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<chapter ID="X-087-2-inn"><title>Internet News</title>
The Internet News daemon (INN) is arguably the most popular Netnews
server in use today. INN is extremely flexible and is suitable for all
but the smallest news sites.<footnote id="X-087-2-FNIN01"><para> Very
small news sites should consider a caching NNTP server program like
<command>leafnode</command>, which is available at <systemitem
role="url">http://wpxx02.toxi.uni-wuerzburg.de/~krasel/leafnode.html.</systemitem></para></footnote> INN scales well and is suited to large news server
The INN server comprises a number of components, each with their own
configuration files that we will discuss in turn. Configuration of INN
can be a little involved, but we'll describe each of the stages in this
chapter and arm you with enough information to make
sense of the INN manual pages and documentation and build configurations for
just about any application.
<sect1><title>Some INN Internals</title>
<INDEXTERM id="innd.command" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>innd command (INN)</PRIMARY></INDEXTERM>
INN's core program is the <command>innd</command> daemon.
<command>innd&thinsp;</command>'s task is to handle all incoming articles,
storing them locally, and to pass them on to any outgoing newsfeeds if
required. It is started at boot time and runs continually as a background
process. Running as a daemon improves performance because it has to read
its status files only once when starting. Depending
on the volume of your news feed, certain files such as
<filename>history</filename> (which contain a list of all recently
processed articles) may range from a few megabytes to tens of megabytes.
Another important feature of INN is that there is always only one
instance of <command>innd</command> running at any time. This is also very
beneficial to performance, because the daemon can process all articles
without having to worry about synchronizing its internal states with
other copies of <command>innd</command> rummaging around the news spool at
the same time. However, this choice affects the overall design
of the news system. Because it is so important that incoming news is
processed as quickly as possible, it is unacceptable that the server be
tied up with such mundane tasks as serving newsreaders accessing the news
spool via NNTP, or decompressing newsbatches arriving via UUCP. Therefore,
these tasks have been broken out of the main server and implemented in separate support programs.
<xref linkend="X-087-2-inn.inn.architecture"> attempts to illustrate the
relationships between <command>innd</command>, the other local tasks, and
remote news servers and newsreaders.
<indexterm<primary>INN (Internet News)</primary><secondary>ihave protocol</secondary></indexterm>
<indexterm<primary>INN (Internet News)</primary><secondary>rnews</secondary></indexterm>
Today, NNTP is the most common means of transporting news articles around,
and <command>innd</command> doesn't directly support anything else.
This means that <command>innd</command> listens on a TCP socket (port 119)
for connections and accepts news articles using the &ldquo;ihave&rdquo;
Articles arriving by transports other than NNTP are supported indirectly
by having another process accept the articles and forward them to
<command>innd</command> via NNTP. Newsbatches coming in over a UUCP link,
for instance, are traditionally handled by the <command>rnews</command>
program. INN's <command>rnews</command> decompresses the batch if necessary,
and breaks it up into individual articles; it then offers them to
<command>innd</command> one by one.
Newsreaders can deliver news when a user
posts an article. Since the handling of newsreaders deserves special
attention, we will come back to this a little later.
<figure id="X-087-2-inn.inn.architecture">
<title>INN architecture (simplified for clarity)</title>
<!-- <graphic fileref="lag2_2301.jpg"></graphic> -->
<!-- 2016-01-28; MAB, TLDP -->
<imagedata fileref="images/lag2_2301.jpg" format="jpg">
<imagedata fileref="images/lag2_2301.eps" format="eps">
When receiving an article, <command>innd</command> first looks up its
message ID in the <filename>history</filename> file. Duplicate
articles are dropped and the occurrences are optionally logged. The
same goes for articles that are too old or lack some required header
field, such as <literal>Subject:</literal>.<footnote><para> This is
indicated by the <replaceable>Date:</replaceable> header field; the limit is
usually two weeks.</para></footnote> If <command>innd</command> finds
that the article is acceptable, it looks at the
<literal>Newsgroups:</literal> header line to find out what groups it
has been posted to. If one or more of these groups are found in the
<filename>active</filename> file, the article is filed to
disk. Otherwise, it is filed to the special group <systemitem
Individual articles are kept below <filename>/var/spool/news</filename>, also
called the <emphasis>news spool</emphasis>. Each newsgroup has a
separate directory, in which each article is stored in a separate file. The
file names are consecutive numbers, so that an article in
<systemitem role=newsgroup>comp.risks</systemitem> may be filed
as <filename>comp/risks/217</filename>, for instance. When
<command>innd</command> finds that the directory it wants to store the
article in does not exist, it creates it automatically.
Apart from storing articles locally, you may also want to pass them on to
outgoing feeds. This is governed by the <filename>newsfeeds</filename> file
that lists all downstream sites along with the newsgroups that should be fed
to them.
Just like <command>innd&thinsp;</command>'s receiving end, the
processing of outgoing news is handled by a single interface, too.
Instead of doing all the transport-specific handling itself,
<command>innd</command> relies on various backends to manage the
transmission of articles to other news servers. Outgoing facilities
are collectively dubbed <emphasis>channels</emphasis>. Depending on
its purpose, a channel can have different attributes that determine
exactly what information <command>innd</command> passes on to it.
<indexterm><primary>innxmit command (INN)</primary></indexterm>
For an outgoing NNTP feed, for instance, <command>innd</command> might
fork the <command>innxmit</command> program at startup, and, for each
article that should be sent across that feed, pass its message ID,
size, and filename to <command>innxmit</command>&thinsp;'s standard input. For
an outgoing UUCP feed, on the other hand, it might write the article's
size and file name to a special logfile, which is head by a different
process at regular intervals in order to create batches and queue them
to the UUCP subsystem.
Besides these two examples, there are other types of channels that are
not strictly outgoing feeds. These are used, for instance, when
archiving certain newsgroups, or when generating overview
information. Overview information is intended to help newsreaders
thread articles more efficiently. Old-style newsreaders had to scan
all articles separately in order to obtain the header information
required for threading. This would put an immense strain on the server
machine, especially when using NNTP; furthermore, it was very
slow.<footnote><para>Threading 1,000 articles when talking to a loaded
server could easily take around five minutes, which only the most
dedicated Usenet addict would find acceptable.</para></footnote> The
overview mechanism alleviates this problem by prerecording all
relevant headers in a separate file (called
<filename>.overview</filename>) for each newsgroup. This information
can then be picked up by newsreaders either by reading it directly
from the spool directory, or by using the <command>XOVER</command>
command when connected via NNTP. INN has the <command>innd</command>
daemon feed all articles to the <command>overchan</command> command,
which is attached to the daemon through a channel. We'll see how this
is done when we discuss configuring news feeds later.
