
1624 lines
56 KiB
Executable File

# This file is part of the Lampadas Documentation System.
# Copyright (c) 2000, 2001, 2002 David Merrill <david@lupercalia.net>.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
Lampadas Object Hierarchy Module
This module defines Data Objects (Users, Docs, Notes, Topics, etc.)
for the Lampadas system. All access to the underlying database should be
performed through this layer.
# Modules
# FIXME import * is considered evil for you can pollute your namespace if
# the imported module changes or makes a mistake --nico
from Globals import *
from Config import config
from Database import db
from Log import log
from BaseClasses import *
from SourceFiles import sourcefiles
from ErrorTypes import errortypes
from Errors import errors
from Languages import languages
import string
import os.path
from sqlgen import sqlgen
# Lampadas
class Lampadas:
This is the top level container class for all Lampadas objects.
While you can also create User, Doc, and other classes independently,
this class can be instantiated and all those objects accessed as part
of a single object hierarchy.
Using this method gives you complete data caching capabilities and a
single, global access route to all Lampadas data.
def __init__(self):
def user(self, username):
return User(username)
def load(self):
log(3, 'Loading Lampadas data')
self.types = Types()
self.docs = Docs()
self.roles = Roles()
self.licenses = Licenses()
self.dtds = DTDs()
self.formats = Formats()
self.languages = languages
self.pub_statuses = PubStatuses()
self.review_statuses = ReviewStatuses()
self.topics = Topics()
self.collections = Collections()
self.users = Users()
# Roles
class Roles(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all roles.
def load(self):
sql = "SELECT role_code FROM role"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
role = Role()
self.data[role.code] = role
sql = "SELECT role_code, lang, role_name, role_desc FROM role_i18n"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
role_code = trim(row[0])
role = self[role_code]
lang = row[1]
role.name[lang] = trim(row[2])
role.description[lang] = trim(row[3])
class Role:
A role is a way of identifying the role a user plays in the production
of a document.
def __init__(self, role_code=None):
self.name = LampadasCollection()
self.description = LampadasCollection()
if role_code==None: return
self.code = role_code
def load_row(self, row):
self.code = trim(row[0])
# Collections
class Collections(LampadasCollection):
"""A collection object of all document collections."""
def load(self):
sql = "SELECT collection_code, sort_order FROM collection"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
collection = Collection()
self.data[collection.code] = collection
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT collection_code, lang, collection_name, collection_desc FROM collection_i18n"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
collection_code = trim(row[0])
collection = self[collection_code]
lang = row[1]
collection.name[lang] = trim(row[2])
collection.description[lang] = trim(row[3])
class Collection:
"""A collection is an arbitrary set of documents."""
def __init__(self, collection_code=None):
self.name = LampadasCollection()
self.description = LampadasCollection()
if collection_code==None: return
self.code = collection_code
def load_row(self, row):
self.code = trim(row[0])
self.sort_order = row[1]
# Types
class Types(LampadasCollection):
A type object of all document classes (HOWTO, FAQ, etc).
def load(self):
sql = "SELECT type_code, sort_order FROM type"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
type = Type()
self.data[type.code] = type
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT type_code, lang, type_name, type_desc FROM type_i18n"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
type_code = trim(row[0])
type = self[type_code]
lang = row[1]
type.name[lang] = trim(row[2])
type.description[lang] = trim(row[3])
class Type:
A type is a way of identifying the type of a document, such as a
User's Guide, a HOWTO, or a FAQ List.
def __init__(self, type_code=None):
self.name = LampadasCollection()
self.description = LampadasCollection()
if type_code==None: return
self.code = type_code
def load_row(self, row):
self.code = trim(row[0])
self.sort_order = row[1]
# Documents
class Docs(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to all documents.
