#!/bin/bash # life.sh: "Life in the Slow Lane" # Version 2: Patched by Daniel Albers #+ to allow non-square grids as input. # ##################################################################### # # This is the Bash script version of John Conway's "Game of Life". # # "Life" is a simple implementation of cellular automata. # # --------------------------------------------------------------------- # # On a rectangular grid, let each "cell" be either "living" or "dead". # # Designate a living cell with a dot, and a dead one with a blank space.# # Begin with an arbitrarily drawn dot-and-blank grid, # #+ and let this be the starting generation, "generation 0". # # Determine each successive generation by the following rules: # # 1) Each cell has 8 neighbors, the adjoining cells # #+ left, right, top, bottom, and the 4 diagonals. # # 123 # # 4*5 # # 678 # # # # 2) A living cell with either 2 or 3 living neighbors remains alive. # # 3) A dead cell with 3 living neighbors becomes alive (a "birth"). # SURVIVE=2 # BIRTH=3 # # 4) All other cases result in a dead cell for the next generation. # # ##################################################################### # startfile=gen0 # Read the starting generation from the file "gen0". # Default, if no other file specified when invoking script. # if [ -n "$1" ] # Specify another "generation 0" file. then if [ -e "$1" ] # Check for existence. then startfile="$1" fi fi ALIVE1=. DEAD1=_ # Represent living and "dead" cells in the start-up file. # ---------------------------------------------------------- # # This script uses a 10 x 10 grid (may be increased, #+ but a large grid will will cause very slow execution). ROWS=10 COLS=10 # Change above two variables to match grid size, if necessary. # ---------------------------------------------------------- # GENERATIONS=10 # How many generations to cycle through. # Adjust this upwards, #+ if you have time on your hands. NONE_ALIVE=80 # Exit status on premature bailout, #+ if no cells left alive. TRUE=0 FALSE=1 ALIVE=0 DEAD=1 avar= # Global; holds current generation. generation=0 # Initialize generation count. # ================================================================= let "cells = $ROWS * $COLS" # How many cells. declare -a initial # Arrays containing "cells". declare -a current display () { alive=0 # How many cells "alive" at any given time. # Initially zero. declare -a arr arr=( `echo "$1"` ) # Convert passed arg to array. element_count=${#arr[*]} local i local rowcheck for ((i=0; i<$element_count; i++)) do # Insert newline at end of each row. let "rowcheck = $i % COLS" if [ "$rowcheck" -eq 0 ] then echo # Newline. echo -n " " # Indent. fi cell=${arr[i]} if [ "$cell" = . ] then let "alive += 1" fi echo -n "$cell" | sed -e 's/_/ /g' # Print out array and change underscores to spaces. done return } IsValid () # Test whether cell coordinate valid. { if [ -z "$1" -o -z "$2" ] # Mandatory arguments missing? then return $FALSE fi local row local lower_limit=0 # Disallow negative coordinate. local upper_limit local left local right let "upper_limit = $ROWS * $COLS - 1" # Total number of cells. if [ "$1" -lt "$lower_limit" -o "$1" -gt "$upper_limit" ] then return $FALSE # Out of array bounds. fi row=$2 let "left = $row * $COLS" # Left limit. let "right = $left + $COLS - 1" # Right limit. if [ "$1" -lt "$left" -o "$1" -gt "$right" ] then return $FALSE # Beyond row boundary. fi return $TRUE # Valid coordinate. } IsAlive () # Test whether cell is alive. # Takes array, cell number, state of cell as arguments. { GetCount "$1" $2 # Get alive cell count in neighborhood. local nhbd=$? if [ "$nhbd" -eq "$BIRTH" ] # Alive in any case. then return $ALIVE fi if [ "$3" = "." -a "$nhbd" -eq "$SURVIVE" ] then # Alive only if previously alive. return $ALIVE fi return $DEAD # Default. } GetCount () # Count live cells in passed cell's neighborhood. # Two arguments needed: # $1) variable holding array # $2) cell number { local cell_number=$2 