<INDEXTERM startref="innd.command" class=endofrange>
<sect1><title>Newsreaders and INN</title>
Newsreaders running on the same machine as the server (or having mounted
the server's news spool via NFS) can read articles from the
spool directly. To post an article composed by the user, they invoke the
<command>inews</command> program, which adds any header fields that are
missing and forwards them to the daemon via NNTP.
<indexterm><primary>nnrpd command (INN)</primary></indexterm>
Alternatively, newsreaders can access the server remotely via
NNTP. This type of connection is handled differently from NNTP-based
news feeds, to avoid tying up the daemon. Whenever a newsreader
connects to the NNTP server, <command>innd</command> forks a
separate program called <command>nnrpd</command>, which handles
the session while <command>innd</command> returns to the more
important things (receiving incoming news, for
example).<footnote><para> The name apparently stands for NetNews Read
&amp; Post Daemon. </para></footnote> You may be wondering how the
<command>innd</command> process can distinguish between an incoming
news feed and a connecting newsreader. The answer is quite simple: the
NNTP protocol requires that an NNTP-based newsreader issue a
<command>mode reader</command> command after connecting to the server;
when this command is received, the server starts the
<command>nnrpd</command> process, hands the connection to it, and
returns to listening for connections from another news server. There
used to be at least one DOS-based newsreader which was not configured
to do this, and hence failed miserably when talking to INN, because
<command>innd</command> itself does not recognize any of the commands
used to read news if it doesn't know the connection is from a news
We'll talk a little more about newsreader access to INN under
"Controlling Newsreader Access," later in the chapter.
<sect1><title>Installing INN</title>
Before diving into INN's configuration, let's talk about its installation.
Read this section, even if you've installed INN from one of the various
Linux distributions; it contains some hints about security and compatibility.
Linux distributions included Verson INN-1.4sec for quite some time.
Unfortunately, this version had two subtle security problems. Modern
versions don't have these problems and most distributions include
a precompiled Linux binary of INN Version 2 or later.
If you choose, you can build INN yourself. You can obtain the
source from <systemitem role=sitename>ftp.isc.org</systemitem> in the
<filename>/isc/inn/</filename> directory. Building INN requires that
you edit a configuration file that tells INN some detail about your
operating system, and some features may require minor modifications to
the source itself.
Compiling the package itself is pretty simple; there's a script called
<command>BUILD</command> that will guide you through the process. The
source also contains extensive documentation on how to install and
configure INN.
After installing all binaries, some manual fixups may be required to
reconcile INN with any other applications that may want to access its
<command>rnews</command> or <command>inews</command> programs. UUCP,
for instance, expects to find the <command>rnews</command> program in
<filename>/usr/bin</filename> or <filename>/bin</filename>, while INN
installs it in <filename>/usr/lib/bin</filename> by default. Make sure
<filename>/usr/lib/bin/</filename> is in the default search path, or
that there are symbolic links pointing to the actual location of the
<command>rnews</command> and <command>inews</command> commands.
<sect1><title>Configuring INN: the Basic Setup</title>
One of the greatest obstacles beginners may face is that INN requires a
working network setup to function properly, even when running on a standalone
host. Therefore, it is essential that your kernel supports TCP/IP networking
when running INN, and that you have set up the loopback interface as
explained in <xref linkend="X-087-2-iface">.
Next, you have to make sure that <command>innd</command> is started at
boot time. The default INN installation provides a script file called
<filename>boot</filename> in the <filename>/etc/news/</filename>
directory. If your distribution uses the SystemV-style
<command>init</command> package, all you have to do is create a
symbolic link from your <filename>/etc/init.d/inn</filename> file
pointing to <filename>/etc/news/boot</filename>. For other flavors of
<command>init</command>, you have to make sure
<filename>/etc/news/boot</filename> is executed from one of your
<filename>rc</filename> scripts. Since INN requires networking
support, the startup script should be run <emphasis>after</emphasis>
the network interfaces are configured.
<sect1><title>INN Configuration Files</title>
<INDEXTERM id="config.files.INN" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>configuration files</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>INN (Internet News)</SECONDARY></INDEXTERM>
<INDEXTERM id="INN.config.files" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>INN (Internet News)</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>configuration files</SECONDARY></INDEXTERM>
Having completed these general tasks, you can now turn to the really
interesting part of INN: its configuration files. All these files reside in
<filename>/etc/news</filename>. Some changes to configurations files were
introduced in Version 2, and it is Version 2 that we describe here. If you're
running an older version, you should find this chapter useful to guide you in
upgrading your configuration. During the next few sections, we will discuss
them one by one, building the Virtual Brewery's configuration as an example.
If you want to find out more about the features of individual configuration
files, you can also consult the manual pages; the INN distribution contains
individual manual pages for each of them.
<sect2><title>Global Parameters</title>
<INDEXTERM id="INN.global.params" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>INN (Internet News)</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>global parameters</SECONDARY></INDEXTERM>
There are a number of INN parameters that are global in nature; they
are relevant to all newsgroups carried.
<sect3><title>The inn.conf file</title>
<indexterm><primary>inn.conf file (INN)</primary></indexterm>
INN's main configuration file is <filename>inn.conf</filename>. Among other
things, it determines the name by which your machine is known on Usenet.
Version 2 of INN allows a baffling number of parameters to be configured in
this file. Fortunately, most parameters have default values that are
reasonable for most sites. The <filename>inn.conf(5)</filename> file details
all of the parameters, and you should read it carefully if you experience any
A simple example <filename>inn.conf</filename> might look like:
<screen width=49>
# Sample inn.conf for the Virtual Brewery
server: vlager.vbrew.com
domain: vbrew.com
fromhost: vbrew.com
pathhost: news.vbrew.com
organization: The Virtual Brewery
mta: /usr/sbin/sendmail -oi %s
moderatormailer: %s@uunet.uu.net
# Paths to INN components and files.
pathnews: /usr/lib/news
pathbin: /usr/lib/news/bin
pathfilter: /usr/lib/news/bin/filter
pathcontrol: /usr/lib/news/bin/control
pathdb: /var/lib/news
pathetc: /etc/news
pathrun: /var/run/news
pathlog: /var/log/news
pathhttp: /var/log/news
pathtmp: /var/tmp
pathspool: /var/spool/news
patharticles: /var/spool/news/articles
pathoverview: /var/spool/news/overview
pathoutgoing: /var/spool/news/outgoing
pathincoming: /var/spool/news/incoming
patharchive: /var/spool/news/archive
pathuniover: /var/spool/news/uniover
overviewname: .overview
The first line tells the programs <command>rnews</command> and
<command>inews</command> which host to contact when delivering articles.