def load(self):
sql = "SELECT doc_id, title, short_title, type_code, format_code, dtd_code, dtd_version, version, last_update, isbn, pub_status_code, review_status_code, tickle_date, pub_date, tech_review_status_code, maintained, maintainer_wanted, license_code, license_version, copyright_holder, abstract, short_desc, rating, lang, sk_seriesid, replaced_by_id, lint_time, pub_time, mirror_time FROM document"
cursor = db.select(sql)
self.languages = LampadasCollection()
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doc = Doc()
self.adjust_lang_count(doc.lang, 1)
doc.errors.doc_id = doc.id
doc.files.doc_id = doc.id
doc.users.doc_id = doc.id
doc.versions.doc_id = doc.id
doc.ratings.doc_id = doc.id
doc.topics.doc_id = doc.id
doc.notes.doc_id = doc.id
self[doc.id] = doc
def load_errors(self):
sql = "SELECT doc_id, err_id, date_entered, notes FROM document_error"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doc_id = row[0]
doc = self[doc_id]
docerr = DocErr()
doc.errors[docerr.err_id] = docerr
def load_users(self):
sql = "SELECT doc_id, username, role_code, email, active FROM document_user"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doc_id = row[0]
doc = self[doc_id]
docuser = DocUser()
doc.users[docuser.username] = docuser
def load_docfiles(self):
sql = "SELECT doc_id, filename, top FROM document_file"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doc_id = row[0]
doc = self[doc_id]
docfile = DocFile()
doc.files[docfile.filename] = docfile
for doc_id in self.keys():
def load_versions(self):
sql = "SELECT doc_id, rev_id, version, pub_date, initials, notes FROM document_rev"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doc_id = row[0]
doc = self[doc_id]
docversion = DocVersion()
doc.versions[docversion.id] = docversion
def load_ratings(self):
sql = "SELECT doc_id, username, date_entered, vote FROM doc_vote"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doc_id = row[0]
doc = self[doc_id]
doc.ratings.parent = doc
docrating = DocRating()
doc.ratings[docrating.username] = docrating
def load_topics(self):
sql = "SELECT doc_id, topic_code FROM document_topic"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doc_id = row[0]
doc = self[doc_id]
doctopic = DocTopic()
doc.topics[doctopic.topic_code] = doctopic
def load_collections(self):
sql = "SELECT doc_id, collection_code FROM document_collection"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doc_id = row[0]
doc = self[doc_id]
doccollection = DocCollection()
doc.collections[doccollection.collection_code] = doccollection
def load_notes(self):
sql = 'SELECT note_id, doc_id, date_entered, notes, creator FROM notes'
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doc_id = row[1]
doc = self[doc_id]
docnote = DocNote()
doc.notes[docnote.id] = docnote
def adjust_lang_count(self, lang_code, delta):
Increment or decrement the document count for a language.
if self.languages[lang_code]==None:
self.languages[lang_code] = 0
self.languages[lang_code] = self.languages[lang_code] + delta
# FIXME: try instantiating a new document, then adding *it* to the collection,
# rather than passing in all these parameters. --nico
def add(self, title, short_title, type_code, format_code, dtd_code, dtd_version, version, last_update, isbn, pub_status_code, review_status_code, tickle_date, pub_date, tech_review_status_code, license_code, license_version, copyright_holder, abstract, short_desc, lang, sk_seriesid, replaced_by_id, lint_time, pub_time, mirror_time):
id = db.next_id('document', 'doc_id')
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "INSERT INTO document(doc_id, title, short_title, type_code, format_code, dtd_code, dtd_version, version, last_update, isbn, pub_status_code, review_status_code, tickle_date, pub_date, tech_review_status_code, license_code, license_version, copyright_holder, abstract, short_desc, lang, sk_seriesid, replaced_by_id, lint_time, pub_time, mirror_time) VALUES (" + str(id) + ", " + wsq(title) + ", " + wsq(short_title) + ', ' + wsq(type_code) + ", " + wsq(format_code) + ", " + wsq(dtd_code) + ", " + wsq(dtd_version) + ", " + wsq(version) + ", " + wsq(last_update) + ", " + wsq(isbn) + ", " + wsq(pub_status_code) + ", " + wsq(review_status_code) + ", " + wsq(tickle_date) + ", " + wsq(pub_date) + ", " + wsq(tech_review_status_code) + ", " + wsq(license_code) + ", " + wsq(license_version) + ', ' + wsq(copyright_holder) + ', ' + wsq(abstract) + ", " + wsq(short_desc) + ', ' + wsq(lang) + ", " + wsq(sk_seriesid) + ', ' + str(replaced_by_id) + ', ' + wsq(lint_time) + ', ' + wsq(pub_time) + ', ' + wsq(mirror_time) + ')'
assert db.runsql(sql)==1
doc = Doc(id)
self[id] = doc
self.adjust_lang_count(doc.lang, 1)
return doc
def delete(self, id):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
doc = self[id]
if doc==None:
# Delete dependent data first!
self.adjust_lang_count(doc.lang, -1)
sql = ('DELETE from document WHERE doc_id=' + str(id))
assert db.runsql(sql)==1
del self[id]
class Doc:
A document in any format, whether local or remote.
