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<chapter id="network">
<title>Network Tuning</title>
<section id="networkintro">
<title>Introduction to network tuning</title>
Mosix, Beowulf, and other clustering technologies for Linux
all depend on an effective network layer. Any delays in getting
data from the application to the physical layer would cause
even greater delays in the time to complete the task. Much work
has been done to the Linux network stack to reduce this time,
known as latency, and increase the amount of data that can
be sent over a period of time, known as bandwidth.
Latency is important as under high loads, the delay of getting
data through the network layer will slow down the number of requests
that can be handled at once. Bandwidth is important since you want
services like NFS to be able to saturate its network link with data.
This means that should all the services of a file server be needed,
it can be provided to as many clients as request it.
This chapter will start with an explination of the available networking
technologies, then get into how some of these technologies can be
tuned for both latency and bandwidth improvements. We will then
take a look at some of the standard TCP/IP applications and some
tuning hints or gotchas.
</section> <!-- networkintro -->
<section id="networkoverview">
<title>Network Technologies Overview</title>
As is the case in every other section of this book, the faster
or better the technology, the more expensive it is. But this
should not stop you from cobbling together older technology to
make it a bit better than it is at face value.
The first example of this is Beowulf. The original design goal
of Beowulf was to take existing, low cost technology and create
a supercomputer out of it. To do this, machines were networked
together using Ethernet running at 10 megabit. Since this is
too slow to have good communication between the nodes, the team
did something different - bonded two 10 megabit cards together
to create one 20 megabit connection. This can be done in software, and
doubled the performance of a system that would have cost too much
to upgrade to 100 megabit connection per machine.
These days, 100 megabit connections are standard for most machines,
with the cost of these cards being under $75US per card. Much like
the cards of a few years ago had faster counterparts, so do today's
cards. Gigabit Ethernet over copper or fiber is available for those
who want to spend a few hundred dollars. If you want to get really
outrageous and spend a few thousand dollars, you can get a proprietary,
high speed (2GB), low latency network technology called Myrinet.
Myrinet is really designed for clusters, mostly due to the high cost
per server, and dropping down from this networking technology to
standard Ethernet would lose many of the Myrinet advantages.
Standard Ethernet works with a card, a hub, switch or router, and a
cable to connect it all together. The card acts as an interface
between the system and the Ethernet bus, and there are a variety of
cards available, each with varying interface chips, memory, boot roms,
and prices. To explain the difference between hubs, switches, and
routers, we have to take a look at Ethernet, TCP/IP, and layering.
When a packet of data leaves a web server to talk to the web browser,
it is a TCP/IP packet. That TCP/IP packet is encapsulated within
an Ethernet packet. An Ethernet packet is destined only for the local
network, and the TCP/IP packet will be re-encapsulated if it has
to go on another network. The TCP/IP packet contains the source
and destination TCP/IP addresses for the packet, while the Ethernet
packet contains the source and destination addresses for only the
local network.
A hub is an unintelligent device in that if one port of the hub
gets a packet, all other ports on the hub will receive that
packet. Due to this, most hubs are very inexpensive, but have
poor performance, especially as the load increases.
A switch, on the other hand, knows what Ethernet devices
exist on each port and can quickly route Ethernet traffic between
ports. If a packet comes in on port one, and the switch knows the
packet is destined to a machine on port twelve, the switch will
send the packet only to port twelve. None of the other ports
will see the packet. As a result, the cost for a switch is higher,
but allows greater bandwidth for devices connected to the switch.
Both hubs and switches work on the Ethernet layer, so they only
look at the Ethernet wrapper for the packet and work only on
packets that are in the local network. When you want to connect two
networks together, or connect to the Internet, you require a router.
The router opens the Ethernet envelope, then takes a look at the
source and destination of the TCP/IP packet and sends the packet to
the appropriate interface. The nice thing about routers is that
the interfaces on it does not have to be Ethernet. Many routers
combine an Ethernet port and T1 CSU/DSU, or Ethernet and Fiber,
and so on. The router re-addresses the TCP/IP packet to go from
one phyical media to another. Routers usually have to have a good
bit of brains in them to handle the packet re-writing, dynamic
routing, and also requires things like SNMP management and
some interface for the user to talk to it. Thus, routers will be
more expensive than hubs or switches. Linux can act as a router
as well, also tying in technologies like IP Masquerading
and packet filtering. In some cases, a dedicated Linux box can
perform routing less expensively than a standalone router, since
most of the <quote>brains</quote> of being a router is already in Linux.
