
743 lines
19 KiB
Executable File

# Converts WikiText files into docbook.
# Copyright (c) 2001, 2002, 2003 David Merrill <david@lupercalia.net>.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package Wt2Db;
use File::Basename;
use HTML::Entities;
use FileHandle;
use Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(
# Call this before rerunning ProcessLine to clear state.
sub Reset {
$level1 = 0;
$level2 = 0;
$level3 = 0;
$orderedlist = 0;
$listitem = 0;
$itemizedlist = 0;
@lists = ();
$para = 0;
$qandaset = 0;
$qandaentry = 0;
$answer = 0;
# These are passed in by the caller
$txtfile = '';
$dbfile = '';
$verbose = 0;
$doctype = 0;
$articleclass = '';
$nonet = 0;
# These maintain state
$line = '';
$linenumber = 0;
$id = '';
$title = '';
$buf = '';
$noparatag = 0;
$noparadepth = 0;
$noparaline = 0;
# -----------------------------------------------------------
sub new {
my $that = shift;
my $class = ref($that) || $that;
my $self = {};
bless $self, $class;
return $self;
sub ProcessFile {
($self, $txtfile, $dbfile, $verbose, $doctype, $articleclass, $nonet, $encoding) = @_;
# Read from STDIN if no input file given
if ($txtfile) {
if( !(-r $txtfile) ) {
print "wt2db: ERROR cannot read $f ($!)\n\n";
} else {
$fh = new FileHandle;
open $fh, "<$txtfile" or die "Cannot open $txtfile ($!)\n";
} else {
$fh = STDIN;
if ($dbfile) {
$outfh = new FileHandle;
open $outfh, ">$dbfile" or die "Cannot write to $dbfile\n\n";
} else {
$outfh = STDOUT;
# wrap article if requested
$encoding = 'ISO-8859-1' unless ($encoding);
if ($doctype eq 'XML') {
print "Adding XML DOCTYPE and article tags\n" if ($verbose);
$buf = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . $encoding . '" standalone="no"?>' . "\n";
$buf .= '<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.3//EN"' . "\n";
$buf .= ' "http://docbook.org/xml/4.3/docbookx.dtd"';
$buf .= "\[\n";
$buf .= '<!ENTITY % ISOnum PUBLIC' . "\n";
$buf .= ' "ISO 8879:1986//ENTITIES Numeric and Special Graphic//EN//XML"' . "\n";
$buf .= ' "http://docbook.org/xml/4.3/ent/iso-num.ent">' . "\n";
$buf .= ' %ISOnum;' . "\n";
$buf .= "\]\>\n";
$buf .= "\n";
if ($articleclass) {
print "Setting article class to $articleclass\n" if ($verbose);
$buf .= "<article class='$articleclass'>\n";
} else {
$buf .= '<article>' . "\n";
} elsif ($doctype eq 'SGML') {
print "Adding SGML DOCTYPE and article tags\n" if ($verbose);
$buf = '<!DOCTYPE article PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">' . "\n";
if ($articleclass) {
$buf .= "<article class='$articleclass'>\n";
} else {
$buf .= '<article>' . "\n";
# read in the text file
while ($originalline = <$fh>) {
$originalline =~ s/\x0a//g;;
$originalline =~ s/\x0d//g;;
print "Read line $originalline\n" if ($verbose);
ProcessLine($foo, $originalline);
print $outfh "$buf";
$buf = '';
# wrap article if requested
if ($doctype) {
$buf .= '</article>' . "\n";
print $outfh "$buf";
$buf = '';
close $fh;
close $outfh;
sub ProcessLine {
($foo, $originalline) = @_;
$line = $originalline;
# blank lines
unless ($line) {
unless ($noparadepth) {
# capitalize hints that can be entered in lowercase
$line =~ s/^q:/Q:/;
$line =~ s/^a:/A:/;
# encode entities
# while ($line =~ //) {
# }
# decode_entities($line);
# encode_entities($line);
# inline docbook
# parse all links, internal and external
while ($line =~ /\[\[/) {
unless ($line =~ /\]\]/) {
$buf .= "ERROR unterminated '[[' tag on line $linenumber.\n";
# separate link url from link name
$link = $line;
$link=~ s/\n//g;
$link =~ s/.*?\[\[//;
$link =~ s/\]\].*?$//;
if ($link =~ /\|/) {
$linkname = $link;
$link =~ s/\|.+$//;
$linkname =~ s/^\S+\|//;
} else {
$linkname = $link;