def __init__(self, id=0):
self.id = id
self.title = ''
self.short_title = ''
self.type_code = ''
self.format_code = ''
self.dtd_code = ''
self.dtd_version = ''
self.version = ''
self.last_update = ''
self.isbn = ''
self.pub_status_code = ''
self.review_status_code = ''
self.tickle_date = ''
self.pub_date = ''
self.tech_review_status_code = ''
self.maintained = 0
self.maintainer_wanted = ''
self.license_code = ''
self.license_version = ''
self.copyright_holder = ''
self.abstract = ''
self.short_desc = ''
self.rating = 0
self.lang = ''
self.sk_seriesid = ''
self.replaced_by_id = 0
self.lint_time = ''
self.pub_time = ''
self.mirror_time = ''
self.errors = DocErrs()
self.errors.doc_id = self.id
self.files = DocFiles()
self.files.doc_id = self.id
self.users = DocUsers()
self.users.doc_id = self.id
self.versions = DocVersions()
self.versions.doc_id = self.id
self.ratings = DocRatings()
self.ratings.doc_id = self.id
self.ratings.parent = self.id
self.topics = DocTopics()
self.topics.doc_id = self.id
self.collections = DocCollections()
self.collections.doc_id = self.id
self.notes = DocNotes()
self.notes.doc_id = self.id
if id==0: return
def load(self, id):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT doc_id, title, short_title, type_code, format_code, dtd_code, dtd_version, version, last_update, isbn, pub_status_code, review_status_code, tickle_date, pub_date, tech_review_status_code, maintained, maintainer_wanted, license_code, license_version, copyright_holder, abstract, short_desc, rating, lang, sk_seriesid, replaced_by_id, lint_time, pub_time, mirror_time FROM document WHERE doc_id=" + str(id)
cursor = db.select(sql)
row = cursor.fetchone()
self.errors = DocErrs(self.id)
self.files = DocFiles(self.id)
self.users = DocUsers(self.id)
self.versions = DocVersions(self.id)
self.ratings = DocRatings(self.id)
self.ratings.parent = self
self.topics = DocTopics(self.id)
self.collections = DocCollections(self.id)
self.notes = DocNotes(self.id)
def load_row(self, row):
self.id = row[0]
self.title = trim(row[1])
self.short_title = trim(row[2])
self.type_code = trim(row[3])
self.format_code = trim(row[4])
self.dtd_code = trim(row[5])
self.dtd_version = trim(row[6])
self.version = trim(row[7])
self.last_update = date2str(row[8])
self.isbn = trim(row[9])
self.pub_status_code = trim(row[10])
self.review_status_code = trim(row[11])
self.tickle_date = date2str(row[12])
self.pub_date = date2str(row[13])
self.tech_review_status_code = trim(row[14])
self.maintained = tf2bool(row[15])
self.maintainer_wanted = tf2bool(row[16])
self.license_code = trim(row[17])
self.license_version = trim(row[18])
self.copyright_holder = trim(row[19])
self.abstract = trim(row[20])
self.short_desc = trim(row[21])
self.rating = safeint(row[22])
self.lang = trim(row[23])
self.sk_seriesid = trim(row[24])
self.replaced_by_id = safeint(row[25])
self.lint_time = time2str(row[26])
self.pub_time = time2str(row[27])
self.mirror_time = time2str(row[28])
def save(self):
FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
# Always recalculate the rating when saving a document.
sql = "UPDATE document SET title=" + wsq(self.title) + ', short_title=' + wsq(self.short_title) + ", type_code=" + wsq(self.type_code) + ", format_code=" + wsq(self.format_code) + ", dtd_code=" + wsq(self.dtd_code) + ", dtd_version=" + wsq(self.dtd_version) + ", version=" + wsq(self.version) + ", last_update=" + wsq(self.last_update) + ", isbn=" + wsq(self.isbn) + ", pub_status_code=" + wsq(self.pub_status_code) + ", review_status_code=" + wsq(self.review_status_code) + ", tickle_date=" + wsq(self.tickle_date) + ", pub_date=" + wsq(self.pub_date) + ", tech_review_status_code=" + wsq(self.tech_review_status_code) + ", maintained=" + wsq(bool2tf(self.maintained)) + ', maintainer_wanted=' + wsq(bool2tf(self.maintainer_wanted)) + ", license_code=" + wsq(self.license_code) + ', license_version=' + wsq(self.license_version) + ', copyright_holder=' + wsq(self.copyright_holder) + ", abstract=" + wsq(self.abstract) + ', short_desc=' + wsq(self.short_desc) + ", rating=" + dbint(self.rating) + ", lang=" + wsq(self.lang) + ", sk_seriesid=" + wsq(self.sk_seriesid) + ', replaced_by_id=' + str(self.replaced_by_id) + ', lint_time=' + wsq(self.lint_time) + ', pub_time=' + wsq(self.pub_time) + ', mirror_time=' + wsq(self.mirror_time) + ' WHERE doc_id=' + str(self.id)
def calc_rating(self):
self.rating = 0
count = 0
if self.ratings.count() > 0:
keys = self.ratings.keys()
for key in keys:
self.rating = self.rating + self.ratings[key].rating
count = count + 1
self.rating = self.rating / count
def find_top_file(self):
for filename in self.files.keys():
docfile = self.files[filename]
if docfile.top==1:
return docfile
# DocErrs
class DocErrs(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to all document errors, as identified by the
Lintadas subsystem.
