
342 lines
7.9 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -W
# (P) & (C) 2006 by Peter Bieringer <pb at bieringer dot de>
# This program extracts URLs from a Lyx file and checks them
# 20060822/PB: major improvement, add support for persistent XML database
use strict;
use Net::HTTP;
use Net::FTP;
use Net::NNTP;
use Crypt::SSLeay;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use XML::Dumper;
use Socket;
use Socket6;
my $debug = 0xffff & ~(0x20);
my %urls;
my $p_urls = \%urls;
my %hosts;
my $time = time;
my $dbfile;
my $dbfile_suffix = ".url-database.xml";
sub quote($) {
$_[0] =~ s/\`/#60/g;
$_[0] =~ s/[\200-\377]/\?/g;
return $_[0];
sub extract_urls($) {
print STDERR "DEBUG/extract_urls: open file: $_[0]\n";
open FILE, "<" . $_[0] || die "ERROR : can't open file: " . $_[0];
my $linecounter = 0;
while (<FILE>) {
chomp $_;
if ($_ =~ /LatexCommand \\url\[([^]]*)\]{([^}]*)}/) {
my ($url, $desc);
$desc = $1;
$url = $2;
print STDERR "DEBUG/extract_urls: desc='$desc' URL=$url\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
if (defined $$p_urls{$url}->{'line'}) {
print STDERR "DEBUG/extract_urls: URL already found earlier - skip\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
if ($$p_urls{$url}->{'time'} == $time) {
} else {
# from database, update now
$$p_urls{$url}->{'time'} = $time;
$$p_urls{$url}->{'line'} = $linecounter;
$$p_urls{$url}->{'desc'} = quote($desc);
} else {
$$p_urls{$url}->{'desc'} = quote($desc);
$$p_urls{$url}->{'time'} = $time;
$$p_urls{$url}->{'line'} = $linecounter;
sub load_urls() {
if (! -f $dbfile) {
print STDERR "DEBUG/load_urls: database file doesn't exist, skip load: $dbfile\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
return 2;
my $dump = new XML::Dumper;
print STDERR "DEBUG/load_urls: load database file: $dbfile\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
$p_urls = $dump->xml2pl($dbfile);
sub store_urls() {
my $dump = new XML::Dumper;
$dump->pl2xml($p_urls, $dbfile);
sub cleanup_old_urls() {
for my $url (keys %$p_urls) {
if ($$p_urls{$url}->{'time'} < $time) {
print STDERR "DEBUG/cleanup_old_urls: remove old URL from database: $url\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
my $p_h = $$p_urls{$url};
delete $$p_urls{$url};
sub check_ipv6only($$) {
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_ipv6only: begin\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_ipv6only: check: " . $_[0] . "\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
my ($family, $socktype, $proto, $saddr, $canonname, @res);
@res = getaddrinfo($_[0], $_[1], AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM);
if (scalar(@res) < 5) {
return 1;
my ($host, $port);
$family = -1;
while (scalar(@res) >= 5) {
($family, $socktype, $proto, $saddr, $canonname, @res) = @res;
($host, $port) = getnameinfo($saddr, NI_NUMERICHOST | NI_NUMERICSERV);
print STDERR "Trying to connect to $host port port $port...\n";
socket(Socket_Handle, $family, $socktype, $proto) || next;
connect(Socket_Handle, $saddr) && last;
$family = -1;
if ($family != -1) {
print STDERR "connected to $host port $port\n";
return 0;
} else {
warn "connect attempt failed\n";
return 1;
sub check_urls() {
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_urls: begin\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
for my $url (sort keys %$p_urls) {
if (defined $$p_urls{$url}->{'checktime'}) {
if ($$p_urls{$url}->{'checktime'} > $time - 60*60*24*7) {
if (defined $$p_urls{$url}->{'checkresult'} && $$p_urls{$url}->{'checkresult'} =~ /^ok/) {
# Checked during last 7 days - skip
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_urls: checked during last 7 days - skip: $url\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_urls: check now: $url\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
my ($host, $port);