</section> <!-- networkoverview -->
<section id="networkethernet">
<title>Networking with Ethernet</title>
Ethernet is the standard networking environment for Linux. It
was one of the first to be implemented in Linux, the other being
AX.25 (Ham Radio networking). Ethernet has been a standard
for over twenty years, and the protocol is fairly easy to implement,
interface cards are inexpensive, cabling is easy to do, and the
other glue (hubs and switches) that holds the network together
is also inexpensive.
Linux can run a number of protocols natively over Ethernet,
including SMB, TCP/IP, AppleTalk, and DECnet. By far the most popular is
TCP/IP, since that is the standard protocol for UNIX machines and
the Internet.
Tuning Ethernet to work with your particular hardware, as always,
depends on the interface cards, cabling options, and switching gear
you use. Many of the tools that Linux uses are standard across most
networking equipment. Most cards available today for Linux are
PCI-based, so configuration of cards through setting IRQ and base
addresses is not required - the driver will probe and use the
configuration set by the motherboard. If you do need to force IRQ or io
settings, you can do that when loading the module or booting the system
by passing the arguments irq=x and io=y.
Most of tuning Ethernet for Linux is to get the best physical connection
between the interface card and the switching gear. Best performance
comes from a switch, and switches have a few extra tricks up their
sleeve. One of these is full and half duplexing. In a half-duplex
setup, the card talks to the switch, then the switch talks to the card,
and so on. Only one of the two ends can be talking at the same time.
In full duplex mode, both card and switch can have data on the wire at
the same time. Since there's different lines for transmit and receive
in Ethernet, there's less congestion on the wire. This is a great
solution for high bandwidth devices that have a lot of data coming
in and out, such as a file server, since it can be sending files while
receiving requests.
Normally, the Ethernet card and switching gear negotiate a connection
speed and duplex option using MII, the Media Independent Interface.
Forcing a change can be used for debugging
issues, or for getting higher performance. The
<command>mii-tool</command> utility can show or set the speed and
duplexing options for your Ethernet links.
<arg>-v, --verbose</arg>
<arg>-V, --version</arg>
<arg>-R, --reset</arg>
<arg>-r, --restart</arg>
<arg>-w, --watch</arg>
<arg>-l, --log</arg>
<arg>-A, --advertise=<replaceable>media</replaceable></arg>
<arg>-F, --force=<replaceable>media</replaceable></arg>
<table id="networkethernetmii">
<title><command>mii-tool</command> Media Types</title>
<tgroup cols="5">
Full Duplex
Half Duplex
Also available is <quote>100baseT4</quote>, which is an earlier
form of 100Mbit that uses four pairs of wires whereas
100BaseTx uses two pairs of wires.
This protocol is not available for most modern Ethernet cards.
The most common use of <command>mii-tool</command> is to change the
setting of the media interface from half to full duplex. Most
non-intelligent hubs and switches will try to negotiate half duplex
by default, and intelligent switches can be set to negotiate full duplex
through some configuration options.
To set an already-existing connection to 100 Mbit, full duplex:
# mii-tool -F 100baseTx-FD eth0
# mii-tool eth0
eth0: 100 Mbit, full duplex, link ok
Another way of doing this is to advertise 100 Mbit, full duplex and
100 Mbit, half duplex:
# mii-tool -A 100baseTx-FD,100baseTx-HD eth0
restarting autonegotiation...
Using autonegotiation will not work with many non-intelligent devices
and will cause you to drop back to 100baseTx-HD (half duplex). Use
force when the gear you are talking to is not managed, and use
autonegotiate if the gear is managed.
This program only works with chipsets and drivers that support MII. The
Intel eepro100 cards implement this, but others may not. If your driver
does not support MII, you may need to force the setting at boot time
when the driver is loaded.
</section> <!-- networkethernet -->
<section id="networktcpip">
<title>Tuning TCP/IP performance</title>
Setting the Maximum Transmission Unit (<acronym>MTU</acronym>) of a
network interface can be used to tune performance over a TCP/IP link. The
MTU is used to set the maximum size of a packet that goes out on
the wire. If data is set to go out that is larger than the MTU, the
packet is broken up into smaller packets. This can take up some
processing time to create the Ethernet packets, and decreases bandwidth.
Ethernet has a set number of bytes it adds on to a packet, no matter
the size. Larger packets will have a smaller percentage of overhead
used up by the Ethernet header. On the other hand, smaller packets
is better for latency, since TCP/IP will wait for the MTU to be filled,
or a timeout to occur before sending a packet of data. In the event
of an interactive TCP/IP connection (such as telnet or ssh), the
user does not want to wait long for their packet to make it from
their machine to the remote machine. Smaller MTUs make sure
the packet size is met earlier and the packet goes out quickly.
