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<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC '-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.2//EN'>
<chapter id="introduction">
<title>Authoring TLDP Documents: An Introduction</title>
<section id="process">
<title>Summary of The LDP Process</title>
The following section outlines the process of creating and/or
maintaining a document for the Linux Documentation Project. This
section includes all steps--some of which may not be relevant to your
specific document.
Join the discuss mailing list. Authors who are interested in taking over
the maintenance of someone else's document should also join this list.
This is to make sure the LDP knows who is working on what documentation.
If you have not yet written your documentation, please review our
documents (<ulink
<ulink url="http://tldp.org/authors/unmaint.html">unmaintained</ulink>
and <ulink url="">in progress</ulink>) and submit a proposal to the
list. Your proposal should include reasons why your document will be
different than those already in the collection; or identify a subject
that is currently missing from our documentation. For more information
about writing proposals, please read <xref linkend="propose" />.
For more information about the mailing lists, please read <xref
linkend="mailinglists" /> or visit <ulink
url="http://lists.tldp.org">lists.tldp.org</ulink> to subscribe.
If your document has already been written, please submit a copy to the
discuss list (or include the URL of where it can be found).
Write your document. If your document has not yet been written, please
be sure to email the discuss list before you start writing.
<emphasis>You may choose whatever format you feel most comfortable
in to write your document.</emphasis> If it is not one of the formats
accepted by the LDP a volunteer will convert it for you. For more
information on writing technical documentation, please read
<xref linkend="write" />.
If you are adding your own markup, you may also want to join the
docbook mailing list.
For more information about the LDP DocBook list please read
<xref linkend="mailinglists"/>.
If you would like to start with a template, you may find the templates in
<xref linkend="templates" /> useful. There is also a general
introduction to markup in <xref linkend="ag-markup" /> and a section
full of examples at <xref linkend="using-docbook" />.
Submit your document for technical, language and metadata reviews. Do this by
emailing your document to <email>submit@en.tldp.org</email>. In the
subject line be sure give the title of the document. In the body of the
email say that you are ready for the review process. Outline any
additional reviews your document may have already received. You should
be assigned a reviewer within the week. The reviews may take an
additional week each. For more information about this process, please
read <xref linkend="distribute" />.
If your document is not already in DocBook or LinuxDoc format, a
reviewer will convert it for you.
Once your document has been through each of the reviews a Review
Coordinator will approve addint it to the git repository, update the
version number to 1.0
and have the document published on the public Web site.
For more information about your final submission to the LDP, please
read <xref linkend="submission" />.
<tip><title>If you don't submit your document in DocBook format</title><para>
The volunteer adding markup to your document may choose any
accepted markup language. The Author Guide, however,
will refer only to DocBook. If you are submitting plain text or
some other format, please let the LDP know if you prefer to
maintain your document in either LinuxDoc or DocBook, which are the accepted formats for end-results.
<section id="mailinglists">
<title>Mailing Lists</title>
<para>You can subscribe to the following mailing lists:</para>
<listitem><para>First is <email>discuss@en.tldp.org</email>, which is the main
discussion group of the LDP.</para></listitem>
<listitem><para>Another is the <email>docbook@en.tldp.org</email> list, which is for
questions about DocBook use including markup and transformations. If you run into
trouble with a particular markup tag, you can send your question
here for answers.</para></listitem>
<para>You can subscribe to either list by sending a request
message to either <email>discuss-subscribe@en.tldp.org</email> or
<email>docbook-subscribe@en.tldp.org</email>. The subject of your message should read
<quote>subscribe</quote> (no quotes). To
remove yourself from the list, send an E-mail with the subject of
<quote>unsubscribe</quote> to
<email>discuss-unsubscribe@en.tldp.org</email> or
If you are interested in DocBook beyond the simple markup of your
LDP document, you may want to consider joining one of the <ulink
url="http://www.oasis-open.org/">OASIS</ulink> DocBook mailing
lists. Please see <ulink
for more information.