from the BOGUS distribution for many of
their ideas and concepts that are included in RPM. While RPM was
completely written by Red Hat, Inc., its operation is based on code
written by BOGUS (PM and PMS).
<sect1 id="gen-info">
<title>General Information</title>
<sect2 id="acquire">
<title>Acquiring RPM</title>
The best way to get RPM is to install Red Hat Linux. If you don't want
to do that, you can still get and use RPM. It can be acquired from
<sect2 id="require">
<title>RPM Requirements</title>
RPM itself should build on basically any Unix-like system. It has been
built and used on Tru64 Unix, AIX, Solaris, SunOS, and basically all
flavors of Linux.
To build RPMs from source, you also need everything normally required to
build a package, like <emphasis>gcc</emphasis>,
<emphasis>make</emphasis>, etc.
<sect1 id="use">
<title>Using RPM</title>
In its simplest form, RPM can be used to install packages:
rpm -i foobar-1.0-1.i386.rpm
The next simplest command is to uninstall a package:
rpm -e foobar
One of the more complex but <emphasis>highly</emphasis> useful commands
allows you to install packages via FTP. If you are connected to the net
and want to install a new package, all you need to do is specify the file
with a valid URL, like so:
rpm -i ftp://ftp.redhat.com/pub/redhat/rh-2.0-beta/RPMS/foobar-1.0-1.i386.rpm
Please note, that RPM will now query and/or install via FTP.
While these are simple commands, rpm can be used in a multitude
of ways. To see which options are available in your version of
RPM, type:
rpm --help
You can find more details on what those options do in the RPM man
page, found by typing:
man rpm
<sect1 id="rpm-do">
<title>Now what can I really do with RPM?</title>
RPM is a very useful tool and, as you can see, has several options.
The best way to make sense of them is to look at some examples. I covered
simple install/uninstall above, so here are some more examples:
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
Let's say you delete some files by accident, but you aren't sure
what you deleted. If you want to verify your entire system and see what
might be missing, you would do:
rpm -Va
Let's say you run across a file that you don't recognize. To find
out which package owns it, you would do:
rpm -qf /usr/X11R6/bin/xjewel
The output would be sometime like:
You find a new koules RPM, but you don't know what it is. To find out
some information on it, do:
rpm -qpi koules-1.2-2.i386.rpm
The output would be:
Name : koules Distribution: Red Hat Linux Colgate
Version : 1.2 Vendor: Red Hat Software
Release : 2 Build Date: Mon Sep 02 11:59:12 1996
Install date: (none) Build Host: porky.redhat.com
Group : Games Source RPM: koules-1.2-2.src.rpm
Size : 614939
Summary : SVGAlib action game with multiplayer, network, and sound support
Description :
This arcade-style game is novel in conception and excellent in execution.
No shooting, no blood, no guts, no gore. The play is simple, but you
still must develop skill to play. This version uses SVGAlib to
run on a graphics console.
Now you want to see what files the koules RPM installs. You would
rpm -qpl koules-1.2-2.i386.rpm
The output is:
These are just several examples. More creative ones can be thought of
really easy once you are familiar with RPM.
<sect1 id="build">
<title>Building RPMs</title>
Building RPMs is fairly easy to do, especially if you can get the
software you are trying to package to build on its own. We assume
here that you know how to build software from source. If you don't
you probably shouldn't be starting with this document.
The basic procedure to build an RPM is as follows:
<!-- ended here -->
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
Get the source code you are building the RPM for to build
on your system.
Make a patch of any changes you had to make to the sources to get
them to build properly.
Make a spec file for the package.
Make sure everything is in its proper place.
Build the package using RPM.
Under normal operation, RPM builds both binary and source packages.
<sect2 id="spec-file">
<title>The Spec File</title>
We'll begin with discussion of the spec file. Spec files are required
to build a package. The spec file is a description of the software
along with instructions on how to build it and a file list for all the
binaries that get installed.
You'll want to name your spec file according to a standard convention.
It should be the package name-dash-version number-dash-release
number-dot-spec. This will ensure that if you install multiple source
RPMs for different versions of the same package that at least the spec
files remain intact.
Here is a small spec file (eject-2.0.2-1.spec):
Summary: A program that ejects removable media using software control.