This entry is absolutely crucial; to pass articles to
<command>innd</command>, they have to establish an NNTP connection with
the server.
The <systemitem role=keyword>domain</systemitem> keyword should specify
the domain portion of the host's fully qualified domain name. A couple of
programs must look up your host's fully qualified domain name; if your
resolver library returns the unqualified hostname only, the name given in the
<systemitem role=keyword>domain</systemitem> attribute is tacked onto it. It's not a problem to configure it either way, so it's best
to define <systemitem role=keyword>domain</systemitem>.
The next line defines what hostname <command>inews</command> is going to use
when adding a <replaceable>From:</replaceable> line to articles posted by local users.
Most newsreaders use the <replaceable>From:</replaceable> field when composing a
reply mail message to the author of an article. If you omit this field, it
will default to your news host's fully qualifed domain name. This is ot
always the best choice. You might, for example, have news and mail handled
by two different hosts. In this case, you would supply the fully qualified
domain name of your mail host after the
<systemitem role=keyword>fromhost</systemitem> statement.
The <systemitem role=keyword>pathhost</systemitem> line defines the hostname
INN is to add to the <literal>Path:</literal> header field whenever it
receives an article. In most cases, you will want to use the fully
qualified domain name of your news server; you can then omit this field since
that is the default. Occasionally you may want to use a generic name, such as
<emphasis role="bold">news.vbrew.com</emphasis>, when serving a large
domain. Doing this allows you to move the news system easily to a different
host, should you choose to at some time.
The next line contains the <systemitem role=keyword>organization</systemitem>
keyword. This statement allows you to configure what text
<command>inews</command> will put into the <literal>Organization:</literal>
line of articles posted by your local users. Formally, you would place a
description of your organization or your organization's name in full here.
Should you not wish to be so formal, it is fashionable for organizations with
a sense of humor to exhibit it here.
The <systemitem role=keyword>organization</systemitem> keyword is mandatory
and specifies the pathname of the mail transport agent that will be used
for posting moderator messages. <literal>%s</literal> is replaced by the
moderator email address.
<?troff .hw feminism>
The <systemitem role=keyword>moderatormailer</systemitem> entry defines a
default address used when a user tries to post to a moderated newsgroup. The
list of moderator addresses for each newsgroup is usually kept in a separate
file, but you will have a hard time keeping track of all of them. The
<systemitem role=keyword>moderatormailer</systemitem> entry is therefore
consulted as a last resort; if it is defined, <command>inews</command> will
replace the <literal>%s</literal> string with the (slightly transformed)
newsgroup name and send the entire article to this address. For instance,
when posting to <systemitem role=newsgroup>soc.&thinsp;feminism</systemitem>, the
article is mailed to
<systemitem role=email>soc-feminism@uunet.uu.net</systemitem>, given
the above configuration. At UUNET, there should be a mail alias installed for
each of these submissions addresses that automatically forwards all messages
to the appropriate moderator.
Finally, each of the remaining entries specifies the location of some component
file or executable belonging to INN. If you've installed INN from a package,
these paths should have been configured for you. If you're installing from
source, you'll need to ensure that they reflect where you've installed INN.
<INDEXTERM startref="INN.global.params" class=endofrange>
<sect2><title>Configuring Newsgroups</title>
<INDEXTERM id="config.newsgroups" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>configuring</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>newsgroups</SECONDARY></INDEXTERM>
<INDEXTERM id="newsgroups.config" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>newsgroups</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>configuring</SECONDARY></INDEXTERM>
<INDEXTERM id="INN.config.newsgroups" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>INN (Internet News)</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>configuring</SECONDARY><TERTIARY>newsgroups</TERTIARY></INDEXTERM>
The news administrator on a system is able to control which newsgroups
users have access to. INN provides two configuration files that
allow the administrator to decide which newsgroups to support and provide
descriptions for them.
<sect3><title>The active and newsgroups files</title>
<indexterm><primary>active file (INN)</primary></indexterm>
<indexterm><primary>newsgroups file (INN)</primary></indexterm>
The <filename>active</filename> and <filename>newsgroups</filename> files
are used to store and describe the newsgroups hosted by this news server.
They list which newsgroups we are interested in receiving and serving
articles for, and administrative information about them. These files are
found in the <filename>/var/lib/news/</filename> directory.
The <filename>active</filename> file determines which newsgroups this
server supports. Its syntax is straightforward. Each line in the
<filename>active</filename> file has four fields delimited by whitespace:
name himark lomark flags
The <replaceable>name</replaceable> field is the name of the
newsgroup. The <replaceable>himark</replaceable> field is the highest
number that has been used for an article in that newsgroup. The
<replaceable>lomark</replaceable> field is the lowest active number in
use in the newsgroup. To illustrate how this works, consider the
follow scenario. Imagine that we have a newly created newsgroup:
<replaceable>himark</replaceable> and
<replaceable>lowmark</replaceable> are both 0 because there are no
articles. If we post 5 articles, they will be numbered 1 through
5. <replaceable>himark</replaceable> will now equal 5, the highest
numbered article, and <replaceable>lowmark</replaceable> will equal 1,
the lowest active article. If article 5 is cancelled there will be no
change; <replaceable>himark</replaceable> will remain at 5 to ensure
that that article number is not reallocated and
<replaceable>lowmark</replaceable> will remain at 1, the lowest active
article. If we now cancel article 1, <replaceable>himark</replaceable>
will remain unchanged, but <replaceable>lowmark</replaceable> will now
equal 2, because 1 is no longer active. If we now post a new article,
it will be assigned article number 6, so
<replaceable>himark</replaceable> will now equal 6. Article 5 has been
in use, so we won't reassign it. <replaceable>lowmark</replaceable>
remains at 2. This mechanism allows us to easily allocate unique
article numbers for new articles and to calculate approximately how
many active articles there are in the group:
The field may contain one of the following:
Posting directly to this news server is allowed.
Posting directly to this news server is not allowed. This prevents newsreaders
from posting directly to this news server. New articles may only be received
from other news servers.
The group is moderated. Any articles posted to this newsgroup are forwarded
to the newsgroup moderator for approval before they enter the newsgroup. Most
newsgroups are unmoderated.
Articles in this group are not kept, but only passed on. This causes the
news server to accept the article, but all it will do with it is pass it to
the &ldquo;up-stream&rdquo; news servers. It will not make the articles
available to newsreaders reading from this server.
Articles cannot be posted to this newsgroup. The only way that news articles
are delivered to this server is by feeding them from another news server.
Newsreaders may not directly write articles to this server.
Articles are locally filed into the ``foo.bar'' group.