# kill quotes inside links, they mess us up because
# we have to wrap this string with quotes.
# perhaps it should be encoding the entire URL?
$link =~ s/'/%27/g;
# namespaces are handled differently
print "Link to $link\n" if ($verbose);
if ($link =~ /^http:\/\//) {
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<ulink url='$link'><citetitle>$linkname<\/citetitle><\/ulink>/;
} elsif ($link =~ /^link:/) {
$link =~ s/^link://;
$linkname =~ s/^link://;
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<xref linkend='$link' endterm='$link-title'\/\>/;
} elsif ($link =~ /^ftp:/) {
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<ulink url='$link'><citetitle>$linkname<\/citetitle><\/ulink>/;
} elsif ($link =~ /^news:/) {
$linkname =~ s/^news:\/\///;
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<ulink url='$link'><citetitle>$linkname<\/citetitle><\/ulink>/;
} elsif ($link =~ /^mailto:/) {
$linkname =~ s/^mailto://;
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<ulink url='$link'><citetitle>$linkname<\/citetitle><\/ulink>/;
} elsif ($link =~ /^wiki:/) {
$linkname =~ s/^wiki://;
$link =~ s/^wiki:/http:\/\/www\.wikipedia\.com\/wiki\.phtml\?title=/;
$link =~ s/\ /_/g;
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<ulink url='$link'><citetitle>$linkname<\/citetitle><\/ulink>/;
} elsif ($link =~ /^ldp:/) {
$linkname =~ s/^ldp://;
$link =~ s/^ldp://;
if ($nonet) {
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<citetitle>$link<\/citetitle>/;
} else {
#$tempfile = "/tmp/wt2db-" . $rand;
#$cmd = "wget -q http://db.linuxdoc.org/cgi-pub/ldp-xml.pl?name=$link -O $tempfile";
#print "Command $cmd\n" if ($verbose > 1);
#$return = system("$cmd");
#unless ($return) {
# open(URL, "$tempfile") || die "wt2db: cannot open temporary file ($!)\n\n";
# $link = '';
# while ($url_line = <URL>) {
# $url_line =~ s/\n//;
# if ($url_line =~ /identifier/) {
# $link .= $url_line;
# }
# }
# close(URL);
# unlink $tempfile;
#$link =~ s/^.*?<identifier>//;
#$link =~ s/<\/identifier>.*?$//;
#if ($link eq '') {
# $linkname = "ERROR: LDP namespace resolution failure on $linkname";
#$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<ulink url='$link'><citetitle>$linkname<\/citetitle><\/ulink>/;
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<citetitle>$linkname<\/citetitle>/;
} elsif ($link =~ /^file:/) {
$linkname =~ s/^file://;
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<filename>$linkname<\/filename>/;
} elsif ($link =~ /^dir:/) {
$linkname =~ s/^dir://;
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<filename class='directory'>$linkname<\/filename>/;
} elsif ($link =~ /^dev:/) {
$linkname =~ s/^dev://;
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<filename class='devicefile'>$linkname<\/filename>/;
} else {
$line =~ s/\[\[.*?\]\]/<filename>$linkname<\/filename>/;
# emphasis
while ($line =~ /'''.*'''/) {
$line =~ s/'''/<emphasis role='bold'>/;
$line =~ s/'''/<\/emphasis>/;
# this block defines DocBook structures that won't be broken up with
# paragraphs when we hit empty lines:
# <para>
# <sect1>
# <sect2>
# <sect3>
# <programlisting>
# <literallayout>
# forget about being in nopara state if we're no longer in one
if ($noparadepth == 0) {
$noparatag = "";
# start a new nopara section
if ((($line =~ /^<para>/) or
($line =~ /^<sect/) or
($line =~ /^<screen>/) or
($line =~ /^<blockquote>/) or