Name: eject
Version: 2.0.2
Release: 3
Copyright: GPL
Group: System Environment/Base
Source: http://metalab.unc.edu/pub/Linux/utils/disk-management/eject-2.0.2.tar.gz
Patch: eject-2.0.2-buildroot.patch
BuildRoot: /var/tmp/%{name}-buildroot
The eject program allows the user to eject removable media
(typically CD-ROMs, floppy disks or Iomega Jaz or Zip disks)
using software control. Eject can also control some multi-
disk CD changers and even some devices' auto-eject features.
Install eject if you'd like to eject removable media using
software control.
%setup -q
%patch -p1 -b .buildroot
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1
install -s -m 755 eject $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/bin/eject
install -m 644 eject.1 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/usr/man/man1/eject.1
* Sun Mar 21 1999 Cristian Gafton &lt;gafton@redhat.com&gt;
- auto rebuild in the new build environment (release 3)
* Wed Feb 24 1999 Preston Brown &lt;pbrown@redhat.com&gt;
- Injected new description and group.
[ Some changelog entries trimmed for brevity. -Editor. ]
<sect2 id="header">
<title>The Header</title>
The header has some standard fields in it that you need to fill in. There
are a few caveats as well. The fields must be filled in as follows:
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<emphasis>Summary:</emphasis> This is a one line description of the
<emphasis>Name:</emphasis> This must be the name string from the rpm
filename you plan to use.
<emphasis>Version:</emphasis> This must be the version string from
the rpm filename you plan to use.
<emphasis>Release:</emphasis> This is the release number for a
package of the same version (ie. if we make a package and find it to
be slightly broken and need to make it again, the next package would
be release number 2).
<emphasis>Copyright:</emphasis> This line tells how a package is
copyrighted. You should use something like GPL, BSD, MIT, public
domain, distributable, or commercial.
<emphasis>Group:</emphasis> This is a group that the package belongs
to in a higher level package tool or the Red Hat installer.
<emphasis>Source:</emphasis> This line points at the HOME location
of the pristine source file. It is used if you ever want to get the
source again or check for newer versions. Caveat: The filename in
this line MUST match the filename you have on your own system
(ie. don't download the source file and change its name). You can
also specify more than one source file using lines like:
Source0: blah-0.tar.gz
Source1: blah-1.tar.gz
Source2: fooblah.tar.gz
These files would go in the <systemitem>SOURCES</systemitem>
directory. (The directory structure is discussed in a later section,
"The Source Directory Tree".)
<emphasis>Patch:</emphasis> This is the place you can find the patch
if you need to download it again. Caveat: The filename here must
match the one you use when you make YOUR patch. You may also want
to note that you can have multiple patch files much as you can have
multiple sources. ] You would have something like:
Patch0: blah-0.patch
Patch1: blah-1.patch
Patch2: fooblah.patch
These files would go in the <systemitem>SOURCES</systemitem>
<emphasis>Group:</emphasis> This line is used to tell high level
installation programs (such as Red Hat's
<application>gnorpm</application>) where to place this particular
program in its hierarchical structure. You can find the latest
description in <systemitem>/usr/doc/rpm*/GROUPS</systemitem>. The
group tree currently looks something like this:
System Environment/Base
System Environment/Daemons
System Environment/Kernel
System Environment/Libraries
System Environment/Shells
User Interface/Desktops
User Interface/X
User Interface/X Hardware Support
<emphasis>BuildRoot:</emphasis> This line allows you to specify a
directory as the "root" for building and installing the new
package. You can use this to help test your package before having
it installed on your machine.
<emphasis>%description</emphasis> It's not really a header item, but
should be described with the rest of the header. You need one
description tag per package and/or subpackage. This is a multi-line
field that should be used to give a comprehensive description of the
<sect2 id="prep">
This is the second section in the spec file. It is used to get the
sources ready to build. Here you need to do anything necessary to get
the sources patched and setup like they need to be setup to do a
One thing to note: Each of these sections is really just a place to
execute shell scripts. You could simply make an
<systemitem>sh</systemitem> script and put it after the
<emphasis>&percnt;prep</emphasis> tag to unpack and patch your sources.
We have made macros to aid in this, however.