In our simple server configuration we'll carry a small number of
newsgroups, so our <filename>/var/lib/news/active</filename> file will
look like:
<screen width=52>
control 0000000000 0000000001 y
junk 0000000000 0000000001 y
rec.crafts.brewing 0000000000 0000000001 y
rec.crafts.brewing.ales 0000000000 0000000001 y
rec.crafts.brewing.badtaste 0000000000 0000000001 y
rec.crafts.brewing.brandy 0000000000 0000000001 y
rec.crafts.brewing.champagne 0000000000 0000000001 y
rec.crafts.brewing.private 0000000000 0000000001 y
The <replaceable>himark</replaceable> and <replaceable>lomark</replaceable>
numbers in this example are those you would use when creating new newsgroups.
The <replaceable>himark</replaceable> and <replaceable>lomark</replaceable>
numbers will look quite different for a newsgroup that has been active for
some time.
The <filename>newsgroups</filename> file is even simpler. It provides
one-line descriptions of newsgroups. Some newsreaders are
able to read and present this information to a user to help them decide
whether they want to subscribe.
The format of the <filename>newsgroups</filename> file is simply:
name description
The <replaceable>name</replaceable> field is the name of a newsgroup, and the <<replaceable>description</replaceable> is a single line description of that newsgroup.
We want to describe the newsgroups that our server supports, so we'll build
our <filename>newsgroups</filename> file as follows:
<screen width=70>
rec.crafts.brewing.ales Home brewing Ales and Lagers
rec.crafts.brewing.badtaste Home brewing foul tasting brews
rec.crafts.brewing.brandy Home brewing your own Brandy
rec.crafts.brewing.champagne Home brew your own Champagne
rec.crafts.brewing.private The Virtual Brewery home brewers group
<INDEXTERM startref="config.newsgroups" class=endofrange>
<INDEXTERM startref="newsgroups.config" class=endofrange>
<INDEXTERM startref="INN.config.newsgroups" class=endofrange>
<sect2><title>Configuring Newsfeeds</title>
<INDEXTERM id="config.newsfeeds" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>configuring</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>newsfeeds</SECONDARY></INDEXTERM>
<INDEXTERM id="newsfeeds.config" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>newsfeeds, configuring</PRIMARY></INDEXTERM>
<INDEXTERM id="INN.config.newsfeeds" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>INN (Internet News)</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>configuring</SECONDARY><TERTIARY>newsfeeds</TERTIARY></INDEXTERM>
INN provides the news administrator the ability to control which
newsgroups are forwarded on to other news servers and how they will be
forwarded. The most common method uses the NNTP protocol described
earlier, but INN also allows newsfeeds via other protocols, such as UUCP.
<sect3><title>The newsfeeds file</title>
<INDEXTERM id="newsfeeds.file" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>newsfeeds file (INN)</PRIMARY></INDEXTERM>
The <filename>newsfeeds</filename> file determines where news articles
will be sent. It normally resides in the <filename>/etc/news/</filename>
The format of the <filename>newsfeeds</filename> is a little complicated at
first. We'll describe the general layout here, and the
<filename>newsfeeds(5)</filename> manual page describes
what we leave out. The format is as follows:
# newsfeeds file format
Each news feed to a site is described by a single line, or may be
spread across multiple lines using the \ continuation character. The
: characters delimit the fields in each line. The # character at the
start of a line marks that line as a comment.
The <replaceable>site</replaceable> field names the site to which this feed
description relates. The sitename can be coded any way you like and
doesn't have to be the domain name of the site. The site name will be
used later and will refer to an entry in a table that supplies the
hostname to the <command>innxmit</command> program that transmits the
news articles by NNTP to the remote server. You may have multiple
entries for each site; each entry will be treated individually.
The <replaceable>pattern</replaceable> field specifies which news groups are
to be sent to this site. The default is to send all groups, so if that
is what you want, just make this field empty. This field is usually a
comma-delimited list of pattern-matching expressions. The * character
matches zero or more of any character, the . character has no special
significance, the ! character (if used at the start of an expression)
performs a logical NOT, and the &commat; character at the start of a
newsgroup name means &ldquo;Do not forward any articles that are
posted or crossposted to this group.&rdquo; The list is read and
parsed from left to right, so you should ensure that you place the
more specific rules first. The pattern:</para>
would send all of the <emphasis>rec.crafts.brewing</emphasis> news heirarchy
<emphasis>except</emphasis> the <emphasis>rec.crafts.brewing.poison</emphasis>.
It would not feed any articles that were either posted or crossposted to the
<emphasis>rec.crafts.brewing.private</emphasis> newsgroup; these articles will
be trapped and available only to those people who use this server.
If you reversed the first two patterns, the first pattern would be overridden
by the second and you would end up feeding articles for the
<emphasis>rec.crafts.brewing.poison</emphasis> newsgroup. The same is true of
the first and last patterns; you must always place the more specific
patterns before any less specific patterns for them to take effect.
<replaceable>flags</replaceable> controls and places constraints on the feed
of news articles to this site. The <replaceable>flags</replaceable> field is a
comma delimited list can contain any of the items from the following list, delimited by commands:
Article must be less then size bytes.
Article checks. <replaceable>items</replaceable> can be one or more of
<literal>d</literal> (must have Distribution header) or
<literal>p</literal> (don't check for site in Path header).
Internal buffer size before writing to output.
Article must have less then <replaceable>count</replaceable> hops; the default is 1.
Internal buffer size (for a file feed).
Only moderated groups that match the pattern.
Only unmoderated groups that match the pattern.
Start spooling if more than size bytes get queued.
Feed types: <literal>f</literal> (file), <literal>m</literal> (funnel; the
<replaceable>param</replaceable> field names the entry that articles will be
funneled to), <literal>p</literal> (pipe to program), <literal>c</literal>
(send to stdin channel of the <replaceable>param</replaceable> field's
subprocess), and <literal>x</literal> (like c, but handles commands on stdin).
What to write: <literal>b</literal> (article bytesize), <literal>f</literal>
(full path), <literal>g</literal> (first newsgroup), <literal>m</literal>
(Message ID), <literal>n</literal> (relative path), <literal>s</literal> (site
that fed article), <literal>t</literal> (time received), <literal>*</literal>
(names of funnel feed-ins or all sites that get the article),
<literal>N</literal> (newsgroups header), <literal>D</literal> (distribution
header), <literal>H</literal> (all headers), <literal>O</literal> (overview
data), and <literal>R</literal> (replication data).
The <literal>param</literal> field has special coding that is dependent on
the type of feed. In the most common configuration it is where you specify
the name of the output file to which you will write the outgoing feed.
In other configurations you can leave it out. In yet other configurations
it takes on different meanings. If you want to do something unusual, the
<filename>newsfeeds(5)</filename> manual page will explain the use of the
<literal>param</literal> field in some detail.
There is a special site name that should be coded as <literal>ME</literal>
and should be the first entry in the file. This entry is used to control
the default settings for your news feeds. If the <literal>ME</literal>
entry has a distribution list associated with it, this list will
be prepended to each of the other site entries before they are sent.
This allows you to, for example, declare some
newsgroups to be automatically fed, or automatically blocked from
feeding, without having to repeat the pattern in each site entry.
We mentioned earlier that it was possible to use some special feeds to
generate thread data that makes the newsreader's job easier. We'll do this
by exploiting the <command>overchan</command> command that is part of the
INN distribution. To do this, we've created a special local feed called
<literal>overview</literal> that will pass the news articles to the
<command>overchan</command> command for processing into overview data.
Our news server will provide only one external news feed, which goes to
the Groucho Marx University, and they receive articles for
all newsgroups except the <emphasis>control</emphasis> and
<emphasis>junk</emphasis> newsgroups, the
<emphasis>rec.crafts.brewing.private</emphasis> newsgroup, which will be
kept locally, and the <emphasis>rec.crafts.brewing.poison</emphasis>
newsgroup, which we don't want people from our brewery seen posting to.
We'll use the <command>nntpsend</command> command to transport the news via
NNTP to the <systemitem role=sitename>news.groucho.edu</systemitem> server. <command>nntpsend</command> requires us to use the &ldquo;file&rdquo;
delivery method and to write the article's pathname and article ID. Note
that we've set the <replaceable>param</replaceable> field to the name of the output
file. We'll talk a little more about the <command>nntpsend</command>
command in a moment. Our resulting newsfeed's configuration is:
<screen width=74>
# /etc/news/newsfeeds file for the Virtual Brewery
# Send all newsgroups except the control and junk ones by default
# Generate overview data for any newsreaders to use.
# Feed the Groucho Marx University everything except our private newsgroup
# and any articles posted to the rec.crafts.brewing.poison newsgroup.
<INDEXTERM startref="newsfeeds.file" class=endofrange>
<sect3><title>The nntpsend.ctl file</title>
<indexterm><primary>nntpsend.ctl file (INN)</primary></indexterm>
The <command>nntpsend</command> program manages the transmission of
news articles using the NNTP protocol by calling the
<command>innxmit</command> command. We saw a simple use of the
<command>nntpsend</command> command earlier, but it too has a
configuration file that provides us with some flexibility in how we
configure our news feeds.
The <command>nntpsend</command> command expects to find batch files
for the sites it will feed. It expects those batch files to be named
<filename>/var/spool/news/out.going/<replaceable>sitename</replaceable></filename>. <command>innd</command>
creates these batch files when acting on an entry in the
<filename>newsfeeds</filename>, which we saw in the previous
sections. We specified the sitename as the filename in the
<replaceable>param</replaceable> field, and that satisfies the
<command>nntpsend</command> command's input requirements.
The <command>nntpsend</command> command has a configuration file called
<filename>nntpsend.ctl</filename> that is usually stored in the
<filename>/etc/news/</filename> directory.
The <filename>nntpsend.ctl</filename> file allows us to associate a fully
qualified domain name, some news feed size constraints, and a number of
transmission parameters with a news feed site name. The sitename is a means
of uniquely identifying a logical feed of articles.
The general format of the file is:
<para>The following list describes the elements of this format:</para>
The sitename as supplied in the <filename>newsfeeds</filename> file
The fully qualified domain name of the news server to which we will be feeding
the news articles
The maximum volume of news to feed in any single transfer
Additional arguments to pass to the <command>innxmit</command> command
Our sample configuration requires a very simple
<filename>nntpsend.ctl</filename> file. We have only one news feed. We'll
restrict the feed to a maximum of 2 MB of traffic and we'll pass an
argument to the <command>innxmit</command> that sets a 3-minute
(180 second) timeout. If we were a larger site and had many news feeds,
we'd simply create new entries for each new feed site that looked much
the same as this one:
# /etc/news/nntpsend.ctl
gmarxu:news.groucho.edu:2m:-t 180
<INDEXTERM startref="config.newsfeeds" class=endofrange>
<INDEXTERM startref="newsfeeds.config" class=endofrange>
<INDEXTERM startref="INN.config.newsfeeds" class=endofrange>
<sect2><title>Controlling Newsreader Access</title>
<INDEXTERM id="newsreaders.control.access" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>newsreaders</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>controlling access</SECONDARY></INDEXTERM>
<INDEXTERM id="INN.control.nwsrder.access" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>INN (Internet News)</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>newsreaders</SECONDARY><TERTIARY>controlling access</TERTIARY></INDEXTERM>
Not so many years ago, it was common for organizations to provide public
access to their news servers. Today it is difficult to locate public news
servers; most organizations carefully control who has access to their
servers, typically restricting access to users supported on their network.
INN provides configuration files to control this access.
<sect3><title>The incoming.conf file</title>
<INDEXTERM id="incoming.conf.file" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>incoming.conf file (INN)</PRIMARY></INDEXTERM>
<INDEXTERM id="etc.news.incoming.conf" class=startofrange><PRIMARY SORTAS="etc/news/incoming.conf file">/etc/news/incoming.conf file (INN)</PRIMARY></INDEXTERM>
We mentioned in our introduction to INN that it achieves some of its
efficiency and size by separating the news feed mechanism from the
newsreading mechanism. The
<filename>/etc/news/incoming.conf</filename> file is where you specify
which hosts will be feeding you news using the NNTP protocol, as well
as where you define some parameters that control the way articles are
fed to you from these hosts. Any host not listed in this file that
connects to the news socket will not be handled by the
<command>innd</command> daemon; instead, it will be handled by the
<command>nnrpd</command> daemon.
The <filename>/etc/news/incoming.conf</filename> file syntax is
very simple, but it takes a moment to come to terms with. Three types of
valid entries are allowed: key/value pairs, which are how you specify
attributes and their values; peers, which is how you specify the name
of a host allowed to send articles to us using NNTP; and groups, a means
of applying key/value pairs to groups of peers. Key/value
pairs can have three different types of scope. Global pairs apply to
every peer defined in the file. Group pairs apply to all peers defined
within that group. Peer pairs apply only to that one peer. Specific
definitions override less specific ones: therefore, peer definitions
override group definitions, which in turn override global pairs.
Curly brace characters (<literal>{}</literal>) are used to delimit the
start and end of the <literal>group</literal> and <literal>peer</literal>
specifications. The # character marks the rest of the
line it appears on as a comment. Key/value pairs are separated by the
colon character and appear one to a line.
