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<appendix id="cvs">
<title>Concurrent Version System (CVS)</title>
You can browse the LDP CVS repository via the web at <ulink
<section id="getaccount">
<title> Getting a CVS account </title>
<title>CVS accounts will not be granted to all applicants</title>
<para>To be granted a CVS account you must qualify under one of the following categories:</para>
<para>authors with documents already in the collection who have made a minimum of three submits to the LDP through <email>submit@en.tldp.org</email></para>
<para>technical and language reviewers approved by one of the Review Coordinators</para>
<para>new authors in the review process (also requires approval from one of the Review Coordinators)</para>
<para>Please do not apply for a CVS account if you do not qualify.</para>
If you qualify for a CVS account you may apply for one contacting CVS master Sergiusz <ulink url="mailto:ser@gnu.org" />
Include information about which documents you maintain.
<section id="usingcvs">
<title>Using CVS</title>
<section id="cvs-setup">
<title>Setting Up Your CVS Account</title>
<para> First you'll need to get an account at the LDP's CVS
Repository. Please see the notes above on obtaining an account. This repository houses various documents including
HOWTOs and Guides. Documents are sorted by the type of document (for
example a HOWTO or a Guide), and by the markup language the document
uses (for example DocBook or LinuxDoc).
<para>When your account is ready you can log in using one of the following commands. In all instances <replaceable>your_userid</replaceable> should be replaced by the user name you were issued in the response email. You will be prompted for a password after this first step.</para>
<title>Initializing Your CVS Account</title>
<term>Linux system</term>
<command>cvs <parameter>-d :pserver:<replaceable>your_userid</replaceable>@cvs.tldp.org:/cvsroot</parameter> login</command>
<term>Windows system</term>
<para><command>set <varname>CVSROOT</varname>=":pserver:<replaceable>your_userid</replaceable>@cvs.tldp.org:/cvsroot"</command>
<para><command>cvs <parameter>-d %CVSROOT%</parameter> login</command></para>
<para> Wait patiently while the system tries to log you in. It can often take more
that 10-20 seconds for the system to either accept (or reject)
your password. Once you've
used <command>cvs login</command> for the first time and have
been given access to the system, your password is stored in
<filename>.cvspass</filename> and you will not
have to use <command>cvs login</command>
again. Just set the CVSROOT with the export command listed above
and continue on. If TLDP's CVS server is the only one you work with, you might also add an <command>export <varname>CVSROOT</varname></command> line to your <filename>~/.bashrc</filename> shell configuration file.</para>
<section id="get-repository">
<title>Getting the Documents</title>
You can get the entire repository (about 150 MB) with: <command>cvs checkout LDP</command>
<para> Or you can get the source for your own document with:
<command>cvs checkout LDP/howto/docbook/YOUR-HOWTO.xml</command> OR
<command>cvs checkout LDP/guide/docbook/YOURGUIDE</command>
<para>Windows users will need to use a modified version of this command. Instead they should use:
<command>cvs -d %CVSROOT% checkout LDP/howto/docbook/YOUR-HOWTO.xml</command>
<note><title>Keep an overview</title><para>
<command>checkout</command> will add the full directory structure
from tldp.org on down. Although it doesn't really matter where
you put these files on your local file system you may not want to
bury the directories too deeply.
<section id="cvs-commands">
<title>CVS Commands</title>
<title>CVS Commands: a brief reminder</title>
This CVS command will upload your changes to the CVS server.</para>
<para>Please be sure to include a useful description of the changes that have been made to your document.</para>
<para>If you want to bypass the editor screen you can use </para>
cvs <option>commit</option> <option>-m "A description of the work done on this version of the document."</option>
<note><title>Ready for publication warning</title><para>You must still email <email>submit@en.tldp.org</email>
when you are ready to have your changes
appear on the live site. Your email should include the relative
path to the file(s) in the LDP CVS tree that you wish to
You can add new files to your CVS repository. These may be image
files or additional XML files. First check that your HOWTO is in
its own directory. You may want to coordinate with the
people at <email>submit@en.tldp.org</email> to ensure you can
add graphics or other files to your HOWTO.
Copy the files you want to add into your local CVS repository
(where all of your downloaded/working files are). Then:</para>
<cmdsynopsis><command>cvs add <replaceable>filename</replaceable></command></cmdsynopsis>
After you've added the files, you still need to <command>commit</command> them to the
repository (see above).
While this is not a CVS <quote>command</quote> it can be used to
automatically insert information about the file including the
time and date it was last modified, the version number it was
assigned by the CVS and the filename of this particular file.
The output will look like this:
<computeroutput>$Id: cvs.xml,v 1.9 2002/04/21 09:44:26 serek Exp
If you need to change a file name, you
still need to use the <command>add</command> command. First remove the copy of the
file from your local disk. Then remove it from the CVS tree with:
<command>cvs remove <replaceable>filename</replaceable></command>.
As with the <command>add</command> command, you need to <command>>commit</command> your
removed file. Finally, now that the old file has been removed, add
your new file using the instructions above (first <command>add</command> and then
<command>commit</command> the additional file).
<section id="recovery">
<title>Recovering old versions</title>
There you are, typing away, when you screw up. Real bad.
Doesn't matter what it is, but suffice it to say that you've
toasted not only the version on your local drive, but
created a new version on the CVS server. What you need
to do is go back in time and resurrect an older
version of your file.
To do this, you'll need to know the version number of the
file you want to retrieve. <command>cvs diff</command>
will give a list of revisions if there are differences. You
can pick the revision number, subtract one, and that is
probably the revision you want to look at.
The command</para>
<cmdsynopsis><command>cvs -Q update -p -r <replaceable>revision</replaceable>
<para>will output to stdout
the contents of the <replaceable>revision</replaceable> version
of <replaceable>filename</replaceable>. You can pipe it to
<command>more</command> or redirect the output to a file.
Conveniently, you can redirect stdout to a file called
<replaceable>filename</replaceable>. Your local file
is now the revision you want, and</para>
<cmdsynopsis><command>cvs update</command></cmdsynopsis>
<para>will update the CVS server with the new (old)
version of <replaceable>filename</replaceable>.
<section id="cvs-resources">
<title>CVS Resources</title>
<para> If you're completely new to CVS, there are a few web pages
you may want to look at which can help you out: </para>
<para> <ulink
<para> <ulink