The first of these macros is the <emphasis>&percnt;setup</emphasis>
macro. In its simplest form (no command line options), it simply
unpacks the sources and <command>cd</command>'s into the source
directory. It also takes the following options:
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<parameter class=command>-n name</parameter> will set the name of
the build directory to the listed <emphasis>name</emphasis>. The
default is <emphasis>&dollar;NAME-&dollar;VERSION</emphasis>. Other
possibilities include <emphasis>&dollar;NAME</emphasis>,
<emphasis>&dollar;{NAME}&dollar;{VERSION}</emphasis>, or whatever
the main tar file uses. (Please note that these "&dollar;"
variables are <emphasis>not</emphasis> real variables available
within the spec file. They are really just used here in place of a
sample name. You need to use the real name and version in your
package, not a variable.)
<parameter class=command>-c</parameter> will create and cd to the
named directory <emphasis>before</emphasis> doing the untar.
<parameter class=command>-b &num;</parameter> will untar Source&num;
<emphasis>before</emphasis> <command>cd</command>'ing into the
directory (and this makes no sense with <parameter
class=command>-c</parameter> so don't do it). This is only useful
with multiple source files.
<parameter class=command>-a &num;</parameter> will untar Source&num;
<emphasis>after</emphasis> cd'ing into the directory.
<parameter class=command>-T</parameter> This option overrides the
default action of untarring the Source and requires a <parameter
class=command>-b 0</parameter> or <parameter class=command>-a
0</parameter> to get the main source file untarred. You need this
when there are secondary sources.
<parameter class=command>-D</parameter> Do <emphasis>not</emphasis>
delete the directory before unpacking. This is only useful where
you have more than one setup macro. It should
<emphasis>only</emphasis> be used in setup macros
<emphasis>after</emphasis> the first one (but never in the first
The next of the available macros is the <emphasis>%patch</emphasis>
macro. This macro helps automate the process of applying patches to the
sources. It takes several options, listed below:
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<emphasis>&num;</emphasis> will apply Patch&num; as the patch file.
<parameter class=command>-p &num;</parameter> specifies the number
of directories to strip for the patch(1) command.
<parameter class=command>-P</parameter> The default action is to
apply <command>Patch</command> (or <command>Patch0</command>). This
flag inhibits the default action and will require a <parameter
class=command>0</parameter> to get the main source file untarred.
This option is useful in a second (or later)
<command>&percnt;patch</command> macro that required a different
number than the first macro.
<para> You can also do <command>&percnt;patch&num;</command> instead
of doing the real command: <command>&percnt;patch &num; -P</command>
<parameter class=command>-b extension</parameter> will save
originals as <filename>filename.extension</filename> before
That should be all the macros you need. After you have those right, you
can also do any other setup you need to do via
<systemitem>sh</systemitem> type scripting. Anything you include up
until the <emphasis>&percnt;build</emphasis> macro (discussed in the
next section) is executed via <systemitem>sh</systemitem>. Look at the
example above for the types of things you might want to do here.
<sect2 id="build-spec">
There aren't really any macros for this section. You should just put
any commands here that you would need to use to build the software once
you had untarred the source, patched it, and cd'ed into the directory.
This is just another set of commands passed to
<systemitem>sh</systemitem>, so any legal <systemitem>sh</systemitem>
commands can go here (including comments).
Your current working directory is reset in each of these sections to
the toplevel of the source directory, so keep that in mind. You can
<command>cd</command> into subdirectories if necessary.
The variable <varname>RPM_OPT_FLAGS</varname> is set using values in
<systemitem>/usr/lib/rpm/rpmrc</systemitem>. Look there to make sure
you are using values appropriate for your system (in most cases you
are). Or simply don't use this variable in your spec file. It is
<sect2 id="install">
There aren't really any macros here, either. You basically just want to
put whatever commands here that are necessary to install. If you have
<command>make install</command> available to you in the package you are
building, put that here. If not, you can either patch the makefile for
a <command>make install</command> and just do a <command>make
install</command> here, or you can hand install them here with
<systemitem>sh</systemitem> commands. You can consider your current
directory to be the toplevel of the source directory.
The variable <varname>RPM_BUILD_ROOT</varname> is available to tell you
the path set as the <emphasis>Buildroot:</emphasis> in the header.