def __init__(self, doc_id=0):
self.data = {}
self.doc_id = doc_id
if doc_id > 0:
def load(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT doc_id, err_id, date_entered, notes FROM document_error WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doc_err = DocErr()
self.data[doc_err.err_id] = doc_err
def count(self, err_type_code=None):
if err_type_code==None:
return len(self)
i = 0
for key in self.keys():
if errors[key].err_type_code==err_type_code:
i = i + 1
return i
def clear(self, err_type_code=None):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sqlbase = "DELETE FROM document_error WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
if err_type_code==None:
self.data = {}
errortype = errortypes[err_type_code]
for key in errors.keys():
error = errors[key]
if error.err_type_code==err_type_code:
sql = sqlbase + ' AND err_id=' + str(error.id)
if self[error.id]:
del self[error.id]
# FIXME: Try instantiating a DocErr object, then adding it to the *document*
# rather than passing all these parameters here. --nico
def add(self, err_id, notes=''):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "INSERT INTO document_error(doc_id, err_id, notes) VALUES (" + str(self.doc_id) + ", " + str(err_id) + ', ' + wsq(notes) + ')'
assert db.runsql(sql)==1
doc_err = DocErr()
doc_err.doc_id = self.doc_id
doc_err.err_id = err_id
doc_err.date_entered = now_string()
doc_err.notes = notes
self.data[doc_err.err_id] = doc_err
class DocErr:
An error filed against a document by the Lintadas subsystem.
def load_row(self, row):
self.doc_id = safeint(row[0])
self.err_id = safeint(row[1])
self.date_entered = time2str(row[2])
self.notes = trim(row[3])
# DocFiles
class DocFiles(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to all document source files.
def __init__(self, doc_id=0):
self.data = {}
self.doc_id = doc_id
if doc_id > 0:
def load(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT doc_id, filename, top FROM document_file WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
docfile = DocFile()
self.data[docfile.filename] = docfile
def add(self, doc_id, filename, top):
# First, add a sourcefile record if it doesn't exist
sourcefile = sourcefiles[filename]
if sourcefile==None:
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'INSERT INTO document_file (doc_id, filename, top) VALUES (' + str(doc_id) + ', ' + wsq(filename) + ', ' + wsq(bool2tf(top)) + ')'
assert db.runsql(sql)==1
file = DocFile()
file.doc_id = doc_id
file.filename = filename
file.top = top
self.data[file.filename] = file
return file
def delete(self, filename):
file = self[filename]
sql = "DELETE FROM document_file WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id) + " AND filename=" + wsq(filename)
del self.data[filename]
def save(self):
for key in self.keys():
def clear(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "DELETE FROM document_file WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
self.data = {}
def count_errors(self):
self.error_count = 0
for key in self.keys():
sourcefile = sourcefiles[key]
self.error_count = self.error_count + sourcefile.errors.count()
class DocFile:
An association between a document and a file.
def __init__(self, filename=''):
self.filename = filename
if filename=='': return
def load(self):
sql = 'SELECT doc_id, filename, top FROM document_file WHERE doc_id=' + str(self.doc_id) + ' AND filename=' + wsq(self.filename)
cursor = db.select(sql)
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: return
def load_row(self, row):
self.doc_id = row[0]
self.filename = trim(row[1])
self.top = tf2bool(row[2])
def save(self):
# FIXME -- trying to start replacing wsq(), etc. --nico
#sql = 'UPDATE document_file SET top=' + wsq(bool2tf(self.top)) + ', format_code=' + wsq(self.format_code) + ' WHERE doc_id='+ str(self.doc_id) + ' AND filename='+ wsq(self.filename)
dict = {'doc_id':self.doc_id,
sql = sqlgen.update('document_file',dict,['doc_id','filename'])
# DocUsers
class DocUsers(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to all document volunteers.