In addition, MTUs also have to fit into the size of the medium the
packet is running over. Ethernet has a maximum packet size of
??WHATISIT??, counting the Ethernet header packets. Asynchronous
Transfer Mode, or <acronym>ATM</acronym>, has a very small MTU,
on the order of a few bytes. By default, Ethernet TCP/IP connections
have a MTU of 1500 bytes. The MTU can be set using
# ifconfig eth0 mtu 1500
It is recommended to leave the MTU at the maximum number, since almost
all non-interactive TCP/IP applications will transfer more than 1500
bytes per session, and a bit of latency for interactive applications
is more an annoyance than an actual performance bottleneck.
When using Domain Name Servers (<acronym>DNS</acronym>), you may
run into cases where DNS resolution is a performance bottleneck. We
will get into this more in <xref linkend="appsapache">, but
some applications recommend for best performance to log the
raw TCP/IP addresses that come in and do not try to resolve it to
a name. For security reasons, you may want to change this so you can
quickly find out what machine is trying to break into your web server.
This decision is left to you, the administrator, as part of the
never-ending balance between performance and security. A potential fix
for this is to run a caching name server locally to store often-used
TCP/IP addresses and name, and leave the real DNS serving to another
Applications like <command>ping</command> will sometimes appear to fail
if DNS is not configured properly, even if you try to ping a TCP/IP
address instead of using the name. The solution to this and
other TCP/IP management applications, is to find the option that
prevents resolution of names or TCP/IP addresses. For
<command>ping</command>, this is to give the -n option.
# ping -n
</section> <!-- networktcpip -->
<section id="networkdialup">
<title>Tuning Linux dialup</title>
If your connection to the rest of the world is through a dialup link,
don't worry. <xref linkend="networktcpip"> covers many of
the issues that you will see for dialup. The MTU for PPP is
recommended at 1500, but slower links may want an MTU of 296
to have improved latency.
Modems in Linux should be full fledged modems, not ones labeled
WinModem or Soft Modems. Each of these styles of modem pass much
of the processing work off to the CPU. This makes the cards very
inexpensive, but increases the load on the CPU. Modems can be
internal or external, but internal modems include their own port
settings that may be easier to use than with external modems,
since the modem and serial port are in the same card. If you use
external modems, set the data link between the serial port and the modem
to be the highest the modem supports, which is usually 115,200bps
or 230,400bps. This ensures that the modem can talk as fast as it needs
to with the machine. You should also ensure that you are using RTS/CTS
handshaking, also known as hardware, or out-of-band flow control. This
allows a modem to immediately tell Linux to stop sending data to the
modem, preventing loss of data.
Controlling the Linux serial port is used with the
<command>setserial</command> command. You can find the available
serial ports at bootup, or by looking at
<filename>/proc/tty/driver/serial</filename>. Entries in that
file that have a UART listed exist in Linux. Remember that COM1
or Serial 1 listed on your box will be listed as
<filename>/dev/ttyS0</filename>, and COM2 is
<filename>/dev/ttyS1</filename>. Most modern applications can
comprehend speeds greater than 38,400bps, but some older ones do not.
To compensate for this, Linux has made 38,400bps (or 38.4kbps) a
<quote>magic</quote> speed, and if an application asks for 38.4kbps,
Linux will translate this to another speed. Currently, this can be
as high as 460kbps. To use this, the <command>setserial</command>
command is used.
# setserial /dev/ttyS0
/dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4
# setserial /dev/ttyS0 spd_vhi
# setserial /dev/ttyS0
/dev/ttyS0, UART: 16550A, Port: 0x03f8, IRQ: 4, Flags: spd_vhi
Speeds are listed as codes for setserial, and these codes are listed
in <xref linkend="networkspeed">. These values can be set by
non-root users.
<table id="networkspeed">
<title>Settings for <command>setserial</command></title>
<tgroup cols="2">
There is also a spd_cust entry that can use a custom speed instead
of 38.4kbps. The resulting speed becomes the value of baud_base
divided by the value of divisor.
If both sides have it available, compression using Deflate or BSD
is available and can increse throughput. Even though many newer
modem protocols provide compression, it isn't very strong. By using
Deflate or BSD, greater compression at little loss of CPU or memory
space can be attained. The down side is that both sides need to have
either Deflate or BSD compression available built into the PPP software.
BSD compression can be activated by using the <option>bsdcomp</option>
option passed to <command>pppd</command> followed by a compression
level between 9 and 15. Higher numbers indicate higher compression.
