2003 27 The Linux Documentation Project 2003-10-29 The Linux Documentation Project Weekly News New documents Fresh@LDP No new documents this week, but if you all help with the reviewing, we'll soon have a couple of them for the next issue, see next section. Submitted for review A lot of new proposals were accepted this week: Manoj Warrier sent in the first submission of his Scientific computing on GNU/Linux using free software HOWTO, which is already available from SourceForge. Another first submission, this one from Thomas Miglinci, is the SIMpad HOWTO, dealing with the installation and configuration of Linux on the Siemens Webtablett. And yet another first-timer: the Linux Kernel 0.01 Commentary, by Pramode C.E. Apart from that, we received these submissions for existing documents: From Miroslav Skoric, updates for his FBB mini-HOWTO, LILO mini-HOWTO and Linux+WindowsNT mini-HOWTO. From Leo Cooper: the Advanced Bash Scripting Guide v2.2. Updates HOWTOs We published v2.1 of Luigi Bitonti's RedHat CD HOWTO, it now contains tips on how to burn your own RedHat 9 CDs. Rick Moen added a couple more LUGs to his list, the Linux User Group HOWTO is now at v1.7.2. The Bangla HOWTO is a joint effort of Taneem Ahmed, Santanu Chatterjee, Progga and Sayamindu Dasgupta, explaining how to add Bengali (Bangla) support on your GNU/Linux. v1.1.3 now. Daniel Quintiliani's Windows Newsreaders under Linux HOWTO v2.01 contains a lot of corrections and a promise to add more newsreaders to this document. Find out everything about Linux on a SPARC CPU in the SPARC HOWTO, modestly versioned v0.0.5, by Lionel, trollhunter Bouchpan-Lerust-Juéry. Happenings in the LDP world . Discussion Summary 1 . Discussion Summary 2 . News Item 1 . Feedback and Contributions The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP) is working on developing free, high quality documentation for the GNU/Linux operating system. You can help TLDP by: Reviewing one of the draft versions of the documents in progress, or picking up one of the unmaintained documents and reviving it or providing assistance with markup. You are welcome to participate in TLDP discussions by joining discuss-subscribe@en.tldp.org. Announcements about TLDP are made at announce-subscribe@en.tldp.org. Help us create this weekly newsletter. We need volunteers who follow the community (mailing lists, newsgroups, web channels) and report events related to The Linux Documentation Project. Please update us by sending in the information and links to feedback@en.tldp.org. LDP Weekly News is compiled and edited by Machtelt Garrels, Torsten Schlabach and Y Giridhar Appaji Nag with help from several other people.