def __init__(self, doc_id=0):
self.data = {}
self.doc_id = doc_id
if doc_id > 0:
def load(self):
sql = "SELECT doc_id, username, role_code, email, active FROM document_user WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
docuser = DocUser()
self.data[docuser.username] = docuser
def add(self, username, role_code='author', email='', active=1):
sql = 'INSERT INTO document_user (doc_id, username, role_code, email, active) VALUES (' + str(self.doc_id) + ', ' + wsq(username) + ', ' + wsq(role_code) + ', ' + wsq(email) + ', ' + wsq(bool2tf(active)) + ')'
docuser = DocUser()
docuser.doc_id = self.doc_id
docuser.username = username
docuser.role_code = role_code
docuser.email = email
docuser.active = active
self.data[docuser.username] = docuser
def delete(self, username):
sql = 'DELETE FROM document_user WHERE doc_id=' + str(self.doc_id) + ' AND username=' + wsq(username)
del self.data[username]
def clear(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "DELETE FROM document_user WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
self.data = {}
class DocUser:
An association between a document and a user.
def load_row(self, row):
self.doc_id = row[0]
self.username = trim(row[1])
self.role_code = trim(row[2])
self.email = trim(row[3])
self.active = tf2bool(row[4])
def save(self):
FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'UPDATE document_user SET role_code=' + wsq(self.role_code) + ', email=' + wsq(self.email) + ', active=' + wsq(bool2tf(self.active)) + ' WHERE doc_id='+ str(self.doc_id) + ' AND username='+ wsq(self.username)
def delete(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "DELETE FROM document_user WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id) + " AND username=" + wsq(self.username)
# DocRatings
class DocRatings(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to all ratings placed on documents by users.
def __init__(self, doc_id=0):
self.data = {}
self.doc_id = doc_id
if doc_id > 0:
def load(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT doc_id, username, date_entered, vote FROM doc_vote WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
docrating = DocRating()
self.doc_id = docrating.doc_id
self.data[docrating.username] = docrating
def add(self, username, rating):
docrating = DocRating()
docrating.doc_id = self.doc_id
docrating.username = username
docrating.date_entered = now_string()
docrating.rating = rating
self.data[docrating.username] = docrating
def delete(self, username):
if self.data[username]==None: return
del self.data[username]
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'DELETE FROM doc_vote WHERE doc_id=' + str(self.doc_id) + ' AND username=' + wsq(username)
def clear(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "DELETE FROM doc_vote WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
self.data = {}
class DocRating:
A rating of a document, assigned by a registered user.
def load_row(self, row):
assert not row==None
self.doc_id = row[0]
self.username = row[1]
self.date_entered = time2str(row[2])
self.rating = row[3]
def save(self):
FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "DELETE from doc_vote WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id) + " AND username=" + wsq(self.username)
sql = "INSERT INTO doc_vote (doc_id, username, vote) VALUES (" + str(self.doc_id) + ", " + wsq(self.username) + ", " + str(self.rating) + ")"
# DocVersions
class DocVersions(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to document revisions.
def __init__(self, doc_id=0):
self.doc_id = doc_id
if doc_id > 0:
def load(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT doc_id, rev_id, version, pub_date, initials, notes FROM document_rev WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
docversion = DocVersion()
self.data[docversion.id] = docversion
def add(self, version, pub_date, initials, notes):
newrev_id = db.next_id('document_rev', 'rev_id')
sql = 'INSERT INTO document_rev(doc_id, rev_id, version, pub_date, initials, notes) VALUES (' + str(self.doc_id) + ', ' + str(newrev_id) + ', ' + wsq(version) + ', ' + wsq(pub_date) + ', ' + wsq(initials) + ', ' + wsq(notes) + ')'
docversion = DocVersion()
docversion.id = newrev_id
docversion.doc_id = self.doc_id
docversion.version = version
docversion.pub_date = pub_date
docversion.initials = initials
docversion.notes = notes
self.data[docversion.id] = docversion
def delete(self, rev_id):
sql = 'DELETE FROM document_rev WHERE rev_id=' + str(rev_id)
del self.data[rev_id]
def clear(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "DELETE FROM document_rev WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
self.data = {}
class DocVersion:
A release of the document.
def load_row(self, row):
self.doc_id = row[0]
self.id = row[1]
self.version = trim(row[2])
self.pub_date = date2str(row[3])
self.initials = trim(row[4])
self.notes = trim(row[5])
def save(self):
FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "UPDATE document_rev SET version=" + wsq(self.version) + ", pub_date=" + wsq(self.pub_date) + ", initials=" + wsq(self.initials) + ", notes=" + wsq(self.notes) + "WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id) + " AND rev_id=" + str(self.id)
assert db.runsql(sql)==1
# DocTopics
class DocTopics(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to document topics.