Deflate compression can be used with the <option>deflate</option>
option followed by a number in the range of 8 to 15. Deflate
is preferred by the pppd used by Linux.
</section> <!-- networkdialup -->
<section id="networkwireless">
<title>Wireless Ethernet</title>
Wireless Ethernet, also known as IEEE 802.11b, is becoming more
popular as the cost to implement decreases and availability of
more products increase. The Apple AirPort and Lucent Orinoco cards
have brought wireless into the home market, allowing a person to
have Ethernet access anywhere in their house, and schools
are deploying Wireless Ethernet across the campus. It's now available
at airports, schools, many high tech companies, and soon upscale
coffee shops.
Given that 802.11b is most popular for laptops, since they are portable,
tuning for performance is not as great importance as tuning for power
usage. Using 802.11b is often very power-consuming and can quickly
drain the batteries. Some cards (such as the Lucent Orinoco card)
have the ability to turn its antenna on and off at regular
intervals. Instead of the antenna being on all the time, it turns
on a few times a second. With the transmitter being turned off
now more than half the time, the battery usage is decreased. There is
an increase of latency and decrease in data rate.
To set the power management of the card, you will need to have the
wireless tools, available with many distributions. This package contains
three commands for managing your wireless card: iwconfig, iwspy, and
The <command>iwconfig</command> is an extension of
<command>ifconfig</command>. Run without any options, it will check all
available interfaces and checks for wireless extensions. If there are
any, it will report similar to the following:
wvlan0 IEEE 802.11-DS ESSID:"default" Nickname:"HERMES I"
Frequency:2.437GHz Sensitivity:1/3 Mode:Managed
Access Point: 00:90:4B:08:13:1C
Bit Rate:2Mb/s RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Power Management:off
Link quality:8/92 Signal level:-88 dBm Noise level:-96 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 invalid crypt:0 invalid misc:599
As you can see, the output tells you a variety of statistics on the link.
My current bit rate is 2Mb/s, probably because my link quality is so low.
The link quality is 8 out of 92, indicating that I should either move my
laptop, move my base statiopn, or throw out my 2.4Ghz phone.
You can also see that power management is currently off. Since my
laptop is plugged into the wall, this is not a concern to me. If
I did want to activate the power management, I would use:
# iwconfig wvlan0 power 1
# iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.
wvlan0 IEEE 802.11-DS ESSID:"default" Nickname:"HERMES I"
Frequency:2.437GHz Sensitivity:1/3 Mode:Managed
Access Point: 00:90:4B:08:13:1C
Bit Rate:2Mb/s RTS thr:off Fragment thr:off
Encryption key:off
Power Management period:1s mode:All packets received
Link quality:11/92 Signal level:-84 dBm Noise level:-95 dBm
Rx invalid nwid:0 invalid crypt:0 invalid misc:0
The power management is now set to turn the transmitter on
only once per second. By default, the time is in seconds, but
but appending m or u to the end of the number will make it milliseconds
or microseconds.
All that being said, here are a few ways in improve the link quality
of your system. Any combination of these will work, so do not expect
one method alone to work.
Check the infrastructure and building materials. Thick wood or metal
walls will cause a lot of interference. Line of sight to the base
station is best.
Some base stations and wireless cards support external antennas.
They will greatly
improve the range and quality of the link.
Move the base station around. Line of sight is best, but not
Turn off other devices that use 2.4Ghz. Some phones and other
wireless gadgets use the same frequency, and if not built properly,
will cause the wireless Ethernet cards to continually scan through
frequencies for the correct one, dropping performance.
</section> <!-- networkwireless -->
<section id="networkmonitoring">
<title>Monitoring Network Performance</title>
The best way to make sure your network is not the bottleneck
is to monitor how much traffic is flowing. Because of collision
detection and avoidance in Ethernet, once the load gets above
about 50% to 60% of its maximum, you will start to see degrading
if using hubs. This number if higher for switches, but still exists
since the silicon on the switch needs to analyze and move the data
To make best use of your networking equipment, you will want to
monitor the amount of traffic that is flowing through the network.
The easiest way to do this is to use <acronym>SNMP</acronym>,
or Simple Network Management Protocol. SNMP was designed to manage
and monitor machines via the network, be it servers, desktops, or
other network devices such as switches or network storage. As you
would guess, there are SNMP clients and servers avilable for Linux
to monitor the statistics and usage of network interfaces.
SNMP uses an <acronym>MIB</acronym> or Management Information
Base to keep track of the features of an SNMP device. While
a Linux box can have things like monitoring the number of
users logged in, a Cisco router will not need these functions.