Using build roots are optional but are highly recommended because they
keep you from cluttering your system with software that isn't in your
RPM database (building an RPM doesn't touch your database...you must go
install the binary RPM you just built to do that).
<sect2 id="cleaning">
<title>Cleaning your system</title>
It's a good idea to always make sure there is a clean build root before
building a package a second time on a system. The
<emphasis>&percnt;clean</emphasis> macro will help with that. Simply
put the proper commands there to blow away a former build root. Anal,
err, careful folks may want to test that
<varname>RPM_BUILD_ROOT</varname> wasn't set to
<systemitem>/</systemitem> before doing something this volatile.
<sect2 id="scripts">
<title>Optional pre and post Install/Uninstall Scripts</title>
You can put scripts in that get run before and after the installation
and uninstallation of binary packages. A main reason for this is to do
things like run <command>ldconfig</command> after installing or
removing packages that contain shared libraries. The macros for each of
the scripts is as follows:
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<systemitem>&percnt;pre</systemitem> is the macro to do pre-install
<systemitem>&percnt;post</systemitem> is the macro to do
post-install scripts.
<systemitem>&percnt;preun</systemitem> is the macro to do
pre-uninstall scripts.
<systemitem>&percnt;postun</systemitem> is the macro to do
post-uninstall scripts.
The contents of these sections should just be any
<systemitem>sh</systemitem> style script, though you do
<emphasis>not</emphasis> need the
<sect2 id="files">
This is the section where you <emphasis>must</emphasis> list the files
for the binary package. RPM has no way to know what binaries get
installed as a result of <command>make install</command>. There is
<emphasis>NO</emphasis> way to do this. Some have suggested doing a
<command>find</command> before and after the package install. With a
multiuser system, this is unacceptable as other files may be created
during a package building process that have nothing to do with the
package itself.
There are some macros available to do some special things as well. They
are listed and described here:
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<systemitem>&percnt;doc</systemitem> is used to mark documentation
in the source package that you want installed in a binary install.
The documents will be installed in
You can list multiple documents on the command line with this macro,
or you can list them all separately using a macro for each of them.
<systemitem>&percnt;config</systemitem> is used to mark
configuration files in a package. This includes files like
sendmail.cf, passwd, etc. If you later uninstall a package
containing config files, any unchanged files will be removed and any
changed files will get moved to their old name with a
<systemitem>.rpmsave</systemitem> appended to the filename. You can
list multiple files with this macro as well.
<systemitem>&percnt;dir</systemitem> marks a single directory in a
file list to be included as being owned by a package. By default,
if you list a directory name <emphasis>WITHOUT</emphasis> a
<systemitem>&percnt;dir</systemitem> macro,
<emphasis>EVERYTHING</emphasis> in that directory is included in the
file list and later installed as part of that package.
<systemitem>&percnt;defattr</systemitem> allows you to set default
attributes for files listed after the defattr declaration. The
attributes are listed in the form <emphasis>(mode, owner,
group)</emphasis> where the mode is the octal number representing
the bit pattern for the new permissions (like
<command>chmod</command> would use), owner is the username of the
owner, and group is the group you would like assigned. You may
leave any field to the installed default by simply placing a
<emphasis>-</emphasis> in its place, as was done in the mode field
for the example package.
<systemitem>&percnt;files -f &lt;filename&gt;</systemitem> will
allow you to list your files in some arbitrary file within the build
directory of the sources. This is nice in cases where you have a
package that can build it's own filelist. You then just include
that filelist here and you don't have to specifically list the
The <emphasis>biggest caveat</emphasis> in the file list is listing
directories. If you list <systemitem>/usr/bin</systemitem> by accident,
your binary package will contain <emphasis>every</emphasis> file in
<systemitem>/usr/bin</systemitem> on your system.
<sect2 id="changelog">
This is a log of what changes occurred when the package is updated. If
you are modifying an existing RPM it is a good idea to list what changes
you made here.
The format is simple. Start each new entry with a line with a *
followed by the date, your name, and your email address. The date
should appear in the same format that is output by:
date +"%a %b %d %Y"
The rest of the section is a free text field, but should be organized
in some coherent manner.