def __init__(self, doc_id=0):
self.doc_id = doc_id
if doc_id > 0:
def load(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT doc_id, topic_code FROM document_topic WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doctopic = DocTopic()
self.data[doctopic.topic_code] = doctopic
def add(self, topic_code):
sql = 'INSERT INTO document_topic(doc_id, topic_code) VALUES (' + str(self.doc_id) + ', ' + wsq(topic_code) + ')'
doctopic = DocTopic()
doctopic.doc_id = self.doc_id
doctopic.topic_code = topic_code
self.data[doctopic.topic_code] = doctopic
def delete(self, topic_code):
sql = 'DELETE FROM document_topic WHERE doc_id=' + str(self.doc_id) + ' AND topic_code=' + wsq(topic_code)
del self.data[topic_code]
def clear(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "DELETE FROM document_topic WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
self.data = {}
class DocTopic:
A topic for the document.
def load_row(self, row):
self.doc_id = row[0]
self.topic_code = trim(row[1])
# DocCollections
class DocCollections(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to document collections.
def __init__(self, doc_id=0):
self.doc_id = doc_id
if doc_id > 0:
def load(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT doc_id, collection_code FROM document_collection WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
doccollection = DocCollection()
self.data[doccollection.collection_code] = doccollection
def add(self, collection_code):
sql = 'INSERT INTO document_collection(doc_id, collection_code) VALUES (' + str(self.doc_id) + ', ' + wsq(collection_code) + ')'
doccollection = DocCollection()
doccollection.doc_id = self.doc_id
doccollection.collection_code = collection_code
self.data[doccollection.collection_code] = doccollection
def delete(self, collection_code):
sql = 'DELETE FROM document_collection WHERE doc_id=' + str(self.doc_id) + ' AND collection_code=' + wsq(collection_code)
del self.data[collection_code]
def clear(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "DELETE FROM document_collection WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
self.data = {}
class DocCollection:
A collection for the document.
def load_row(self, row):
self.doc_id = row[0]
self.collection_code = trim(row[1])
# DocNotes
class DocNotes(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to document notes.
def __init__(self, doc_id=0):
self.data = {}
self.doc_id = doc_id
if doc_id > 0:
def load(self):
self.data = {}
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'SELECT note_id, doc_id, date_entered, notes, creator FROM notes WHERE doc_id=' + str(self.doc_id)
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
docnote = DocNote()
self[docnote.id] = docnote
def add(self, notes, creator):
note_id = db.next_id('notes', 'note_id')
sql = 'INSERT INTO notes(note_id, doc_id, notes, creator) VALUES (' + str(note_id) + ', ' + str(self.doc_id) + ', ' + wsq(notes) + ', ' + wsq(creator) + ')'
docnote = DocNote()
docnote.id = note_id
docnote.doc_id = self.doc_id
docnote.date_entered = now_string()
docnote.notes = notes
docnote.creator = creator
self.data[docnote.id] = docnote
def delete(self, note_id):
sql = 'DELETE FROM notes WHERE note_id=' + str(note_id)
del self.data[note_id]
def clear(self):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "DELETE FROM notes WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id)
self.data = {}
class DocNote:
A note for the document.
def load_row(self, row):
self.id = row[0]
self.doc_id = row[1]
self.date_entered = time2str(row[2])
self.notes = trim(row[3])
self.creator = trim(row[4])
# Licenses
class Licenses(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all licenses.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
def load(self):
sql = "SELECT license_code, free, sort_order from license"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
license = License()
self.data[license.code] = license
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'SELECT license_code, lang, license_short_name, license_name, license_desc FROM license_i18n'
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
license_code = trim(row[0])
license = self[license_code]
lang = row[1]
license.short_name[lang] = trim(row[2])
license.name[lang] = trim(row[3])
license.description[lang] = trim(row[4])
class License:
A documentation or software license.
def __init__(self, license_code=None, free=None):
self.short_name = LampadasCollection()
self.name = LampadasCollection()
self.description = LampadasCollection()
if license_code==None: return
self.code = license_code
self.free = free
def load_row(self, row):
self.code = trim(row[0])
self.free = tf2bool(row[1])
self.sort_order = row[2]
# DTDs
class DTDs(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all DTDs.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
def load(self):
sql = "SELECT dtd_code from dtd"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
newDTD = DTD()
self.data[newDTD.code] = newDTD
class DTD:
A Data Type Definition, for SGML and XML documents.
def __init__(self, dtd_code=''):
self.code = dtd_code
if dtd_code=='': return
def load(self):
sql = 'SELECT dtd_code FROM dtd WHERE dtd_code=' + wsq(dtd_code)
cursor = db.select(sql)
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: return
def load_row(self, row):
self.code = trim(row[0])
# Formats
class Formats(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all formats.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
def load(self):
sql = 'SELECT format_code FROM format'
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
format = Format()
self.data[format.code] = format
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT format_code, lang, format_name, format_desc FROM format_i18n"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
format_code = trim(row[0])
format = self[format_code]
lang = row[1]
format.name[lang] = trim(row[2])
format.description[lang] = trim(row[3])
class Format:
A file format, for document source files.