So the MIBs are used to identify devices and their particular
The SNMP daemon for Linux is net-snmp, formerly known as usd-snmp,
and based on the cmu SNMP package. Your distribution should
be mostly configured. The only thing you need to do is set
the community name, which is really just the password to access
the snmpd server. By default, the community name is
<quote>private</quote>, but should be changed to something else.
You will also want to change the security such that you have readonly
access to <application>snmpd</application>.
# sec.name source community
com2sec paranoid default public
#com2sec readonly default public
#com2sec readwrite default private
Change the <quote>paranoid</quote> above to read <quote>readonly</quote>
and restart <application>snmpd</application>.
This setting will give readonly access to the entire world to your
SNMP server. While a malicious intruder will not be able to change
data on your machine, it can give them plenty of information about
your box to find a weakness and exploit it. You can change the
<quote>source</quote> entry to a machine name, a network address.
Default means any machine can access <application>snmpd</application>.
You can test that <application>snmpd</application> is working
properly by using <command>snmpwalk</command> to
query <command>snmpd</command>.
<arg choice=req><replaceable>host</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice=req><replaceable>community</replaceable></arg>
<arg><replaceable>start point</replaceable></arg>
$ snmpwalk public system.sysDescr.0
system.sysDescr.0 = Linux clint 2.2.18 #1 Mon Dec 18 11:23:05 EST 2000 i686
Since this example uses system.sysDescr.0 as its start point, there is
only one entry that gets listed, that of the output of
<section id="networkmonitoringmrtg">
<title>Network Monitoring with MRTG</title>
The most popular application for monitoring network traffic is <ulink
url="http://www.mrtg.org/">MRTG</ulink>, the Multi Router Traffic
MRTG tracks and graphs network usage in graphs ranging from the last 24
hours to a year, all on a web page. MRTG uses SNMP to fetch information
from routers. You can also track individual servers for ingoing and
outgoing traffic.
The process of monitoring a server using SNMP will consume a small
portion of network, memory, and CPU.
MRTG is available for Red Hat and Debian distributions. You can also
download the source from the MRTG home page. Once installed, you
will need to configure MRTG to point to the servers or routers you wish
to monitor. You can do this with <command>cfgmaker</command>.
The options to cfgmaker have to include the machine and community name
that you want to monitor.
mkomarinski@clint:~$ cfgmaker public@localhost
--base: Get Device Info on public@localhost
--base: Vendor Id:
--base: Populating confcache
--base: Get Interface Info
--base: Walking ifIndex
--base: Walking ifType
--base: Walking ifSpeed
--base: Walking ifAdminStatus
--base: Walking ifOperStatus
# Created by
# /usr/bin/cfgmaker public@localhost
### Global Config Options
# for Debian
WorkDir: /var/www/mrtg
# or for NT
# WorkDir: c:\mrtgdata
### Global Defaults
# to get bits instead of bytes and graphs growing to the right
# Options[_]: growright, bits
# System: clint
# Description: Linux clint 2.2.18 #1 Mon Dec 18 11:23:05 EST 2000 i686
# Contact: mkomarinski@valinux.com
# Location: Laptop (various locations)
### Interface 3 &gt;&gt; Descr: 'wvlan0' | Name: '' | Ip: '' | Eth:
'00-02-2d-08-ae-c1' ###
Target[localhost_3]: 3:public@localhost
MaxBytes[localhost_3]: 1250000
Title[localhost_3]: Traffic Analysis for 3 -- clint
PageTop[localhost_3]: &lt;H1&gt;Traffic Analysis for 3 -- clint&lt;/H1&gt;
&lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD&gt;System:&lt;/TD&gt; &lt;TD&gt;clint in Laptop (various
&lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD&gt;ifType:&lt;/TD&gt; &lt;TD&gt;ethernetCsmacd
&lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD&gt;ifName:&lt;TD&gt; &lt;TD&gt;&lt;/TD&gt;&lt;/TR&gt;
&lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD&gt;Max Speed:&lt;/TD&gt; &lt;TD&gt;1250.0
&lt;TR&gt;&lt;TD&gt;Ip:&lt;/TD&gt; &lt;TD&gt;
All the configuration information has been pulled from
<application>snmpd</application>. You can redirect the output
of <command>cfgmaker</command> into
Most installations of <application>mrtg</application> will
include a <application>cron</application> process to run
<command>mrtg</command> if <filename>/etc/mrtg.cfg</filename>
exists every five minutes. Within five minutes,
you will see data on your web site.
</section> <!-- networkmonitoringmrtg -->
</section> <!-- networkmonitoring -->
</chapter> <!-- network -->