
254 lines
6.0 KiB
Executable File

import sys, os, commands, string
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
import urllib
def FileContents(filename):
f = open(filename, "r")
text = f.read()
return text
class TOCSection:
ID = ""
Sections = []
def loadDOM(self,dom):
if dom.nodeType == 1 and dom.nodeName[0:7] == "tocsect":
if dom.hasAttributes:
for i in range(dom.attributes.length):
attribute = dom.attributes.item(i)
if attribute.name == "linkid":
self.ID = attribute.value
for child in dom.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == 1 and child.nodeName[0:7] == "tocsect":
newSection = TOCSection()
self.Sections = self.Sections + [newSection]
print "ERROR, not a TOC section"
class TOC:
Sections = []
def loadDOM(self,dom):
if dom.nodeType == 1 and dom.nodeName == "toc":
for child in dom.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == 1 and child.nodeName[0:7] == "tocsect":
newSection = TOCSection()
self.Sections = self.Sections + [newSection]
print "ERROR, not a TOC"
class Document:
ID = 0
Title = ""
OMF = ""
SourceFile = ""
Format = ""
def loadDOM(self,dom):
if dom.nodeType == 1 and dom.nodeName == "doc":
if dom.hasAttributes:
for i in range(dom.attributes.length):
attribute = dom.attributes.item(i)
if attribute.name == "docid":
self.ID = attribute.value
for child in dom.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == 1:
if child.nodeName == "doctitle":
for text in child.childNodes:
self.Title = self.Title + text.nodeValue
if child.nodeName == "docomf":
for text in child.childNodes:
self.OMF = self.OMF + text.nodeValue
if child.nodeName == "docsource":
for text in child.childNodes:
self.SourceFile = self.SourceFile + text.nodeValue
if child.nodeName == "docformat":
for text in child.childNodes:
self.Format = self.Format + text.nodeValue
if child.nodeName == "toc":
print "ERROR, not a document"
def Prepare(self):
if self.Format == "text/sgml":
print "Processing " + self.SourceFile
# only needed for remote documents,
# but harmless
sgmlfile = urllib.urlretrieve(self.SourceFile)
sgmlfile = sgmlfile[0]
xsl_stylesheet = "stylesheets/docbook/docbook.xsl"
cmd = "mkdir /var/cache/scrollserver/" + self.ID + "; xsltproc --docbook --timing " + xsl_stylesheet + " " + sgmlfile + " > /var/cache/scrollserver/" + self.ID + "/index.html"
def URL(self):
if self.Format == "text/html":
text = self.SourceFile
if text[:5] == "http://" or text[:6] == "file://":
text = "file://" + text
#print text
return text
url = "docid?" + str(self.ID)
return url
def Link(self):
html = "<a href=" + self.URL() + ">" + self.Title + "</a>"
html += " (" + self.Format + ")"
return html
def HTML(self):
if self.Format == "text/sgml":
htmlfile = "/var/cache/scrollserver/" + self.ID + "/index.html"
# Comment this, uncomment below to enable caching.
# if not os.path.isfile(htmlfile):
# self.Prepare()
# elif os.stat(htmlfile)[9] < os.stat(self.SourceFile)[9]:
# self.Prepare()
text = FileContents(htmlfile)
text = "Sorry, I don't even know what (" + self.Format + ") is!"
return text
class Section:
Level = 0
Title = ""
Sections = []
Documents = []
hasHTML = 0
html_loaded = 0
html = ""
def loadDOM(self,dom):
if dom.nodeType == 1 and dom.nodeName == "sect":
for child in dom.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == 1:
if child.nodeName == "title":
self.Title = ""
for text in child.childNodes:
self.Title = self.Title + text.nodeValue
elif child.nodeName == "sect":
newSection = Section()
newSection.Level = self.Level + 1
self.Sections = self.Sections + [newSection]
elif child.nodeName == "doc":
newDocument = Document()
self.Documents = self.Documents + [newDocument]
def HTML(self):
if self.html_loaded == 0:
self.html = ""
# See if any subsections generate HTML
for sect in self.Sections:
if sect.HTML() <> "":
self.hasHTML = 1
# See if any documents generate HTML
for document in self.Documents:
if self.html <> "":
self.html = self.html + "<br>"
self.html = self.html + document.Link()
self.hasHTML = 1
# If there is HTML, add title section and subsections
if self.hasHTML > 0:
self.html = "<h" + str(self.Level) + ">" + self.Title + "</h" + str(self.Level) + ">" + self.html
for sect in self.Sections:
self.html = self.html + sect.HTML()
self.html_loaded = 1
return self.html
def DocumentByID(self, docid):
for document in self.Documents:
if document.ID == docid:
return document.HTML()
for sect in self.Sections:
text = sect.DocumentByID(docid)
if text <> "":
return text
return ""
class ContentList:
Sections = []
html = ""
def __init__(self):
def load(self):
self.Sections = []
self.html = ""
cmd = "scrollkeeper-get-extended-content-list C"
filename = commands.getoutput(cmd)
dom = parse(filename)
def loadDOM(self,contents):
for sect in contents.childNodes:
if sect.nodeType == 1 and sect.nodeName == "sect":
newSection = Section()
newSection.Level = 1
self.Sections = self.Sections + [newSection]
def HTML(self):
if self.html == "":
self.html = ""
for sect in self.Sections:
self.html = self.html + sect.HTML()
return self.html
def DocumentByID(self, docid):
for sect in self.Sections:
text = sect.DocumentByID(docid)
if text <> "":
return text
return ""
class ScrollKeeper:
content_list = ContentList()
def ContentList(self):
return self.content_list
def DocumentByID(self, docid):
return self.content_list.DocumentByID(docid)