def __init__(self):
self.name = LampadasCollection()
self.description = LampadasCollection()
def load_row(self, row):
self.code = trim(row[0])
# PubStatuses
class PubStatuses(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all publication statuses.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
def load(self):
sql = "SELECT pub_status_code, sort_order FROM pub_status"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
newPubStatus = PubStatus()
self.data[newPubStatus.code] = newPubStatus
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT pub_status_code, lang, pub_status_name, pub_status_desc FROM pub_status_i18n"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
pub_status_code = trim(row[0])
pub_status = self[pub_status_code]
lang = row[1]
pub_status.name[lang] = trim(row[2])
pub_status.description[lang] = trim(row[3])
class PubStatus:
The Publication Status defines where in the publication process a
document is.
def __init__(self, pub_status_code=None):
self.name = LampadasCollection()
self.description = LampadasCollection()
if pub_status_code==None: return
self.code = pub_status_code
def load_row(self, row):
self.code = trim(row[0])
self.sort_order = row[1]
# ReviewStatuses
class ReviewStatuses(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all publication statuses.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
def load(self):
sql = "SELECT review_status_code, sort_order FROM review_status"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
review_status = ReviewStatus()
self.data[review_status.code] = review_status
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT review_status_code, lang, review_status_name, review_status_desc FROM review_status_i18n"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
review_status_code = trim(row[0])
review_status = self[review_status_code]
lang = row[1]
review_status.name[lang] = trim(row[2])
review_status.description[lang] = trim(row[3])
class ReviewStatus:
The Review Status defines where in the review process a
document is.
def __init__(self, review_status_code=None):
self.name = LampadasCollection()
self.description = LampadasCollection()
if review_status_code==None: return
self.code = review_status_code
def load_row(self, row):
self.code = trim(row[0])
self.sort_order = row[1]
# Topics
class Topics(LampadasCollection):
A collection object of all topics.
def __init__(self):
self.data = {}
def load(self):
sql = "SELECT parent_code, topic_code, sort_order FROM topic"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
topic = Topic()
self.data[topic.code] = topic
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT topic_code, lang, topic_name, topic_desc FROM topic_i18n"
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
topic_code = trim(row[0])
topic = self[topic_code]
lang = row[1]
topic.name[lang] = trim(row[2])
topic.description[lang] = trim(row[3])
def calc_titles(self):
for topic_code in self.sort_by('sort_order'):
topic = self[topic_code]
topic.title = LampadasCollection()
parent_code = topic.parent_code
for lang in languages.supported_keys():
topic.title[lang] = ''
if parent_code > '':
topic.title[lang] = self[parent_code].title[lang] + ': '
topic.title[lang] = topic.title[lang] + topic.name[lang]
class Topic:
Each document can be assigned an arbitrary number of topics.
The web interface allows a user to browse through document topics,
to help them find a document on the subject in which they are interested.
def __init__(self, parent_code='', topic_code='', sort_order=0):
self.name = LampadasCollection()
self.description = LampadasCollection()
self.parent_code = parent_code
self.code = topic_code
self.sort_order = sort_order
self.docs = TopicDocs(topic_code)
def load_row(self, row):
self.parent_code = trim(row[0])
self.code = trim(row[1])
self.sort_order = safeint(row[2])
self.docs = TopicDocs(self.code)
# SubtopicDocs
class TopicDocs(LampadasCollection):
def __init__(self, topic_code):
self.data = {}
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'SELECT doc_id FROM document_topic WHERE topic_code=' + wsq(topic_code)
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
topicdoc = TopicDoc()
topicdoc.topic_code = topic_code
topicdoc.doc_id = row[0]
self.data[topicdoc.doc_id] = topicdoc
class TopicDoc:
def __init__(self):
# UserDocs
class UserDocs(LampadasCollection):
A collection object providing access to all user document associations.
def __init__(self, username):
self.data = {}
self.username = username
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "SELECT doc_id, username, role_code, email, active FROM document_user WHERE username=" + wsq(username)
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
newUserDoc = UserDoc()
self.data[newUserDoc.doc_id] = newUserDoc
def add(self, doc_id, role_code, email, active):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "INSERT INTO document_user(doc_id, username, role_code, email, active) VALUES (" + str(doc_id) + ", " + wsq(self.username) + ", " + wsq(role_code) + ", " + wsq(email) + ", " + wsq(bool2tf(active)) + " )"
assert db.runsql(sql)==1
newUserDoc = UserDoc()
self.data[doc_id] = newUserDoc
def delete(self, doc_id):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'DELETE from document_user WHERE doc_id=' + str(doc_id) + ' AND username=' + wsq(self.username)
assert db.runsql(sql)==1
del self.data[doc_id]
class UserDoc:
An association between a user and a document. This association defines the role
which the user plays in the production of the document.