($line =~ /^<literallayout>/) or
($line =~ /^<articleinfo>/) or
($line =~ /^<programlisting>/)) and
($noparadepth == 0)) {
$noparatag = $line;
$noparatag =~ s/^.*?<//;
$noparatag =~ s/>.*$//;
$noparaline = $linenumber;
# screen sections don't embed para tags, but are wrapped in them
if ($line =~ /^<screen>/) {
unless ($para) {
$buf .= "<para>";
# count noparadepth
if ($noparatag ne '') {
$temp = $line;
while ($temp =~ /<$noparatag>/) {
$temp =~ s/<$noparatag>//;
$noparadepth ++;
while ($temp =~ /<\/$noparatag>/) {
$temp =~ s/<\/$noparatag>//;
$noparadepth --;
if ($noparadepth == 0) {
$noparaline = 0;
# runon protection
if (($noparaline) and ($linenumber >= ($noparaline + 100))) {
$buf .= "ERROR: runon block starting on line $noparaline\n";
# recover original line -- no whitespace modifiers
# allow nonencoded text in unparsed lines, when in a literal block
$line = $originalline;
if ($line =~ /^<$noparatag>/ ) {
$starttag = "<$noparatag>";
} else {
$starttag = '';
if ($line =~ /<\/$noparatag>/ ) {
$endtag = "<\/$noparatag>";
} else {
$endtag = '';
$line =~ s/<$noparatag>//;
$line =~ s/<\/$noparatag>//;
if (($noparatag eq 'screen') or
($noparatag eq 'literallayout') or
($noparatag eq 'programlisting')) {
$line = "$starttag$line$endtag";
# sect3
} elsif ($line =~ /^===/) {
if ($id eq '') {
$line = "<sect3><title>$title</title>";
} else {
$line = "<sect3 id='$id'><title id='$id-title'>$title</title>";
$level3 = 1;
# sect2
} elsif ($line =~ /^==/) {
if ($id eq '') {
$line = "<sect2><title>$title</title>";
} else {
$line = "<sect2 id='$id'><title id='$id-title'>$title</title>";
$level2 = 1;
# sect1
} elsif ($line =~ /^=/) {
if ($id eq '') {
$line = "<sect1><title>$title</title>";
} else {
$line = "<sect1 id='$id'><title id='$id-title'>$title</title>";
$level1 = 1;
# appendix
} elsif (($line =~ /^<appendix/) or
($line =~ /<\/appendix>/)) {
# $appendix = $line;
# $appendix =~ s/^\s*?(<appendix[^>]*?>)/$1/;
# orderedlist
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*#/) {
# &closeitemizedlist;
$listdepth = $line;
$listdepth =~ s/(^#+).*/$1/;
$listdepth = length($listdepth);
if ($listdepth > $orderedlist) {
$buf .= "<orderedlist>\n";
push @lists, 'ordered';
} else {
$line =~ s/^#+\s*//;
$line =~ s/^/<listitem>\n<para>/;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\/#/) {
$line =~ s/^\/#+//;
$listdepth = $line;
$listdepth =~ s/(^#+).*/$1/;
$listdepth = length($listdepth);
while (($orderedlist) and ($orderedlist >= $listdepth)) {
# itemizedlist
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*\*/) {
# &closeitemizedlist;
$listdepth = $line;
$listdepth =~ s/(^\*+).*/$1/;
$listdepth = length($listdepth);
if ($listdepth > $itemizedlist) {
$buf .= "<itemizedlist>\n";
push @lists, 'itemized';
} else {
$line =~ s/^\*+\s*//;
$line =~ s/^/<listitem>\n<para>/;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\/\*/) {
$line =~ s/^\/\*+//;
$listdepth = $line;
$listdepth =~ s/(^\*+).*/$1/;
$listdepth = length($listdepth);
while (($itemizedlist) and ($itemizedlist >= $listdepth)) {
# question
} elsif ($line =~ /^Q:/) {
$line =~ s/^Q://;
if ($id eq '') {
$line = "<question><para>$title</para></question>";
} else {
$line = "<question id='$id'><para id='$id-title'>$title</para></question>";
unless ($qandaentry) {
$line = "<qandaentry>\n" . $line;
$qandaentry = 1;
if ($qandaset == 0) {
$line = "<qandaset defaultlabel='qanda'>\n" .
"<?dbhtml toc='1' ?>\n" .