<sect1 id="build-it">
<title>Building It</title>
<sect2 id="source-tree">
<title>The Source Directory Tree</title>
The first thing you need is a properly configured build tree. This is
configurable using the <systemitem>/etc/rpmrc</systemitem> file. Most
people will just use <systemitem>/usr/src</systemitem>.
You may need to create the following directories to make a build
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<systemitem>BUILD</systemitem> is the directory where all building
occurs by RPM. You don't have to do your test building anywhere in
particular, but this is where RPM will do it's building.
<systemitem>SOURCES</systemitem> is the directory where you should
put your original source tar files and your patches. This is where
RPM will look by default.
<systemitem>SPECS</systemitem> is the directory where all spec files
should go.
<systemitem>RPMS</systemitem> is where RPM will put all binary RPMs
when built.
<systemitem>SRPMS</systemitem> is where all source RPMs will be put.
<sect2 id="test-build">
<title>Test Building</title>
The first thing you'll probably want to to is get the source to build
cleanly without using RPM. To do this, unpack the sources, and change
the directory name to &dollar;NAME.orig. Then unpack the source again.
Use this source to build from. Go into the source directory and follow
the instructions to build it. If you have to edit things, you'll need a
patch. Once you get it to build, clean the source directory. Make sure
and remove any files that get made from a <command>configure</command>
script. Then <command>cd</command> back out of the source directory to
its parent. Then you'll do something like:
diff -uNr dirname.orig dirname > ../SOURCES/dirname-linux.patch
This will create a patch for you that you can use in your spec file.
Note that the "linux" that you see in the patch name is just an
identifier. You might want to use something more descriptive like
"config" or "bugs" to describe <emphasis>why</emphasis> you had to
make a patch. It's also a good idea to look at the patch file you are
creating before using it to make sure no binaries were included by
<sect2 id="generate-file">
<title>Generating the File List</title>
Now that you have source that will build and you know how to do it,
build it and install it. Look at the output of the install sequence and
build your file list from that to use in the spec file. We usually
build the spec file in parallel with all of these steps. You can create
the initial one and fill in the easy parts, and then fill in the other
steps as you go.
<sect2 id="build-pkg">
<title>Building the Package with RPM</title>
Once you have a spec file, you are ready to try and build your
package. The most useful way to do it is with a command like the
rpm -ba foobar-1.0.spec
There are other options useful with the <parameter
class=command>-b</parameter> switch as well:
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<parameter class=command>p</parameter> means just run the
<systemitem>prep</systemitem> section of the specfile.
<parameter class=command>l</parameter> is a list check that does
some checks on <systemitem>&percnt;files</systemitem>.
<parameter class=command>c</parameter> do a prep and compile. This
is useful when you are unsure of whether your source will build at
all. It seems useless because you might want to just keep playing
with the source itself until it builds and then start using RPM, but
once you become accustomed to using RPM you will find instances when
you will use it.
<parameter class=command>i</parameter>do a prep, compile, and
<parameter class=command>b</parameter> prep, compile, install, and
build a binary package only.
<parameter class=command>a</parameter>build it all (both source and
binary packages).
There are several modifiers to the <parameter
class=command>-b</parameter> switch. They are as follows:
<itemizedlist mark="bullet">
<parameter class=command>--short-circuit</parameter> will skip
straight to a specified stage (can only be used with c and i).
<parameter class=command>--clean</parameter> removes the build tree
when done.
<parameter class=command>--keep-temps</parameter> will keep all the
temp files and scripts that were made in /tmp. You can actually see
what files were created in /tmp using the <parameter
class=command>-v</parameter> option.
<parameter class=command>--test</parameter> does not execute any
real stages, but does keep-temp.
<sect2 id="testing-it">
<title>Testing It</title>
Once you have a source and binary rpm for your package, you need to test
it. The easiest and best way is to use a totally different machine from
the one you are building on to test. After all, you've just done a lot
of <command>make install</command>'s on your own machine, so it should
be installed fairly well.
You can do an <command>rpm -e packagename</command> on the package to
test, but that can be deceiving because in building the package, you did
a <command>make install</command>. If you left something out of your
file list, it will not get uninstalled. You'll then reinstall the
binary package and your system will be complete again, but your rpm
still isn't. Make sure and keep in mind that just because you do a
<command>rpm -ba package</command>, most people installing your package
will just be doing the <command>rpm -i package</command>. Make sure you
don't do anything in the <systemitem>build</systemitem> or
<systemitem>install</systemitem> sections that will need to be done when
the binaries are installed by themselves.
<sect2 id="what-to-do">
<title>What to do with your new RPMs</title>
Once you've made your own RPM of something (assuming its something that
hasn't already been RPM'ed), you can contribute your work to others
(also assuming you RPM'ed something freely distributable). To do so,
you'll want to upload it to <ulink
<sect2 id="what-now">
<title>What Now?</title>
Please see the above sections on Testing and What to do with new RPMs.
We want all the RPMs available we can get, and we want them to be good
RPMs. Please take the time to test them well, and then take the time to
upload them for everyone's benefit. Also, <emphasis>please</emphasis>
make sure you are only uploading <emphasis>freely available
software</emphasis>. Commercial software and shareware should
<emphasis>not</emphasis> be uploaded unless they have a copyright
expressly stating that this is allowed. This includes ssh, pgp, etc.
<sect1 id="multi-arch">
<title>Multi-architectural RPM Building</title>
RPM can now be used to build packages for the Intel i386, the Digital
Alpha running Linux, and the Sparc (and others). There are several
features that make building packages on all platforms easy. The first of
these is the "optflags" directive in the
<systemitem>/etc/rpmrc</systemitem>. It can be used to set flags used
when building software to architecture specific values. Another feature
is the "arch" macros in the spec file. They can be used to do different
things depending on the architecture you are building on. Another feature
is the "Exclude" directive in the header.
<sect2 id="multi-arch-spec">
<title>Sample spec File</title>
The following is part of the spec file for the "fileutils" package.
It is setup to build on both the Alpha and the Intel.
Summary: GNU File Utilities
Name: fileutils
Version: 3.16
Release: 1
Copyright: GPL
Group: Utilities/File
Source0: prep.ai.mit.edu:/pub/gnu/fileutils-3.16.tar.gz
Patch: fileutils-3.16-mktime.patch
These are the GNU file management utilities. It includes programs
to copy, move, list, etc, files.
The ls program in this package now incorporates color ls!
%ifarch alpha
%patch -p1
configure --prefix=/usr --exec-prefix=/
rm -f /usr/info/fileutils*
make install
gzip -9nf /usr/info/fileutils*
<sect2 id="optflags">
In this example, you see how the "optflags" directive is used from the
<systemitem>/etc/rpmrc</systemitem>. Depending on which architecture
you are building on, the proper value is given to
<varname>RPM_OPT_FLAGS</varname>. You must patch the Makefile for your
package to use this variable in place of the normal directives you might
use (like <parameter class=command>-m486</parameter> and <parameter
class=command>-O2</parameter>). You can get a better feel for what
needs to be done by installing this source package and then unpacking
the source and examine the Makefile. Then look at the patch for the
Makefile and see what changes must be made.
<sect2 id="macros">
The <systemitem>%ifarch</systemitem> macro is very important to all of
this. Most times you will need to make a patch or two that is specific
to one architecture only. In this case, RPM will allow you to apply
that patch to just one architecture only.
In the above example, fileutils has a patch for 64 bit machines.
Obviously, this should only be applied on the Alpha at the moment. So,
we add an <systemitem>%ifarch</systemitem> macro around the 64 bit patch
like so:
%ifarch axp
%patch1 -p1
This will insure that the patch is not applied on any architecture
except the alpha.
<sect2 id="excude-arch">
<title>Excluding Architectures from Packages</title>
So that you can maintain source RPMs in one directory for all platforms,
we have implemented the ability to "exclude" packages from being built
on certain architectures. This is so you can still do things like
rpm --rebuild /usr/src/SRPMS/*.rpm
and have the right packages build. If you haven't yet ported an application
to a certain platform, all you have to do is add a line like:
ExcludeArch: alpha
to the header of the spec file of the source package. Then rebuild the
package on the platform that it does build on. You'll then have a
source package that builds on an Intel and can easily be skipped on an
<sect2 id="finish">
<title>Finishing Up</title>
Using RPM to make multi-architectural packages is usually easier to do
than getting the package itself to build both places. As more of the
hard packages get built this is getting much easier, however. As
always, the best help when you get stuck building an RPM is to look a
similar source package.