def load_row(self, row):
self.doc_id = row[0]
self.username = trim(row[1])
self.role = trim(row[2])
self.email = trim(row[3])
self.active = tf2bool(row[4])
def save(self):
FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "UPDATE document_user SET role=" + wsq(self.role) + ", email=" + wsq(self.email) + ", active=" + wsq(bool2tf(self.active)) + " WHERE doc_id=" + str(self.doc_id) + " AND username=" + wsq(self.username)
# Users
class Users:
A collection object providing access to registered users.
def __getitem__(self, username):
user = User(username)
if user.username==username:
return User(username)
return None
def count(self):
return db.read_value('SELECT count(*) from username')
def add(self, username, first_name, middle_name, surname, email, admin, sysadmin, password, notes, stylesheet):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = "INSERT INTO username (username, first_name, middle_name, surname, email, admin, sysadmin, password, notes, stylesheet) VALUES (" + wsq(username) + ", " + wsq(first_name) + ", " + wsq(middle_name) + ", " + wsq(surname) + ", " + wsq(email) + ", " + wsq(bool2tf(admin)) + ", " + wsq(bool2tf(sysadmin)) + ", " + wsq(password) + ", " + wsq(notes) + ", " + wsq(stylesheet) + ")"
assert db.runsql(sql)==1
user = self[username]
return user
def delete(self, username):
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'DELETE from username WHERE username=' + wsq(username)
assert db.runsql(sql)==1
def is_email_taken(self, email):
value = db.read_value('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM username WHERE email=' + wsq(email))
return value
def find_session_user(self, session_id):
Looks a session_id up in the username table, to see which user owns the session.
log(3, 'looking for user session: ' + session_id)
if session_id > '':
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'SELECT username FROM username WHERE session_id=' + wsq(session_id)
cursor = db.select(sql)
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row:
log(3, 'found user session: ' + row[0])
return trim(row[0])
return ''
def find_email_user(self, email):
sql = 'SELECT username FROM username WHERE email=' + wsq(email)
cursor = db.select(sql)
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row:
username = trim(row[0])
user = self[username]
return user
def letter_keys(self, letter):
keys = []
sql = 'SELECT username FROM username WHERE upper(substr(username,1,1))=' + wsq(letter.upper())
cursor = db.select(sql)
while (1):
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None: break
username = trim(row[0])
keys = keys + [username]
return keys
class User:
A user who is known by the system can login to manipulate documents
and act on the database according to his rights.
def __init__(self, username='') :
self.username = ''
self.session_id = ''
self.first_name = ''
self.middle_name = ''
self.surname = ''
self.email = ''
self.admin = 0
self.sysadmin = 0
self.password = ''
self.notes = ''
self.stylesheet = ''
self.name = ''
# FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'SELECT username, session_id, first_name, middle_name, surname, email, admin, sysadmin, password, notes, stylesheet FROM username WHERE username=' + wsq(username)
cursor = db.select(sql)
row = cursor.fetchone()
if row==None:
self.username = trim(row[0])
self.session_id = trim(row[1])
self.first_name = trim(row[2])
self.middle_name = trim(row[3])
self.surname = trim(row[4])
self.email = trim(row[5])
self.admin = tf2bool(row[6])
self.sysadmin = tf2bool(row[7])
self.password = trim(row[8])
self.notes = trim(row[9])
self.stylesheet = trim(row[10])
self.name = trim(trim(self.first_name + ' ' + self.middle_name) + ' ' + self.surname)
self.docs = UserDocs(self.username)
def save(self):
FIXME: use cursor.execute(sql,params) instead! --nico
sql = 'UPDATE username SET session_id=' + wsq(self.session_id) + ', first_name=' + wsq(self.first_name) + ', middle_name=' + wsq(self.middle_name) + ', surname=' + wsq(self.surname) + ', email=' + wsq(self.email) + ', admin=' + wsq(bool2tf(self.admin)) + ', sysadmin=' + wsq(bool2tf(self.sysadmin)) + ', password=' + wsq(self.password) + ', notes=' + wsq(self.notes) + ', stylesheet=' + wsq(self.stylesheet) + ' WHERE username=' + wsq(self.username)
def can_edit(self, doc_id=None, username=None):
if self.admin > 0 or self.sysadmin > 0:
return 1
if not doc_id==None:
if self.docs.has_key(doc_id):
return 1
if doc_id==0:
return 1
if not username==None:
if username==self.username:
return 1
return 0
lampadas = Lampadas()
# main
if __name__=='__main__' :