
26 lines
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<!-- This will be used as index.html of webpage. It is also rendered
somewhat differently (there is big image on the right hand side).
Also note, that this section is NOT included in non-HTML version
of PLD-Guide.
<section id="Welcome">
Witaj na internetowych stronach dystrybucji PLD !
<!-- Welcome to PLD Linux Distribution webpages!
PLD jest du¿±, bazowan± na pakietach RPM dystrybucj± Linuksa.
Je¶li chcesz siê podzieliæ do¶wiadczeniem przy pracy nad
dystrybucj± tworzon± przez ponad stu ochotników, wzi±æ udzia³
w udoskonalaniu sysstemu lub je¶li chcesz tylko
u¿ywaæ PLD -- czytaj dalej!
<!-- PLD is big RPM-based Linux distribution. If you
want to share experience of developing a distribution made
by over a hundred volunteers, taking part in shaping the system,
or if you just want to use PLD -- read on.