A number of different keys may be specified. The more common
and useful are:
This key specifies a comma-separated list of fully qualifed names or IP
addresses of the peers that we'll allow to send us articles. If this key is
not supplied, the hostname defaults to the label of the peer.
This key determines whether streaming commands are allowed from this host.
It is a Boolean value that defaults to <literal>true</literal>.
This key specifies the maximum number of connections allowed from this group
or peer. A value of zero means unlimited (which can also be specified using
This key allows you to specify the password that must be used by a peer if it
is to be allowed to transfer news. The default is to not require a password.
This key specifies the newsgroups that we accept from the associated peer.
This field is coded according to precisely the same rules as we used in our
<filename>newsfeeds</filename> file.
In our example we have only one host that we are expecting to feed us
news: our upstream news provider at Groucho Marx
University. We'll have no password, but we will ensure that we don't
accept any articles for our private newsgroup from outside. Our
<filename>hosts.nntp</filename> looks like:
<screen width=45>
# Virtual Brewery incoming.conf file.
# Global settings
streaming: true
max-connections: 5
# Allow NNTP posting from our local host.
peer ME {
hostname: "localhost,"
# Allow groucho to send us all newsgroup except our local ones.
peer groucho {
hostname: news.groucho.edu
patterns: !rec.crafts.brewing.private
<INDEXTERM startref="incoming.conf.file" class=endofrange>
<INDEXTERM startref="etc.news.incoming.conf" class=endofrange>
<sect3><title>The nnrp.access file</title>
<indexterm><primary>nnrp.access file (INN)</primary></indexterm>
We mentioned earlier that newsreaders, and in fact any host not listed
in the <filename>hosts.nntp</filename>, that connect to the INN news
server are handled by the <command>nnrpd</command> program. <command>nnrpd</command> uses the
<filename>/etc/news/nnrp.access</filename> file to determine who is
allowed to make use of the news server, and what permissions they
should have.
The <filename>nnrp.access</filename> file has a similar structure to the other
configuration files we've looked at. It comprises a set of patterns used to
match against the connecting host's domain name or IP address, and fields
that determine what access and permission it should be given. Each entry
should appear on a line by itself, and fields are separated by colons. The
last entry in this file that matches the connecting host will be the one
used, so again, you should put general patterns first and follow them with
more specific ones later in the file. The five fields of each entry in
the order they should appear are:
<varlistentry><term>Hostname or IP address</term>
This field conforms to <filename>wildmat(3)</filename> pattern-matching rules. It is a pattern that describes the connecting host's name or IP address.
This field determines what permissions the matching host should be granted.
There are two permissons you may configure: <literal>R</literal> gives
read permissions, and <literal>P</literal> gives posting permissions.
This field is optional and allows you to specify a username that an NNTP
client must log into the server before being allowed to post news
articles. This field may be left blank. No user authentication is required
to read articles.
This field is optional and is the password accompanying the
<replaceable>username</replaceable> field. Leaving this field blank means that no
password is required to post articles.
This field is a pattern specifying which newsgroups the client is allowed to
access. The pattern follows the same rules as those used in the
<filename>newsfeeds</filename> file. The default for this field is no
newsgroups, so you would normally have a pattern configured here.
In the virtual brewery example, we will allow any NNTP client in the Virtual
Brewery domain to both read and post to all newsgroups. We will allow any NNTP
client read-only access to all newsgroups except our private internal
newsgroup. Our <filename>nnrp.access</filename> file will look like this:
<screen width=78>
# Virtual Brewery - nnrp.access
# We will allow public reading of all newsgroups except our private one.
# Any host with the Virtual Brewery domain may Read and Post to all
# newsgroups
<INDEXTERM startref="newsreaders.control.access" class=endofrange>
<INDEXTERM startref="INN.control.nwsrder.access" class=endofrange>
<sect2><title>Expiring News Articles</title>
When news articles are received by a news server, they are stored to
disk. News articles need to be available to users for some period of
time to be useful, so a large operating news server can consume lots
of disk space. To ensure that the disk space is used effectively, you
can opt to delete news articles automatically after a period of
time. This is called <command>article expiration</command>. Naturally,
INN provides a means of automatically expiring news articles.
<sect3><title>The expire.ctl file</title>
<indexterm><primary>expire.ctl file (INN)</primary></indexterm>
The INN server uses a program called <command>expire</command> to delete
expired news articles. The <command>expire</command> program in turn uses a
file called <filename>/etc/news/expire.ctl</filename> to configure
the rules that govern article expiration.
The syntax of <filename>/etc/news/expire.ctl</filename> is fairly simple.
As with most configuration files, empty lines or lines beginning with the #
character are ignored. The general idea is that you specify
one rule per line. Each rule defines how article expiration will be performed
on newsgroups matching a supplied pattern. The rule syntax looks like this:
<screen width=34>
The following list describes the fields:
This field is a comma-delimited list of patterns matching names of
newsgroups. The <filename>wildmat</filename>&thinsp;(3) routine is used to
match these patterns. The last rule matching a newsgroup name is the
one that is applied, so if you want to specify wildcard (*) rules,
they should be listed first in this file.
This flag describes how this rule applies to moderated newsgroups. It can be
coded with an <literal>M</literal> to mean that this rule applies only to
moderated newsgroups, a <literal>U</literal> to mean that this rule applies
only to unmoderated newsgroups, or an <literal>A</literal> to mean that this
rule ignores the moderated status and applies to all groups.
This field allows you to specify the minimum time an article with an
&ldquo;Expires&rdquo; header will be kept before it is expired. The units
are days, and are a floating point, so you may specify values like
<literal>7.5</literal> for seven-and-a-half days. You may also specify
<literal>never</literal> if you wish articles to stay in a newsgroup forever.
This field is the most important. This field allows you to specify the
time an article without an <literal>Expires</literal> header will be
kept. Most articles won't have an <literal>Expires</literal>
header. This field is coded in the same way as the
<replaceable>keep</replaceable> field, with <literal>never</literal> meaning
that articles without <literal>Expires</literal> headers will never be
This field allows you to specify the maximum time an article with an
<literal>Expires</literal> header will be kept before it is expired. The coding
of this field is the same as for the <literal>keep</literal> field.
Our requirements are simple. We will keep all articles in all newsgroups
for 14 days by default, and between 7 and 21 days for articles that have
an <literal>Expires</literal> header.
The <emphasis>rec.crafts.brewing.private</emphasis> newsgroup is our internal
newsgroup, so we'll make sure we don't expire any articles from it:
<screen width=69>
# expire.ctl file for the Virtual Brewery
# Expire all articles in 14 days by default, 7-21 days for those with
# Expires: headers
# This is a special internal newsgroup, which we will never expire.
We will mention one special type of entry you may have in your
<filename>/etc/news/expires.ctl</filename> file.