# "<?dbhtml cell-spacing='1em' cell-padding='1em' ?>" .
$qandaset = 1;
# answer
} elsif ($line =~ /^A:/) {
$line =~ s/^A://;
$line = "<answer><para>" . $line;
$answer = 1;
} elsif ($line =~ /^\s*----\s*$/) {
$line = '';
# para
} else {
if (($para == 0) and ($noparatag eq '')) {
$line = "<para>" . $line;
} else {
$line .= " ";
$buf .= "$line\n";
sub ProcessEnd {
# close nesting
if ($noparadepth > 0) {
$buf .= "ERROR tag $noparatag on line $noparaline unterminated.\n";
sub Buffer {
return $buf;
sub close1 {
if ($level1) {
$buf .= "</sect1>\n";
$level1 = 0;
sub close2 {
if ($level2) {
$buf .= "</sect2>\n";
$level2 = 0;
sub close3 {
if ($level3) {
$buf .= "</sect3>\n";
$level3 = 0;
sub closenonsect {
# &closeorderedlist;
# &closeitemizedlist;
sub closelistitem {
if ($listitem) {
$buf .= "</listitem>\n";
sub closeorderedlist {
if ($orderedlist) {
$buf .= "</orderedlist>\n";
pop @lists;
sub closeitemizedlist {
if ($itemizedlist) {
$buf .= "</itemizedlist>\n";
pop @lists;
sub closelists {
while (($orderedlist) or ($itemizedlist)) {
if (@lists[-1] eq 'itemized') {
} elsif (@lists[-1] eq 'ordered') {
sub closeanswer {
if ($answer) {
$buf .= "</answer>\n";
$answer = 0;
sub closeqandaentry {
if ($qandaentry) {
$buf .= "</qandaentry>\n";
$qandaentry = 0;
sub closeqandaset {
if ($qandaset) {
$buf .= "</qandaset>\n";
$qandaset = 0;
sub closepara {
if ($para) {
$buf .= "</para>\n";
sub trimline {
$line =~ s/\s+$//;
$line =~ s/^\s+//;
sub splittitle {
$line =~ s/^=+//;
$line =~ s/=+$//;
$title = $line;
if ($line =~ /\|/) {
$title =~ s/\|.+//;
$id = $line;
$id =~ s/^.+\|//;
} else {
$id = &anchorfix($title);
$title =~ s/\s+$//;
$title =~ s/^\s+//;
$id =~ s/\s+$//;
$id =~ s/^\s+//;
sub anchorfix {
my $anchor = $_[0];
$anchor = lc(&trim($anchor));
$anchor = decode_entities($anchor);
$anchor =~ s/-/-dash-/g;
$anchor =~ s/&/-and-/g;
$anchor =~ s/;//g;
$anchor = encode_entities($anchor);
$anchor =~ s/&(\w)grave/\1/g;
$anchor =~ s/&(\w)acute/\1/g;
$anchor =~ s/&(\w)circ/\1/g;
$anchor =~ s/&(\w)uml/\1/g;
$anchor =~ s/&(\w)tilde/\1/g;
$anchor =~ s/&(\w)cedil/\1/g;
$anchor =~ s/&/-and-/g;
$anchor =~ s/;//g;
$anchor =~ s/\//-slash-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\\/-bslash-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\s+/-/g;
$anchor =~ s/'//g;
$anchor =~ s/`//g;
$anchor =~ s/,/-comma-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\./-dot-/g;
$anchor =~ s/!/-bang-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\?/-question-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\+/-plus-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\*/-x-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\(/-op-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\)/-cp-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\@/-at-/g;
$anchor =~ s/dcm_at/-at-/gi;
$anchor =~ s/\^/-hat-/g;
$anchor =~ s/=/-eq-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\$/S/;
$anchor =~ s/~/-tilde-/g;
$anchor =~ s/0/-zero-/g;
$anchor =~ s/1/-one-/g;
$anchor =~ s/2/-two-/g;
$anchor =~ s/3/-three-/g;
$anchor =~ s/4/-four-/g;
$anchor =~ s/5/-five-/g;
$anchor =~ s/6/-six-/g;
$anchor =~ s/7/-seven-/g;
$anchor =~ s/8/-eight-/g;
$anchor =~ s/9/-nine-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\|/-pipe-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\[/-lsqb-/g;
$anchor =~ s/\]/-rsqb-/g;
$anchor =~ s/^-+//;
$anchor =~ s/-+$//;
$anchor =~ s/--/-/g; # get rid of double, initial and trailing hyphens
return &trim($anchor);
sub trim {
my $temp = $_[0];
$temp =~ s/^\s+//g;
$temp =~ s/\s+$//g;
return $temp;