my $desc = $$p_urls{$url}->{'desc'};
my $status = "undef";
# Extract host
my ($proto, $hostport, $uri) = $url =~ /^([^:]+):\/\/([^\/]+)(.*)$/;
if ($hostport =~ /^([^:]):([0-9]+)$/) {
$host = $1;
$port = $2;
} else {
$host = $hostport;
if ($proto eq "http") {
$port = 80;
} elsif ($proto eq "ftp") {
$port = 21;
} elsif ($proto eq "nntp") {
$port = 119;
} elsif ($proto eq "https") {
$port = 443;
# Strip trailing #
$uri =~ s/#.*//;
if (length($uri) == 0) {
$status = "URI is empty";
goto ("LABEL_PRINT");
my $s;
if ($proto eq "ftp") {
# Check FTP
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_urls: open FTP connection: $host:$port\n" if ($debug & 0x20);
$s = Net::FTP->new(Host => $host, Port => $port, Timeout => 30, Passive => 1);
if (! defined $s) {
$status = "Host not found";
if (! check_ipv6only($host,$port)) {
$status = "ok (IPv6 only)";
goto ("LABEL_PRINT");
if (!$s->login("anonymous",'-anonymous@')) {
$status = "FTP anonymous login failed";
goto ("LABEL_PRINT");
if (!$s->cwd($uri)) {
$status = "FTP can't change to directory $uri";
goto ("LABEL_PRINT");
$status = "ok";
} elsif ($proto eq "nntp") {
my $s = Net::NNTP->new(Host => $host, Timeout => 30);
if (! defined $s) {
$status = "Host not found";
if (! check_ipv6only($host,$port)) {
$status = "ok (IPv6 only)";
goto ("LABEL_PRINT");
$status = "ok";
} elsif ($proto eq "https") {
my $ua = new LWP::UserAgent;
my $req = new HTTP::Request('HEAD', $url);
my $res = $ua->request($req);
my $code = $res->code;
if ($code !~ /^[23]/) {
$status = "HTTPS reports: $code";
} else {
$status = "ok";
} elsif ($proto eq "http") {
# Check HTTP
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_urls: open HTTP connection: $host:$port\n" if ($debug & 0x20);
$s = Net::HTTP->new(Host => $host, PeerPort => $port, Timeout => 30);
if (! defined $s) {
$status = "Host not found";
if (! check_ipv6only($host,$port)) {
$status = "ok (IPv6 only)";
goto ("LABEL_PRINT");
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_urls: send HEAD request: $uri\n" if ($debug & 0x20);
if ($s->write_request(HEAD => $uri, 'User-Agent' => "Mozilla/5.0") == 0) {
$status = "trouble with uri";
goto ("LABEL_PRINT");
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_urls: wait for response\n" if ($debug & 0x20);
my($code, $mess, %h) = $s->read_response_headers;
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_urls: check response\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
if ($code !~ /^[23]/) {
$status = "HTTP reports: $code";
} else {
$status = "ok";
if ($status ne "ok") {
print "desc='$desc' URL=$url proto=$proto host=$host port=$port uri='$uri'";
print " status=$status\n\n";
$$p_urls{$url}->{'checktime'} = $time;
$$p_urls{$url}->{'checkresult'} = $status;
undef $s;
sub report_urls() {
print STDERR "DEBUG/report_urls: begin\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
for my $url (sort { $$p_urls{$a}->{'line'} <=> $$p_urls{$b}->{'line'} } ( keys %$p_urls)) {
if ($$p_urls{$url}->{'checkresult'} =~ /^ok/) {
print "NOTICE: URL has a problem: $url\n";
print " Description : " . $$p_urls{$url}->{'desc'} . "\n";
print " Line number : " . $$p_urls{$url}->{'line'} . "\n";
print " Result : " . $$p_urls{$url}->{'checkresult'} . "\n";
print "\n";
sub check_rfc_urls() {
print STDERR "DEBUG/check_rfc_urls: begin\n" if ($debug & 0x10);
for my $url (sort { $$p_urls{$a}->{'line'} <=> $$p_urls{$b}->{'line'} } ( keys %$p_urls)) {
if ($url =~ /rfc[0-9]{1,4}/) {
print "NOTICE: URL points to RFC: $url\n";
print " Description : " . $$p_urls{$url}->{'desc'} . "\n";
print " Line number : " . $$p_urls{$url}->{'line'} . "\n";
print "\n";
##### Main
if (! defined $ARGV[0] || $ARGV[0] eq "") {
die "Missing file name (arg1)";
if (! -f $ARGV[0]) {
die "Argument 1 is not an existing file: " . $ARGV[0];
$dbfile = $ARGV[0] . $dbfile_suffix;