You may have exactly one line that looks like this:
This entry allows you to specify the minimum number of days that an article
will be remembered in the history file, irrespective of whether the article
itself has been expired or not. This might be useful if one of the sites that
is feeding you articles is infrequent and has a habit of sending you old
articles every now and again. Setting the <replaceable>/remember/</replaceable>
field helps to prevent the upstream server from sending you the article again,
even if it has already been expired from your server. If your server remembers
it has already received the article, <?troff .ne 10>it will reject attempts to resend it.
It is important to remember that this setting has no effect at all on article
expiration; it affects only the time that details of an article are kept in the history database.
<sect2><title>Handling Control Messages</title>
<INDEXTERM id="INN.control.msgs" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>INN (Internet News)</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>control messages, handling</SECONDARY></INDEXTERM>
Just as with C News, INN can automatically process control messages.
INN provides a powerful configuration mechanism to control what action will
occur for each of a variety of control messages, and an access control
mechanism to control who can initiate actions against which newsgroups.
<sect3><title>The control.ctl file</title>
<indexterm><primary>control.ctl file (INN)</primary></indexterm>
The <filename>control.ctl</filename> file is fairly simple in structure.
The syntax rules for this file are much the same as for the other INN
configuration files. Lines beginning with <literal>#</literal>
are ignored, lines may be continued using <literal>/</literal>, and
fields are delimited by <literal>:</literal>.
When a control message is received, it is tested against each rule in turn.
The last rule in the file that matches the message is the rule that will be
used, so you should put any generic rules at the start of the file and
more specific rules at the end of the file. The general syntax of the file is:
<screen width=30>
The meanings of each of the fields are:
This is the name of the control message. Typical control messages are
described later.
This is a shell-style pattern matching the email address of the person
sending the message. The email address is converted to lowercase before comparison. </para></listitem>
If the control message is <literal>newgroup</literal> or
<literal>rmgroup</literal>, this field is a shell-style pattern matching
the newsgroup created or removed.
This field specifies what action to take for any message matching the rule.
There are quite a number of actions we can take; they are
described in the next list.
The <replaceable>message</replaceable> field of each line can have one of the following values:
<variablelist id="X-087-2-chin.contmess">
This message requests that news administrators resynchonrize their
active newsgroups database against the list of newsgroups supplied in
the control message.
This message requests the creation of a new newsgroup. The body of the
control message should contain a short description of the purpose of
the newsgroup to be created.
requests that a newsgroup be removed.
This message requests that the <filename>sys</filename> file of this
news server be transmitted by mail to the originator of the control
message. RFC-1036 states that it is a requirement of Usenet membership
that this information be publicly available because it is used to
keep the map of Usenet up to date.
This message requests that the hostname and version of news server
software be returned to the originator of the control message.
This is a special coding that will match any control message.
The <replaceable>message</replaceable> field may include the following actions:
<variablelist id="X-087-2-chin.contacts">
The requested command is performed. In many cases, a mail message will
be sent to the administrator to advise them that the action has taken place.
This is the same as the <literal>doit</literal> action except
that a log message will be written to the <emphasis>file</emphasis>
log file. If the specified file is <emphasis>mail</emphasis>, the log
entry is sent by email. If the specified file is the null string, the
log message is written to <filename>/dev/null</filename> and is equivalent
to using the unqualified <literal>doit</literal> action. If the
<emphasis>file</emphasis> name begins with a / character, the name is
taken to be an absolute filename for the logfile; otherwise, the specified
name is translated to
The requested command is performed if the command has an argument.
If the command has no argument, the control message is ignored.
The requested command is ignored.
A log message is sent to the <literal>stderr</literal> output of the
<command>innd</command> process. This is normally directed out to the
<filename>/var/log/news/errlog</filename> file.
This is the same as a <literal>log</literal> action, except the
logfile is specified as per the rules given for the
<literal>doit</literal>=<replaceable>file</replaceable> action.
An email message is sent to the news administrator containing the
requested command details. No other action takes place.
<indexterm><primary>PGP (Pretty Good Privacy)</primary></indexterm>
<indexterm><primary>GPG (GNU Privacy Guard)</primary></indexterm>
If an action begins with the string &ldquo;<literal>verify-</literal>&rdquo;,
then the control message is authenticated using PGP (or
PGP and GPG are tools designed to authenticate or encrypt messages using
public key techniques. GPG is the GNU free version of PGP. GPG may be found
at <systemitem role="url">http://www.gnupg.org/</systemitem>, and PGP may be
found at <systemitem role="url">http://www.pgp.com/</systemitem>.
So that you can see what a <filename>control.ctl</filename> file would look
like in practice, here is a very short illustrative sample:
<screen width=80>
## Sample /etc/news/control.ctl
## Warning: You should not use this file, it is illustrative only.
## Control Message Handling
## Handle control messages for the eight most important news heirarchies
## GNU ( Free Software Foundation )
## LINUX (Newsfeed from news.lameter.com)
<INDEXTERM startref="INN.control.msgs" class=endofrange>
<INDEXTERM startref="config.files.INN" class=endofrange>
<INDEXTERM startref="INN.config.files" class=endofrange>
<sect1><title>Running INN</title>
The <command>inn</command> source package provides a script suitable for
starting <command>inn</command> at boot time. The script is usually called
<filename>/usr/lib/news/bin/rc.news</filename>. The script reads arguments
from another script, usually called
<filename>/usr/lib/news/innshellvars</filename>, which contains definitions
of the filenames and filepaths that <command>inn</command> will use to locate
components it needs. It is generally considered a good idea to execute
<command>inn</command> with the permissions of a non-root user, such as
To ensure that <command>inn</command> is started at boot time, you should
check that <filename>/usr/lib/news/innshellvars</filename> is configured
correctly and then call the <filename>/usr/lib/news/bin/rc.news</filename>
script from a script executed at boot time.
Additionally, there are administrative tasks that must be performed
periodically. These tasks are usually configured to be executed by the
<command>cron</command> command. The best way to do this is to add the
appropriate commands to your <filename>/etc/crontab</filename> file, or
even better, create a file suitable for the <filename>/etc/cron.d</filename>
directory, if your distribution provides one. An example of such a file might
look like:
<screen width=67>
# Example /etc/cron.d/inn file, as used in the Debian distribution.
# Expire old news and overview entries nightly, generate reports.
15 0 * * * news news.daily expireover lowmark delayrm
# Every hour, run an rnews -U. This is not only for UUCP sites, but
# also to process queued up articles put there by in.nnrpd in case
# innd wasn't accepting any articles.
10 * * * * news rnews -U
These commands will ensure that old news is automatically expired each day,
and that any queued articles are processed each hour. Note also that they
are executed with the permissions of the <literal>news</literal> user.
