
118 lines
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# sd.sh: Standard Deviation
# The Standard Deviation indicates how consistent a set of data is.
# It shows to what extent the individual data points deviate from the
#+ arithmetic mean, i.e., how much they "bounce around" (or cluster).
# It is essentially the average deviation-distance of the
#+ data points from the mean.
# =========================================================== #
# To calculate the Standard Deviation:
# 1 Find the arithmetic mean (average) of all the data points.
# 2 Subtract each data point from the arithmetic mean,
# and square that difference.
# 3 Add all of the individual difference-squares in # 2.
# 4 Divide the sum in # 3 by the number of data points.
# This is known as the "variance."
# 5 The square root of # 4 gives the Standard Deviation.
# =========================================================== #
count=0 # Number of data points; global.
SC=9 # Scale to be used by bc. Nine decimal places.
E_DATAFILE=90 # Data file error.
# ----------------- Set data file ---------------------
if [ ! -z "$1" ] # Specify filename as cmd-line arg?
datafile="$1" # ASCII text file,
else #+ one (numerical) data point per line!
fi # See example data file, below.
if [ ! -e "$datafile" ]
echo "\""$datafile"\" does not exist!"
# -----------------------------------------------------
arith_mean ()
local rt=0 # Running total.
local am=0 # Arithmetic mean.
local ct=0 # Number of data points.
while read value # Read one data point at a time.
rt=$(echo "scale=$SC; $rt + $value" | bc)
(( ct++ ))
am=$(echo "scale=$SC; $rt / $ct" | bc)
echo $am; return $ct # This function "returns" TWO values!
# Caution: This little trick will not work if $ct > 255!
# To handle a larger number of data points,
#+ simply comment out the "return $ct" above.
} <"$datafile" # Feed in data file.
sd ()
mean1=$1 # Arithmetic mean (passed to function).
n=$2 # How many data points.
sum2=0 # Sum of squared differences ("variance").
avg2=0 # Average of $sum2.
sdev=0 # Standard Deviation.
while read value # Read one line at a time.
diff=$(echo "scale=$SC; $mean1 - $value" | bc)
# Difference between arith. mean and data point.
dif2=$(echo "scale=$SC; $diff * $diff" | bc) # Squared.
sum2=$(echo "scale=$SC; $sum2 + $dif2" | bc) # Sum of squares.
avg2=$(echo "scale=$SC; $sum2 / $n" | bc) # Avg. of sum of squares.
sdev=$(echo "scale=$SC; sqrt($avg2)" | bc) # Square root =
echo $sdev # Standard Deviation.
} <"$datafile" # Rewinds data file.
# ======================================================= #
mean=$(arith_mean); count=$? # Two returns from function!
std_dev=$(sd $mean $count)
echo "Number of data points in \""$datafile"\" = $count"
echo "Arithmetic mean (average) = $mean"
echo "Standard Deviation = $std_dev"
# ======================================================= #
# This script could stand some drastic streamlining,
#+ but not at the cost of reduced legibility, please.
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #
# A sample data file (sample1.dat):
# 18.35
# 19.0
# 18.88
# 18.91
# 18.64
# $ sh sd.sh sample1.dat
# Number of data points in "sample1.dat" = 5
# Arithmetic mean (average) = 18.756000000
# Standard Deviation = .235338054
# ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ #