#! /bin/bash # is-spammer.sh: Identifying spam domains # $Id$ # Above line is RCS ID info. # # This is a simplified version of the "is_spammer.bash #+ script in the Contributed Scripts appendix. # is-spammer <domain.name> # Uses an external program: 'dig' # Tested with version: 9.2.4rc5 # Uses functions. # Uses IFS to parse strings by assignment into arrays. # And even does something useful: checks e-mail blacklists. # Use the domain.name(s) from the text body: # http://www.good_stuff.spammer.biz/just_ignore_everything_else # ^^^^^^^^^^^ # Or the domain.name(s) from any e-mail address: # Really_Good_Offer@spammer.biz # # as the only argument to this script. #(PS: have your Inet connection running) # # So, to invoke this script in the above two instances: # is-spammer.sh spammer.biz # Whitespace == :Space:Tab:Line Feed:Carriage Return: WSP_IFS=$'\x20'$'\x09'$'\x0A'$'\x0D' # No Whitespace == Line Feed:Carriage Return No_WSP=$'\x0A'$'\x0D' # Field separator for dotted decimal ip addresses ADR_IFS=${No_WSP}'.' # Get the dns text resource record. # get_txt <error_code> <list_query> get_txt() { # Parse $1 by assignment at the dots. local -a dns IFS=$ADR_IFS dns=( $1 ) IFS=$WSP_IFS if [ "${dns[0]}" == '127' ] then # See if there is a reason. echo $(dig +short $2 -t txt) fi } # Get the dns address resource record. # chk_adr <rev_dns> <list_server> chk_adr() { local reply local server local reason server=${1}${2} reply=$( dig +short ${server} ) # If reply might be an error code . . . if [ ${#reply} -gt 6 ] then reason=$(get_txt ${reply} ${server} ) reason=${reason:-${reply}} fi echo ${reason:-' not blacklisted.'} } # Need to get the IP address from the name. echo 'Get address of: '$1 ip_adr=$(dig +short $1) dns_reply=${ip_adr:-' no answer '} echo ' Found address: '${dns_reply} # A valid reply is at least 4 digits plus 3 dots. if [ ${#ip_adr} -gt 6 ] then echo declare query # Parse by assignment at the dots. declare -a dns IFS=$ADR_IFS dns=( ${ip_adr} ) IFS=$WSP_IFS # Reorder octets into dns query order. rev_dns="${dns[3]}"'.'"${dns[2]}"'.'"${dns[1]}"'.'"${dns[0]}"'.' # See: http://www.spamhaus.org (Conservative, well maintained) echo -n 'spamhaus.org says: ' echo $(chk_adr ${rev_dns} 'sbl-xbl.spamhaus.org') # See: http://ordb.org (Open mail relays) echo -n ' ordb.org says: ' echo $(chk_adr ${rev_dns} 'relays.ordb.org') # See: http://www.spamcop.net/ (You can report spammers here) echo -n ' spamcop.net says: ' echo $(chk_adr ${rev_dns} 'bl.spamcop.net') # # # other blacklist operations # # # # See: http://cbl.abuseat.org. echo -n ' abuseat.org says: ' echo $(chk_adr ${rev_dns} 'cbl.abuseat.org') # See: http://dsbl.org/usage (Various mail relays) echo echo 'Distributed Server Listings' echo -n ' list.dsbl.org says: ' echo $(chk_adr ${rev_dns} 'list.dsbl.org') echo -n ' multihop.dsbl.org says: ' echo $(chk_adr ${rev_dns} 'multihop.dsbl.org') echo -n 'unconfirmed.dsbl.org says: ' echo $(chk_adr ${rev_dns} 'unconfirmed.dsbl.org') else echo echo 'Could not use that address.' fi exit 0 # Exercises: # -------- # 1) Check arguments to script, # and exit with appropriate error message if necessary. # 2) Check if on-line at invocation of script, # and exit with appropriate error message if necessary. # 3) Substitute generic variables for "hard-coded" BHL domains. # 4) Set a time-out for the script using the "+time=" option to the 'dig' command.