<sect1><title>Managing INN: The ctlinnd Command</title>
<INDEXTERM id="ctlinnd.command" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>ctlinnd command (INN)</PRIMARY></INDEXTERM>
<INDEXTERM id="INN.managing" class=startofrange><PRIMARY>INN (Internet News)</PRIMARY><SECONDARY>managing</SECONDARY></INDEXTERM>
The INN news server comes with a command to manage its day-to-day operation.
The <command>ctlinnd</command> command can be used to manipulate newsgroups
and newsgroup feeds, to obtain the status, of the server, and to reload, stop,
and start the server.
<?troff .Nd 10>
You'd normally get a summary of the <command>ctlinnd</command> command
syntax using:
<emphasis role="bold"># ctlinnd -h</emphasis>
We'll cover some of the more important uses of
<command>ctlinnd</command> here; please consult the
<command>ctlinnd</command> manual page for more detail.
<sect2><title>Add a New Group</title>
Use the following syntax to add a new group:
<screen width=35>
ctlinnd newgroup <replaceable>group</replaceable> <replaceable>rest</replaceable> <replaceable>creator</replaceable>
The arguments are defined as follows:
The name of the group to create.
This argument should be coded in the same way as the
<replaceable>flags</replaceable> field of the <filename>active</filename> file.
It defaults to <literal>y</literal> if not supplied.
The name of the person creating the group. Enclose it in quotes
if there are any spaces in the name.
<sect2><title>Change a Group</title>
Use the following syntax to change a group:
<screen width=30>
ctlinnd changegroup <replaceable>group</replaceable> <replaceable>rest</replaceable>
The arguments are defined as follows:
The name of the group to change.
This argument should be coded in the same way as the <replaceable>flags</replaceable> field of the <filename>active</filename> file.
This command is useful to change the moderation status of a group.
<sect2><title>Remove a Group</title>
Use the following syntax to remove a group:
ctlinnd rmgroup <replaceable>group</replaceable>
<?troff .Nd 10><?troff .wcon_off>
The argument is defined as follows:
The name of the group to remove.
This command removes the specified newsgroup from the
<filename>active</filename> file. It has no effect on the news spool. All
articles in the spool for the specified group will be expired in the usual
fashion, but no new articles will be accepted.
<sect2><title>Renumber a Group</title>
Use the following syntax to renumber a group:
ctlinnd renumber <replaceable>group</replaceable>
<?troff .Nd 10>
The argument is defined as follows:
The name of the group to renumber. If a <command>group</command> is an empty
string, all groups are renumbered.
This command updates the low-water mark for the specified group.
<sect2><title>Allow/Disallow Newsreaders</title>
Use the following syntax to allow or disallow newsreaders:
ctlinnd readers <replaceable>flag</replaceable> <replaceable>text</replaceable>
The arguments are defined as follows:
Specifying <literal>n</literal> causes all newsreader connections to be
disallowed. Specifying <literal>y</literal> allows newsreader connections.
The text supplied will be given to newsreaders who attempt to connect, and
usually describes the reason for disabling newsreader access. When
reenabling newsreader access, this field must be either an empty
string or a copy of the text supplied when the newsreader was disabled.
This command does not affect incoming newsfeeds. It only controls connections
from newsreaders.
<sect2><title>Reject Newsfeed Connections</title>
Use the following syntax to reject newsfeed connections:
ctlinnd reject <replaceable>reason</replaceable>
<?troff. Nd 10>
The argument is defined as follows:
The text supplied should explain why incoming connections to
<command>innd</command> are rejected.
This command does not affect connections that are handed off to
<command>nnrpd</command> (i.e., newsreaders); it only affects connections that
would be handled by <command>innd</command> directly, such as remote newsfeeds.
<sect2><title>Allow Newsfeed Connections</title>
Use the following syntax to allow newsfeed connections:
ctlinnd allow <replaceable>reason</replaceable>
The argument is defined as follows:
The supplied text must be the same as that supplied to the preceding
<command>reject</command> command or an empty string.
This command reverses the effect of a <command>reject</command> command.
<sect2><title>Disable News Server</title>
Use the following syntax to disable the news server:
ctlinnd throttle <replaceable>reason</replaceable>
The argument is defined as follows:
The reason for throttling the server.
This command is simultaneously equivalent to a
<literal>newsreaders no</literal> and a <literal>reject</literal>,
and is useful when emergency work is performed on the news database.
It ensures that nothing attempts to update it while you are working on it.
<sect2><title>Restart News Server</title>
Use the following syntax to restart the news server:
ctlinnd go <replaceable>reason</replaceable>
The argument is defined as follows:
The reason given when stopping the server. If this field is an empty
string, the server will be reenabled unconditionally. If a reason is given,
only those functions disabled with a reason matching the supplied text
will be restarted.
This command is used to restart a server function after a
<command>throttle</command>, <command>pause</command>, or
<command>reject</command> command.
<sect2><title>Display Status of a Newsfeed</title>
Use the following syntax to display the status of a newsfeed:
ctlinnd feedinfo <replaceable>site</replaceable>
The argument is defined as follows:
The site name (taken from the <filename>newsfeeds</filename> file) for which
you wish to display the newsfeed's status.
<sect2><title>Drop a Newsfeed</title>
Use the following syntax to drop a newsfeed:
ctlinnd drop <replaceable>site</replaceable>
The argument is defined as follows:
The name of the site (taken from the <filename>newsfeeds</filename> file) to
which feeds are dropped. If this field is an empty string, all active feeds
will be dropped.
Dropping a newsfeed to a site halts any active feeds to the site. It is not
a permanent change. This command would be useful if you've modified the feed
details for a site and a feed to that site is active.
<sect2><title>Begin a Newsfeed</title>
Use the following syntax to begin a newsfeed:
ctlinnd begin <replaceable>site</replaceable>
The argument is defined as follows:
The name of the site from the <filename>newsfeeds</filename> file to
which feeds are started. If a feed to the site is already active, a
<command>drop</command> command is done first automatically.
This command causes the server to reread the <filename>newsfeeds</filename>
file, locate the matching entry, and commence a newsfeed to the named
site using the details found. You can use this command to test a new
news feed to a site after you've added or modified its entry in the
<filename>newsfeeds</filename> file.
<sect2><title>Cancel an Article</title>
Use the following syntax to cancel an article:
ctlinnd cancel <replaceable>Message-Id</replaceable>
The argument is defined as follows:
The ID of the article to be cancelled.
This command causes the specified article to be deleted from the server.
It does not generate a cancel message.
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