
50 lines
1.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use diagnostics;
my ($filename, $subdir, $in_comment);
my $debug = 1;
my $dir = "./lkmpg-examples";
my $prog_start = '<programlisting><!\[CDATA\[';
my $prog_end = '\]\]><\/programlisting>';
# If example source code directory doesn't exist, create it.
mkdir $dir if (! -d $dir);
# Loop on each sgml file
foreach $filename (`ls [0-9]*.sgml`)
chomp $filename;
$debug && print "Looking in $filename\n";
open(FP, "<$filename") || die "Couldn't open $filename for reading.";
# Don't extract code within comments. Comments are there for a reason.
$in_comment = 1 if (/<!--/);
$in_comment = 0 if (/-->/);
if (/$prog_start/ and not $in_comment)
# Get the directory name from the filename
$subdir = join "", $filename =~ /(.*)\.sgml/;
mkdir "$dir/$subdir" if (! -d "$dir/$subdir");
# Get the name of the program
$_ = <FP>;
m/\/\* (.*\.[ch]).*/;
$debug && print " found $+\n";
open(srcFP, ">$dir/$subdir/$+") || die "Couldn't open $dir/$subdir/$+ for writing";
print srcFP "$_";
while (($_ = <FP>) !~ /$prog_end/) { print srcFP "$_"; }