local array local top local center local bottom local r local row local i local t_top local t_cen local t_bot local count=0 local ROW_NHBD=3 array=( `echo "$1"` ) let "top = $cell_number - $COLS - 1" # Set up cell neighborhood. let "center = $cell_number - 1" let "bottom = $cell_number + $COLS - 1" let "r = $cell_number / $COLS" for ((i=0; i<$ROW_NHBD; i++)) # Traverse from left to right. do let "t_top = $top + $i" let "t_cen = $center + $i" let "t_bot = $bottom + $i" let "row = $r" # Count center row of neighborhood. IsValid $t_cen $row # Valid cell position? if [ $? -eq "$TRUE" ] then if [ ${array[$t_cen]} = "$ALIVE1" ] # Is it alive? then # Yes? let "count += 1" # Increment count. fi fi let "row = $r - 1" # Count top row. IsValid $t_top $row if [ $? -eq "$TRUE" ] then if [ ${array[$t_top]} = "$ALIVE1" ] then let "count += 1" fi fi let "row = $r + 1" # Count bottom row. IsValid $t_bot $row if [ $? -eq "$TRUE" ] then if [ ${array[$t_bot]} = "$ALIVE1" ] then let "count += 1" fi fi done if [ ${array[$cell_number]} = "$ALIVE1" ] then let "count -= 1" # Make sure value of tested cell itself fi #+ is not counted. return $count } next_gen () # Update generation array. { local array local i=0 array=( `echo "$1"` ) # Convert passed arg to array. while [ "$i" -lt "$cells" ] do IsAlive "$1" $i ${array[$i]} # Is cell alive? if [ $? -eq "$ALIVE" ] then # If alive, then array[$i]=. #+ represent the cell as a period. else array[$i]="_" # Otherwise underscore fi #+ (which will later be converted to space). let "i += 1" done # let "generation += 1" # Increment generation count. # Why was the above line commented out? # Set variable to pass as parameter to "display" function. avar=`echo ${array[@]}` # Convert array back to string variable. display "$avar" # Display it. echo; echo echo "Generation $generation -- $alive alive" if [ "$alive" -eq 0 ] then echo echo "Premature exit: no more cells alive!" exit $NONE_ALIVE # No point in continuing fi #+ if no live cells. } # ========================================================= # main () # Load initial array with contents of startup file. initial=( `cat "$startfile" | sed -e '/#/d' | tr -d '\n' |\ sed -e 's/\./\. /g' -e 's/_/_ /g'` ) # Delete lines containing '#' comment character. # Remove linefeeds and insert space between elements. clear # Clear screen. echo # Title echo "=======================" echo " $GENERATIONS generations" echo " of" echo "\"Life in the Slow Lane\"" echo "=======================" # -------- Display first generation. -------- Gen0=`echo ${initial[@]}` display "$Gen0" # Display only. echo; echo echo "Generation $generation -- $alive alive" # ------------------------------------------- let "generation += 1" # Increment generation count. echo # ------- Display second generation. ------- Cur=`echo ${initial[@]}` next_gen "$Cur" # Update & display. # ------------------------------------------ let "generation += 1" # Increment generation count. # ------ Main loop for displaying subsequent generations ------ while [ "$generation" -le "$GENERATIONS" ] do Cur="$avar" next_gen "$Cur" let "generation += 1" done # ============================================================== echo exit 0 # -------------------------------------------------------------- # The grid in this script has a "boundary problem." # The the top, bottom, and sides border on a void of dead cells. # Exercise: Change the script to have the grid wrap around, # + so that the left and right sides will "touch," # + as will the top and bottom. # # Exercise: Create a new "gen0" file to seed this script. # Use a 12 x 16 grid, instead of the original 10 x 10 one. # Make the necessary changes to the script, #+ so it will run with the altered file. # # Exercise: Modify this script so that it can determine the grid size #+ from the "gen0" file, and set any variables necessary #+ for the script to run. # This would make unnecessary any changes to variables #+ in the script for an altered grid size.